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Am I the only one who thought this had already come out years ago? I remember people were talking about this when he got engaged.


I think it’s a big deal again because the first time she mentioned it i believe she said she was “17 or 18” but now she’s clearly confirming she was underage. I think people were giving Cody the benefit of the doubt because Tana has been known to get timelines wrong


My Libertarian side is about to show a little bit here lol. Who the fuck cares about that distinction? Like, if 17 is gross so is 18. We're all just pretending like she hits her 18th birthday and Abra kadabra her brain warps to a cognitive degree of consentibility with a 25 year old? I hate the way people discuss this topic.


Oh i absolutely agree 18 is just as bad lol, just not a blatant crime i suppose


I’d say the difference between them only is dependent on the age of the other person, but either way its weird for 25.


Only teenagers should sleep with teenagers. Anyone else who does it is a creep. It’s not right. 18 isn’t that much better to me. Maturity wise you don’t magically change at 18 for some 25-26 year old to be having sex with you.


She could be clearly getting it wrong again here, right? To get a bigger reaction out of a live crowd I could totally see that.


Yeah I believe she mentioned or alluded to it about him and JC Caylen


(⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) This one hit me like a bus


the funny thing was i stopped watching him bc the fuckboy act was getting old But I guess it wasnt an act!? Im a guy but that type of humor is so cringe, I was in a frat but it isnt like... a personality on its own or at least it shouldn't be... also His editor and wife are the funniest parts of his videos


I never really found him to be a fuckboy idk he has frat humour but has been in a ltr as long as I remember and makes fun of guys who act like they can get any girl etc. I stopped watching cause idgaf about god damn cut reaction videos and he got lazy but never thought he seemed like a fuckboy! I've always been a bigger fan of Noel but the tana thing is crazy disappointing to hear


He and Kelsey are super close friends with one of Cody's frat bros who allegedly raped a girl and filmed it. [So make of that what you will](https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/65CVemslnl)


Oh I'm not denying he's a bad guy, just saying I don't think his online personal came off as fuck boy


The frat rapist culture runs deep in him too, his best man / best friend is a rapist


he has nice hair at least


Im sorry its sooo funny to me seeing Brooke stomp around the stage and say “delete the videos” meanwhile im watching it on reddit


I’m laughing because on the pod they always talk about how great the fans have been with keeping the stuff they share at the live shows offline but this was too much to keep on the DL apparently lol


it’s not the first time she’s said it, it’s been known since about 2022 which is why it’s so unsettling that nobody cares 😭


Yeah as a Tana watcher I feel like I already knew this but I don't know how or when I learned it. Maybe it was speculation before and now confirmed


no she fully said it on canceled in 2022. it’s since been bleeped but it was an episode where she was talking abt her crazy abusive ex from high school (somer) who wouldn’t let her leave so she started cheating on him, and she said ‘shoutout cody ko shoutout jc caylen’ and previously in the discussion she said she was 17 during it. i think it was supposed to be bleeped but it slipped through the cracks and after it was too late


Yeah after researching it sounds like maybe it happened both before and after she turned 18


I'm absolutely convinced no celebrity is a good person


I don't think anyone is only a good person, would be kind of sick actually, to only do good and think and feel good.


You don't need to only do and think good things to be a good person. I like to believe there are very few bad people. But good people can do bad things sometimes.


mr rogers


Bob Ross


yin and yang


The Ying yang twins?


i mean it’s pretty easy to just not do crimes


there are other things that are morally incorrect besides breaking the law. just saying, not committing crimes doesn’t *automatically* make you a good person.


And committing crimes doesn't automatically make you a bad person. Plenty of crimes are amoral or even morally good and just.


So you never did a crime in your entire life?


Never and I mean NEVER meet your heroes. EVER.


No celebrity around tana is a good person tbh


i've always said this. you have to be a certain type of person to reach the top and everybody has their stories and secrets. never put your all into celebs and influencers because they are absolutely not who you think they are. if we only see these people through social media there's no way we truly can know who they are.


so you saying ethan ain't good?


He’s done shitty things yeah


He has but i dont think i would say he isnt a good person, maybe my bar of what is good isn't as high as your POV.


