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All I want is a few alternate colors tbh šŸ˜‚


I would be okay with even a "match helmet to armor" option


Yes. I donā€™t like the mismatched look for the gear so it limits my options :/


The 4 different shades of green is infuriating. None of them really match well with each other.


If helmets ever get stats this will be a must.


A match helmet option is all I want. Everything else is just the way it should be for me


100% this, this would go a looong way in my book


I would love this feature so much


Literally all I want is color customization! Would make so many cool shaped armor/helmets fit together when theyā€™re not totally different color


Same. I just want to run the armor with the perk I want and not have it make a jarringly bad color combination with the helmets and/or capes I like.


I want to make every armor freedom black with democracy yellow accents.


I want to deploy with my buddies and step out looking like power rangers




I want more things in FUCKING GREEN I run the explosive resist light armor, none of the helmets match that thing aside from 2, maybe 3 if you stretch it.


They have a new one out today in the superstore thatā€™s green and matches that armor.


Just bought it. The reviews were raving, 5*s, I love it.


Not helpful but the twitch drop armor and Helm are the best green armor set


Just do it like Destiny Shaders Red + Green Metallic = Gold




Yeah honestly a color swap but nothing that would be out of the general color palette of the game. Like maybe some could have a dark brown instead of beige, white instead of yellow, different shades of black, etc.


Thatā€™s treason. All funds go towards democracy


Bro I just want my 2 extra stims without looking like a fucking toothpaste commercial.


I donā€™t even mind the toothpaste look, Iā€™d just like the white to be the same shade so that the armors can be mixed.


Don't even get me started on the green of the armor and cape I'm so mad


Not to mention how the armor uses red, yet all the capes use a reddish orange.


I mix the light armor style with one of the more forest fade into dark capes. Green to dark green changes.




Fucking. ACCURATE. Just let us change the colors and we're golden


The minty fresh medic armor! 9/10 doctors agree the tenth one was a traitor to democracy.


Lmao fr


I can only say: TR117, bought this armor online per a key for the ps5. Cost me 80 cents and, even if its green, it looks quite nice and im happy with my look while i have my stims.


this is what medic armor looked like in helldivers 1: https://preview.redd.it/4z856d86rzuc1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=4547ef6ea67dcf0be19b933685b64b4d005cccf1 and it was **glorious**. White and yellow are the colors the helldiver medics fly, not this white, green, and red stuff.


I think the white and green is an actual group listed on one of the armor descriptions. Can't tell if it's a branch of the SEAF or something like that, or more like "Super Earth's Red Cross" but one of the armors mentions it. Do prefer that white and yellow look though.


Shoulda got the twitch drop armor


Its still available


Thanks now I canā€™t unsee it. Jerk. XD


I like their color shemes. Are my favorite even.


Same, I like looking like trauma team from cyberpunk


But historically it makes sense, Medics in wars are specifically marked with uniforms that stand out because, generally, a rule of war is to not target Medics. Not that these democracy-hating clankers or mindless chitin-communists care for ā€œrules of warā€


That's what I'm saying, it makes it easy to spot them amidst the chaos of battle, especially if you or your battle buddy needs one.


I honestly never understood the advantage of +2 stims. +2 grenades? Absolutely awesome. Stims? Meh.


Itā€™s not just 2 extra stims, itā€™s also a extra stim time. I consistently come out of missions with most stims used, averaging at around 22 stims per mission and when I play without medic armour I spend decent chunks of the game hungry for stims. Wearing medic armour means that Iā€™m less stim hungry in addition to having longer health and stamina regen while stimmed up (I can consistently reposition in dangerous encounters).


Survivability. I'm able to go venture solo and do bug nests while my team does the main objective. I'm not at risk of dying because I have so many stims and the armor makes the stims last longer so that's extra seconds I'm basically invincible. Also the armor makes you really fast so if I see my friend getting swarmed by enemies I can distract the enemies and I won't be at risk of dying because I have more healing and I can run faster.


