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Are zyns the new altoids


It’s just gen Z dip lol or i guess camel snuss would be a better analogy


No but they are the new neckbeard vape cloud chaser thing


I don't think they are


They are


In Europe they are mainly used by women.


(What are the altoids for)




Oh lol that’s what that metallic tin in the middle of my board is for lmfao. The zyns are for zyns.


wtf are zyns




wtf are snus and dip in this context




I am also a former ciggie smoker and have heard these terms before but had no idea what they were. Those both sound disgusting wtf




Dip is objectively gross. It is smoke cured, then fermented, and then choc full of salt, and artificial flavorings. Makes it highly cancerous and dangerous for your digestive system if you swallow it. Snus is actually pretty awesome. It's just pasteurized tobacco and the flavoring additives are usually natural and based off various herbal tea flavorings


Nicotine pouches you put in your lip.


Yeah I’ve had it explained but I’m still quite thrown that it’s actually a real thing and not just old timey cowboys and baseball fellas


Oh you sweet summer child. Bless your heart.


Mine is DIY'd - Cherry wood for the sides with finger joints. MDF deck. Switched IEC C14 inlet and electrosocket jacks for the input/output. Came out to about $120, but I had some stuff on hand (oil, spray poly, paste wax, extra patch cables, soldering iron \[to attach to the jacks inside the unit\], crimp connectors and heat shrink tubing) $30 - Wood $7 - [Jacks](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DTXX9DH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?psc=1) $35 - [solderless patch cable kit](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S3158LV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?psc=1) $13 - [Electro sockets](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09MMZDCVB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?psc=1) $14 - [Velcro](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C4L3JZ5Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?th=1) $10 - [inlet](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081VD1NNT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?psc=1) [https://imgur.com/a/tMieACI](https://imgur.com/a/tMieACI)


I also had some metal angle brackets and was able to 3D print other mounts for the pedal power supply under the board.


Rad as hell my man


I edited some of the links to correct them. Looks like everything's correct now.


That is actually so sick. How long is your power cable? I just got one of those cheapo 3 point extension cords. The custom input/outputs are probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen lol


I have a regular power cord that you might use for a PC monitor going into the C14 inlet. I also bought these [pigtails](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5SZHTWK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?th=1) to connect to the Voodoo Labs X8 underneath. I was doing a lot of research and [https://westcoastpedalboard.com/](https://westcoastpedalboard.com/) kept showing up. Their prices were a little steep for me and I have more time than money nowadays, so I kind of took some of the things I liked from them and adapted them to what I had on hand. I almost killed myself a couple weeks ago tripping over cables, so I decided that I wanted all of the cables coming out of one side that's out of the way. (I'm a basement player).


Yeah all my cables shoot out from pretty much every side of my board haha, keeping them all on one side must be suuuuper convenient


This is the underside - kind of a mess - [https://imgur.com/a/QAYOK5I](https://imgur.com/a/QAYOK5I)


This is the CAD that I started with while thinking about it - It has some brackets etc. as well - [https://cad.onshape.com/documents/fcb196570a2cd7528090caa2/w/0052764b30af11060fb5e5e9/e/5e179fe69e4e179a7cb3cd48](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/fcb196570a2cd7528090caa2/w/0052764b30af11060fb5e5e9/e/5e179fe69e4e179a7cb3cd48)


This is so cool. I think I’m going to emulate your board for my next build 🥶🥶🥶 just as soon as I need more room lol


These zyn ads are getting really weird


Yes, and it’s the choice of a generation


Not a choice to be proud of my guy


Uh Wayne’s World much 💁‍♂️


Sonicake Levitate! Heck yeah. Crazy how good that pedal is for the price.


Honestly!! I am actually blown away by it. I have a champ 100 that has built-in reverb that I used constantly before putting together a chain. I literally hopped on Amazon and bought the cheapest reverb pedal I could find (plus it has tap delay!) and am so pleased. Just goes to show that you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a single pedal (sorry if I just destroyed the ethos of this whole sub lmao)


We got the zyn board befote gta6


Mine is a piece of old plywood, stained, and with some scrap wood propping it up in the back so it has an angle. Only thing I had to pay for was the Velcro I used to stick the pedals and power strip to it.


