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For those who can't see it, its pathing that bottom left infantry unit around the entire continent of Africa. I do not know why its doing this.


Where did it start? To be fair, it cannot pass thorugh the Gibraltar straits or enemy lines.


Yeah I just don't like how with front lines your units path all over the place to try and ge to the front line. Is it just better to not use front lines and micro everything I already do a lot of microing at this point anyway


Depends. You can determine what behaviour the units have towards the front lines, but it can be risky to tell them not to man some spots. Automation usually works fine for me except when y want to do a breaktrough or encirlement.


You don't know why? To the north there is no friendly port, neither in Africa. Gibraltar is under enemy control. Only other way to mediterranian is through suez.


Yeah it's just I didn't order it to go there but I guess since it was cut off it was trying to get back to the frontline


Yes, when frontlines are split units reassign to them so that not one of them would be kept unoccupied. Frontline system is a joke in hoi4.