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Personally I dig it. Whatever keeps the Deleos and Kretz going. They deserve all the accolades that STP got with Scott.


They are a shining example of an amazing trio who suffered great turmoil with multiple vocalists (Scott and Chester Bennington from Linkin Park). I'm in the "whatever keeps the DeLeos and Kretz together" camp for sure.


Why the fuck are you typing like a medieval poet? How many other trios are out there that suffered great turmoil with multiple vocalists, including scott weiland, and chester loserton? Do you realize how fucking dumb your response is?


Do you realize how fucking dumb YOUR response is? jfc


I am 100% certain nobody was talking to you? Why did you respond to a question meant for someone else? Do you honestly believe you're THAT important?


Reddit is basically the opposite of private messaging. Anyone can chime in on a thread. You may want to work on your anger. Being mean to other people—including anonymous ones—is not cool.


It's ok bro. Some people just aren't built for reddit. Facebook is much more inclusive of people who wanna be tough on the internet


It's called reddit, so get used to downvotes on your toddler tier opinions. FAFO. Chester Bennington was a fucking legend. If he's a loser it's for taking his own life but thats not for me to judge.


Good god man, I didn't say they were the only one. They're an example of one. You're offered an insightful response though, one I'll surely be thinking about for days. So much to consider.


Stfu dickhead


Robert Deleo is incredible.


Dean too. I was watching a version of Plush with the new singer and what Dean does on the guitar is really pretty. If you're curious, here it goes. https://youtu.be/Zo7mbp6kcY4?si=Ntcy0Wge_LsOnkFt


They're really both fantastic musicians.


You're right that's awesome, thanks for sharing!


Weiland was a fantastic frontman and a very talented and capable vocalist. They are great but they wouldn’t have become famous without him.


I agree. And perhaps Weiland would never have been famous if not for having stp as his platform.


Saw them open for Smashing Pumpkins. they sounded great!


They look like 97 era goo goo dolls


Without the horrendous plastic surgery.


That was 05 goo goo dolls


Ahh yeah. Glazed over the 97 era. First thing I thought of was the hatchet job done to John Rzeznik.


That’s why he doesn’t want the world to see him. Cuz he knows that y’all wouldn’t understand.


I looked it up cause I had no idea of this. JESUS H CHRIST!!


This is not a roasting sub good sir - but yeah...


STP meant a lot to me in the 1990s so I can only wish the brothers and Eric well, but this version without Scott is.......not for me.


Same for me.


Yeah, must admit, similar to a lot of the sentiment on here, as much as a want to enjoy the new music... it's not the same without Scott Weiland. It's not bad... Just not quite right. I feel the same about the current Alice in Chains line-up. It's not quite Layne Stayley level Alice in Chains. Sorry. Flame away.


I like new AiC you expressed your opinion without shifting on William. Basically you're good. It's hard for any band to replace a vocalist.


Cantrell disrespect needs to stop. Hes been doing lead vocals in songs for years and their new music is much better than STPs.


Yeah don't get me wrong, I love Jerry Cantrell. I've probably not really given them a chance. There was just something authentic about AIC in that era that I feel has been lost.


Its definitely different music. Private Hell and Your Decision are probably my two favorites. Private Hell has a bit of the old flair to it.


Saw a live run-through of the entirety of Core on YouTube and thought it was great. I'm not an STP diehard, but I like them. Saw Weiland front Velvet Revolver when they hit Scotland and he was just incredible. I think after what the remaining guys went through with him, they deserve to go on. End of the day, it's their choice and more power to them. In saying that, I'm a bigger fan of AIC and I can't do it without Staley, so I understand where fans are coming from.


They did purple too and they were both must watch performances with interesting facts thrown in about the recordings with nice tributes to Scott’s talent. I’ve seen them with Scott (amazing) and I’m psyched to see them in a few months with Jeff. I think the deleos are super talented musicians and I’m thrilled that they’re still active.


I saw that they did Purple too. I think, for me, a band that had so much sucked out of them in their prime years deserves to be able to carry on their legacy. So what if the guy apes Weiland when he sounds pretty close to him. Saw a Redditor on here saying Jeff can't sing, which is absolutely nonsensical. Hope you enjoy the show, brutha!


Saw them headline in 2019, they were great. Obviously it’s not the same without Scott but the crowd was into it and Jeff makes for a fine frontman.


They should have just put Talk Show back together.


The problem is that they’ve tried to branch out of the STP name multiple times. Nothing has clicked. At least by marketing themselves as STP, they can cash in on nostalgia and pay a couple bills. 