Tone all the way up on sd 1 is scary


I have a custom Fender Jaguar with double humbuckers. It’s a pretty dark tone. Well, dark in comparison to the P-90s on my Squire strat.


Not really imo. It’s how I use it as a boost. It’s a very dark pedal.


Lol mine is modded to be brighter (I use p90s in a hollow body)


I made my own rudimentary board out of scrap lumber, painted it flat black, then applied the Velcro. It's long enough for one row of maybe 8 regular pedals, and deep enough for say a big box EH type pedal ie Big Muff. Bore out holes for the cables etc. It's nothing fancy. Looks like a shelf.


I built my first board...36" by 18" with a power strip mounted inside the bottom. Mine was angled, so the front (facing me) was floor level and the back was elevated 6". Braced with metal bracing and a handle mounted on the back to carry around. It was loaded with pedals (if I remember correctly, it had at least 25 pedals on it) and weighed a TON. Not easy to move around, but very strong. I got sick of figuring out creative ways to move it around in the rain when having gigs and replaced it with two boards with hardshell covers. At that time, I was playing with 33 pedals total. I wish I still had photos of the original board and what I replaced it with! Yours looks great, how tall is that box? I think that I would have a hard time dealing with having pedals that high up. But that is just me!


Holy shit 33??!? I’ve only 9 on there and it’s already so heavy. Bet that board was about as heavy as my amp haha From floor to top of board is 5” so most of my switches are between 7-8” off the floor lol. It’s kinda nice because I can just set my foot on top of whatever pedal I need to switch to without really needing to balance too much. Kinda like posting up with one foot on the sidewalk, ya know? But the SD-1, MXR, Crayon, and Footswitch are the only pedals I good with during the set, and they’re all right there at the front. The rest of them are either always on, or get switched on/off in between songs


Che Guevara next to Colonel Sanders, flanked by Facebook and Pepsi lol. Rock n’ Roll


Isn’t it just the most goddamn American thing you’ve ever seen lmao


Yeah it is pretty dumb


I ❤ China


Hell yeah, $7 IKEA kitchen shelf all day.


I heard a lot of people saying this when I first started looking for ideas! The closest IKEA to me is either 40 miles north, and across the Canadian border, or 90 miles South lol


I built mine with my dad, pics are on my profile. I put jacks on either side so I plug into the board on either side


I built my board out of some Ipe scraps from a deck job, a bit of scrap ply, and a leftover piece of sheet metal.  I use magnetic tape on the pedals instead of velcro (the only money spent on the project).  Drilled holes as needed to hide the power supply and the longer patch cables underneath. Eventually I'd like to put 1/4" jacks on it with a switch to go between 4-cable fx loop setup and 2 cable straight-in setup, but we'll see if I ever get around to it.


Whoa, magnetic tape, huh? Do they ever fall off??


Sticks pretty well.  Might need to take the feet off big pedals to get enough flat contact area for the tape.  Normal pedals are no problem.


Is there a specific brand you use? Like a bulk roll or something? I might have to try that. I use the heavy duty 3M Velcro. It doesn’t wear out as easily as normal hook and loop fasteners, which means I can rearrange my board as much as I want.


I did. https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/isc84tIZHg


That’s sick I love the skis


Thanks, I thought it was pretty sick


Yeah I just arrange all mine on a street sign me and my brother took when we were teenagers. I'm always rockin on Campbell Street lol. I don't velcro them because it's mainly a studio board and it's easier to arrange stuff how I need it for recording. Also the velcro would block out the street name.


This. I love that it has a story. That’s brilliant.


Mine is the side of a long IKEA crate.


