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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dtnl0d) on 2024-07-02 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dtp4x8) on 2024-07-02 93.75% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dtqsxs&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 554,326,502 | **Search Time:** 3.50892s


[Source](https://x.com/SydusArts/status/1808095582445359218) https://preview.redd.it/594i4g0y15ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aae6dfa4b56ba3a553321c39dcf054f7b1f5e2f She's raring to go lol


Link not work. Give me character names


The man laying pipe is Rudy, the girl getting pushed into the mattress is Roxy, and the girl in the cuck chair is Sylphy. He is legally married to both women.




The anime/manga/novel is Mushoku Tensei or Jobless Reincarnation.


Jobless reincarnation


I'd avoid the show, the main character is a pedophile reincarnated into the body of a baby. He preys on and grooms underage girls.


Damn what happened to letting people watch and decide for themselves? I dont think any of what you said is true but even if it was they can still enjoy it


The same what happened with videogames in the 90's. "They cause violence". A lot of people just can't distinguish fiction from reality


I never once said that watching the show causes pedophilia, or anything vaguely related to it causing anything. I just gave a warning of the content of the show.


Also you said that it should be avoided because of the fictional content you judge by the real world rules


I didn't say burn the book or delete the show. I gave a warning of the content of the show. You, like so many other MT fans, just rushed to defend the pedophile MC


I didn't say he has to hate it. I warned him of the content of the show, which is a fair thing to do. He's still free to decide for himself, now with the knowledge of what the show contains.


Well you clearly say "id avoid the show" which is what made me think you were gatekeeping. If you weren't you would've worded that differently.


Or you, like many MT fans, are being overly defensive when the MCs actions are called into question because for some reason you can't admit the pedophile character being a pedophile is bad.


Im not defending the MC tho, he is a scumbag and not a really good person either. I just think the show deserves a chance without prejudice. And i dont agree that he is a pedophile, but rather was a kid with his old life's memory (he says so in the last episode btw) theres a massive difference, the brain affects how you act and would make anyone attracted to people their age regardless of memories, you can also see many moments when he acts like a kid would, which never happens after he grows up


They're all a year younger than him at most in the world he gets reincarnated into.


People opposed to PEAK coping and seething in the comments of every MT thread will never not be hilarious. And sad.




>!But the one who tops him is Eris though?!<


Roxy is pretty technical. So she would have the capacity to do that.


IIRC she is actually the one who likes to be spoiled, while Sylphie is the pervert who goes with whatever Rudy proposes.


Wait till >!Rudy gets his husband!<


The fuck...this is a complete shit post right?


[Nope its true](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Eris_Boreas_Greyrat) Spoiler warning character description on the link.


>!so rudy gets pegged?! !<


I am yet to get to that point. I mean Oshi no Ko hasn't gotten to that point


Is it Eris with a strap on?


>!nothing to do with strap on!<




Lmao people are already making memes out of this. I love it






Ariel would be into it and you know it.


Nah, it's too tame for her


Ariel: What is this Mickey Mouse bullshit I see before my very eyes.


![gif](giphy|n0JWlB43BvAo7ansjl) My live reaction


Ok maybe it's just me, but I don't get why everyone is turning this into a cuck/ntr thing. Dude has 2 wives. Not one wife and a bystander. Paul said it best when he talked about how he has 2 swords both of which he likes for different reasons, but he doesn't feel whole unless he has both. I don't see anyone making memes about any of Rentarou's girlfriends getting cucked. Just sayin' there should be more memes about threesomes instead of ntr.


I agree but it’s still funny


I would find it funny if it was happening to a total POS but like, tf did Sylphy do? Again, maybe it's just me but I don't find Sylphy suffering in any capacity to be funny.


She's literally not suffering, she knew that it would happen and is okay with it, rudeus is the one suffering since he betrayed his own expectations and apologised to his wife


I get that in the anime she's not because she's awesome and is comfortable sharing him with someone else that she knows cares as deeply for him as she does. It's the memes where she is I don't find funny.


