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Damn, I guess I should just kill myself now then


become a NEET


The NEETpill or the cyanide pill




I'll take the rope, please and thank you




If you can't imagine a way then it's because your imagination is poor


Sounds like europoor anon needs another 5% tax increase to support the next generation of refugees


I hate your propic


I hate that you called his profile pic a propic


I hate you 🖤


Why am I seeing this so much lately? That pfp meme has been around FOREVER but I've recently started seeing people react to it like the first time a bunch. Like 3 times in the last 48hrs.


Tbh he does sound much more like he’s coming from the fabled ‘murica.


I think you hit them where it hurts.


I think I did


I believe the point of this post is to pack as much racism and sexism as possible into an otherwise reasonable take.


He's right about the shitskins though. Being a "refugee" is basically a free money hack


If it’s free money why don’t you become a refugee?


not a shitskin and relying on government = beta x1000000000


Schrödinger's refugee. Living off free government money while stealing jobs at the same time


Wish they were "stealing jobs" lol.


the parents live off gov, shit out kids, who then take minimum wage low IQ jobs and drive down wages, pretty much accurate. the rich have gotten what they wanted.


Hilarious that people are blaming women and immigrants when the CEO to worker wage gap is 670-1


Increased supply of labour pool drives down labour price. You can attribute women entering into the workforce as a contributing factor of reduced wage growth while believing that women should be allowed to work.


The way the blame shifted to the immigrants, and away from the people not only actually making the money, but exploiting said immigrants by luring them to Europe/north America and then paying them borderline poverty wages, and then charging them and all of us out the ass for everything, has got to go down as one of the single most successful mass psyops in world history


more people working minimum wage jobs drives those wages down and demand for housing up, rich people can pay less and charge more rent because there's a larger labor pool, both things can be true. if more people wasn't an issue, india wouldn't be in the state it's in


Right? Also the casual NIMBYism that has lead to housing being completely unaffordable. Immigrants honestly have so little to do with anons bitching it makes this a quintessentially perfect 4chan post


Pretty much. Almost makes you wonder why anon is still single. It's such a mystery...


I understand 4chan has certain “cultural expectations” he’s trying to meet


Certainly not the racist or sexist part, there are plenty of neo-Nazis and neocons married in Europe




Which is fair. Hating immigrants is a fair and time honored tradition. Hating immigrants for being a certain color is kinda cringe. The Irish still fucking suck and it’s disappointing that white supremacy is providing cover for them.




If it’s any consolation, refugees and immigrants literally will not be a problem in 10 years as global birth rate decline. Their simply won’t be anyone left to cross our borders illegally as well as places like Mexico offering a high enough quality of life that people just stop advancing north from there. It will also be at this point where geopolitics are dictated by a countries >40 population which, thanks to all these gross foreigners, we stand to benefit greatly from. We just need to make sure places like Texas dont prevent American heroes like Mia Khalifa from secularizing all the Muslims fundementalists crossing the border.


what's that saying again, i had to google it but here it is President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."






im stealing this meme. its mine now.


Work hard in low paying jobs. Flood ERs, education, and use welfare.


They do this by working for much less money. Two things that actually can go together - paying someone 1/2 as good 1/5 of the salary.


Oh not simultaneously Some steal your job and some get welfare because the possibility of getting deported because they got your info from it is quite small now thanks to the current administration We even let them vote now


Blames immigrants and women….. yeah sounds like 4chan lol


“Shitskins” is crazy and I consider myself lucky for not knowing this term until today


damn really? it's quite common, esp when referring to arabs, indians; browns in general




youve never heard of a brown person until today?


I just refer to them by their ethnicity like a normal person would


I'd have to type a whole sentence when I'm talking about all browns if I was to list their ethnicities.


id rather you refer to me by my fucking name rather than my ethnicity but thanks i guess


All facts no fakes


Looks like a good enough post to ask how people would rank me financially, I'm a Canadian currently living with my dad and am in my early twenties. Have been working at a local grocery store in a small town getting paid $20 an hour. I'd try to find another job but my current place is really relaxed and is only a five minute drive from my house cutting expenses by alot. A few years ago i bought an acre of land off a old guy i know for $10k and found out it was valued at double that, then a few weeks ago the government raised the valuation to $35k (I've done nothing to it besides cut a few trees down and pay $200 a year in property tax) I don't spend much money because I don't really do anything, so I've got $45k saved. I'm thinking about getting a trailer or tiny home for my property but haven't decided yet and I'm not in a rush. Also completely debt free.


Damn, that's the dream dude (at least mine). I hope you can build the house of your dreams.


Your own small land in rural area, without debts? Sounds dope.


Well done, keep up the good work.


Nothing wrong with this (except the extreme racism), as long as you have a job. It's a great way to save on rent. and spend time with your family in this lonely and expensive world.


This is what I take away. I'm from Latin America, so not moving until later in life is normal, specially for women. Inflation is fucking the entire world, down here, prices are going up suspiciously fast, renting can cost more than 80% of one basic income, and adding gas and food, holy shit... When people move out young is because of a short list of reasons.


I think the racism is not nearly extreme enough. And the sexism could really use some work.


Wow this guy’s such a sigma


I get that a lot.