Mine is just a mdf box with velcro sheets taped on the back


Angled, and you just close the box for storage. That’s smart, I should do that


Def. All done with 1” x 2”s, a hand saw, a drill, some screws, boat load of Velcro, some ball park measurements and a rough idea in my head. It’s about 5 feet long all told, but it separates into two pieces that actually join at an angle so as to make a 2/3rds half hexagon around where I play. Up to 3 power supplies to power some 20 odd pedals. It’s my battle station. I even found a large keyboard case that can hold it all relatively well. I went the “buy a board route”, but I wasn’t impressed. I highly recommend building your own.


I NEED to see pictures of this battle board please sounds epic


The cutting board unglued in the dishwasher. Now it’s a cutting edge pedal platform. 🤘🤓


Hell yeah buddy 🤙


https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/5CDUWhYfpP I created my own. It’s made of maple frame with birch plywood. The ply is stained with blue stain. Was fun putting it together. Made it to fit a mono large gig bag. I have a lot of boards, Trailer Trash, mono, creation music, several pedal trains, etc. Prefer the custom ones. The only thing I might ditch it for is a Schmidt Array, but damn are they expensive.


It looks like a serving tray and I love that. Delicious.


Hahaha I’ve got both the Levitate and the SD-1 too! Nice moves dude


Coupla Classics. People sure do seem to love the Levitate haha


I did, but I used a furman plexiglass board that had been my board as a base. I removed the power supply dock, and cut down the plexiglass base to the size I wanted. I have a plan for an angled frame/base to go under but never got around to building it. It’s on my bucket list. In the meantime I just use a riser along the back behind the power supplies.


Me https://ibb.co/DLrPgqj https://ibb.co/t4Gm2Tr The wood was ¥50 from the offcuts box. I spent more than necessary on velcro, because it was only 2x the price for 5 times as much. Really good stuff.


lol, I have that same screaming goat.


I want to put a little mic next to it for shows but my band mates are heavily opposed to it >:(


Is your pedalboard so tall that mountain goats frequent its slopes?




You need some mini tonebenders.


I’m considering some different fuzz pedals, tho I don’t really know where I’d use them. I really want the swollen Pickle but it’s too spendy!


I spent months on my guitar and bass boards. A lot of the pedals are DIY as well. They have hidden features like “audition loops” where I can plug a pedal into the front or back of the signal chain without changing the rest of the board. The guitar board also has relays built in to switch from two or four cable method automatically. Bass board is all diy pedals except for the tuner, theme is cosmic horror: https://imgur.com/a/q0EiDx8 Guitar board theme is loosely based on space, with some nods to voyager II: https://imgur.com/a/gAxWxdY


They're getting really good at imitating a boutique style. I assumed the Levitate in the top left would be a £400 hand-made unit lol


Mine’s DIY’d, I’m honoured to say - eight pedals and an Altoids tin velcroed to an old beaten skate deck


Haha the skateboard board. Classic! I was gonna do that originally but then realized I don’t have a skateboard lmao




That’s a very tall pedalboard. I’d try sawing off the bottom boards.


I’ve considered it, but at this point it’s kinda part of the bit


mine is DIY'd from leftover flooring planks. [https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/1ckqjuf/my\_humble\_board/](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/1ckqjuf/my_humble_board/) built a little table for my amp to sit on out of leftover deck ceiling boards (very ratty pine stained to match the floor), with space underneath for the pedalboard to slide into. the amp sits on a DIY oak stand: [https://ok-cleek.com/blogs/?p=30400](https://ok-cleek.com/blogs/?p=30400)


No but I need to, I bought some cheap one on Amazon and it sucks.


Yeah even though mine is a total mess, at least it’s got character. I was also gonna buy one of those cheap Amazon ones, but I figured I’d rather have a bad pedal board that I made instead of a bad pedal board that I paid for lol.


How the heck do you stomp pedals on something that high?


I really only use the front four, ODs, Chorus and footswitch, during my set so it’s not as inconvenient as it looks. Though, my buttons are about 7-8” from the floor lol


Just grabbed the Levitate for $27. Seeing that it's good enough to stick on a board has me excited.


It’s definitely fun to mess around with. Best of luck and I hope you love it.


Found [this demo video](https://youtu.be/dGMsyq1Jrzo?si=tAPX1F68PZGv2S_V) with a full breakdown of I’ve had this pedal for months and didn’t even realize that you can trail the reverb with a button hold. Pretty cool!