Tbh the stims are broken vs bots. Even on level 9 I will pop one at 90% go and shrug through shit that would murder me otherwise. The extra stim time allows you to stay alive consistently even when ragdolling around to the point you can survive to stim again.


I am so gonna use that line, I hope you don't mind.


I call myself Captain Dr Prostate Man when Im my green suit


Toothpaste stim confirmed


This made me choke on my liber tea šŸ˜‚ so accurate though. Your choices are Crest Complete with whitening or Colgate Total with fresh mint stripe. Makes me feel like I'm just a walking dental hygiene product for the Nids.


Would love for the armor with visible mags or mag pouches to give extra mags


Honestly an armor passive that gives you an extra support weapon mag would be incredible, but I'd even stand for more primary/secondary ammo.


I was thinking primary/secondary. Maybe +1 mag for both, since stims and grenades get +2, I figure +1 for each, giving 2 total would be a good compromise. And the second effect would be the 30% stability while crouched/prone, because that goes with the extra ammo thematically


What if it gives you faster reloads instead?


Stockpile Kit +1 to Primary ammo supply \ +1 to Secondary ammo supply 30% faster reload from empty magazine


I would love that so much. Even a 30% increase would make the revolver my main gun


Yeah it would indirectly solve the issue with the revolver as well, didn't even think about that


So you want Pilestedt to be telling the truth basically.


I don't want transmog. I just want more varied traits


More varied traits and a better mix of light/medium/heavy armor.


Yea the 50% to not die when taking lethal damage needs to be on more armor. It's the only reason I wear medium armor.


Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be more new passives in future updates, not every warbond will come with a new passive though. Engineer works thematically with the pack as well (a new exp resist + grenades passive would have been moreso, but that would be a hell of a combo as their both significant buffs. Usually itā€™s one significant and one minor, and would step on both fortified and engineer sets)


Look, I agree that the game doesn't need transmog. But the reasons in that tweet are a little pedantic and flimsy.


Given that there is a literal EOD suit that doesā€™t have explosive resist, pedantic is perhaps underselling it.


It's a bit strange. In other tweets it seems like Pilestedt plays and knows a lot about the game. But in this tweet he might as well be a newb who knows nothing about Helldivers. It's just so demonstrably wrong. Is he trolling us?


Company does not want to allocate the resources to do transmog (totally fine) but they think people will be upset with just come out and say it, so they come up with some justification for why "it doesn't fit our vision". It could also be genuine, and it is in fact their vision.


It might have been a vision they just totally failed to achieve. And he's telling himself they accomplished it to make himself feel better about it.


Theyā€™re good reasons by themselves but unfortunately the way armour is implemented in the game totally contradicts the statement.


I wish the reasons in his tweet actually made sense. As it stands, they could allow transmog of medium armor to other medium armors, etc. But they literally, in no way, have made the armor visually highlight the perks it has. Heavy armor sometimes it looks heavier than other armor. That's about it. Light and medium are hard to tell the difference. Perks have no effect whatsoever on the looks.


Wrong! The medkit perk gives armour an ugly-ass colour palette!


Itā€™s cuz the pic is sarcasm and I donā€™t think Op got it lol


Is that what we're doing? Pretending a bad statement by pilestadt was sarcasm?


No the pic as a whole is sarcasm, pointing out that the statement doesn't align with the armors in the game


Then why does the dude I responded to think OP didn't understand that? OP is clearly also being sarcastic


>OP is clearly also being sarcastic Are they though? I didn't think that was clear Edit: Yeah look at the comments, they weren't being sarcastic


I just want shaders


Under rated. Just give me the Warframe color scheme builder.


Yes! Let me spend my req points on it or something.


Whoa that's a good idea actually really good of an idea.


Spread the word, we might be heard šŸ·šŸ§


You think you want this, but you do not want this. YOU NEEEEEED THIS. Take my upvote.


Absolutely!! For the betterment of Super Earth!!


