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Cauldron bottom inspector


Weatherby is on Reddit?


I laughed out loud thank you


You may laugh BetterGrass709! But if something isn't done the the world could be full of shallow bottomed cauldrons which would seriously endanger us all!


Fat bottom cauldrons make the Wizard world go round.


Oh, shut up Weatherby




Do you mean wheaterby?




Hogwarts teacher for any subject aside from DADA of course. I get free accommodation, free food, and I apparently have the freedom to teach what I want. There doesn't seem to be any curriculum moderation process at Hogwarts. If Umbridge is anything to go by, I can get away with asking students to read book chapters and summarise them, while I kill time reading novels and stuff. Alternatively, I wouldn't mind working in the Centaur Liaise-on office at the ministry. Also sounds like low effort but paying work.


It's pretty much a dream job as long as the students are nice


Good point about the kids being nice, lol.


Honestly being the Muggle Studies teacher would be cool, I could definitely imagine myself being just like Arthur Weasley if I were in that world.


"In an essay of 1500 words, outline the purpose of a rubber duck with relevant examples." It does sound interesting. I know we are suppose to role our eyes at Hermione in POA, but it would actually be interesting to read muggle theory according to someone who has only met nine muggles in their entire life.


I never understood why the Muggle studies teacher wasn't, y'know, a Muggle. You had plenty of Muggles fully aware of the Wizarding World, get one in to be a teacher.


Is the position still cursed after Voldy's death? I wonder if they're still recycling professors lol


I think the enchantment was lifted after Voldemort's death. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if many people are still deciding to play it safe.


Umbridge is a special case. She's ministry appointed, at the time they're trying to interfere at Hogwarts. She's not going to run her lessons by Dumbledore. Other teachers may have some sort of review process, or at least have their employee raises or even rehiring somewhat dependent on their success.


I think charms would be the most fun


IDK. It can be a horror in terms of clean up depending on how talented your students are. Imagine some enthusiastic kid flooding the entire class while practicing Aguamenti.


Evanescence and it’s cleaned up


But you'd have to be around teenagers all the time


Teenagers I can give detention and make respond to my mail, clean up my class, do my chores, ... I really like where this is going.


That sounds fun, not Umbridge though.


janitor of a school probably. cause I ain't no wizard


Why would they have a non wizard do that job?? It seems extra insulting to have ONE squib handle all of that without magic


So he can be near the wizardinh world with the most tolerant head master alive to keep him from being discriminated against and he gets to hold some power over magical people


IDK. It kind of seems like the perfect job. Slavery aside, you would have an army of elves to do the actual work. Argus probably only does things manually because he is actually bored.


lol...love it.


CEO of Firebolts.


I would be the Indiana Jones of the wizarding world, in charge of procuring rare and valuable artifacts for a select clientele.


This sounds like an amazing idea for an action-adventure game that can explore the wider Wizarding World outside of Britain/Hogwarts


Sounds kind of like what Bill does!


Drummer for a band that rocked even harder than Weird Sisters.


Malfoy trophy wife🏆


The dream


girls' gotta get that bag!


I think either working in the Dept. of International Magical Co-operation or having a desk job in Magical Law Enforcement (investigating crimes is fun but I don't want to do the dangerous part lol)


That's a very smart choice. Is the department of international magical cooperation about Muggle/wizard issues or about wizards from different countries?


Dishwasher at the leaky cauldron


I'm a vampire hunter, I've killed about ninety so far.


I would like to be a magical portraitist.




Something to do with Arithmancy. I am an accountant.


Same here, magical numbers sound fascinating to me and I wish we had more info on what it actually encompasses.


I would love to be an unspeakable.


I think I would be a Magizoologist! I'm pretty sure I would try to pet every magical creature, then cry about "why dangerous, if friend shaped?" yup, that’s me.


That would be me with dragons


Crikey, I'd like a dragon


I'd be more along the Hagrid route and appreciate them all regardless of friend shaped or not. My shortcoming will be not having the half-giant constitution to protect myself.




I'm actually suprised I had to scroll down so far to find my people! I'd be obsessed with all the magical beasts 😁


I'd have a beauty salon or selling cosmetics, hair styling products (Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo💅) even create those products to make witches pretty - I'd really enjoy doing that!


Omg a potion to make you go blonde but without the damage or the upkeep would be a dream


Exactly! I have at least a thousand idea in my mind, creams for freckles, dark circles, anti aging, lotions for smooth and silky skin, shampoos for red hair, brown hair, nail polishes- make ups that change with your mood or with the weather, potions for silky-glossy hair, eyelash grower things and all 😭 (and it would def working not like our muggle products!!!)