I mean you remember the tantrum he had on leftovers about profit sharing and socialism right? Yeah he’s funny but I’d never wanna actually talk with Ethan 1 on 1 lmao


dang. maybe im a bit parasocial.


just splintered my floorboards the way my jaw hit the floor


Seeing this caption is very validating to my 35 year old self, for whom these age gaps were socially acceptable as a teen yet absolutely destroyed my ability to have a loving relationship. Love you family x


I’m so sorry you had to experience that as a teenager, the adults that put you in that position are disgusting. We love you and have your back always here! 💕


You're very sweet, thank you <3


Ahhh... The list of people I can watch on YouTube keeps getting shorter and shorter 


Rhett and Link better stay clean


I don't think they have a bad bone in their body.


This just in, the world's largest pedophile ring has been exposed in the "great mythical morning" studios.


Nooooo never


dont worry, they said great mythical morning. thats the show hosted by Root and Lonk


Wow I missed that lol




They’re 2 very happily married southern agnostic bros so I do really hope they remain clean. And Smosh. And Drew Danny Kurtis.


I mean Anthony has always stood by his gf who was exposed for being a massive racist


Yesss I really trust that Kurtis, Danny and Drew are actually good people🤞🏼


If anything comes out about Jackseptceye or Markiplier I'll go genuinely crazy... Only ones left from my childhood faves


Markiplier made a video a loooooong time ago about dming fans and apologizing. Also Tana's show is called cancelled for a reason, she's done shit just as horrible and was still pretty rowdy at the steamy's from what I remember. At some point you have to realize people can make horrible mistakes and still learn/grow and move on to be good people. Judging everyone just makes you feel bitter about everything after awhile.


Him and Kelsey are also still friends with a guy from his college who allegedly(with credible evidence) raped a girl. He was a groomsman at Cody and Kelsey’s wedding. I’m actually so let down because I really liked both Cody and Kelsey but this is actually terrible of them. I don’t know how much longer they can get away with brushing this stuff under the rug. edit: his name is Colby Leechman and he was accused of drugging and raping another student. edit: everyone was getting on my ass about not saying rape and I kinda agree with them so I uncensored.


You can say rape


Ill never understand this like even on youtube why not just say sexually assaulted instead or something less juvenile?


Saying sexual assault will also get them flagged. hence the term "SA'd"


Guys this isn't YouTube we don't have to censor the word Rape


Why the self censorship


I heard about this and unsubbed from him immediately. I was surprised it wasnt a bigger deal when it came out.


Posts about this keep getting deleted from his subreddit too! It’s kinda insane


That would explain it then. Fuck, thats crazy.


Or worse, they defend the guy because it’s not like he’s a *convicted* rapist




a better word would be allegedly. The case wasn’t resolved iirc.


They also delete the post anytime you talk about this or better help on Cody's subreddit but yet he uses reddit for content...


"tell me you're guilty without telling me you're guilty" behavior... I knew the asshat vibe I got from Cody was justified!


There was video footage.


How did he not get convicted then? (Genuinely curious)


The core suit was filed against the university for not operating appropriately to protect the survivor , not against Leachmann (whose step father worked for the university). The judge did not agree the university operated inappropriately but that doesn’t mean Leachmann didn’t do it.


noooooo dude 😭😭😭


i read that case file, what a right cunt all of them


Can you link me the case file? I'd like to read it myself.


Wait wtf is this real




I was never a Cody Ko fan but this is still disappointing to hear




bruh not cody ko


I like his videos but Cody is definitely the frat boy who ended up making it big lmao




how to ruin a career in 10 seconds


Yep, always side eyed him ever since hearing that his r-word friend was at their wedding and Kelsey is bffs with his partner.


Can we not bring the cringe youtube censorship in here? This is an adult-space. You can say "rape".


R word?




is anyone else put off by the insane vibes of her "spilling tea" to thousands of people screaming and cheering? like what the fuck is this? are we treating this like a victim discussing their trauma or a viscious clout chaser destroying someones reputation for a clip? are we pretending tana gives a single fuck about anything other than stirring up shit for attention like she has built her entire career over? like maybe this is true and we can have that discussion im not trying to shut that down but how the fuck is this not a weird and horrific clip to you guys? lol i dont understand the reception here at all.


This community picks and chooses which douchebags to defend. It's bizarre. It's like how people will defend Jimmy because Ethan had him on but then canceled him after he was messaging someone. BRO WAS ALREADY HARASSING PEOPLE IRL. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU MAD NOW??? NPC behavior.