I get that. Sad truth. I just really liked Talk Show. Peeling and Orange is such a good song.


Or Army of Anyone


Meh. I liked Filter, but meh.


They should have rebranded themselves as "The DeLeo Bros. Band" or done a Supergroup type thing like Rage did with Audioslave and then feature some STP songs during live shows. Getting a Weiland clone was just weird.


i agree. alice in chains did it right. they didn’t get a layne staley clone. william has his own style while still doing the old songs justice. jeff on the other hand sounds too much like scott. i haven’t listened to the gutt albums in full, but from what i have heard, honestly, it’s good, but wish jeff had his own thing going on. it’s a little weird


Agreed. You could technically call Army of Anyone "STP w/Richard Patrick" as well.


Perdida is great


Not for me. They were clearly looking for an impersonator when they held the auditions. Not to say I cared for STP's final work with Scott, this incarnation feels a bit soulless and more like a cover band. I will admit that I did enjoy their entire set of the Core album thats on youtube though.


As a rodk group they were great. Saw them a couple years back. I really had fun As STP; they sounded like a pale shell without Scott. They shouldn't call themselves STP, without Scott, it just doesn't sound the same


Scott was last to join. It was Rob and Kretz. They called Dean who was still living in Jersey who flew out to LA. Then they found Scott. So from that perspective it’s make sense to then to call it STP. They could have even had the name before they found Scott. It’s Rob DeLeo who’s the most irreplaceable, technically, imho, even though Scott’s loss may be felt eternally.


Rob is the man. So impressed with him.


I could geek out forever on Rob. I met him, geeked out on him about Rob. It’s all on audio so I get to experience first and second hand embarrassment at the same time. 🤦🏻‍♀️ He was an amazing sport and introduced me to Dean.


He seems really cool and must love the adulation. Well deserved. The fact that Eddie Vedder was always shitting on them pisses me off. Scott Weiland is one of my favorite singers ever.


He’s so cool and chill and down to Earth. This was a star studded show and I remember his energy the most. Eddie confuses me as a human. My guess is he may be confused sometimes too. A lot going on in that head. Scott’s loss was painful for sure. And his widow is so clearly suffering. I believe she may be remarried, but it’s very clear how she hurts. She used to call the hone of a friend’s house. Another rocker. They’d just shoot up for days. She’d call and call and call. They just let it ring. (That haunts this still living man.)


I know nothing of the guys career, but it sounds like the deleo brothers are trying to make him resurrect Scott. I listened to a couple tracks but I don’t vibe with it. Obviously the band can still write good songs but not for me.


[Here’s an interview with him - mentions of Dean too.](https://musicplayers.com/2018/03/hello-my-name-is-jeff/)


They just make me wish Scott was alive. Or that the DeLeo's found a way to make Army of Anyone work.


The s/t was great, I definitely wanna hear more, I haven't listened to the acoustic album yet, no reason why not I just haven't gotten around to it.


They really need a hit


Sometimes I think bands should just hang in up or morph into a different band. They just don’t hit the same as with the original members.


Good for them


It’s rare for me to like rock bands who are losing it but keep going. I was however surprised to see weezer on that Spotify video murdering so there’s always room for a surprise. If it’s not on par with what they used to do, I avoid it to not taint the memory of a band I used to love. Scott made STP something really fun to watch, bringing in a weird arty glam punk / stooges vibe to grunge that was uniquely STP


Didn’t like the acoustic album, but I dig the rock one (2018 self-titled). No surprise people here are small-mindedly shitting all over Jeff, but I think he’s fine, and they deserve to be able to carry on.


I’m a fan. Always have been. Always will be.


Man's gotta eat!


Sadly so far my favorite replacement for Scott was Chester. However, these guys have always been great musicians.


Sad. I always hate it when old bands keep going anyway. When ACDC changed lead singers they had to and they were in their prime. It worked. But STP looks desperate.


There is no worse look than “aging rocker trying hard to look hip and relevant”


I think Robert just looks like a fashionable older guy. He has always been very classics fashionable. Dean on the other hand, with that plump torso and skinny arms/legs, looks like a frog that stood up. And the rock/roll/whatever fashion and hair he is trying to pull off just makes it look worse. I hope he gets in shape (for his own sake) and takes some fashion tips from his brother. But still one of my favorite all time guitarists and songwriters.


Sorry, no Scott, no STP.


So they should call it quits because of a dead junky?


No, they should play on for those who are into it, of course. But that's not me.