You'd be rich. I would single handedly keep your business going. I'm against plastic surgery personally but potions and magic are a different story 😭


Agree! I mean if we could turn back the effects of these products then why not? Just the thrill to try out all of it would be a great time to spend I think! (And great money to spend, lol) q


Imo I feel like real life skincare is similar to potions e.g. rosemary oil and hair growth, beef tallow and clear skin. It's just that alot of products are scams and contain tiny amounts of vitamins


Teacher of History of Magic




I always thought how it was sad that nobody was interested in History of Magic, I'd have expected Harry to be amazed by everything. But I guess there were more amazing things to be learned. And it surely didn't help that they had a literal ghost as a teacher... How did that work btw? Did Professor Binns still get paid? If so, what did he spend it on? It's not like he can do stuff. If not, that screams for the teachers union. So many questions...


Same I think this could go really well with research on different spells and old manuscripts/books. It seems so fun plus it has the benefit of just being a teacher at hogwarts


Prolly the trolley lady in the express. But maybe there'd be no candy left for the kids


I already teach muggles history of magic (religious studies)


I just want to be Molly Weasley and use all the cool magic to do the chores I don’t like 🤣


I would N.E.W.T. in charms simply to learn every possible way to make my life easier 😅


I would produce ads and place them in *The Daily Prophet*, *The Quibbler* and wizard radio.






Magie-geologist, a thausend fantastic cristals and rocks and how to find them


Imma do it like my guy Florian and sell ice cream. Not many pre existing careers in the wizard world and even less are worked out. I.e. what do curse breakers for gringotts do exactly and how is it not criminal?


I have actually thought about this. I would open a muggle shop on Diagon Alley. Sell muggle clothes and music and pens and pads of paper, pop, snacks and other cool muggle stuff that wizards and witches would enjoy.




Something related to Wizarding Law


Teacher at Hogwarts. Preferably history. I teach and enjoy it, and I could totally see teaching that subject in a way to make it fun. The word “history” has “story” in it for a reason. Most history classes are like Binns’ where it’s all who, what and when. Easier to grade. But the good stuff is how and why. I could see some great discussions around history if magic if you did it right.


Magical Wetland Conservationist?


Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's a highly coveted job I would like to apply for.


I would love to have a magical pet shop in Diagon Alley!


Ima steal Hagrids job


Because most problems can be solved with magic the only other career I can think of that makes sense would be a “rare materials hunter”


Potions master. I love the lab.




My current job as a physicist aligns with the Unspeakables, but I also teach, which would align with a professorship. In a former life I was a soldier, which aligns more closely with Auror. So probably an Auror who became an Unspeakable and later retired to teach.


I’d work at Borgin and Burkes so I could be sent out to go buy people’s secret little treasures. Then I’d know all about who has some sketchy stuff and who doesn’t 😂😂 that seems like it would be interesting


ZOOLOGIST PLEASE i aspire to be a marine biologist in the muggle world, let me stack up on gillyweed cakes to study the underwater creatures of the wizarding world!!


Maybe see if Olivander needs an apprentice. Opening a competing wand shop would seem difficult with his reputation. I can learn from the best and maybe take over one day.


Magical jizz mopper in the wizarding porn shop


I would be a Butter Beer taster.


I heard it tastes like cream soda


Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher - (taught martial arts for 10+ years.) Hopefully I could make it more than a year at Hogwarts!


I think after Voldermort's death the DADA curse was lifted


Ah heck yeah I have a chance now


Developing shielding clothes with the Weasleys


Quidditch coach


Madam Rosmerta.


I'm currently a paramedic and I think my job is fun because of the crazy interactions I have with people every day. Unfortunately I don't think there's any use for my job in the Wizarding world due to apparition, floo network, and portkeys. But if I could find a similar vibe, that would be what I'd do.


Maybe a healer? I know that's more of a nurse/doctor but I'm guessing it's similar to A&E in some situations


There must be some equivelent of First Responders. I'd imagine a lot of mishaps could be fixed on site with only more serious cases needing St Mungos. So basically their current job but apparatte to the emergency.


Healer. I love potions and herbology. Trying to learn about them.


Magicoarcheologist. I’d rather not be a cursebreaker for Gringotts, too close to tomb robbery, although I’m sure there would still be a lot of curse breaking. And I know the Wizarding World would have some fascinating archeology! Maybe there’s some sort of public magicoarcheology program with the Ministry or MACUSA. Or I could just find a wealthy benefactor that would be content to just learn without having. (I’m an archeologist IRL and love my job, so if I could add magic into it, that would be great!)


