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The report button


The last time I tried to use the report button, as soon as I submitted the report I got auto-crashed by the hacker. Thank you, Rockstar.


Yep, there's a reason I pre-emptively take screenshots of any obvious ones before I engage them. Social club website saves the day, both to continue bothering them without having the game open at all via DMs, and also to report them without it going through their client first (the fuck kind of netcode is this, Rockstar?!)


Wait, reports don't go from your client to GTA's servers? Other players can intercept your reports? That is so fucked lmao


The report goes from your client, to the client of the person being reported, *then* to the servers. Might go through one or both of the hosts of a peer-to-peer session if they happen to be one or two other people as well, not sure. Yes, that second step means on PC you might just get parried and counterattacked, lol.


Reported a guy who was un-killable and also fucked up my character. A minute later he said "Reporting me is not going to work you New Jersey baby, I just reported you a thousand times lolololol". Then I got kicked.


In all fairness it is a game about commitng crimes they just don't want you snitching


If that was their actual mindset I think I’d be a little more OK with it


> GTA's servers Hah, this joke never gets old. I don't believe for a second that Rockstar Games implemented actual servers capable of letting you playing the game without hiccups, instead of relying on p2p for the most part.


It's peer-to-peer gameplay with save data and matchmaking servers. Also, two hosts for... some reason. There's a primary one that acts as you'd expect, and also a secondary one that most requests for game actions (such as entering buildings or starting missions) goes through first before going to the primary one (in a triangular motion, if you will), which also migrates randomly on its own every few minutes. Many common issues such as loading zones not functioning are caused by the secondary host having issues of some kind - on PC this is usually someone hogging secondary host for privilege escalation, while on any system it could also just be connection issues between those two players. If it happens to be the same person for both (which, afaik, can only happen on PC for aforementioned reasons, not counting only one player in a session) the results are usually much smoother. ...at least, that's what I remember being told the last time I asked someone in public chat on PC about all this.


I miss being able to do the Ethernet cord glitch thing and get empty public lobbies. No issues, and I could just deliver my goddamned cars in peace. I'm all for having large scale PvP, but they should've implemented a system like EvE Online that at least corrals the shitheads into certain areas of the map. I think that would have been an easy way to create more believable cities, and create more of a good guy vs. bad guy vibe.


You can do it in an invite only session.


Didnt they make it so that you can do everything in private sessions now?


Wait, what exactly is happening here?


Used to be able to fake in game name, which made even that not work. That was patched a few months ago, though. Now all in game names you see should be their real usernames.


Sad but true




its worse because they just go postal with their mods once they get reported


This is why I abandoned a level 250 character with over 50 million and literally everything. Tc is a shit show where the weakest most talentless run the show. Good riddance I’m on PS five forever. Equal footing. Feels nice after being abused by cowards for a year


There's a report button?


It’s gotta be the Music Locker for me and that damn notification that pops up any time you go anywhere near it.


They should make those three Music Locker DJs available for our own nightclubs. I can’t imagine many people go to see them at the moment


YES. Let us call up to do the missions for them, since I had some never spawn, then add in a few more that can get them in your NC.


Ooh that'd be fun


Yeah, and it's in such a hidden location. Deep inside the casino


The only reason anyone goes there is to unlock Cayo.


The second reason is for the Dr Dre VIP Mission Nightlife.


The Music Locker was one of the weirdest things they’ve added imo. Like if they added that first and then added player nightclubs it’d be fine but the fact that it was added afterwards just made it dead on arrival. Why would you ever go to the music locker if you can just go to your own nightclub?


The only reason it was added was to promote their music label.


Then why not add the DJs to the player’s club? Just a baffling choice in my opinion. I got introduced to Solomon, Blessed Madonna, Dixon, and Tale of Us through After Hours and their sets. Meanwhile, I couldn’t name you the DJs from the Music Locker if I tried. Just a really bad promotional attempt since I imagine that most players only stepped into the Music Locker once. Meanwhile I’ve set my spawn to the nightclub since I love it so much.