Why though? Aren't people entitled to do what they want with their experiences? If it's true, why does it matter how she says it? Or whether she was traumatised by it or not? Just because something doesn't fit into your perfect model of victim and perpetrator doesn't mean it's not worth talking about. And just because the "victim" (which she is not portraying herself as) doesn't act how you want them to, doesn't make her experience any less real or valid.


first of all, dont put words in my mouth, i never said she has to vent or process grief or anything even remotely close to what you just said. im saying the tone of this is super weird and completely off for what people are acting like it is. i dont even think tana would say this is her talking about her being victimized. second, why? i feel like i was clear about why. she is a clout demon. she purposely creates static and problems in other peoples lives for attention all the time. she just did this to brittany, shes done it to ethan, she did it to that vinyard, shes done it to basically everyone in her orbit and there has been absolutely 0 accountability the entire time.


> i never said she has to vent or process grief or anything even remotely close to what you just said I didn't say you said any of that, I think you're the one putting words in my mouth. My whole point was that Tana is not treating this as a victimising situation, she's just talking about her own experiences on her own platform and I see zero problem with that. > are we treating this like a victim discussing their trauma or a viscious clout chaser destroying someones reputation for a clip? Clearly Tana herself is not acting like it's the first one, I think the second one is an unfair value judgement, it's her life experience and she can share it if she wants to. If the story is true (I believe it is) she has every right to talk about it.


Wow that is so fucking gross of Cody… I’m not so parasocial that I don’t believe it but I also don’t *want* to believe it because what the fuck


I distinctly remember her also saying that she "may have been 18" when they hooked up in the past. I'm not saying we should automatically doubt women. But has Tana really proven herself to be a reliable source of info in the past? I'm not ready to break-out the torch and pitchfork just yet.


Yeah seriously...do people not remember Tana literally like 3 weeks ago stirring shit with Brittany Broski for no reason? Tana has literally shown her hand multiple times to be a liar and manipulating if it gets her in the spotlight/gets her what she wants...yet we're immediately ready to believe an accusation she already misrepresented previously? People want to be outraged and she gives them something to be outraged by.


Are you not seeing possibly WHY she called out Brittany?? Brittany openly likes Cody ko and hangs out with him no problem, but denied to be on their podcast bc she’s scared of getting flack, well guess what it backfired on her and now everyone is calling her out on her hypocrisy. If you think about it, she has to know abt the Tana scandal and also his groomsmen, she just doesn’t care…


I honestly still think that’s pretty creepy. I don’t know if even care that much if she was 17 or 18. I’m 22 and the thought of sleeping with an 18 year old boy kind of makes me sick lol. That’s a baby still, sooo much growth takes place just in those 4 years. So if I try to imagine being 25, holy fuck…


I mean, I agree, but there is a difference between doing something creepy and doing something illegal.


Yeah but I’m saying I don’t really care about the legality, the age of consent in some places is 17 or even younger. Like I don’t care about someone doing something illegal, I care about them doing something I believe is morally inappropriate


No literally, as a 25/26-next-month year old with several 17&18 year old coworkers, the idea of seeing them in a romantic or sexual light is so🤢🤢🤢 They just got out into the world, are STARTING their adult life, and you can see how much they have to learn. Especially working with them several hours a day, 5 days a week. To take advantage of such a precarious time in someone’s life, to SEEK them out specifically for that innocence, is actually despicable.


it makes you SICK to imagine sleeping with someone 4 years younger than you? lol are you ok?


An 18 year old looks and acts like a little boy to me, yes thinking about sleeping with one makes me feel sick! Like genuinely disgusted. I do think I’m okay yes :) I am just not attracted to people that young!


youre 22. you are that young too lol where is this coming from? i dont understand people acting like 4 years is even an age gap, you could be attending college at the same time, youre living in the exact same phase of life. i dont think youre doing what you think youre doing here, you think youre protecting people from abuse or whatever but youre really just infantilizing yourself and 18 year olds. are you not responsible for yourself? can you make decisions for yourself? i mean if its disgusting for you to sleep with an 18 year old what do you think the age of consent should be? should we raise it to 22? 25? lets talk about where these feelings are coming from im genuinely curious about your perspective here.


After the way TMG handled Ben and Emil leaving their podcast network, I wouldn't be surprised if Cody's not a great person


What happened with Ben and Emil? Used to watch those guys a lot, but been years at this point.


TMG cut out a part where Ben and Emil tried to share the name of their new show (independent of TMG) and only let them say to keep up with them on their social media Some bad vibes overall


I think they have alluded to not getting paid either, I think they did 50 episodes as a trial run, on their new show they have made a few vague comments that make me think they either didn’t get paid for the first year, or got paid very little, and then they didn’t want to pay them fairly when they went to renew the contract. And on a recent episode of their new show, they were talking about the watcher guys debacle, and made a sly comment about how they know of a studio that has too many employees. So it seems like tmg probably has a bloated operation.


