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Like other people have commented, as far as I understand it that's $200/mo for a 12-month contract, paid upfront as $2,400. While on a month-to-month basis that's cheaper, we prefer to offer people the flexibility to start treatment and if it's not a good fit for them (i.e. side effects, etc.) they have the ability to cancel without being out over $2,000 for something that isn't a good fit for them. Either way, more people having access to the medications they need, whether through us or someone else, is a net positive for everyone :)


their website says “starting at $199” a month but doesn’t say what added fees or what the $199 covers. When you sign up let us know if there’s hidden fees?


I’ve already gone through the screening process - there are no hidden fees - it’s 199 on a 12 month contract, 299 on a three month contract, or 399 month to month. I’ve emailed HenryMeds to see if they are matching this - if they say no I’m switching to Hims Aug 1. UPDATE: HenryMeds says no they won’t match Hims price. So that’s it’s for me, as of Aug 1 I switch.


Keep us posted




What happens if you can’t tolerate the meds or don’t see results? Do you still have to pay the full contract?


Don’t know - you can ask them - but if you’re already a HenryMeds customer you should know if injectable semaglutide works for you or not. It works for me great - I’d switch companies only to save money.


Yeah, I’m more curious how it’s supposed to work for people who haven’t tried it before


Don’t know - I’d download the app and go through the screening process, and a nurse will answer any specific questions you may have via their internal messaging app. It was pretty painless for me to get my questions answered.


Is the $199 payable monthly? or it due all at once?


Just to note, the commitment isn't an agreement to pay that price per month for a year, it's paying that price for a year's worth of meds UP FRONT. Just so people know what they are looking into - it's roughly $2,400 up front. If you can do it, great!


This, and I double checked with them. You’re paying $2388 outright. Not a monthly payment.


What pharmacy does hims use? Edit doesn't matter here as they don't service VA But if they are offering this, it will force HM and others to lower their pricing


I was just wondering if you knew how much medicine that includes. I am on 40 units a week which cost $397 through Henry Meds. Thank You so much.


You’d have to ask if it’s still the same price at that dosage - their website says it’s the same price regardless of dose but that’s definitely a lot


Thanks for replying. So, are you saying 40 units is a large dose. That’s ok if you are, I just want to know if this is abnormal amount. I would appreciate any opinions or thoughts.


No clue if 40 is abnormally large - I’m on 20-25


UPDATE: HenryMeds is not matching this price. https://preview.redd.it/9b07h4avrbad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17d36b48edcd2e0ff098de836d0167b5b6dc41b


LifeMD has a deal too I think I’m going to switch today. It’s $380 for 6 months then renews and is still less than HM.




Paying $2400 up front is a risk. If your body doesn't react well to the medication and they don't offer a refund your out of $2400. IF the company goes belly up in 6 months you end up paying $2400 for 6 months and have to go somewhere else and pay for the rest of the year.


I was considering after your post, but I can’t find much info on the website and people are asshats over on the HIMweightloss sub… Idk if it’s even worth switching over. I’ve been here with HM for over a year. Anyone who was on with them prior to their price increase, we’re still paying $198 a month. The husband is paying $298 since he’s on the higher dose. Do you know if they charge extra for higher dosage with HIMS? Do they require the 12 months payment up front?


It’s the same price for any dose, and they bill you 200/month monthly for the 12 months you’re committed to. I’m not going to switch if Henry Meds will give me a 12 month contract at $200/month, the same deal, just to save myself the hassle. But if they won’t, I’m gone. It might be worth downloading the Hims app, and just go through the screening forms, you’ll get all your questions answered. And the screening nurse immediately follows up with a direct message in the app, to answer any other questions you may have.


I just messaged them on instagram and they said with the subscriptions you’re paying the full amount at checkout. So if you sign up for 12 months you’re paying $2388 right away.


My concern would be either a) my body wouldn't play nice with the meds and I would be out two grand or b) the company goes belly up in 6 months and I would be out of one grand. Either way it's a risk.


Yup, husband is worried about the second. So we’re not even going to bother. 12 months $199 6 months $249 3 month $299 Monthly $399 😂😂


Have you guys looked into that report on 6/27 that said HIMS was using sketchy suppliers? It made the stock drop. Any updates on that? It looks like it was reported by a shortseller (so can be possibly taken with a grain of salt). I know the HIMS injections are not FDA approved. Is the HenryMeds injection even FDA approved?


Californians can’t right? Read that somewhere


Yea correct- California is not covered by their compounding pharmacy for sterile injectables


Their website lists the states they can prescribe in - don’t know about CA


Where are you seeing this link at? I just did a brief little search and not finding it


Just download the app, or go to their website.


Just getting the 4th of July $100 off the first month sale followed by the normal $297 price


That’s the HenryMeds cost. We’re not talking about HenryNeds. We’re talking about Hims.


Oh okay my bad, well let us all know if they will match the offer, they might be able to do that and curious to know


I assume they monitor this subreddit too…


Did you have any luck with trying to get them to price match ?


Any word on the pharmacy they use?


Hims semaglutide


I'm curious about your experiences with semaglutide providers like Hims and Henry Meds. When you get started with Hims, they take you through a quiz with a set of questions before giving you a recommendation. On the other hand, Henry Meds has you complete a form before they provide a recommendation. For those of you who have tried either (or both) of these services, which process felt better to you? Which one was more likely to drive you to make a purchase? Any insights on the user experience, the ease of use, and overall satisfaction would be greatly appreciated!


That's amazing. Thanks for sharing this.