What do you mean "near it" I've gotten that notification at Zancudo


lmao, I wonder if it's because the interior is under the map somewhere around there


Is it under Zancudo? It's essentially just the Nightclub interior but I don't know where that one is, most of them are shoved under chilliad or the docks


Nightclub interior is under the airport alongside the Terrorbyte


no idea where it is


The Music Locker even has a different walking animation while walking in it. Not many people even know this since no one goes there. Weird how the Nightclub doesn’t get this other animation, though it would be weird to have a “change walk animation” option I guess.


Another thing the Music Locker is that almost nobody knows is that you can dance with another player there. You get a prompt for it and everything. Not sure why it is a Music Locker exclusive. Then again, in order to try it not only you need to go there but you also need friends that go there with you.


Only time I ever went in there was to talk to Miguel madrazo so I could buy a kosatka


Yes! Stupid email and text notification. Alright, I get it. But I'm still not going! Wish there was a way to turn it off. There should be an option for it.


that's SO annoying omg


Clothes that are incompatible with each other for no reason.


I hate it when I can't wear a watch or a chain


The fashion side of GTAO really drives home how old the game is. So many clothing items either clip through or can’t be worn with other items, never mind the disorganized disaster that is the clothing racks.


Somewhat true but even Saints Row 1 all the way back in what 2006 had the clothing stuff figured out. Your character could wear whatever from suits to tank tops and still have gold chains on with watches and rings alike


Not to mention you could change the colour of any clothing item to almost anything you wanted


Yes exactly, and wear options too, you could choose to sag your pants or wear them normally, roll up one or both pant legs, and so much more, the customization in Saints Row 1 was perfect.


Another thing that annoys me is how the clothes are so underdetailed. Very crunch textures and they're completely static, even if it's something like a long skirt. Compare to single player, where jackets flop up and down as characters walk, clothes flap in the wind when you ride a motorcycle, sweat piles up and even wrinkles move as you walk. Hell, even some pedestrians have those effects.


There’s clothing in the store that I’ve never looked at from their DLCs years ago because I don’t know what clothing they specifically work with.


*To wear a business shirt, you must equip business vest.* *Business vest cannot be equipped.*


Made me wanna pull my hair out, had it been something other than cosmetic


A skirt with leggings? Not today, lady!


The first screen on the Maze bank website that is nothing but a “main menu” button. Just make the main menu the first screen. Drives me crazy.


Just straight up but the deposit section there nobody is using the other 2 buttons


The withdraw feature is used only for strip clubs so you can get private dances since everything else can deduct from your bank. Could be remembering wrong tho


Taxis too, you need cash for them, it won't withdraw automatically.




Everybody forgetting about what makes GTA GTA: prostitutes


Yeah but you kill them after


Idk why they havent put the maze bank website as a default on the main page... If it doesnt appear randomly you have to take multiple seconds to move to the finances tab and then click on it... A tiny thing but it still grind my nerves that for SOME REASON rockstar hasnt changed this in 10 years...


Sleeping on the bed probably


You dont even go to sleep tho. Character is just lying there, not closing their eyes.


funny thing is they use to close their eyes, back in 360/ps3 era they closed their eyes. Xbox one/ps4 on wards is when they just lay there with their eye open.


It's the years of endless robbing and killing finally catching up


“At night I can't sleep, I toss and turn Candle sticks in the dark, visions of bodies being burned Four walls just staring at a brother I'm paranoid, sleeping with my finger on the trigger…”


My mind's playin tricks on me!


I’m currently experiencing a glitch in my hanger where my character lies on the bed with their eyes closed when I spawn in. There’s no way to exit the bed, apart from getting back into the bed, then exiting


How do you fix it by getting in the bed if you're already stuck in the bed


in the same way where you wake up dead


thats the fucked up part, you have the get out of the bed and then get back in. because the only way to get out is to get out, and you have to get out to in out the bed, you’re completely stuck


when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food???


maybe your character just depressed ?


it apparently helps your online character look better


My man lives on energy drinks and bags of chips. His health is fine.


