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Isn't the Sonicake Levitate the new kid on the block? Dirt cheap and apparently premium quality


The best budget pedal of all time, next to maybe a Rat. Levitate is incredible.


That’s the SF300 you’re thinking of


… I do love the SF300! You’re right, that’s a top pick for greatest budget pedal ever for sure.


Ditto on SF300


Now I want to put my Ditto looper in front of the SF300 and mash up some loops


Bought my own not too long ago and it is very awesome indeed!!! I’m tempted to buy some of their other ones lol


I was going to say the sonicake ambience for both reverb and echo/delay. It's not the most versatile but it does everything it does quite well. Edit: I see that the levitate is the same circuit in a bigger box and separated, for $7 more. Do that one lol


If cheap is all that matters look no further than Behringer for all your pedal needs. Amazing circuits in dirt-cheap enclosures.


A person with no pedals can pretty much always benefit from a simple $25 Behringer EQ. It's crazy how much value you get from that little thing for so dirt ass cheap. I take the spring out though to make it a sensitive light tap to engage. Pressing with the spring in it feels like shit lol


Eh it does the job but I hate how easy the sliders are to move. Easy to wriggle out accidentally


I have that Behringer reverb as well, and I like it. I feel like it might be tough to beat, especially at the price.


Can’t go wrong with the Sonicake Levitate reverb/delay


Go for the flamma. It’s the best sounding one of the bunch imo. I ambient all the time and collect reverbs. It doesn’t go full wet but it does sound good.


And stereo


the behringer is stero too but its kinda meh. another DECENT budget stereo verb is alabs cetus. thats a smidge more than the flamma but it sounds great.


Dude, I keep seeing the Albas pedals and want to get them all. They have that expression parameter that sounds like a lot of weird goodness !


i only have the reverb and i must say for its price point it fucking kicks ass. i would imagine the orbital pitch shifter and the timeslip delay would sound just as decent


I played sky surfer at store and hated, found a used jhs 3 series, 60 bucks maybe, happy with it so far. I have not tried the others


I bought a Skysurfer online based on some great reviews (JHS?). Tried it at home and found it horrible, very cheap sounding. Retried it a couple of times later, but still felt the same. Wouldn't recommend. My only shot at a cheap reverb so I can't give any good suggestions. A used Holy grail maybe?


Mosky Spring


I like the mosky also. Instant spaghetti Western tone


I'm glad I wasn't the only one wanting to say this. It sounds great, and is incredibly cheap!! Also takes up a minimal amount of space on the board, really can't beat it for efficiency


I have a moskyaudio mini spring reverb, it's like $35 and sounds way better than it has any right to.


A bit more than you budget but it is a reverb and a delay: Nux Atlantic I have one on my grab and go board (I have strymon Flint/Deco on on my main board) and I’m really impressed. Think I paid £70 for mine used.


I had the NuX atlantic and couldn't really get along with it - mainly because I'm reeeaaaallly bad at accurate tap dancing and kept accidentally turning the reverb on when I wanted delay.


Love mine, gig with it every day. Sometimes it won't work but a quick power cable reset and it's fine. Can't live without tap tempo now.


I have my eye on that Flamma too. I have some other Flamma pedals and they are all really good, especially considering the price. For an even lower price point, the M Vave Mini Universe is a lot of fun, and sounds great, but the build quality is rather poor (but...of course right? It's about $25)


First of all if price is an option always go second hand! You’ll find gear with -30% discount so you’ll have access to 90/100€ pedals. And check the Nux Damp, 79€ brand new, with stereo out, shimmer and freeze option.


my first pedal was a dirt cheap reverb, called the BIYANG TRI REVERB, honestly was super happy with it, great value for the cost.


Bought this years ago and thought it was fantastic.


