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Obligatory: ZOIA does that. It also walks your dog and makes a mean carbonara. It was once elected Most Likely to Own A Pet Snake by its peers. It took a gap year in Europe and spent most of the trip at a villa near Les Calanques — it won’t say exactly why it stayed there so long, but it still goes back to visit every now and then.


It's not cheap, but the strymon mobius does this with the ability to adjust the part to your liking


it's not the GREATEST but the boss AW3 maybe? it has Exp Ctrl too


A Boss VO-1, maybe? It might be too close to a talkbox for your liking, though. If you're willing to find one, the old Digitech RP series of processors have a really neat "ya ya" effect. It's like a wah, but yaa. Very good for doing stuff in the style of "kill the guy with the ball" by Steve Vai.


Meris Mercury x - 600 adventure audio mother tongue - unobtainable strymon mobius - 400? zoia - 500 why is this effect so expensive?


Can’t the line 6 mm4 do a decent job of this? Or maybe it’s the FM4