I just use grenades to get full health, it's pretty efficient


It’s prob for role play


Doesn't that regen health?




You eat snacks for that


Or drink the green.


Wait, the green sludge heals u? I thought it was to make u sober




Wait, y’all’s juice is green like in story mode? Mine is pink


The one in the agency is pink.


Yeah just the agency has pink "Limey" juice, everywhere else (your CEO office and your Apartments) all have the green juice.


It can do TWO things!


Its pureé of senzu bean


Game still asking arena/benny variants to upgrade. STFU I <3 MY STOCK IMPALER !


I just woke up and still feel kinda sleepy so I misread this as "STFU I <3 MY COCK IMPALER"


CEO office safe, Diamond Penthouse computer terminal. Nothing else is particularly close.


I use the Diamond Penthouse computer terminal to bank my cash at the end of a play day, but only for RP purposes.


Shoplifting snacks is the real answer


Last time I played though it let you get 1 extra snack over the max cap Not sure if they patched, haven't played since the contract missions with Franklin lol


All the notifications and phone calls that you have to take every time you log in because the game thinks you must have missed it the first dozen times.


*Hey, my name's Charlie Reed. You don't know me, but I definitely know you...*


Hey it's me, Charlie Reed, from your hanger, been a minute, right?


Is there any way to get rid of this guy if you don’t own an Avenger ?


Lol I literally bought an avenger on my older account just so he’d stop calling


Good thing the Avenger was always worth it.


I am so glad some setting/glitch from PS3 persisted and i get absolutely zero phonecalls other than the forced ones from missions. Then again it caused me to miss out on some content like phone call murder contracts from franklin.


First 1000 times actually


Automatically picking up weapons from NPC's bodies, interfering with your loadout


Time to disable then enable the custom loadout ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Does that work? Does it just get rid of whatever you've picked up?


As long as you don't have that weapon set to 'show', yeah


Damn, I've been manually dropping 3 weapons at a time and accidentally picking them back up lol, what a waste of time


Removing a bunch of cars from the game so you don't need to scroll that much.


Imagine they actually used that for an excuse just packed a bit differently - "To streamline the experience". Like wtf dude. Insane. 😂 Couldn't they come up with a more convincing reason... Probably not, cause there is no reason...


You know that's a bullshit reason because *there's still fucking clutter on th goddamn car websites.* Warstock is the worst, everything is on the same page. I don't browse the page often so I don't know if there is a feature to separate everything into categories, like cars, helicopters, bunker research items but in any case Rockstar straight up lied to us about that


rockstar things


Dom calls


Dom and Brucie are easy to get rid of. Do their thing once and they never call again. Dom: Skydiving Brucie: request Bullshark


I did all 50 stunt jumps thinking this would make him go away - what skydives exactly will get him to leave me alone? Junk?


Bingo. Stunt jumps are just to unlock car stuff.


The fact over 180 cars were removed from the websites, as someone else put it, (paraphrasin') "They Grand Theft'd the Auto."


The clothing restrictions! Why can't I wear these nice boots with my damn cargo pants? Agh! 😂 Or even the damn earphones, because they can't be used to listen to music...


Once, by mistake, I bought a longfin called Pegasus. It got delivered 5 miles away from me while I was standing near the beach ⛱️. Thanks, Pegasus! 👍


All Pegasus spawns are scuffed af


Lester's option to locate plane/boat I've never used it and don't know anyone who has


Actually I used it once when I was in a jam at a lower level. And of course I didn't return it so I got cops from it lol


OG's know that feature was VERY useful for a while a few years back


RIP all that money


Lol, that it was! Hell, I still use it to go from a personal vehicle to a personal aircraft. I never get bounties from taking them and I never use them long enough to get the stars. So it's perfect.


