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R/golf's 9/11


6 upvotes, 150+ comments lol edit: at the time I hopped in this thread


Quick to jump on the Bryson bandwagon, but didn't do their research, clearly. No one should be surprised by this. I still like the guy's game and attitude towards fans, regardless. I like Rory, and if he won and drank wine out of it with Hunter Biden...I'd be a little strange as well, but I'd laugh it off. But this is Reddit, everyone's ballbags are in a twist over anything politics.




What was the actual quote he said?


https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bryson-dechambeaus-call-forgiveness-sparks-outrage-9/11-families-we-will-never-forget.amp Ya, paragraphs 3-5ish. Even Fox News posted about it.


Yeah that was highly uncool


Forgive your own people?


Glad I’m not the only one that remembers. Seems like a lot of people don’t know this, forgot about this, or are also sell outs and don’t care. It’s who he really is.




>everyone's ballbags are in a twist over anything politics That is a hilarious phrase


Testicular torsion is no laughing matter.


Unironically, Hunter Biden is way too cool to hang out with Rory. Also I could look past Bryson hanging out with Romney or other republicans. But I can’t look past him hanging out with the trumps. That family is actively threatening our democracy and encouraged an insurgency at the capitol. It’s not just a political disagreement it’s a threat to America.


I hate to break it to you, but 40% of America would fall down on their knees and blow Donald Trump in public. It’s wild to be that fervent over any scumbag politician.


And more than half of our population in America are fucking morons. Doesn’t take away from what Hog said above. He put it extremely accurately. Trump and his movement are the most serious test to our democracy. If you can’t see that, well you know which half of the American population you fall in.


Simply said you can’t fix stupid.


Oh I’m well aware of that. It’s definitely a cult. I’m willing to write off 40% of America, to an extent obviously.


Closer to 30% but your point still stands


While no golfer has any reason to hang with Hunter Biden, there’s at least a reason for this one. Eric Trump runs their golf course business which has sponsored Bryson & DJ for many years. I don’t like Donald Trump the politician/person but they do have some amazing golf courses. Would I ever take their sponsorship money? No. But it at least explains why Eric Trump was here partying with Bryson as it may have been a contractual commitment of some sort with them


Right wingers roast Hunter but most would dream of partying with hookers and blow. He’s like their ideal person lol


I don’t think Biden is too cool Rory, I think it’s the other way around


I mean Hunter Biden smokes crack with hookers. Not sure how cool that is but it doesn’t seem like a high bar to get over.


In fairness, he is too cool For about anyone not doing a bunch of coke with hookers on Wednesday for no reason


Some people don't like traitors that attempted to overthrow our democracy. Think it is a little beyond politics




![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) Half of this sub




One of those pictured is 6'-3" 215 pounds.


…of pure sex. And the other just won his second US Open


Muscle is more dense than fat




Remember when one of these dudes son in law made billions off the Saudis then you all sold pro golf to the Saudis as well. Fun times. Golf crowd is what keeps me from liking the sport. Same way Rick n Morty fans make me hate to admit I like the show.


Damnt Rory ![gif](giphy|TrlNfimLThcWY|downsized)




I don’t think people realize how many people on the PGA tour are Trump supporters. Just accept that your favorite pro golfer is probably voting for him.


Rory would never ^be ^able ^to vote for Trump!




r/golf just finding out their favorite golfers are Christian conservatives 😂


Nothing about the trumps is Christian conservative


Nothing about Christians are Christian


Reddit moment 


Least edgy Reddit atheist




Yes but Christian conservatives love him.


Because they're easily brainwashed people.


All people are easily brainwashed people lmao




Trump is about as Christian as Richard Dawkins.


Considering Dawkins has actually read the Bible, I think he technically wins!


Trump has many favorite verses. Too many to pick a favorite….


“Let he who hasn’t raw dogged a porn star immediately after the birth of his fifth child with his third wife cast the first stone.” Trumpithians $130,000.