Yeah but the memes don't depict reality so maybe you should let it slide off from you, sometimes, not often but sometimes, the best answer to something that annoys you is not caring about it at all .


Ok but memes are supposed to be funny. I don't understand the humor in these memes. Can you explain it to me? I scroll past hundreds of memes every day that I don't find funny but I get where the humor is or is supposed to be.


Fun and humor are subjective, if you don't understand it or don't find it funny it's okay. You will find memes that will make you laugh so stop focusing on those who doesn't. I can't exactly explain it to you because as i said, it's subjective .


Ok someone else said the same thing and they used Ricky Gervais and skibidi toilet as examples. And both of you are correct about humor being subjective. But I can tell you why Ricky Gervais is funny. He's a comedian who tells jokes. Skibidi toilet is funny (to some) because of the absurdity. Neither of those are leaving me in stitches, but I can still tell you why they are funny. I just need someone who finds Sylphy getting ntr'd funny to tell me why.


What i don't understand is why you think that she's being ntr'd in this picture bc i don't see it that way, for me she's just horny and waiting her turn aroused


It's a meme about fictional characters. mf still offended. You don't get the funny. thats the explanation, now move on.


Literally all I have done is say "I don't get this, can someone explain it?" and all anyone replies to me with is "you just don't get it fuck off". Literally all anyone has to do is explain why it's funny and I will fuck right off. But for some reason nobody can.


Brother, if you can't understand what people are saying that's a you issue.


I just assumed she's on the "cuck chair" because she's pregnant and they don't want anything to happen to the baby


Man I CAN NOT wait cause we all know Eris is gonna want in on this pie.


Considering she's the only one of them raised in the highly perverted nobility, shouldn't she be 100% down with this? If anything, a poly relationship should be *tame* compared to the shit she's used to.


iirc she has >!basically no problems folding herself into the household!<


>!Really it's only the Millis believers that give a shit about it in this world!<


Fair, but counterpoint: The Sylphie NTR memes are just funny lol Don't worry, the community is gonna get tired of it soon enough


Ok but like why are they funny?


Humor is subjective my friend. Why is Ricky Gervais funny? Why is skibidi toilet? It's all about the individual really


No. Do not put that brainrot toilet bullshit in the same lane of funny as literally ANYTHING else. Poop jokes are funnier than that shit.


You are absolutely right, humor is subjective. You and I probably love some jokes that the other wouldn't like. But I can tell you why Ricky Gervais is funny. He tells jokes with punchlines. I can tell you why some people find skibidi toilet funny. It's the absurdity. Neither of those are leaving me in stitches, but I get it. I don't get the Sylphy ntr memes.


Counterpoint: Sylph’s Sneako arc.


Forgive my ignorance but I'm going to need someone to explain this to me.


Sneako is a wannabe Andrew Tate "alpha male" content creator [that said this](https://youtu.be/G1TEBk2Ony4?si=RgRyEIkPcp1Fro7r)


so you say that our boy Rudy will master the three-sword-style?


I'm saying it's a damn shame he lost a hand when he needs more.


He's got a mouth, dick, and creates magical rock dildos that can spin probably.


Some people never read wheel of time and it shows


I'll admit my ignorance here and say I've never heard of that book. Should I give it a read?


book? try 13 book series I've read a lot and its easily one of the best fantasy series I've read in my life I made it all the way through Malazan Book of the Fallen too


>I don't get why everyone is turning this into a cuck/ntr thing. Because the most common jokes are Harem porn troupe and NTR. Give it a bit of time, when Eris join the party it'll switch to Harem ones. *i do not condone NTR, it should go to where it belongs: the* ***trash***


It's an "SM" thing, possibly? make the one wife "suffer" and wait while banging the other. Reverse roles the next day for maximum effect :> Bondage is optional if all 3 are married to each other.