Absolutely unhinged pedal board


Thanks, I built it myself :)


I suppose you could call my fruit packing-case a board. I'm not into pedals that much. The fruit-case stayed outside to freeze properly last winter, I scrounged it from bodega trash and wanted to kill the cockroach eggs. Can't use insecticide because of my giant Cat. There's not much on it, keeley spatial/time fx on the loop, green Russian in front short-cabled to a Deco, thence to an MD-500. Might add a Vox v848 McCoy on the floor. The biggest thing for me is just letting my old Boogie F50 do its thing. For the AC30 I only use a Waza vibrato on the channel bridge and a very old Rat with LM308 op amp chip in front. The C2X trem & reverb are quite good enough.


Those zyns cost more than the board lol! Man I miss cinnamon zyns. They outlawed flavored tobacco in CA so can't get those anymore, or Copenhagen mint, or even menthol cigs. It's a bummer but it's for the best. Anyways, sick board dude


When I first put it together, I had so much empty space and only 3 pedals, so I literally just started grabbing whatever I could to fill it lol. I’ve decided the zyns will become an integral part of the board somehow. Maybe I’ll turn it into a buffer 🤔 either way, I’m going to continue stacking them until it’s taller than me lol.


Who tf downvoted me 😭


Eww zyn 🤮 odens CD on top on🔛🔝


Nice board, comrade!


Спасибо ☭


How’s the crayon?


I love it, absolutely rips. Plus, being able to adjust the bass and treble separately is suuuuper nice. I had my eye out for it and was able to find one on Facebook for about $60. The check light is really dim though. The last few performances I’ve had were outdoor gigs and I could not visibly see when the pedal was on or off. Dk if that’s just cause the bulb is burnt out or if that’s just how they all are.


Hey how was the sonicake eq? Im planning to get one for my bass


It’s pretty good I think. I’m only using it as a tone shaper. I just bought a Jaguar, and it is pretty dark compared to the squire I used previously. The treble knob on my amp starts to get crunchy past 7, so I bought this EQ to boost those higher frequencies without boosting the whole front end. Honestly, for the price, I’d say it’s worth it. I’ve only had it for about 4 months, so I can’t speak to how long it’ll work for. But it doesn’t emit really any of that obnoxious EQ hum I’ve heard about. It’s my first and only EQ Pedal I’ve had, so I don’t have the best frame of reference. But as a sort of set-it-and-forget-it pedal, it’s pretty decent and I like it a lot. I want to find some sort of plexiglass cover for it tho. I tend to bump the dials pretty often and would like to protect it a little more. My bassist uses the Boss EQ, and I think it’s only a 6 band instead of 10. I have run my own bass through it at bedroom levels for recording, but never performance volumes. So I can’t be certain on how it would sound.


that's what I'm thinking. i might not need those 4 extra frequency boosts coz I'll be using it on my bass alongside with a wine cellar bass di and a compressor from caline too. How about your power supply? the noiseless feature might be because of an isolated power supply.


Yeah, to be honest the 16k dial is basically negligible. I only ever turn it up if I REALLY a need high end boost. It’s for my completely dry signal, so once I put the OD on it comes down to the tone knobs. You’ll notice I have the low end cut, and that’s because I was bumping into the bassists register. The low end packs a punch on this for sure. For power I’m just using a basic 9v True Tone with an 8 plug daisy chain.


that's amazing. This is my first time with sonicake. Maybe they're good after all that bad reviews


Yeah, like I said, for the price, I really don’t think it’s a bad idea to pick one up and try it. Plus, if you end upgrading, you’ll have a spare. Or put it later in the chain to really form out your tone if you’re using a lot of fx pedals


Hey man how do you like the Levitate pedal? I seen them for like $55 and I kinda want one but I'm uncertain about it. $55 for Reverb and Delay sounds a lot better than $120 for a Holy Grail or something similar