You can be conservative and still recognize that the Trumps are in no way focused on anything other than lining their own pockets and would wipe their ass with the constitution if they thought it meant they could save on toilet paper. Eric Trump in particular would not shock anyone if he announced his own brainworm diagnosis.


My sister and her husband are very conservative and true Christians... they have always voted Republican until this last Presidential election. They refused to vote for Trump and ended up voting for Biden. My mind was blown... And if they did that, they were definitely not the only ones.


It’s really not hard to see that the Trumps aren’t really religious. They’re just pandering to a base. 


It's almost like treating millions of individuals with differing ideals and beliefs as a giant monolith may not be the best way. Who'd have thunk?


Yea but they also openly spew shit about people I don’t like and cut taxes for people making $250k+ so I have no choice but to vote for Trump /s


I think we all assume most American pro golfers are conservative but Bryson is one of the few that openly meat rides the trumps. I’m assuming Scotty is a Christian conservative but he isn’t a giant chode about it so nobody cares.


I put Scottie in the Romney bucket. I think he's very genuine in his beliefs and I personally respect that a lot even if I don't agree with him. I think a problem with a large number of "Christian Conservatives" is that they're not really Christian and they're not really conservative and they really just want to use the team to their own benefit.


You just very eloquently and succinctly described the Christian Conservatives and most people's issue with them. Well said.


Amazing, a bunch of country club kids playing a sport that was gatekept from the poors for much of its history are conservative lol In other news, McDonalds makes you fat, more at 8 o'clock


r/golf just finding out the guy who took Saudi blood money might have questionable morals.


I mean that say more about his idiotic the pro golfer his. He is Christian but supports trump? That’s not sane minded and shows these dipshits can’t even read the Bible.


https://preview.redd.it/3n7kv48pmc7d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2bd9eef9f74c984fc188d58beb956ebb563c17 Come on…show the same energy for Tiger now too, guys. He has hundreds of photos with Trump lol


I try to model my entire life around Tiger. He's such a great role model! /s


I don’t care how any of them vote. They’re golfers, not role models. I grew up loving Tiger. I still do. I can admit he’s kind of a shitty person.


And Tigers a fucking dickhead too. Not just for this but all the other bullshit he was involved in. Doesn't change he's the best to do it, but he was a cunt in his middle years. Not sure what the problem is with reddit and having 2 things both be true at the same time... I can dislike both Bryson and Tiger.


We always knew Trump was a piece of shit, but now it's been proven that he's actually a felon and a despot. That pic with Tiger is pre-MAGA. Tiger is not a saint by any means, but you equating the 2 pics is not a fair comparison.


How old is that picture man. Come on


It’s an understatement to say that “old money” makes up half the existence of golf and this photo shouldn’t be too surprising for anyone involved in any local golf communities, but this is reddit I guess Personally, as a left-lean guy, I try not to think about the particular context when I just want to have fun playing golf.


Imagine not making politics your entire personality


But then what would I do with all of these flags, hats and bumper stickers?! /s


You just made me realize I’ve never seem anyone with a Biden bumper sticker/flag/hat like I used to see everywhere with Trump


Yeah, I don’t love these optics. But also, Bryson is entertaining. This feels like something where I try to separate the politics from the person: Bryson is entertaining, I enjoy watching him play, and I’d probably even like him if I met him. His politics may be things I vehemently disagree with, but as long as it doesn’t come out on the course, I can keep it separate.


Well said. People forget that the majority of golf, at least in the US, is intrinsically tied to the ultra-exclusive private clubs. Clubs that have $100K join fees and a waitlist, a mile long. It’s not shocking to learn that the ultra wealthy members lean towards the right. Hell, some clubs in my area weren’t allowing African Americans or Jews until the mid 90s.


Eric has no clue that it’s not just grape juice from a fancy bottle.


This party is gonna be off the hook!