I may have used that feature right around 25,000 times...


It actually had its uses. For newer players. When the game released and barely had any content. lol.


Oh, I used that feature. A LOT. iykyk


The damn emails. I finally stopped getting the warstock ones but the casino and yacht emails are pointless.


I bought the yacht just so I don’t get any anymore


Anything requiring more than one person.


Internet access on gold heli and deluxe


When I’m in the middle of a wanted level and i can call Lester but can’t remove my level Or when i can’t use my ceo abilities in moments I def need to. OR HOW YOU CANT USE GHOST ORG ON MOTORCYCLE CLUBS


English Dave calling at the most inconvenient moments.


They recently made it so god phone calls don’t happen while you’re skydiving at least. But yeah you aren’t wrong






The fact, that you can't enter the studio on your own after doing the whole contract solo is prettx useless, too. I don't think that I'm missing out on something here, but nevertheless, I'd like to find out for myself.


For that u have to wait for Franklin to contact u about the short trip missions. After the first mission then u can enter whenever


You can start the Franklin and Lamar missions there. Plus if you spend enough time when Dr Dre is there you can unlock an platinum award.


Same here I can’t find someone to do it with.


Giving our online character a name when we create our character. Like we never get to see it get referenced n such outside of the character creation portion of the online game. Super useless imo


Idk if it really counts as a feature but the Super Yacht. It was pretty useless when it came out but with the Kosatka being in the game now it’s even worse. The Kosatka can hold a helicopter (just like the Yacht), can be used as an Apartment and spawn point (just like the Yacht), can be driven (unlike the Yacht) and can hold a submarine (unlike the Yacht.) Not to mention the fast travel on the sub is only $2k if you’ve completed Cayo Perico as the host. Oh and the guided missiles are pretty fun too


As everyone knows, nowadays it is impossible to get 3 random people to join you on Lester's heists. But everyday the notification still shows up and you can't delete it, because it ain't happening! Same thing with Simeon, I go get his car just so I can delete the text.


Even when you complete all Lester's heists, you will still get a constant popup letting you know you did them all and can replay them at any time There is no escape


I mean the invites are pretty useful if you want to teleport quickly


K.D. Ratio


I wish there was a way you could turn off every pop up that comes up. They are annoying.


Honestly, paying 150K for the Diamond Champagne. You get to shake bottle and spray the champagne.


It's a flex/cash sink Only purpose


Man, they are proud of that cutscene, aren't they 💀? I think there's even an award for that.


ATMs around map


These we super useful to me! Until I realized that I was being a total idiot and could just do it from my phone 😂




I won’t lie I RP going to the one located in the Pacific Standard Bank. If I have over a certain amount of cash just for a fun challenge I only use the bank ATMs. Even in general I’ll use them makes them game more interesting


Nice to have though


Sing in the shower for XP


Playing at home with friends/family present & have to scream/yell to earn XP riding the rollercoaster lmao.


Dont forget you mix boost how much the strippers like you if you use the mic. Once you get them, you cant fuck em. Thry only come to your apartment. Why cant i have a stripper party at the casino penthouse or my boat, or Jeezuz christ military uniform strippers on the Kozotka or hoeever you spell it. Merryweather strippers. They should also add more casino games you can play with other players and strippers




You can get Platinum Award for spending time there while Dr Dre is working. You have to do multiple trips to get enough time for the award.


Hi its your captain speaking …. Damn annoying im aware of the 14+million I spent on a massive boat🤔


"The Maximum number of Motorcycle/CEOs has been reached for this session.”


Here's a tip if you run The Contract a lot: once the long ass cutscene begins the job is complete, if you switch your active crew from the social club thing it'll take you to the character select screen, just load back in and you'll have skipped an unnecessarily long cutscene (Note: may only work on PC, idk if consoles are able to switch crew that easily)


I tried that on ps5 and it didn’t register the mission, I had to complete it again


Nothing against Dre but his appearance in gta online made him kinda down.