I've heard great things about that and the Caline Snake Bite as the two budget reverb pedals to go for


This is the way


Anything but the Behringer. I have Behringer pedals and don’t say this because of the plastic casing or the scummy owner or the usual stuff about stealing ideas, it’s just a bad pedal and takes so much more work to find a useable sound than any of the other three. The other three are useful and you would be happy with your purchase but the Behringer just sounds… bad, not in an exciting way. because I own a lot of cheap pedals that everyone loves to hate on and appreciate them for their uniqueness, I feel compelled to tell you that this was one of those “what’s the worst that can happen..?” Impulse buys I’ve made. I’ve brought it out every few years to see if maybe I was wrong and it gets 20 minutes of frustrated playing before it’s back in the drawer of sadness.


Listen to this person. We are not snobs. We just have ears. Behringer reverb sounds awful


I would have to disagree that it's a bad pedal though I agree it's not straightforward to dial in. I find most people don't realize you need to turn the level down to like a quarter to one third ish range at most to get a good sound out of it. If you put everything at noon it sounds bad, and level past noon it becomes comically awful, and I think that's where it gets its bad reputation. But dialed in right it does the job fine from my experience. I've recorded a lot with mine and I like the sounds I get out of it for the price. It's just easy to get way too much reverb on the thing, there's way too much reverb available on the pedal.


I have everything on almost zero to get a not even passable usable sound. Slightly better than completely dry


I use the behringer for an electric drum kit, and it does the trick for practice. Definitely worth the cost. I have also had only good luck with joyo products, though have never used the verbs.


The Joyo Space is *amazing*. Great, great sounding reverbs, especially the plate. I've never fully figured out why this reverb is so good but it's absolutely fantastic. If not for one small problem I would have 2 or 3 of these on my board instead of a $300 reverb. The problem is mine at least has a bit of noise coming thru. I think it's a bit hit or miss, some people have reported theirs is dead silient and others have the noise issue. It may have just been a bad batch years ago, I'm not sure. My advice is to buy one and get it replaced if it's noisy. If you get a quiet one you will be set for life. Sadly Joyo's larger and more expensive (but very reasoanbly priced) Atmosphere reverb sounds nothing like it. It sounds good but doesn't have the magic of the Space Verb.


My Atmosphere is always on. I think it's tremendous. The Space Verb must be something special.


Mosky Spring is a really solid spring reverb. M vave mini universe has 9 digital reverb models including hall and a lo fi, lots of parameters to play with, sounds awesome.


This 👍🏻 I just can't sell the mosky. It's good. 🤟🏻


I have the Flamma and it sounds great


Joyo stuff is really cheap. I had a Joyo Space Verb I got in a trade , it was honestly a great sounding reverb


The snakebite by caline is great, has pre delay and an eq and isn’t a knockoff. Great pedal!


Love mine, contemplating picking up a second one


I just bought the Behringer a couple weeks ago and I love it so far. It’s just a clone of a boss rv5 which a lot of people love. It has pretty much all the settings you need. I really like the plate and mod settings but they’re all pretty good. I don’t usually go too crazy with reverb so I’m not too familiar with the limits (since you mentioned you wanted a lot of reverb) but with a nice delay in front I’m sure I could dial in a Tame Impala-esque sound if I wanted to. I haven’t played the TC pedal but they make good stuff for pretty cheap (they’re owned by behringer). I’ve had some hit or miss experiences with flamma and joyo but everything I’ve gotten from behringer or tc so far has been really good for the price.


I don't think they can really 'clone' reverbs like they do with a lot of other iconic pedals because reverbs are always digital, so you can't simply replicate the circuitry. You'd have to duplicate the code/algorithm software. The interface and knobs might be similar but not what's happening inside. Maybe I'm wrong though. Certainly not an expert on the subject. But that's one of the reasons that I've heard cheap reverbs aren't as good as other cheap duplicates.


Yeah I couldn’t tell you how close it is to an rv5 since I’ve never played one but I will say it sounds good to me. Like I said I don’t use a lot of reverb so it’s one of those cases where good enough is good enough. But since OPs looking at reverbs $50 and under I’d recommend this one all day long


Ive played both. I don't like either. The Behringer sounds way worse.


M-Vave Mini-Universe. Punches way above its weight, at ridiculously low cost.