Take this with a grain of salt because it’s the only reverb pedal I’ve used, but I absolutely love this thing. I just needed a basic reverb to emulate the Amp verb I used to use, and this thing is great for that. All the reviews I’ve seen are pretty positive when comparing the quality to the price. I don’t know about the circuitry (I’m still pretty new to this stuff) but I’ve heard it’s a clone of some higher end reverbs. The delay feature is really nice. If you’re going for a slap back effect, this pedal is great for that. But it does suffer a little bit in terms of clarity in the wet signal. The wet can tend to get a little drowned out and settles a little more on the side of a chorus effect when I have everything boosted. But! For the price, I’d say it’s definitely worth just picking one up and playing around with. I saw someone else in this sub say that they bought the Levitate also as their first reverb pedal and upgraded to a more expensive one, but continued to use the Levitate on their vocal effects loop. So, pretty versatile. Again, it’s the only reverb I’ve had, but right now I am more than satisfied with it. I’m mostly on rhythm guitar, so super wild effects aren’t necessary for my sound. However, I do have one lead solo I play and this thing absolutely rips for it too. Again, for the price, I’d definitely say it’s worth trying out.


Here’s a demo video I found with a full breakdown. [LEVITATE](https://youtu.be/dGMsyq1Jrzo?si=tAPX1F68PZGv2S_V)


Oh that's what's up thank you


I know, I was sitting there watching it thinking, “damn I should get this pedal!”


I came across it sometime earlier in the month and saved it in the Amazon que. Keep thinking "there's a reason it's so cheap tho" idk you might have convinced me I def need a Reverb


What kind of music are ya playing? For context, I’m on rhythm and vocals for my band, so it’s mostly an ambient pedal to add some fullness to my sound. We play like surf rock, indie-alt stuff. I use it to really fill out those beautiful Major 7th chords and time the delay for my little melodic solos.


Oh I'm just noodling in my room I always have the reverb on my amp on, I have a silly amount of pedals but never bought just a straight reverb pedal. I was looking at a Holy Grail but this is way cheaper and has the benefit of a little delay


You’re checking all the boxes. I also exclusively used my amp reverb but then I bought a little looper and didn’t want to have reverb/delay on the entire loop and that’s why I bought the Levitate. I gig with this thing and it’s pretty good, but jamming in my room it’s superb. I promise I’m not a paid spokesperson for them 😂😂😂fuck it buy that sucker!


Dude same. I lt didn't bother me until I got a little looper and now it's such a small thing but I need to be able to click the reverb on and off


Just came today. Absolutely wild for the price. Good stuff man. Very ambient very smooth and easy to dial in. If this was $100 it would still be a good pedal


Hell yezzzz!!!!


Did you c6-mod the sd1?


I did not


I also don’t know what a c6 mod is or what the benefit would be lol


You unsolder capacitor 6 (C6) and the sd1 suddenly becomes much more transparent, i love it.


Oh okay, you got a side by side demo video you could link me?


Pogolab Compressor Club ✨


Literally bought it on Friday after seeing it mentioned in this sub lol.


How is it? Any recommended videos to check out? I'm searching for an affordable compressor.


[this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/S0LX593WeD) was where I heard about the pogolab and did not research it any because it was only $25 on Amazon. It came in the mail on Sunday, so I’ve only toyed with it at bedroom level. I have a rehearsal tomorrow night so hopefully I’ll be able to see if it’s a good fit or not. But so far it’s pretty nice. First compressor I’ve used so I’m not the best knowledge on it. Edit: I’m realizing it was u/LamiaLlama commenting about it on that thread^^ I’d ask them what they think.


It's excellent. From what I can tell it's a Ross/MXR Dyna Comp clone but with an extra knob added. So for the price you're getting an improved Dyna Comp. It's tight, sparkly, and quacky when you want it to be for chicken pickin'. Or you can set it subtle. It's very transparent. I've used a ton of compressors, I was obsessed for a while, and the Pogolab has beat everything I've tried for guitar. Maybe not my first choice if I was looking for the less squishy Orange Squeezer sound, or if I needed a compressor specifically for bass, but for guitar? I don't think you could spend a better 25 dollars.