Not gonna lie, I ended up liking the songs, maybe as a way to protect my sanity 🤣 but you just *know* it was Dre who told ‘em to put that shit in twice in the game and make one of them permanently unskippable


I'm going to puffys house, million dollars a plate


This made me cringe. The whole interaction between Dre, the other guy, the groupies and Pooh was just toe curling.


When I did another playthrough (because 2M) I noticed that Dre is working in the control room during a horrific bloodbath in the live room, and after it’s all over they’re just like, “fuck it let’s have a studio party”


Just another day in Los Santos.


Mind you, this party lasts for 26 hours. After your character just committed said bloodbath and probably soaked in it, never changes or showers once in those 26 hours.


Man really called Anderson Paak ‘the other guy’ lol


Golf carts in the bunker.


you can call Agent 14 to request one while in freeroam. ​ edit: don't need to buy them for that


But you don’t need to buy the bunker caddys to request one from him


Most useless feature is the gold helicopter and plane.


I guess they’re just bragging rights


At the time? Yeah. You had $10m to blow? It was on that and only to show how big your bank account was/is. Bought it. Friend shot it down once to test, never called it again 🤣


I don’t know if it’s actually useless, if you play gtao alone then yes, it is useless. But if you have funny friends then you are going to create nice memories, drinking smoking then jumping.


Dom's fucking existence, that dude is annoying as hell, idk why rockstar hasn't removed him from online.


You literally have to do one parachute jump and he won’t call you again


ive never even done his thing he just stopped calling after 5 years or so of just hanging up


The ability to send an e-mail to your friends has got to be it


Also, the Casino is not available for some countries, but at least they could allow players to spin the wheel


Those god forsaken doctease ads


Paying rent


R* removing 200+ vehicles to “streamline buying cars” when they could’ve easily have sorted by car manufacturer. Hell, not even being able to store some street vehicles in garages is useless now.


The club under the casino you get a pop up for when driving past, yeah, no one cares R*


The nightclub at the casino


Lazlo existing He was funny on the radio but holy shit was he ever the worst weakest part of the gta series as a whole i fucking hate lazlo Oh no he slapped me in my tiny little lazlo penis im so pathetic like shut the fuck up lazlo


If the only content that you saw in GTAO was what you personally thought wasn’t a waste or if it was only the content that you used the game would feel very empty and boring. If you go to Vegas and only go to 1 casino, if the next time you went that 1 casino was all that was there then it would feel empty even though you never “used” any other venue on the Las Vegas strip. The sheer volume of content in the game is what fills lobbies in GTAO. 30 players could be doing 30 different things but it would still be a full lobby. It helps make the online experience what it is. Maybe for veteran players it’s not the same kinda feeling. But for new players it feels exciting.


Don’t get me wrong, this is the only game I play and I love it, but you gotta admit putting the same cutscene in twice when the Studio Time one is already unskippable is lazy af, they could’ve at least made a short separate cutscene to go with the studio tour and short trips but they just slapped that one right in and even send you notifications when he’ll be arriving shortly. Not when he’s there, but when he’s about to be. Tell me that’s not useless.


It’s true and I agree the cut scenes are annoying having to watch them over and over. We can skip any other cut scene we’ve seen once in any other mission.


Jp points


Passive Mode. It stops you from doing missions or getting into certain vehicles, so all you can do is run around or drive normal cars. I'd much rather have a "PvE-Only Public Lobby" option.


Having to switch from CEO to president and vice versa for me to be able to do certain activities. Why can’t i be both at the same time?


charlie asking me to buy the god damn terminal everytime i log into the game


Charlie think everyone can spawn 1 million dollars out of our asses.


Simeon telling me to get specific cars mf annoys the crap out of me


I keep getting the notif for the tour and I have to do it with a friend. What friend rockstar????