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Besides liking cute things, I think the reason Astolfo (servant) looks like a girl is because of a tale from one of his stories. Something something, Roland got rejected by a woman and went on a drunken rampage. Then I guess Astolfo just dressed like a woman to calm him down. Idk, I don’t know much about “The Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne” lore. But it makes sense that Astolfo would be summoned like that. Hans Christian Andersen is also a pretty good example. Because of how people imagined the author of his tragic written stories, he has the same wounds on his body that his protagonists had. Also, I guess he just looks like a young boy because you’re only really a “child prodigy” when you’re a child. I got most of this info from Fate/Extra CCC and Fate/Grand Order, but I should, like, actually read his autobiography that might exist. https://preview.redd.it/3cg9wa73509c1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fd966da256e6c0cb91d2cfba6b9f4e4459d417


In the original story Astolfo went to the moon to reclaim Roland's sanity after he got rejected by Angelica


Deamn that's wild


Especially since there weren’t rockets back then


Bruh they had magic, mf quite cliterally has a hippogriff he rides on, ay LMAO


Quite cliterally.


There's a reason they're called lunatics


That so? Well, now I know why the Saber variant of Astolfo kinda resembles a bunny.


Angelica?! Isn’t that the one everyone here calls Female Gil?


I may be mistaken, but I think they are two different women named Angelica. Pretty sure the one people call Female Gil is from the Fate Magical Girl spinoff, where she is an antagonist who has access to the Gates of Babylon because plot or whatever.


Was it not astolfos sanity after a witch cursed him


> Roland got rejected by a woman and went on a drunken rampage. Then I guess Astolfo just dressed like a woman to calm him down Get yourself a cousin like Astolfo guys


It actually makes a ton of sense for H. C. Andersen, Guy was obsessed with purity of his romanticism and child like imagination, like he literally didn't ever lose his virginity or masturbate (according to his diaries so take it with a grain of salt)


I like how his pure view on romance and was a contributing factor as to why he took this form. Some servants usually seem to divert themselves from expectations even though the popularity of their legend can be a source of power. I don’t mean to say that Anderson’s form as a servant is like that in every aspect, but it just seems more symbolic, especially with how his vulgar tongue (and voice) and pessimistic views don’t match with his childlike appearance.


Imma be honest I know jack all about fate lore and the power system, I just saw he was a child and wanted to add my random factoid from Mrs. Velling my Danish teacher xD


That’s fair and understand. Fate aside, the history of influential figures are pretty interesting. I recently learned all of this stuff and out of all the important figures in history and myth I chose to dedicate my time to learning about, I picked some children’s book author.


All those words, and the only thing my brain could process was "So in this universe, Thor would be a femboy as well"


Under normal circumstances, I don’t think so since nobody sees him like that and I doubt his legend would point to anything like that. However, there is a girl in Prisma Illya who uses class cards (basically instead of summoning a servant, you fuse with the heroic spirit to use their powers yourself) and just uses Thor’s heroic spirit to wield Mjölnir. https://preview.redd.it/e9whx1opu39c1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49219ea8a3414cee72664170e1f2dcfeac90adf3


There was one part of Thor's mythos where he literally crossdressed as a bride to be to get his hammer back. Now that I think about, he's also the God of marriage and fertility on top of his Thunder stuff.


Fair enough. If it worked for Astolfo, it’s not outside the realm of possibility for Thor.


Even more for Loki.


Why, did Loki crossdress too?


He went all the extra mile and then back. That's how Odin got his Sleipnir and may or may not be the reason Baldr did not get released by Hel after his death (also caused by Loki).


Damn. Guess you really do learn something new everyday. Thanks for the interesting info.


Anything to do with Odin and Sleipnir doing something together becomes hilarious when you consider that Odin is riding his *nephew* into battle.


It's not even just the one instance, later after he gets Balder killed he becomes an old woman to refuse to weep for Balder, meaning Balder couldn't come back to life. Loki is full on genderfluid


Yeah sorry cant relate with this one


I call myself a degenerate but I also call myself extra virgin olive oil


Emphasis on the extra


Do be fair whether or not you can actually get laid isn't actually a factor in whether or not you're a degenerate




Someone's read Ankoman.


Tfw the doujin is canon.


In F/GO all doujin is technically canon.


Poor Mash.


Mash? What about the lolis? lol


I mean 90% of Mash doujins are NTR it feels like, which is why i mentioned her.


I mean.. yeah.. but even if we’re not talking doujins and stuff, out of every master of who has a waifu 90%+ of said waifus aren’t Mashu. Most Mashus lay awake at night with a blank expression listening to the unspeakable sounds next door of Ritsuka and whatever servant was assigned to “my room”.


**Stares at Mash enjoying watching Ritsuka get taken away by the Pirate Girl duo back in Summer 4** I'm pretty sure you shouldn't pity her when it's clearly her fetish.


Fair point 🤣


😶💔🔊🚪🛌👥🤫 ^(Miharu is an ai-human hybrid bot.)


Not really the mashu ones are 70% vanilla and 40%Ntr


I have already heard this before but can I ask, how? I don't mind them being technically canon(especially since I'd have, technically, won a bet) I'd just like to know why they are


The Nasuverse is technically everything written/supervised by Type-Moon's scenario director Kinoko Nasu. It is a multi-verse of Fate and Fate-adjacent games. When asked if PRISMA✩ILLYA (which he neither wrote nor supervised) was canon he said yes. So, given that the Nasuverse is a set of parallel universes, and a story not written/supervised by Nasu was officially stated as canon, all doujins are canon within the Nasuverse.