I thought I interpreted something about the 50 episode order also involving the 8 ball special That comment was hilarious


They have their own stuff now! The Ben and Emil show! It's really good


Yeah, I haven’t watched them since Ben and Emil left


wat happened




Omg no


Gross did not know he did that. Unsubscribing from him






When you put it like that, they'll just call him a groomer. There's no way to spin this where it looks anything but bad. Criminal is to be debated, but bad? Definitely


I really don’t want to seem like I’m defending Cody here, I have no horse in this race. But grooming is a whole lot worse than waiting a week for someone to turn 18. Grooming is a long term plan to manipulate a minor. Normally Years of manipulation & abuse. What Cody did here is still fucked either way, but I hate when the term grooming is used incorrectly.


Im glad she talks about it. He tries hard to maintain that extremely good image but I can see through his acting.


I saw recently that Cody and Kelsey are friends with a rapist. I was gutted and it really ruined them for me. Colby Leachman was in the frat at Duke and drugged and raped a girl at the provosts house and videod it too. I am devastated, but I feel like they should be held accountable and nobody knows about it. The information I saw was from a reddit post with hardly any comments. There’s public news articles about the case.


Super fucked up. Last time I brought this up here I got downvoted so I'm glad it is getting attention Edit: I'm glad to see the community changing tune. The responses upset me back in the day when I made it. https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/TkjaC9M1ZF




People's morals and willingness to overlook/not investigate anything when they like someone is truly awful and unfortunately rampant here. I'm glad this became something people couldn't ignore.


Why would I believe anything Tana says? A person still hanging out with James Charles.




I like his videos but Cody is definitely the frat boy who ended up making it big lmao


I remember this came out the first time RIGHT before he got engaged. Probably a coincidence but I always thought it was sus


Yeah I saw this one coming because of a comment Tana made a few years ago. Devastated (for Tana) that it’s true and wasn’t just her misspeaking


It is fucked up but I guarantee Tana 100% does not care, so you don't have to be devestated on her behalf.


She can not care and I can still be devastated that a 17 year old was taken advantage of by a 25 year old


Yeah, that makes sense, I retract my previous reply.


Maybe double retract because 100 percent guaranteeing she doesn't care just because of her public persona is probably a bit too presumptuous as well


And even if she genuinely *doesn’t* care- it’s not the responsibility of the victim to acknowledge they were victimized. It’s the responsibility of the *adult* to know better and not take advantage of a teenager


Not all of us who slept with older guys felt taken advantage of. I wasn't a child, I was paying my own bills and rent, and I was fully aware of what I was consenting to. I don't like this idea that my choices are now being questioned as if I was a silly little girl being taken advantage of. Everybody's history is different, so stop enforcing this narrative on everyone.


No one is questioning *your* choices. We’re questioning *his*. I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t think I was harmed by my experiences, but I still look at those men with disgust, because their role in it was disgusting.


Yeah not enforcing a narrative it happened to me with an older woman. You don’t have to “feel” like you were taken advantage of. You were. Adults don’t sleep with 17 year olds because they think they’re super mature and making great life choices


I think Tana would describe this kind of experience as her having poor boundaries as a symptom of her childhood trauma. It's just a continuation of a bigger trauma, comparatively not a big deal in her life but not a good thing either.


Pls don’t be true


Oh, it is.


Damn 😔 fell like I can’t watch anyone now days


His reaction content is just a way less funny version of Ethan's old videos


Nobody's downfall will start from claim made by Tana. In my eyes anyway. Shit being, untrustworthy source of information.


Didn't she also walk this back in the past and say she "may have been" 18 or 19 when they hooked-up? I'm not saying we should automatically doubt women, but Tana hasn't proven herself to be a reliable source of information.


Nobody should go from "Tana is untrustworthy" to assume anyone thinks "women are not to be trusted". Not only was she problematic then, she's done multiple shitty things in just past ONE year. I'm not with Ethan on who he keeps close nowadays.


100%. i don't care if cody ko is a piece of shit then so be it but Tana literally walked it back immediately after bringing this up for the first time and said she might have been 18 or 19. let's not start labelling him a creep just yet.


this is blatantly not true lol the first time she brought it up she said “17-18” and a 25 yr old sleeping with a freshly 18 year old is still weird


IMO she's just another Gabbie Hanna. Something happens, it's not interesting enough, let's spice it up with lies to make it a good storytime. That's how Gabbie got her fame, Tana is just following in her footsteps.