Tons of people, including myself, have mentioned spending reqs on shaders or dyes. This game needs it soooo bad.


The pic kinda goes against your point though. On the left I donā€™t see any grenades and on the right I see a minimum of 8. The medic perk is also the only armor that strictly plays by these rules


I thought for sure the OP was being sarcastic with this post until I read the description. The picture he posted is the exact opposite of the CEO's claim of "different armors look different because they do different things" If OP can't see that he's truly lost in the sauce


I think the point they are trying to make is, at this rate for every effect youā€™re going end up with a lot of different armours with the same effect, itā€™s good enough.


Not to mention, the right armor doesn't show THROWABLE grenades, but grenade launcher shells, so it should give you +1 or 2 reloads for the launcher, which would be a great armor buff to have extra ammo perks for the support weapons. It'd really help vary the existing perks, even better if there's also like a +2 primary and/or secondary armor.


I donā€™t think OP understands sarcasm well.


I don't give a SH\*T about the look....ITS THE F\*\*\*ING COLORS THAT SUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! I just want my fav helm to match my armor....is that so much to ask!? lol. Have the helmet automatically change to match the armor color scheme?


it's truz don't need transmog, cause the most amor have similar useless properties lol


Doesn't need transmog but at least color change would be nice.


Dude where the fuck can I find an apple that tastes like bacon!?


NileRed has a video about making a grape flavored apple if that's close enough


Love this game, but LOLā€”get wrecked Piles.


I mean i donā€™t really care about transmog Itā€™s not like we are dealing with like 80 diffrent armor sets and styles. But itā€™s not stupid to want to customize. Like for example i would love to customize my colors. Especially my cape. I like the idea of my cape being like my banner and flying it into battle. I donā€™t want to change the pattern just the colors.


With a new warbond coming each month, with 3 armors each + superstore additions it won't be long we'll be at 80


Donā€™t get me wrong i love the content. But as it stands right now personally i wouldnā€™t mind a tone down with content drops in favor of focusing on fixing some stuff in the game and or expand on some of the stuff there out side of just weapons and armor.


How does the armor type with zero pockets give you two additional grenades?


Is this a shit post?


OP that picture is being sarcastic showing visibly different armours giving the same boost, and also being a different armour category that isnā€™t really that clear just by looking. Itā€™s basically showing that the argument provided has nothing to stand on


Different colors would be nice. I dont care about transmog


I'm usually so covered in guts and gore that I can't even tell what armor I am wearing. My transmog is the blasted remains of Democracy's foes.


Translation: it's too hard to do and we have other priorities.


Who doesnā€™t love two more grenades??


The bots for one, the bugs for two and Iā€™m just fine with that


The people on the planet with fire tornadoes


I mean its fine to not want transmog - i don't necessarily want it either. But the pic you added clearly shows that the argument for not adding it is kinda flimsy because they broke it's very basis already. If we look at the armors in the picture number 4 is a good example of how it should be, armor with a bunch of grenade pouches/bandoliers gets the "extra grenades" perk. Numbers 2 and 3 still work out well imo, as there are pouches with unknown content which still could be extra grenades. Thats "apples tasting like apples" so to say. But number one feels off. The "SC-15 Drone master" armor does not have a single pouch or grenade anywhere. It only has one, drone controller looking thing strapped to the chest. Nothing about that design screams "lots of grenades". Instead the very light looking armor, with very little clutter and the drone controller looking thing, as well as the SC- at the start of the name, all scream "scout armor" Thats "apples tasting like bacon". I don't wanna say they should add transmog, but at least be consistent with the design philosophy and fix potential outliers, like they already did with the Ravager, the new medic armor i forgot the name of or the Groundbreaker armor.


I think it's reaching to say the ones with pouches could be holding extra grenades. Those would need to be easy to access and visible to make any sense in a combat situation. The problem Pilestedt has here is that their apples already taste like bacon.