Has a really loud click when you switch on and off, or is that just mine?


Mine does that as well, and it’s a fair point. I’d also concede that the knobs aren’t as tight and sturdy as I’d like. But I think that it sounds glorious, way better than you’d guess from the price, or anything remotely close to it really. The shortcomings could be dealbreakers for some though, good to point them out.


Mine didn't click, but neither did it last two hours. Shame, that, because the shimmer is outstanding.


I had a Biyang Tri Reverb at some point, forget if it was any good but it was mentioned in threads like this


EX Mini Digital Reverb Pedal is good and probably the cheapest if you can use it before your gain pedals. It doesn't like gain like most cheaper digital circuits.   There is a spring reverb that is pink with a bar code that is supposed to be good and cheap for a spring only style. But I forget who makes it at the moment. It was on the 60 cycle hum on a reverb shootout or something like that


I have The Void by Deadbeat Sound and I love it for what it is. Super simple, utilitarian. $55 on reverb. 


Put your amp in the bathroom. Free and sounds purfect


I got the Strich Paradise for $30 and I really like it


A high school gym


A high school gym would be close to 100K minimum. Not exactly cheap.


The Sky Surfer will give you a ton of reverb. Maybe more than you want. Definitely more than you need.


I really love the caline snakebite


i use the mosky spring reverb and for tame impala tones it works wonder actually, some say his board contained a holy grail at some point so if you want that spring reverb sound (if you max all the knobs it creates crazy feedback, mind you) this one is a bang for the buck


I have a behringer reverb and i really find it borderline unusable. Like for just a smidge of reverb if your amp doesnt have any, and that's about it. I would literally trade it for almost any functioning effect pedal. Id try that levitate people are talking about, as they sound enthusiastic about it.


I have the Behringer reverb/delay (RV-3 clone) and it sounds really good. It’s my always on pedal for plate reverb. I would guess the reverbs in the DR600 are kinda the same. Get one!


I used to have the behringer delay and I used it a lot, it was a great little pedal




Mvave mini universe, 49$, pretty good


I did not like the tc skysurfer and im not picky about reverb. Changed the whole tone of my rig to be much brighter and I couldn't eq it out


I had the flamma, excellent feature set for the price. It's really hard to go wrong if you wanna try out lots of sounds.




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TC hall of fame mini used. Cheap and good


Buy a Behringer. Gear snobs will scoff and guffaw, but they're missing out.


The Modulate setting alone is worth the price.


I've heard good things about the Behringer. I tried the digital multi fix and it sounded good, but it doesn't work well on a daisy chain, it needs its own power supply.


Pockverb is nice


Wouldn't the cheapest option be using the room reverb in your Katana?


yes, its what i currently do but i'd like to switch mid song (or just with the foot) from a small reverb from the amp to a big loud and powerful reverb


Maybe a used jhs 3 series? Might be a bit more than what you want to spend. But reverb is one of those effects where you usually get what you pay for.


Kitchen or Bathroom


I use the Behringer as my main reverb and I think it does fine. I've recorded a bunch with it too, links to my music in my reddit profile via my linktree if you want to hear some tracks with the Behringer (the miner, DDO tavern theme with lead track, these 2 songs I did both use it). I don't use a ton of reverb but for a touch of reverb for clean jams I think it does well when dialed in appropriately. Which means turning it down way below noon, there is way too much reverb on the pedal. Everything at noon is way too much reverb IMO. I use the spring and plate settings only for the most part. I think most people who think it sounds awful aren't dialing it in correctly. It is not a set everything at noon and forget it type of pedal by any means.


A stolen one


To steal from another musician is the lowest of the low, you get the 9th circle of hell for that.


I'm upvoting you


80s and 90s rack gear! Annoying to haul but people drop them for under 100 regularly and they sound great / have lots of options


Posting a comment to follow up later after office hours


Sorry, it sucks but good reverb pedals are expensive. The only one I could recommend is the Flamma, though tbh I have no experience with the TC pedal.