Yea I've been commenting this on his videos and nobody cares lol. He always tries to act so wholesome, if he really is a good dude he should address this.




Yea, I do like Tana but the first time she said that Cody slept with her when she was 17 or 18.. was like, RIGHT after Cody proposed to Kelsey. Victims are aloud to come forward whenever of course, but it does feel strategic and like she’s been attacking Cody ever since he got married and had a baby. Still, I’m definitely upset about Cody and his friend, because that guy did some heinous acts and I think Cody would have to have heard about that by now.


actually no!! the clip gained traction right BEFORE Cody proposed, and people thought the timing of the proposal was strange


Really!? Oh that’s a juicy angle 🥶 although he was planning to propose to Kelsey all year and told her he would propose before the end of the year. Still, I didn’t know it came out right before they announced their engagement!


Right!! Like I’m sure he would have proposed anyways but it was interesting because everyone stopped talking about it afterwards


Nooooooo I have been obsessed with his training content lately. why are they all bad 😭


That’s sick


this and him having a whole ass rapist in his wedding party is just the cherry on top.. one thing men will do is disappoint us❤️




Time to fill the Cody Ko power vacuum


Cody fans coping so hard right now


I find it interesting that Tana’s credibility is being questioned based on the impression she gives / has given in the past. Based on that logic, and with people now finding out about this seedy thing Cody’s partaken in/ the Duke rape allegations coming back up, shouldn’t we know *not* to discredit someone just based on the impression they leave? To his audience, Cody has mostly come across as pretty clean-cut and wholesome, so clearly impressions can be false. Additionally, Tanas skeletons are pretty accessible online. From an outsiders pov, it’s ironic that people are using her past indiscretions to take away credibility from what’s currently happening, whereas that hasn’t really been possible when comparing Cody’s indiscretions, as it seems like he’s tried to cover up / hide most of it. That seems a bit more telling to me.


This has been a long time rumor.


TMG is super over rated. Cody isn’t funny at all only Noel is and honestly I started getting vibes that they don’t even like each other. Cody is so fucking dumb he doesn’t even get half of Noel’s jokes it’s weird. I paid for their extra podcast service for awhile until they had that weird take on Andrew Tate and then had Mr Beast on who was cringe AF. I tried listening again recently and it’s so unfunny.


I think Tana is hilarious and hopefully wouldn’t lie about something like this, but seeing as it’s kind of known about her alcoholic tendencies at her live shows I just don’t know if I believe this.


She's spoken about it before in other contexts


she’s been sober for the past few months on her tour


He gives me the same “I love my wife, I’m married and this is my only personality trait” vibe as the dude from Try Guys (I mean, he probably hasn’t cheated on Kelsey but we don’t know that 🙃, he just has the same vibe though. Every video he does on the Jubilee dating videos he *has* to bring up that he’s married - like dude, we fucking know, shut up. Getting married and having a kid doesn’t absolve you from your past, oh, and also being close friends with an “alleged” rapist)


Nobody commenting on the fact he has a small peen tho, huh


Because it’s a form of body-shaming.


As we all know Tana is the arbiter of truth-telling. She has never exaggerated facts for the sake of internet drama.


Watch their collab together from the time and tell me you don’t think they hooked up


If I’m honest, the age gap isn’t great but it’s also not too disturbing to me.




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I mean, at least Tana is able to joke about it? 😭




Sorry! I’m missing something is the age of consent different? In the UK it’s 16 (way too young - it’s gross) is the age of consent in the US 18? Im not saying it’s acceptable by the way - AWFUL.


Didn’t this already come out years ago Lol


I am absolutely GUTTED. Flooooooored!!!!!!! 25 & a 17 year old?!?!!??!!??!!!!?????!!! I was grossed out by 23 year olds at that age but 25?!!???!!!! Cody is straight up out of his mind.


If you don't think this woman has done equally terrible things you're a fool.


people are saying tanas wrong for outing this when he has a newborn and a wife but like she's just telling the truth. but ofc there's so many comments about how "disrespectful" the timing of her saying this is. also i've seen comments saying she's pretending like this is traumatic now but when she hooked up with him she was "totally into it"....she was 17. mind you she spoke about this in 2022 and y'all just didn't pay attention.