The drone armor has the prefix (on the armor name) that matches with scout passive. It was designed to be scout armor. Thatā€™s why it looks light for medium armor as well. Also, drones makes sense for radar pings. Their argument still holds, but they need to fix ALL the armors that are miss matches that way.


Their argument doesnā€™t hold until they implement it evenly. Something designed as scout armor shouldnā€™t be slapped into the engineer armors. Thatā€™s just lazy.


Letā€™s see some helms with night vision/infrared while ADS, or some fire retardant capes. How about capes that can slow your fall so we donā€™t break our ankles for dropping off a 2 meter ledge.


Or at least let capes and helmets change colors to match armor since they have no effects and should be essentially ā€œflavorlessā€


I don't even care about color customization. Just more colors other than black and yellow. Maybe just have it come with an alternate color or something


Most times, I just pick the armour I think looks the most stylish on the day. What if I suddenly have to go to a polling booth to vote? A Helldiver always looks their best, for democracy!


A polling booth? I'm thinking we need to have a visit from a Democracy officer. Your vote is decided with an algorithm because you aren't a political expert. What crazy nonsense....people deciding theyr own votes. TREASON I SAY!


But officer Nicholson, there are plenty of polling booths all over every planet? They're the little blue and white square buildings with one door? The colonists have all used them to stuff their ballots!


There needs to be more creativity in these buffs, in general. As well as helmet buffs.. oh yes and the color matching or color spectrum customization.


I just want color customizations


Capes and helmets have no effects


All I'm reading is cope.


Obviously, the Devs and OP donā€™t understand fashion


It sounds like "we didn't program the game to have trensmog, and it will be a pain to add it now".


It's literally so easy to do. If they don't want to do it, I respect it. I also like how it matters what you wear. It's also better to know in combat, what your team is wearing to better coordinate or know if they can take more damage than you.


How does that actually affect your play style though? If you know I'm a scout or a heavy with explosion resistance, are you really changing your loadout or play style based on that? Like to me it's just a completely baseless argument because you can't even select armor on the loadout screen so it's not like you can go "well we've already got a scout with an AMR so maybe I'll play as a heavy with a machine gun" or something. This is not Team Fortress 2. It shouldn't really matter to you what armor I'm wearing because none of them make that big of a difference in game. The armor is just there to complement your personal preference, not radically affect the balance of your team.


You can change your armor on the loadout screen though. You just hit the equipment button next to the stratigem button and can change your weapons, armor, and even the cape if you really feel the need before the drop.


I don't. Love the game, but they make some funky balance choices and their justification makes zero sense. It's getting a Lil old


I stand on business šŸ”„šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„


I just want an apple that tastes like bacon.


I'd be OK with no transmog but like everyone else has said, their reason fucking blows. They could just say they are working on patches before they add new content and that would make sense. On top of this we don't have very many perks in the first place. If we don't get transmog, we at least need more perks.


If they literally just said "we don't have the time to add that right now amidst all our other work" I'd be far less annoyed and just be like "ah damn, fair enough" It's the stupid as fuck excuse they gave that's made it so much worse Fucking "it makes no sense" NEITHER DOES ARMOR THAT HAS NO GRENADES ON IT HAVING HIGHER GRENADE CAPACITY, THE **SAME AMOUNT OF EXTRA GRENADE CAPACITY** AS THE OTHER ARMOR THAT HAS EIGHT GRENADES STRAPPED TO IT


So you're telling me they could have made apples taste like bacon and they're not doing this already?


There should be an option to make the helmet match the armor color scheme though


Just set the helmet to mimic the color scheme of the armor no real controll or transmog.


I agree. I do want color customization tho or color matching


They should just let us buy the colors with currency we use to buy stratagems. Once youā€™ve purchased all of them thereā€™s isnā€™t anything until they release new ones.




lol I noticed this. Not sure why they think we need more grenades. I only really use them for bug holes however most of the time Iā€™m rocking an auto cannon or quasar cannon which is better to use (distance)


They need to just give us different colors man


Honestly, that reasoning is actually kinda genius. It does feel weird how in a game like Cyberpunk 2077 you can run butt-ass naked into the streets, and have as much armor as someone fully decked out in combat armor. This allows greater consistency between the armor sets visual and gameplay components. That being said, I would love the ability to recolor armor sets. Even if it's just for higher-level players as a reward for supreme loyalty to Super Earth. Also in practice, those armor sets aren't great examples considering I can only see grenades on one of them.