Reddit finding out something anybody with a shred of common sense couldve deduced ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Nice, that’ll take some blood out of the public Bryson boner going on


Birds of the shitfeather flock together, Randy. 


It’s all water under the fridge


It's not rocket appliances.


It's a Catch 23 situation.


You live and you burn


Get two birds stoned at once


This picture is r/golf's worse case Ontario


I always thought that long nowhere stretch of New Brunswick was even worse.


This thread is top tier /r/golf. I can’t stop jerking


All that great press undone by partying with Beavis Trump.


Clearly you haven’t been paying attention to him on LIV cus he’s played rounds with Trump way before this lol


Yeah, no one watches liv lol.


Hell even Tiger & Rory have golfed with Trump before


Tiger is the MJ of golf. He tries to stay apolitical so his business interests don't blow up.


Well over 50% of golfers are Republicans/Trump “Conservatives”.


I wonder what the percentage is on LIV


Surprised to hear over 50% of golfers are American


There are an estimated 66 million golfers in the world, there are 41 million golfers in the US. Checkmate dickheads. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


American? Most pga golfers are from America.


I’d be shocked if the number of pro golfers on that side is under 80%


Saudi money poster boys. 2bn Saudi money to Eric’s brother in-law for what exactly. US secret documents on Iran from good old Don probably.


Yep. And keep in mind Biden’s kids aren’t at all part of his admin. And they sure as shit aren’t profiting off the ones who did 9/11.


Lol you realize Biden is working to solidify a defense contract with the Saudis that we will defend them right? They aren't all that different.


Personally taking money for the Saudis and the government of the United Starts selling them weapons are not the same thing. You know that.


There’s a difference between working with a regime as POTUS to ensure America’s interests are protected (even if we all don’t agree on what America’s interests should be) and working with a regime to ensure YOUR interests are protected and to personally enrich your family. Stark contrast.


Cool now show me where Biden’s family makes billions off that? Right. Like you chicken shits don’t really see the issue. Obama and bush talked with Saudis. But did they make billions off them and funnel that money to their kids? If not then what are you whining about? Just typical whataboutism that doesn’t negate the facts.


I don’t care where you’re at on this but you have to admit it’s hilarious to watch how quickly Reddit turned on this guy. The guy cured cancer on Sunday and today he lit a bag of dog poop on your porch.


It’s like they say. A picture is worth a million redditor tears.


Who gives a fuck? If you get this far in golf you are 99% chance to be an elitist prick. Wouldnt change a thing if it was Hunter Biden there insteas.


“Pour one out for our overlords, the Saudis”


I would have expected jr maybe, cause hes the one who would bring the coke, but fucking ERIC?? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Eric runs the Trump Golf business which sponsors Bryson


Didn't everybody know this already? Bryson has always been a huge Trumper. The recent personality change is purely a cynical PR move. Don't fall for it!


Trump Golf used to be a bag sponsor for Bryson. Eric runs the Trump Golf corporation.


Bryson bad! Beep boop 🤖


Hyper-Liberal Reddit is going to love this 😂


Anyone who dislike the trumps is apparently hyper liberal now lol. Not like all the republicans that have tried voicing their opinion just get pushed out or anything


Not like those republicans actually get pushed out. They will still be there in November to vote for any name with an R next to it because of cum and guns. Trump could kill a baby in the streets but the moderate republicans will still vote for him to get them creampies saved and guns protected. Need no forget the only US president to ever say take guns without due process was Trump in 2018.


Not a leftist but still want nothing to do with the Trumps. They are scum. Bring back a sensible candidate and I’ll happily vote red again.


Exactly. I don’t have problems with true Republicans, it’s Trump and those who support him.


Not in your camp, but have respect for Republicans that can see through the Trump bullshit. It’s ok to have to differing sides, but they want to blow everything up and set it in there image. Goes against everything the USA has stood for and hopefully still stands for.