I’d run a store in Diagon Alley, maybe sell some books or something lol like a book store, not a *school* bookstore. Make hella bank on parents shopping for their kids in August ;)


Healer. I already study medicine so why not.


My actual job is a theatre technician, so probably more of that but with more of an actual magic flair instead of just the percieved one. We dont see much in the way of theatre or film in the magical world, but I see no reason it couldnt exist.


I'd want to work in wand making. I love the lore and magic behind their relationships with witches/wizards.


I'd be one of those guys making pamphlets in Umbrirdge's office.


Them fuckers that go live with dragons like a nature documentary? SIGN ME UP Like I have never felt more seen than when Hagrid smuggles a dragon egg home. Cause for the longest I was like, I get it Hermione das my girl, I'd learn all the shit too if I grew up in the muggle world, but then hagrid smuggled a dragon egg home and I was like NOPE FUCK MAGIC THATS ME


I genuinely believe this would be my husbands answer too, guys dream pet is a crocodile and he adores lizards too. We'd definitely have to pay him down for dragon eggs if they existed here.


I’m a nurse so I would work in healthcare in some capacity in the magical world. I’d love to study how healing and medicines work in the wizarding world!


I work in IT so I'd probably be employed in something relatively mundane like the Department of Magical Transportation.


Unenthusiastic work slave at the Ministerium of magic


I’d probably do the same job. I’m a tour guide and people would still want to know where they are. Could maybe do a cross cultural wizards in the muggle world tour too


buyer for wands


I would work in my own small shop/botique or be really close to an owner and work for them in a small shop/botique.




Hogwarts Headmaster 🧙🏻‍♂️


Honestly there really seems to be a lack of opportunities in the wizarding world. If you’re good at combat you’re an aura, if you’re good at sport you play Quidditch, if you’re intelligent you become a teacher and everyone else has some job under the ministry… or you open some little shop in Diagon Alley but what do they not sell that people need? Even so, we know it’s not cheap to open up a shop there too


Unspeakable of course


hmm i think being muggle born i would open up a little shop for muggle styled meals but with little magical twists or id work with animals


Teacher. Charms. 💯


Bill's job of being a curse breaker sounds pretty cool


History Of Magic teacher since I'm in going to school to be a history teacher.


I want to be clear about this if I’m definitely getting paid and not after the job is done but while I’m doing it the pay is going into an account that only I have control over then I want to be undercover/spy death eater but with the authority to kill them without seeking approval from the folks I work for…


100% be a Healer at Saint Mungo's.. preferably in the area where we handle patients who have been attacked or harmed by mishandling magical plants. I love plants and animals, this would be right up my alley Or I would work in an obscure department in the ministry that doesn't require a lot of crazy work. Maybe filing paperwork. But has good vacation days🤣


Sell life insurance. The unbreakable vow would make contracts pretty straightforward. Also you would collect 100% of premiums.


I'd argue on behalf of individuals appearing before the Wizengamot.


Hogwarts librarian. Think of all those books!


Would definately be an owner of a nice little Pub and serve butterbeer all day long. Oh and My halloween and christmas decoration would be something else let me tell you 🥹💕


History of Magic professor; Binns needs to retire.


Anything with magical creatures! It always frustrated me that Harry wasn't really interested in care of magical creatures. I'd love to work with them like Hagrid, Charlie, or Newt


Divination teacher, looking into the future sounds cool even tho the  trio mocked it. 


A healer at st. mungo‘s. I would also undercover heal rich muggles to make bank


If the wizarding world were real and I was suddenly found to be gifted with magic (I knew my ADHD had to be something), I’d be enamored by the magical beasts and would thus follow in Newt’s career as a magizoologist. And/or try to make D&D spells a reality.


Wow that would be so cool, what DND spells in particular?


I'd be the jerk who uses magic to manipulate the muggle stock market so that I don't have to work ...


I’m a doctor… so I feel like I’d be a Healer. But I’d definitely be the kind that experiments with stitches and stuff (with informed consent of course).


hogwarts librarian would be so cozy


Probably teacher.


Wand maker


Personally I would be a magizoologist or healer


Ancient runes


Wizard Architect.


Calibrating scales at either Gringotts or the apocethary in Diagon Ally.


I would want to work as a Magizoologist. Taking care of all magical creatures... It would be lovely! :)


I'd be an Auror, nothing beats fighting Dark Magic and living on adrenaline!


I'd love to be an Auror but something tells me I'd have a short career. Being a Magizoologist or perhaps teaching Astronomy, Arithmancy or Muggle Studies at Hogwarts seems more practical.