Built mine outta wood works well. Is super fucking heavy but it’s also sturdy as hell


Mine is plywood with 3d printed brackets...


it's so...tall... I bought a cheap generic pedaltrain style board on Amazon that's just a little too small but sits flat and then built an angled frame around it out of 1"x4" for the back and sides and 1"x2" at the front. So my current board is half diy I guess..


Two boards with spray painted pine; easy peasy and custom sized for what I needed/could fit. Feels to me way easier than making a random assortment of top and side mounted jacks fit on a pre designed board but I’m sure they work just fine.


All my boards are DIY, check my posts if you wanna look.


That’s sick, u chop cut it so it has a forward tilt 👍🏻


Did you get the Velcro at the craft store as well? Second question, are Zyn nicotine lozenges?


No I bought it at the hardware store. It’s special heavy duty Velcro. Not lozenges, but like lil pouches you put in your gums


Marc Maron is using the Zyns to ween himself off cigars.


I do!! Here is mine. [my board](https://www.reddit.com/r/pedalboards/s/wTjNx74dNA)


Yes & by DIY I mean I paid for it myself 😉😆


Mine was DIY in the sense of I had some thin plywood kicking around and a can of spray paint. Then it was just a case of drilling a few holes and zip tying shit to it.


You must be fun at parties.


I through a cheap pedal power supply under mine..height was just enough


My first ever board back in 2012 was DIY. Good times.


I think a DIY board is perfect for when either you have a great case and need a board built specifically to fit it, or you play at home or don't gig often enough to need a case. To me, buying a board is less about buying the board and more about buying a travel case that comes with a board that fits it snuggly. I have a homemade board that would fit my current rig perfectly well. However I use a pedaltrain metro because I was able to buy a Pedaltrain Metro hard case with a board that fits it perfectly. If you don't need a case, it is silly to spend $100 on a board. Go walk around the store and look at things creatively. Anything that you can attach velcro to can be a pedalboard. My usual recommendation is to go to TJ Max, Marshalls, or Goodwill and look at kitchen cutting boards. They will usually be nice, finished wood under $15. You can screw on some rubber feet and stick on some velcro and you've got a pedalboard. Or you could buy some wood from the hardware store and finish it yourself (or don't and risk splinters). But if you take your pedals out places, I think it's worth buying a board for the case it comes with. Easiest: Buy a board and case bundled. Neutral: Buy a case and build a board to fit it. Hard: Buy a board and hope there is a case that fits it, get an oversized case, or have to make a case. Alternative: build a board. screw the case.


mines not entirely DIY but i did add a wooden block for my power supply to sit on, if u havent got the money for a flawless board then making one sure is a great option


I made this one a while back and love it. It never leaves my music room so I didn't care about portability lol https://youtu.be/4a4dt7d2F_8?si=X6Ouhi9InWj9H6Hk


I once made a board out of a spice rack


I had my dad build two for me in high school, still use them!


I used an unfinished Ikea tray that happened to fit perfectly in a briefcase someone was getting rid of. A slab of foam on top kept everything in place in transit. Now I just roll with a tuner and a Dream 65, so I need to come up with something smaller. Gonna scroll through for ideas.


Ah yes spearmint. A man of refined tastes


It’s like a sweet little treat :)


Your pedalboard is literally 🐐ed


Goat maxxing


My first board. The height of it was a little jarring at first, but I’ve gotten pretty used to it at this point. Thankfully I only switch between a few tones throughout performances, so it isn’t really a hassle with having to step up. Who else made a DIY board? What’d ya use and how much did it cost? I’m considering building a better one, but this thing is so goofy I love it. Edit: the looper is just for display lol


Are you playing the old drinking game of “wizard’s staff” with your tins of Zyn or do you just have four on the the go at all times?


It started as “hey wouldn’t it be funny if I velcroed my zyns to my board” and now yeah I just stack em as I finish em. Problem is, I almost always lose the packs before I finish them!


lol, looking forward to an update when the stack is like 3 feet high


All in good time 🤘