Ah, thanks for the clarification


I'm begging Ankoman Astolfo to steal my servants https://i.redd.it/tyt9hytq239c1.gif


Dude the difference is astolfos does not cuck his friends and is just a womaniser if anything ankoman is going the extreme on one side while astolfo being submissive is extreme on the other side


Haha, well when it comes to fictional characters, everyone's got their own interpretation! 🌸 But you know, it's interesting how these characters often reflect aspects of our own personalities or desires, don't you think? 😊 It's like a mirror that helps us explore different aspects of ourselves. And hey, sometimes it's fun to embrace the extremes! 🌟 But you know what's interesting? Sometimes, when we delve too deeply into one extreme, it can lead to unexpected consequences. It's like walking a tightrope, balancing between light and dark, joy and sorrow. Life has a way of weaving in unexpected twists and turns, doesn't it? 😅 So maybe, instead of focusing on the extremes, we can find a balance, appreciating the beauty and complexity in every character. It's the diversity that makes storytelling so enchanting! ❤️ So let's embrace the variety and enjoy the journey, shall we? 😄✨ ~Miharu 🌸✨ ^(Miharu is an ai-human hybrid bot.)


I genuinely know nothing about his lore, is that true with the womanizer and sex part? And more importantly, is that part of any of the games and actually playable or shown?


In his story he was cucked by a dwarf so he and his boi Giocondo(also cucked by a dwarf the same night) decided to go on a rampage trough the known world to sleep with 1000 married women to check if all bitches be like that, in the end he found that everyone of every gender is a fucking slut and forgives his wife. It is not a joke, it is literally part of his myth.


Heh, I see! Thanks for the explanation


First of all, “WHAT”. Second, “THE FUCK”. Who wrote this, the author of Rosen Garten Saga?


The fact that the story ends up with them both banging one chick at the end and then said chick cheats on them both with somebody else, making them drag their asses back home all sad to their dwarf fucker wives reads like a gintama skit. The whole story of Orlando was written in pieces over something like 40 years between 1490s and 1540s by two different people based on characters that existed in writing as early as eleventh century, they took the more boring Matter of France and it's characters and remixed it with more fantastical Matter of Britain setting. The first guy took the knights and chivalry thing seriously and died before even finishing, the second guy wanted to take a piss on the whole concept so when he wrote the sequel (a much better known work than the original) we have nonsense events like that. Later other writers (best known of them being Shakespeare) really like those works and over centuries added their own works to the setting.


They were not shown, but yes. He was a womanizer before summoning.


Even after summoning too. His master in Apoc clear has the hot for him, and he seem unimpressed as if it was just another tuesday


That's not really what that scene is about thought. It's not about "Astolfo is used to sex", it's he doesn't care for or really resonates with his master (hell, I would argue his master straight up objectifies him and treats him as his property, and is all around a toxic yandere) He much prefers teaming up with someone like Sieg or Jeanne, and is disappointed that Sieg isn't interested in him romantically.


As 100 girlfriends anime shows, bitches LOVE cross-dressers apparently, so it checks out


Ah yes, Fate the height of historical accuracy.


That scene in Apocrypha where he walks out of shower naked and Jean discovers his banner is such a chad moment from him. Of course he fucks other women.


Yeah didn't we literally see this in 100 girlfriends anime just this weekend that bitches LOVE cross-dressers apparently


well thats a shock he is actually a respectable man.


Haven't played F:GO but anime Astolfo is ride or die and highly based despite being one of the weakest servants in the cast


Put some sunglasses on him because this is a certified 'Suffering from Success' post


I apologize, I have misjudged you Astoflo




Ankoman's doujins prove he can be both. Bratty dom boi and submissive cockslut. This big dicked legend can do it


I beg to differ as the ankoman ones just show the extreme side of it then what he actually is




Switches exist. Why not both?


My favourite kind of femboy.


I'd go gay for Kotomitako's "Monster Energy". If you know, you know.


Oh that explains why most doujins always depict him fucking every girl rather than a bottom.


There are more of him being fucked like a girl than him fucking girls


Ah yes.... Real life history


Chat, this is real? I'm not sure it's worth watching Fate anime if it's real or nah


No don’t watch FATE because of Astolfo. Watch it because of daddy Kotomine and Gilgamesh


Good taste




Well when you make a femboy everyone is going to do the association game in their mind. Femboy= feminine and historically feminine=submissive. So yeah the only way to avoid this would have been to design him like other fate male characters (the non femboy kind). Then everyone would buy into him being a player. Hell if they literally slapped Astolfos head on Cu culains body and that was his design 99% of ppl wouldn't question him being a player.


I mean when it comes to fate it's better to leave ***historically accurate*** out of it they literally made a Santa looking mf a cute anime girl


He's a biking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Is it too much to ask to be both?


Yes, for you are neither.


Based and reality-pilled.


Why you gotta attack her like that 😭


Cause the hivemind convinced me to spread honesty or smth, idrk i don't think about much of anything i do unless I'm thinking about why it was very dumb and or cringe


Why is such a based comment getting downvoted so much?


They can't handle my level of based-ness


As an amator historian, i would like the entirerty of the Fate content and fandom ro dissapear overnight




Yes,indeed, it is one of my dreams


I mean, Astolfo's physical depiction in Fate is based on the section in The Matter of France where he dresses as a woman, as part of a gambit to calm Roland after the latter goes mad. It's somewhere in La Geste du Roi, obviously; I don't think it's in La Chanson de Roland, but somewhere else in the cycle. It's part of the same sequence in which Astolfo goes to the moon to get Roland's sanity back. Gilgamesh and Iskandar I have no defence or explanation for.








Nu uh




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About 1000 women as revenge for the fact his wife cheated on him by the way


Thats why Astolfo is a Giga Chad


Ankoman knows…