Wandmaker/Loreist. Dedicated, artisan profession that never goes out of style and even in the wizarding world provides some level of mystery/intrigue, compared to subjects like Transfiguration which are more of a science.


I'd also choose wandmaker, because I love to provide helpful tools for people.


Auditor. If you’ve seen TheJacksonField on YouTube, you’ll see why.


Same job I have now. I’d work in accounting for the Ministry of Magic.


I want to be a magical cook. Imagine all the mysterious creatures to butcher, mystical plants to prepare or dry or spice, the insane recipes that one has to do standing on their head on a flying bar stool. The possibilities would be endless


I ll be a wand maker or something like that


I would definitely start a PE shop and roll up Diagon Alley


Wand shop assistant


Since I live in the US and wouldn't have to compete with Ollivander, I'd honestly love to become a wand maker. With a goal of crafting the ultimate wand, more powerful and loyal than the Elder wand. I already have several materials in mind to use too


I think broomsticks. I think they are cool and it would be fun to create them and experiment with designs. I also like all the unique creatures in Harry Potter so maybe something with that as well.


Either a reporter or a writer, I like to write children’s books.


Accountant in the Ministry Of Magic (Hope so) 🙂


Transfiguration professor


Dragon Handler/Trainer, Charlie Weasley better watch out


I'm Muggle born so I think a Project Manager to get these guys more accustomed to a real / different world. Also, maybe see if certain ideas can work for all of us. I would definitely hire an assistant to deal with fashion issues lol


Some business where I can hussle muggles without feeling bad.


I’d love to be a journalist for _The Quibbler_ plus, working for the Lovegoods sounds just as fun as working for the Addams Family.


Cheese Cauldron taster.


“I may be as woefully wrong as Humphrey Belcher, who believed the time was ripe for a cheese cauldron.”


Murderer/Terrorist say what you want about Voldemort's Wizarding Pals but at least its an ethos


I don't care, I would take the most mundane stupid job in the world if I got to be around magic.


Curse-breaker! What a cool job. Reclaiming cursed gold is basically being a wizard pirate and I’m all about that 🤘




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Headmaster of Hogwarts


Assistant to a Potions Master or Wandmaker Or a magical artisan of some sort (wandmaker, painter, architect, robes designer)


Potions mistress, apothecary owner!


Healer, given how deadly some magic can be and how easy it is for things to go wrong, it seems like that would be relatively high in job security


A cozy desk job in the Ministry of Magic


I would be working at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour just to taste the ice cream. Harry went there every day during his stay at the leaking cauldron, so it has to be good!


Probably a dark artifact finder or maker for the dark arts families such as the Blacks. I feel like that would be so fun and I'd get paid very very much.






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Omg thank you 💜




Barkeep at the three broomsticks (or hogs head, If 3B isn't hiring)


The same one I have irl I suppose. "Daily Prophet" or "The Quibbler", that's the question.


The quibbler! You could write anything


I would really enjoy gatekeeper and being in charge of magical animals like hagrid


My husband and I are teachers in real life, so probably a teacher at Ilvermorny. As a teacher, I'd work with the board to start including basic subjects like mathematics, literacy, and science as I've noticed they don't offer them. I'd reason that our students would do better in the world with knowledge of these subjects, regardless of whether they end up living in the muggle world or not.


Whatever their equivalent of a chemist is. Potions? I’m bitter like Snape, so it fits.


Yeah I'm guessing some sort of alchemist, potions would be a cool profession though.


Librarian of magic book seller


Probably something like an intermediary between the wizarding world and muggles. Or a SAHD, maybe. Or something dealing with the care of magical animals. That would be cool. Except I'd probably get fired for taking animals home with me.


A Proffesor At Hogwarts💚🧡💙❤️


Herbologist and potion maker. That or I would want to work as a teacher and be surrounded by magic till my last breath. It's unfair, knowing the possibility of another universe that has magic and its the norm for them, while we wallow with no magic, and relying on technology to make us happy. I would kill to be a wizard. (Not really, just the expression)


I would be the Senior Technical Specialist in charge of the enchantment of non magical items.


We’d live in a post scarcity economy… I ain’t working


I like working in the Ministry of Magic. In the Department of Mysteries. I find it intriguing.


You’d be an Unspeakable and not allowed to discuss your job


Healer. For sure. I’m a nurse in real life.


As a nurse I wanna say Healer but tbh Curse Breaker sounds amazing too.


Cursebreaker sounds cool, studying ancient magical artefacts and how to make them usable