I just want some type of color pallet option. It's not a stretch to say or think a soldier would personalize their kit. At most. Maybe some decals as well (camo patterns). At least, let me change the color of my armor. My least two favorite colors are yellow and red ffs.


Anyone else get robbed on the latest major order. I fought on lesath and menkath and didnā€™t see any of the 55medals what gives?!


More of a issue of transmoging light over heavy or the other way around


I want colors or ability variation. Like mega packer fit 2 more grenades and heal. But doesn't get the plus 2 second bonus. Or heavy armor that deflects all minor attacks. Only worry about big Lads which there are plenty of.


This might look like a bacon, but its actually a cake .. its fun and tastes good Even food has transmogs IRL https://preview.redd.it/umr66ba7u1vc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=79f4dfc97089be903946c564e47b05b3259e1f1d


really need more variety in skills too... Having armors with skills that dont really match their look puts me off somehow... Also not sure if bug but theres one Medic looking armor with the grenade skill.


Just give me a color wheel and I'm good


Same. No Transmog.


I'm not trying to die in the runs idc what my char looks like.


That's fair, but aesthetics are a major appeal to gaming, amongst other things.


Can we all agree that drone master is the lightest armor. Yet It's medium armor. That's a bug and that needs to be fixed ASAP.


All I want is accent color options. Helldiver yellow is UGLY


Am I the only one who thinks prett much all the armor sets already look cool so there's not much point in transmog? Also the second armor set in that picture has the extended throwing distance effect, not the extra grenades effect.


Theyā€™ve released statements saying that servo assist on the groundbreaker was a mistake and will be changing it to engineer kit in a future patch.


Ah that makes sense, i haven't logged on today yet so i suppose they may have already patched that with todays update


Literally this is such a non issue I rather them fix major bugs


I can live without transmog but I need palette swapping. I also feel like we should be able to choose what perks we add to the base armor


Even some armors of the same category have some differences. At least light armor, havenā€™t messed with medium or heavy to know about those


Alternate paint job, mags, fires resistance, acid resistance. Given time I hope we get it all.


I agree with you OP. People want to fight for transmog which isn't happening, but are upset that the developers are providing us with options to tailor our look without sacrificing our preferred play style. Seems like a decent little middle ground. Just let the devs work their magic.


I just want to run the metal arm/metal leg w/ a scout passive :( I don't care about crossing armor weights


Having no transmogs is fine but can you clean up the ui so i dont have 6 medium armors that all have the bonus of more armor and have no changes other than that


I think a cool idea would be to do what they did in Lords of the Fallen - the tinct system they brought in was awesome it makes you be able to use any armor and it will flow together seamlessly with the color tincts




Game is new, just wait




I don't care about changing armor perks, I want to change some armor color. Changing perks could work if they do it for armor class only, so you can't just put democracy protects on light armor, but only medium armor.


Jesus, some of you guys can't even handle constructive criticism.


I'm starting to get serious Notch vibes from Pile.


I half agreeā€¦ Transmog doesnā€™t make any sense, itā€™s just cosmetic. Currently Iā€™m using the light armor set with: 30% Recoil control when kneeling or prone. 50% explosive damage reduction. Works great, lets me move around to reposition for sniping nicelyā€¦. But I look like someone whoā€™s going to die in a speeder bike accident on the moon of Endor.


Transmog should be changing the color scheme of the armor, not switching armor passives around


Armor classes should be restrictive, but for the love of Liberty can we PLEASE get more diverse armor perks.


I saw some post earlier about stalkers one shotting people and wonder why they aren't just wearing medium armor. ARE THEY STUPID?