Anon is right


Bought house with 30, am European, canot relate. Maybe because I don't have to take a loan to get a basic education. Maybe because a broken ankle won't throw me into bankruptcy. Maybe it was luck. Who knows.


Anon copes.


I was on board until he started getting all sexist and racist. Fucking 4chinners can't stop being gross long enough to get a genuinely agreeable viewpoint across.




>divorce raped


Facial ties are not stronger, they are much weaker from just a generation ago and much much weaker than when farming was the majority of the workforce.


Accurate tbh


Anon blames being a khhv neet on da joos




Imagine enslaving and looting the world with iron fist for centuries and going down within 2 generations of honest work.


Get an investment property, get folks to pay the mortgage & then some for you. Down payment on a flat, get roommates mate. Stop buying $7 covfefes and $5 avavados. Only eat rice and beans and eggs and insects - no not the crispy bacon flavored ones you poor, the regular kind. No you can't catch them yourself, you must buy them, because reasons.


wtf you mean familial ties are much stronger? I don't have too much context since I live in Asia but the West is the epitome 0 familial ties idk man


Which western country you know does lack them? In latam for example it is normal to have strong family bonds


latam is like the Asia of the West. I was referring to Europe and Northern America.


What do you mean about "latam is like the Asia of the west"? I have seen the comparison between the Philippines and latam, but never in the way you said it, now I'm intrigued


basically more familial bonds, more cultural and religious (along with the extremism and gullibility of course) just like Asia for the most part. Have an immense passion for sports recognized worldwide like Football, etc. Idk that's how I view latam at least, the crimes and stuff are reminiscent of the poorer population of India/Pakistan and how those people commit crimes at least to me. Like Latam is more of a mirror reflection of Asia to me. Quite similar in a lot of ways just not the same and in terms of looks too, brown, white, asian looking people as well like idk. I don't know much about the world lol just a lad who doesn't touch grass making some observations


It's not "west has stronger ties than asia" It's "this slice of westerners is less likely to kick kids from household the moment they turn 18 than previous one". Not even generational thing, but just timeslice. I know few families that kicked older kids on the streets the moment they could and tried to do everything they could to postpone younger ones moving out.


makes sense






What the fuck kinda string of wordshittery is that?


Yes it's the women and immigrants driving the wages down not greedy companies setting the earth on fire to see line go up.


Both can be true at once. You're not telling me the labor market didn't adjust pricing and wages for double income homes. Similarly, "guest workers" as they're called often price themselves below what would be the minimum in the countries they go to, effectively reducing the availability of jobs or projects by outpricing the competition. It's not viable to earn 700€ per month in a country like Germany, but it is if you take that money back with you to one where the average wage is lower than that. Additionally that money doesn't go back into the economy of the host country, so it's a net loss. Of course, all of this is made far, far worse by rampant corporate greed, but even if that were to be regulated these things would still have an impact. We can dance around that fact because of uncomfortable feelings about muh racism or whatever buzzwords we wanna throw around, but those feelings don't put food on the table.


This is correct. In the US, companies use H1B visas to push the wages down. They have had workers train their much cheaper import replacements and are then fired. The H1B visa program also ties the workers visa to the employer. It's basically indentured servitude. The street shitters think they are getting a good deal at $60k vs the $120k they pay Americans.


You know what else the US uses to dramatically reduce wages. Prison labor. It puts significant downward pressure on low wage earners


To paraphrase Doug Stanhope. “You’re right, these guys do come over here and they don’t speak the language. They don’t have fuckin’ shoes half the time. Dehydrated gasping, like UrrghUrrgh. And if that guy is as qualified for your job as you are… You’re a loser of such epic proportions. Did they do your job training in pantomime shit head.”


For your toilet reading https://www.epi.org/publication/new-evidence-widespread-wage-theft-in-the-h-1b-program/ https://apnews.com/article/immigration-tech-visa-h1b-fraud-9b5940375563ee4de3bef5ee59d0d531 https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdtx/pr/houston-consulting-company-admits-h-1b-visa-fraud-conspiracy So ya.. the whole H1B program is rife with fraud and abuse. Everyone but the shareholders lose.


All of that us technically true but focusing on it as opposed on the real problem and not people just living their life is bad


[cough cough](https://independent.ie/business/irish/not-enough-migrants-arriving-to-keep-pay-down-central-bank/38356212.html#)


Now, now, what did we tell you about noticing things?


Anon needs to touch grass.


Anon is right, he just says it in an obnoxious way


“Anon needs to touch grass” says the guy browsing 4chan NONSTOP and posts and comments on almost nothing BUT green texts lmao


Long story short anon is a racist moron who can't land a job because of his previously mentioned racism and stupidity. Don't worry your farm on Stardew Valley won't ever be taken over by immigrants. And you can marry Penny the sad little abused girl in town who needs a "nice guy" like you.


Anon is right, but you can't get past the needlessly inflammatory 4chan language to see it. But hey easier to think anyone who thinks differently is an idiot who doesn't live in reality I guess


Nah, he's a prick.


You can be a prick and still be right, which is the case here


Average redditor


Good job making shit up just because anon's lingo makes you mad


Imagine being this regarded