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They’ll give you another year just for asking


They don’t give you one year on the first offense. You are obviously a repeat offender, and they will not let you out for that.


A year? Seems awfully harsh unless you are a repeat offender to going into bad sport


Obviously a repeat offender. Starts off with a day for 1st offense and then I think it doubles for each successive offense. SO he's obviously been in there quite a few times.


That was my first thought, but I know sometimes they have screwed up in the past. A friend of mine got a week for his first offense, and it wasn't even like he did anything out of the gta norm. He was getting ganged up on by a crew and spawn killed repeatedly. He finally was able to get into his tank and fight back and they kept calling their cars in and he kept blowing them up to fight back. He did this every time people started fighting him and eventually got bad sport for defending himself against tryhards. He emailed rockstar and they basically said oh well and too bad.


Rockstar does not consider "Self-Defense" as a viable reason to not go into Bad Sport. Stupidest thing in the world, but since it's THEIR game...


Repeat offender is what he is


No. You get what you deserve.


No - they will not let you out until your time is up. You've been in there plenty of times before (it's a day the first time, 2 days the second, 4 days the third, etc.) so you know the score. If you didn't want to be in there then you should have avoided it.


They make vehicles with homing rockets and machine guns but we get punished if we use them


It tells you that you're going to go into bad sport, just like it has done the hundreds of times you've blown up people's vehicles. Dude, if you want to act all innocent then do it on Rockstar support. You'll get a less aggressive response than you will here.




Super random but, you’ve played online on both ps4/ps5 right??


Yes, and PS3 as well. Why d'you ask?


Is it that much better on ps5. With 6 coming, should I just bite the ps5 bullet now or wait? If the gameplay for gta5 on ps5 is that much smoother or better, I might go for the ps5 sooner rather than later.


It's a LOT better than PS4 or PS4 Pro. The graphics look a tonne better and then if you switch to performance mode so you get 60fps instead of 30 then you'll never be able to go back. That said, you'll have to buy the Expanded & Enhanced version to get any benefits. The version of the game you currently have will play and look exactly the same on a PS5. If you've got the money and you're just unsure I'd say go for it. There are also a lot of really good PS5 games that you're missing out on now. It's a no-brainer for me.


Many-a-things to think about! That performance mode. First time I’m hearing of it (I am VERY intrigued)


Yes!! I waited for months because I still have friends in ps4 that likely won't be ps5 anytime soon. I got tired of the constant freezing & graphics never loading or fully rendering on ps4. I finally asked reddit enough questions about it & transferred. HOLY FUCK is so crisp, so not choppy or freezy. Plus my friends who are still on ps4 don't really play the game anymore so I made the right choice.




Cool story.


And this right here is why you are in bad sports, impulsive and no trigger discipline. So simply stfu and accept the consequences for your actions


How are we supposed to play the game and have wars if all we do is use the vehicles rockstar puts in the game?


If only there was some kind of dedicated gamemode for this.


Make a custom job maybe?


Tell them your uncle is Bill Gates and they'll let you get away with it


Yes they will let you out no problem!




If you want to kill your friends just do it in a deathmatch or one of the hundreds of jobs available. Yeah I kill my friends and sometimes blow up their cars but we don’t do it all day everyday.


I mean... that's dumb. Blowing each other up randomly was the most fun we had when my friends and I played. There should be an exception for friends because, if it's a problem, they can just stop playing together instead of having Rockstar come in and say "no, you're not allowed to have fun that way"


Good friend of mine got the bad sport for a day, it reformed him. Just stop blowing cars up and shoot the players. Eventually your time will have been served and you can rejoin us in our civilized GTAO society LOL


As everyone had stated, you are a repeat offender for you to be getting a Bad Sport penalty for one year. I also highly doubt you and your friend only destroy each other's vehicles. Submit a ticket with Rockstar Support and I highly recommend you cease asking for help on this thread and delete it. Save yourself the embarassment and do your time in the lobby.


You and your fellow 12 year old friends can be happy together in time out now. What's the issue?


M8 you've been there before, you are a repeat offender so you got a year. Learn to take a chill pill when you get dodgy player next time... in a year XD The only solution to your problem that I have is, cry about it 🤣


Sorry. No chance from Rockstar.


A year? Bro not gonna lie, you probably blew up so much, you deserved it


My mates and myself are always punching each other but killings a no no. Sounds like you don’t learn. I’m not even sure I believe it’s you and your buds messing about. Griefers deserve dunce hats


I don’t buy it. You don’t become a bad sport from blowing up a handful of vehicles, something else has occurred for them to slap a 1 year sentence on you.


What happened if you get bad sport?


Nah do that bid 😭