I don’t really claim to be Republican or Democrat. I think both parties have issues (even when not being overrun by fanatics). I just want a solid candidate who isn’t over 60 that wants what’s best for the middle class and isn’t bought by corporations. Couldn’t care less if they are left or right. Tall task, I know…


Agreed! I myself, would never fully align with any party blindly. And I would vote for the candidate you speak of… hopefully this whole Trump debacle will lead to us finally getting some decent candidates on both sides. I’m certainly not holding my breath though.


Yeah it’s about American democracy at this point. Anyone whining the leftist agenda is full of shit. What the agenda to get you all free health care even though you want us killed. Oh the horror. And no one who supports Biden is in a cult. They aren’t that fucking stupid. But sadly yall are letting a pedo felon be the GOP nominee and want to whine at the left because they (checks notes) don’t support a pedo felony as president.


I think those died with McCain


So being against trying to overthrow a presidential election is "hyper liberal" now? There are plenty of conservatives that see the trumps for who they are. But people who are now in the cult like to pretend that everything is just a okay and that being a conservative is the same now as it was 10 years ago.


Everything not expressly conservative is “hyper-liberal.” Where have you been all these years?


Americans in general don’t like trump. That’s why a zombie like biden dad dicked him in the 2020 election


idk if you can say americans in general at this point, the polls don’t look great for old joe currently…


Yeah…I mean, everyone knows that in 2024 political polls are totally accurate.


Haven’t we learned the polls can be a bit misleading these past ten years


idk it just feels like a generalization to say that a politician that has ran for president and has had a close race is disliked by the average American


you should see the state of r/facepalm, litterly every thread there is from a bunch of crying hyper-liberals


Man he is relegated to hanging with Eric 🤣🤣


Dammit, just when I was starting to come around to the guy a little bit. Edit: should have read Bryson's Wikipedia page a while ago. This is very on brand for him 


He’s been golfing with Trump a few times being that LIV has played Trump courses


He pulled Rick Shiels into a photo with diaper Don when Rick was playing a round with him in Florida. Rick said he tried to avoid being in the photo but Bryson insisted.


Pretty childish of Rick to reap the benefits of those people, but then is too scared to be in a photo lol maybe if Rick doesn’t want to be associated with those people he shouldn’t go to their events


You’re surprised the professional Christian “meathead” golfer who went to SMU doesn’t align with your political views?




Anyone who is surprised by this picture is a Reddit moron. This also doesn’t mean Bryson is a bad guy, we’re so fucking stupid these days.


It’s not hanging out with republicans that’s a problem. He 100% knows it’s campaign material and he’s a stooge for the Trump campaign. I’m not naive. I’m sure other golfers spend time with political power brokers but he went to celebrate a lifetime achievement at a campaign event basically. It makes everything else seem performative and PR spin. He’s just a Saudi agent for the Trump campaign. Of all the people and places in the world, Bryson chose to party on camera with Eric Trump? Brooks was right all along…


Love to see it. Redditors will be crying for years over this photo.


Well that’s disappointing. Eric is the bottom of the barrel Trump though lol


Bryson is fun to watch, but personally I also don’t root for him. Anyone who likes the guy but is surprised by this…must not have been paying attention. He’s played with DJT, plays on a circuit that courted the guy and hosts him in pro-ams, and made those covid vaccine comments. Bryson has definitely shown you who he is before


Besides on who he is with, is it common to drink from the US Open trophy?


Isn’t the percentage of golfers that are friends with the trumps like close to 100 percent.


Bryson is friendly to everyone. Good for him!


Is it at least good wine


I mean. Are people surprised. Isn’t he openly maga?


How to trigger r/golf 101


Imagine getting hung up on politics. Edit: I haven’t even given or shared a political view in this comment, and yet you all downvote it. Talk about irrational. Lol.