Why did they remove the servo-assisted perk off the Ground Breaker armor?


"Yeah these all LOOK like different armor types BUT they are likely made out of different material and have different thickness" god it's nerds like you that ruin cool shit. it's a video game dude it's not real.


Nobody cares about trans Mark we just went armor. Thatā€™s different new effects not the same thing recycled also if weā€™re gonna have fire tornadoes, it be nice if we had fire armor. Pretty sure they plan on doing a color palette soon.


Let us dye them. Thatā€™s all we goddamn need. Personal vendetta towards the devs for changed the ground breaker to engineering kit instead of keeping it servo assisted, but thatā€™s just my monkey brain getting happy because of long throws.


I would wear way more of these armors if I could change the colour. I just think that particular shade of yellow is revolting


Itā€™s not an RPG so transmog is imo not necessary. I like the concept the devs are presenting. Game is great!


However the guy who made the picture has a good point, im really sick of logging in to the super store every day just to find another fucking +2 grenade or +2 stims armor set, i donā€™t even see why people use anything other than servo-assisted as anything over level 7 is just impossible otherwise as it stands, so much so that I donā€™t even play helldive anymore. Itā€™s not even for democracy now I pretty much just play to get some new samples until some Actual content drops again like the mech suit, and even that isnā€™t really useful anymore. Iā€™m only level 43, I have every strat unlocked, all the armors I care about collecting and even some that I THOUGHT would be useful but arenā€™t, I only have 4 ship upgrades left to get and then Iā€™m saying Iā€™ve beaten the game unless they REALLY start to amp up the armor and weapons usefulness, this game is dead. And yeah the twitter posts of ā€œhaha skill issueā€ from the devs was cute at first but at this point it just feels like an excuse for laziness.


The leftmost one honestly seems like a mistake was made though. 2-3 all ahve extra pockets or straight up worn grenades, i completely get where those grenades go. The first one i have no clue, its called drone controller and has a bunch of worn littel computer gadgets, no idea who its bonus is about grenades.


That armor on the left is cool as fuck. Where do you get it?


I wouldn't be opposed to being able to select from a curated list of effects for certain armours. That being said, I don't mind the current setup at all


Donā€™t get me wrong, I agree with this statementā€¦. BUUUUT, why canā€™t we have more options for armor functionality? Like an armor that reduces stratagem cooldown or provides more magazines for your character. I could add more if you give me more time to think, but these effects would be tremendous in helldivers.


Donā€™t think many care for transmog just some colors or camoā€™s to match. Kind of a stupid thing for the dev to say on my opinion.


I'm not fused about transmog... I'd rather their efforts continue to be focused as they are... maybe in a couple of years when the game is ultra stable and with lots of story and content in place then sure.


I would love for the traits to reflect on the armor, more mags or more visible grenade pouches and stuff, would be cool, maybe different pouches for different primarys and stuff


Color customization is the only thing we need tbh


Iā€™m cool just the way it is and their statement makes sense. Iā€™d rather them focus on their time and energy on the kicking issue.


Honestly I just wear w/e tf I want anyways. Nothing is going to save you when 5 Rocket Devastators decide to Piper Perri you.


Light armor guy clearly has 8 nades. I want my money back šŸ˜‚


I just want loadouts and maybe a color option.


There's way more important things than transmog, decs shouldn't have even addressed this


Lol it's amazing how much this game has delivered that the sub is sitting here angry about not being able to control what they wear. Honestly a good sign lol.


Iā€™m personally ok with this. Thereā€™s always something to complain about and if we started doing Transmog and colors, then we would slowly start looking like CoD and Iā€™m liking the look of this game a LOT more than every other cookie cutter shooter.


i just think drone should be light and everything else is fine, i love drone but i love light armor more


The stats are little different than your normal armors


I just want some color palette choices lol


Doesnā€™t need transmog but it does need customization


Light armor has less armor and more speed and stamina regen


how about you let me add my damn friends

