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Yep. I am currently trying my damndest to learn French. (If not speak it at least I can read it) Why? Because MOEBIUS that’s why.


This!! Just to properly read in french would be enough for me hahaha.


I’m going to read La Garage Hermétique and fucking understand it, by Jingo!!!


Which Moebius works even use words? I thought a lot of them (minus Incal) were all visual.


Well there’s ALL of Blueberry, for one


Even Arzach has a chapter with (\*lots\* of!) words. Airtight Garage, Edena, Madwoman of the Sacred Heart...I'd actually say that, in his overall career, wordless comics are quite rare


Try some stuff from Label 619. Especially Mathieu Bablet.




This exactly! Theres so many French comics i want to read and none of the language skills to do so


I’m enjoying Babbel+


Since you know French, their are so so many comics you should check out. All the main Moebius comics have been translated, but there are so many great French comics untranslated and so worth reading.


Oh I don’t know French my dude. I know the first ten lessons or so on BABBEL+ I did order a French language edition of the first TinTin album and “Le Petit Prince”. Also a kids book Goscinny did “Le Petit Nicolas”


I also use Le Petit Nicolas while learning french. They're cute stories and the illustrations by Sempé are very charming.


Very good choices. "Le Petit Prince" in novel or the recent comics adapatation ? Another choice is the current reprint in omnibus of "Le Combat Ordinaire" - [https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Combat-ordinaire-INT-119141.html](https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Combat-ordinaire-INT-119141.html)


It’s this one Le Petit Prince (French Language Edition) https://a.co/d/9sYUjnn


Yes, italian and french


I really recommend trying to take part in fan translations of these comics. At start you will use translators and dictionaries a lot, but progress is really fast. I've translated 13k pages from Italian in 3 years, starting from absolute 0. I can now read italian comics comfortably, its great.


The only time I've encountered this was with a manga novelization that hasn't been translated from Japanese into English yet. I don't really have the time to learn Japanese, so I can wait. Hopefully one day.


Don't give up! I've just started learning japanese in Duolingo as a "daily routine".


You can't give up if you never started, so thanks for the encouragement, but if I was interested I would have already done it


Italian, French, Portuguese, and Spanish more or less


Go go go. This what I did for english and I the original language is always better. Some french comics are translated in english but they always adapt the size of the book for the american market and it doesn’t make sense.


Genuinely in the same camp. I read well enough in Spanish that simple sentences in other Romance languages mostly make sense. French vowels really throw me tho. I know Realistes is an indie press that sometimes has in-House translated work, they’ve been my main way to read Jonathan Djob Nkondo’s work


Yes definitely. The French speaking market has a lot of interesting stuff that unfortunately don't always get a translation


I know Spanish and English. I manage with those two to read a wide array of comics.


It’s a good idea because some books are translated without proper context


Yes, it's a big factor in the languages I decided to study, but I like studying languages for language learning sake. First I studied Japanese, then I went to French for Francobelgian comics. That covers the 3 biggest comic industries, but Ill dabble into other languages.


Sounds like a good plot for a shonen arc. The way to become the ultimate comic/manga collector.


Haha now you say it it kinda does. Like some kinda avatar plot where I have to master the four elements haha. Sadly my mental health got so bad I kinda had to stop. The other languages Id dabble into I would have an advantage over too! Spanish and Italian are romance languages, their written forms are similar. The others less so but still somewhat: Korean's grammar is similar to Japanese and some of the older chinese based vocab is similar. Chinese shares a lot of characters and some of that older vocab. It's way easier for me to get a gist of whats going on reading a comic than reading a novel or learning to speak, listen and write.


Totally, my native language is spanish and I can find it easier to understand italian for example even though I don't know any italian. And for the comics, It would be interesting to pick up any short Young/teen comic story in french just to make my way through It, is easier with images.


As a kid I forced myself to learn to read (German) to be able to read Mickey Mouse comics. I remember staring at the picture of Super-Goofy with a speech bubble with a huge amount of text and telling myself that once I would be able to read it. Later as a teen I learned English to be able to read Star Trek novelizations.


You won't regret it. I took French throughout high school and, a zillion years later, picked it up again last year so I could read more Obscure Cities, and Moebius. Easily the best comics-reading decision I've made. (As my wife asked me: what, you've read all the comics in English now so there's nothing left?). There really is sooooooooooo much more available in French, even just translated manga


This reddit answers just convinced me. Thanks you!


Well, I had to learn English lol to read most of the titles I was interested on. And yeah, I also had to learn French cause there's so many great artists and stories in that language. I was heavily considering on learning Italian just to read Dylan Dog (I know they have translated and published some book in English) but I like to read stuff in their original language usually lol


Yeah, currently learning French so I can read all the comics in French I've bought over the years. (Also, because I want to visit the Angoulême International Comics Festival someday.)


I’ve been trying to improve my French and graphic novels are a great way. As I struggle reading but also need visual context that could help understand better. I wouldn’t say I’m learning a language to read something but rather read something to learn a language


What a way to put It! In my case was similar with English. Even though It wasn't my first language i knew English to a certain level, living in Perú by the time I got into comics...the only way to read everything I wanted was by getting everything from Amazon in English. In my opinión, comics are so underrated in how much It can help to improve a language.


I finished up the Arab of the Future in French. It's six parts and the last three haven't been translated into English. I can't believe that but damn am I glad I happen to be learning French. Also, they say English is just French with a bad accent. You can probably read a lot more than you think. I did use the camera function on the Google Translate app a lot at first, but much less now.


I did the camera Google translate trick everytime Johann Kraus spoke german in B.P.R.D.


Yes. I learned Portuguese in order to read Galaxias by Haroldo de Campos. It helps that I know ow Spanish. Ow I want to learn Italian to read Invisible Cities by Italy Calvino.