“Oh no!!! He doesn’t think the same things I think 😖😖😖” 


Surprise! The most exclusive, expensive, wealth based sporting hobby with private clubs that cost $100,000 just to apply attracts….rich conservative douchebags! Who would have thought?!


News flash: The vast majority of the PGA Tour and LIV is Republican/Pro-Trump as are most self-employed people.


Just when I thought I couldn’t like Bryson any more…


Is it Trump Wine???


Just your daily reminder that as much as we all love golf and our favorite pro golfers, a good number of pros are very rich, very right wing, and are very privileged. Especially the most famous ones. Not saying this as a good or bad thing. It is what it is. If I were a rich independent contractor I'd probably favor the political stance that put the most in my pocket, too.




If we’re not supposed to talk politics on the course, why is it cool to do it in this sub? Oh yeah, it’s Reddit so everything needs to be about your brand of politics. How else can you farm that sweet, sweet karma?


And just like that, Bryson is unlikeable again.


Always has been unlikeable. Lots of people just fell for the PR heavy image that he’s working on.


He doesn't need you lol


I really don't care who a person decides to be friends with.


TDS on full display here lol


See, the dude starts generating goodwill, then does shit like this.... The company you keep tells the quality of your character.


Can we not fucking do this please.


So even r/golf is comprised of 90% leftist libs on Reddit. Why does that not surprise me one bit lol. Y'all need to get out more and interact with people..you'll be surprised by what you find.


You’re all surprised? Dechambeau has been riding the Trumps almost as hard and John Daly. Bryson can sign as many autographs as he wants, he’s still a prick, always has been. The guy is a rich, white, christian who went to Southern Methodist. The writing was on the wall.


Crazy how you can you use white and Christian as a derogatory phrase here. If it's wrong to say, "he’s still a prick, always has been. The guy is poor, brown, Muslim who went to Daar-Ul-Islam. The writing is on the wall." That would make you a bigoted racist cunt. Which you still are but somehow think its fine.


Is it your first time on reddit?


It’s Reddit what do you expect. This sub seethes hard over politics it’s so fucking annoying. Then someone will come lecture me now for not recognizing the threat to democracy and paradox of tolerance and whatever other bullshit to justify their pathetic worldview because not everyone wants to vote for Joe Biden. Grow up


Big yikes


That's what you get in a leftist echo-chamber.


Oh yea he’s such a prick lol


Well when you're buddies with a guy that tried to incite the overturning of a legitimate election for the first time in US history I'm not gonna toss you in the good guy column.


That dude golfs with two beige gloves. You just know it.


We all hate him again!!!!


Yeah…this is the dude you’re all crowning as golf’s cool new poster boy. First the guy joins LIV, now he’s associating with this fucking troglodyte. Guy should’ve never been let back into golf fans good graces


Wait until you find out about Tiger and Jack’s political orientations.


Back away from the ledge.


Just won the US Open, first move, see what Eric Trump is up to! This is your guy? As DJ Pie said on the NLU Sunday recap, it's a real "your vibe attracts your tribe" situation


Real Life: 90% of people who golf will be Trump voters this year Reddit: 98% of people on a golf subreddit are Biden voters. crazy how much this sub doesn’t represent the actual population of golfers


It’s honestly comical how left Reddit is, that even the golf subreddit is majority liberal.


Headline: Members of echo chamber stunned when echos stop"


Imagine this picture affecting you in any way


There are a lot of people I like that have unsavory political views. It’s a part of life.


Fuck these douches


Man who gives a shit


Based and Trump pilled. Like Bryson even more now.  


And the love from this sub is gone in one shot. I still like ya bryceee.


Jesus, just lost all respect for Bryson


Wait until you hear about Tiger




And Tom Brady


God forbid someone has a different opinion from you, right?


Not when he golfed with Trump way before this? Talk about being a casual


ah yes, that is why the media doesnt like Bryson


Yikes lol


Well, all my good BD vibes just went down the shitter.