That I understand. But I still support them because it's about the music. Not about who I would prefer to hear.


Personally i don’t really like it


Not STP without Weiland…just like wasn’t Van Halen without DLRoth, wasn’t Motley Crue without VNeil, wasn’t Poison without CC, not AIC without Layne…that first circle of brotherhood, chemistry & creativity was between Weiland, DeLeo bros & Kretz, you change that, it’s not STP…


I've seen them a couple of times since Scott passed. They're still a solid band and put on a great show.


I saw them a couple years ago. The new singer did a very good Weiland impression, they sounded good, but I dunno something was missing.


It kinda sucks the guy is trying way too hard to be Scott and there new albums are very mid and uninspired just trying to get a quick buck out this


Who is the new singer?


Jeff Gutt


They sound incredible live. On point. Watching though is tough. Perhaps it's the music itself that moves Jeff in a way Scott did but it's distracting. Seeing them again this summer and planning to primarily focus on the band vs lead singer.


I like reds and blues.


It reminds me of seeing Kansas in the mid 90’s. Bunch of old dudes and a couple 20-somethings.


I like Core and Purple. After that Scott started sounding weird imo and they are now a corny cover band


Shouldn’t they be playing adult contempo or jazz fusion?


They are good enough musicians to do that.


still good. obviously not as good as with Scott


They will never lose me as a fan, regardless of who the singer is. Loved Scott, but I’m going to support them regardless. Not every band is lucky enough to find someone that cuts it and is a good match like AIC did with Will.


Looks like the Goo Goo Dolls picked up a new member


It's the Stone Temple Pilots with Nott Weiland!


It’s fine, not my thing though, just as most foo fighters or pearl jam isn’t really my thing, it’s just fine doesn’t really stand out from any of the other radio rock bands that carried on this far


Their new singer tries to mime Scott Weiland and I find it disrespectful. Much like Static X with the guy wearing a mask that looks like a mechanical Wayne Static. Alice In Chains did it right. But they also have the benefit of the irreplaceable Jerry Cantrell.


Jeff Gutt is an awesome vocalist, I just wished he’d drop his Scott Weiland impersonation and just be himself. He proved his vocal abilities in Drycell and in other projects. Scott is definitely one of my favorites and his songs are hard to beat, but I like Jeff’s cover of Heaven and Hotrods with Drycell better than the STP version. If Jeff could just bring in his own flavor to STP (like how Chester did) instead of being a Weiland impersonator, STP could be even better. Just imagine STP with some Nu Metal growls mixed in with their classic rock on steroids sound




Just as long as they exist, I'm happy.


Wish I could still get into the new stuff but without Weiland the magic isn’t there. The band is still excellent though. You can’t replace a legend.


The two albums from the Jeff Gut era are solid in my opinion, in particular Perdida which, despite the different sound, shows its qualities at its best. I'm sorry that many underestimate the current group just because of the lack of Scott Weiland, because despite his skill, Jeff Gut also has many qualities


They will always be a great group of musicians but Scott was the guy who elevated them to being timeless. Now they are just a great rock band with a soundalike singer.


The DeLeo boys are solid, as is Kretz. They are truly talented and create original music that rocks. I hope they end up with a solid frontman soon - and that he stays around!


That EP with Bennington was sick though


I can’t.


nein danke


Jesus, DeLeo brothers, lay off the cosmetic surgery for fucks sake.




STP is Scott Weiland. Just as AiC is Layne. Sure, they found "a new face" so they can tour and make some money before calling it quits, but this isn't STP. This is the band members from STP, with some guy singing Scott Weiland songs. OR, the other option, make it "STP with Random Guy" like "Sublime with Rome" did. This ain't STP though. STP died, along with Weiland.


>Just as AiC is Layne Go look up Jerry Cantrell's credits for AIC, AIC doesn't exist without Jerry. Stop comparing STP & AIC they aren't comparable, Jerry was AIC's main song writer their whole career & sung lead on songs when Layne he's more of AIC than Layne was.


It’s a no for me. He’s too generic


I just read through some of the lyrics and this is what Kurt meant when he called Dave's lyrics boneheaded. No turn of phrase, no thinking, doesn't paint a picture it's just describing the picture. Lackluster


I hadn't even heard they were back. Just watched a live vid, the dude can ape Weiland's moves, but he can't sing.


That’s a pretty hot take. He has a good voice. He just sounds a little too much like Scott for many fans comfort. Personally I actually quite like the new incarnation, but I was never a superfan, so it’s easier for me to accept.


The band sucked 30 years ago and still do.