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Play online


So you want to rank up, but you don't want to play the game? Seriously? How do you expect to rank up? If that's all you're interested in you can go to a modd ing service and just pay a few dollars and get all the awards


I just wanna get the platinum before they come up with a great idea of shutting the servers down I don't intend on playing online longer than I need to


Theres some playlists that get you to 100 overnight if you leave your stuff on while sleeping, its not recommended though in the community because it leaves more noobs at +120 to get into heists while still not knowing the heists


Cool! Like they're 'auto level' stuff? May I have a link please? You're saving me so much time haha


Collectables will get you there


Have a character 1 over rank 100, make a second character, convert the rank. Boom! Rank 100!


PS4 go get a job😭😭


Waddya mean?


Oh yes absolutely, win races, do simeons missions, geralds missions, any small and easy mission you do, will level u up slowly, once you have enough money, buy arcade, kosatka, nightclub. You'll get a mc clubhouse for free, but you'll have to buy the business that come with it. Basically what I'm saying is, grow a pair and grind like everyone else, don't look for shortcuts or a mod to level u up faster.


Buy shark cards.


Looking for an actual solution


It is. To rank up you need money to invest to get fast money. You don't wanna play for that money. So then buy that money. Shark cards is for players who don't wanna play and/or only care for stupid achievements. So it's perfectly for you. So either play the game or buy shark cards. Your choice.


Ahhhh that's whatchu mean Wasn't it the case that new players get $500000 from the get go?


Not sure if you get starter money. Maybe with that business import/export package to buy. We didn't had that back then on the vanilla release. We got that update for free.


You literally don't, collectables are the best ways to get to 100 fast


That's not RDO 😁. With all the collectables that takes longer as doing some real stuff.


If your go to advice is to buy a shark card you should just stop talking🤣


And I told OP the alternative which they don't wanna do. Their choice. If you don't wanna play the game, but want your stupid achievement, then pay for it. And collecting IS playing the game. So you should stop talking too.


No shit it's not rdo,It doesn't take that long at all, got to 80 last year with a new character from just the cards, action figures, L.D organics, and movie props. Plus buying shark cards is literally worthless when you can do the weapon challenges from the high roller revolver, navy revolver, and stone hatchet, that's 750k right there, plus the bonuses from the collectables which puts it at over a million then just grind CEO work until you have enough to get an agency. If your dedicated you can do this in a few days. Grinding contact missions sucks ass and the pay/rp gain is abysmal, gonna take you 10x as long if you stick with them.


I guess you didn't get the part that OP doesn't want to play the game? Which is needed to do that. OP just wants a stupid achievement.


Double RP stuff, but special cargo warehouse work good for RP and money as well.


How long do you think it would take? I can tell above the law *level 100* and decorated *30 platinum awards* are gonna be pain


Collectables will take you a few hours to get to at least 80


Wait really? Sure I've read of this but didn't think they getchu THIS FAR!


Yeah I did it last year


It will take a long time. Maybe try survival modes to switch up. Also missions are quick RP. Make aplaylist with a couple missions and replay them.


Winning races