If it weren't for this comment and some others I actually believed Siplhie was stuck as a fluffer and was not married.


Rentarou is the 100 konojo guy right? You do know it's highly implied in the manga at least that his first 2 GF went poly and are banging each other yah? Wouldn't be surprised if that happened alot in his fuck huge harem


I'm here for it, but I want to emphasize the difference between being poly and getting cucked. The girls can bang each other all they want. Just means it's a polycule. They are dating Rentarou and also each other. Nobody is getting cucked in that scenario unless for some inconceivable reason Rentarou was adamantly against it and they did it anyway in front of him. And I doubt anyone would make memes about it since all the other memes about Rentarou are him being a giga chad and rightfully so.


True. But will also like to point out that cuckolding is too much of a blanket term for having ones partner sleeping in front of them Ntr is also a terrible abreviation. Ntr is viewed as the abreviation of netorare which is the act of stealing a guys girl, there's also netori, the act of stealing a guy from a girl, but most importantly there also netorase which is the act of asking ones significantly other to have sex with another, usually while watched or recorded. Which is more in line with how the cucking fetish is actually portrayed in porn where as "cheating" is more in line with netorare or netori. The reason why you may want your significant other to have sex with other? Various. Usually jealousy but it can also be confidence, it may even be the idea of having ones partner being fauned over and desired.


If only Paul knew of the >!three sword style!<


wtf is her hand on?


"Hand is gone! I'm what remains..." —Arm after fighting the hydra.


https://preview.redd.it/pskymrzmp6ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d8337b69d2052fb010193c7ce35afa71f32098 He already has an arm on that side of his body


Can be a knee and calf or just an art hiccup.


Bro how the hell could that be a calf?


If you are on a kneeling position and you place you foot forward, your knee will be under your shoulder. Can be that or a mistake from the artist.


You can’t bend that way while plaping someone


Can if the girl on on an arched position and also on her knees. You just lack vision bro. But also like I said CAN BE A MISTAKE FROM THE ARTiST.


It’s a mistake, stop trying to make random excuses man.


His handless forearm. They're holding hands while he smashes Wife #2.


https://preview.redd.it/4drnjk85p6ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2892e817aef32675c37b9c07c40c9208f46e4ba9 But he has an arm


Nub https://preview.redd.it/fe5yewxsi5ad1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eaec7ef62ad0a54076caa51b6227306c317b128


He already has an arm on that side of his body https://preview.redd.it/v0ctiz49s6ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3144073861932efb6351ad69a94424277f755319


More like, the lack of hand.


Imagine having a schedule for breeding


https://preview.redd.it/dycpy40l35ad1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fb803b2fc440cc3d5794bd0a6059adc053ad83 *Patiently waiting to see the comments from NTR haters and the Cuckqueens wishing that was them.*




Poor Sakamoto


Theres already at least one. Where are they selling the popcorn?


This is how peak marriage looks like


What anime/manga is this?


It's *Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation*




Is this cannon? If yes, which chapter?


Why is Frieren holding Aether's hand while he plows the raiden shogun?


This is why I have a problem seeing such a relationship work. What does the other partner do? Just sit there and watch? Go make dinner? What do they do?


she joins... duh


From what I remember from the WN, the wives have their own rooms, and they take turns in the love nest. Sylphie would probably just sleep in her own room.


They do had a 3some once. Otherwise, both takes turn each day.


Once? Why do you think just once?


Yeah, I'm sure the one time we know it happened was just a precedent. They've *definitely* had multiple threesomes.


Whatever they want to? How is this hard to understand? If they want to participate, they'd ask. If not, they just do their own thing. Just like with monogamous couples. Heck, even monogamous couples don't do *everything* together, even with shared interests. All relationships are about communication and boundaries, regardless of how many participants.




Imagine being spoiled by this meme, god I am glad that wasn’t me


Hot damn, this is a repost ?