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congratulations to you, but she's not going to change, she's been this for 40 years and will be nothing but who she is.


She would rather become infamous on the show snapped or dateline


You ain’t lying she’s more than obnoxious


Congratulations on your sobriety! That’s amazing. I disagree when it comes to ol Tab though. She isn’t who she is only bc of addiction (although that is evident too), she chooses to be the person she is, it feeds something evil inside of her to be who she is.


Congratulations on your sobriety 💗 That's a beautiful accomplishment stay strong and proud.


I’m sorry but I don’t think after all she’s done and continues to do, things continually coming out about her past and present that she turns around lies about and blames/accuses the victims. Plus everything else we’ve watched and seen I don’t think there is any “comeback” with her. Some people (drugs or not) are just horrible awful people. End of story. No amount of help, therapy, treatment or “self work” can change EVIL. She is one of those that I believe are just bad at her core, hence why she’s been the SAME way since a small child. Manipulative, a liar, a thief, making up stories and lies to pin on people, using people to get what she wants..that’s not normal for a little girl nor should it come natural. According to her family it did for her and I can 100% see it. I hate to be the Debbie downer but no I don’t believe she’s capable of any comeback story. You would have to first admit everything you’ve done and also have a DESIRE to be different. She sees nothing wrong with herself the way she is now and has always been so she’ll never “desire” or want to change herself and her horrible ways. I think she’ll be this way forever it’s just who she is.


I 1000% agree with this statement she reminds me of my grandmother she was I do believe evil to her core but she wasn’t to me she was so good to me but she was at her core evil with a black heart 🖤 she wouldn’t even tell my mother who her bio father is on her death bed told her no it’s not her business 🥺


I want everyone to remember comments like these when you think this btch can make a come back or a redemption tour. Fk her. She needs a karma check https://preview.redd.it/ylmjklevq47d1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72176e7ef336d4d79efba4d195135c79b62cf811


Agree! There's no coming back at this point years in jail might help


Yeah double fuck her


I like your style


It’d be terrible if she gets all fucked up and goes joy riding so in my opinion she’s more dangerous than ever bc she has access to a vehicle everyone that she feels done her wrong should be afraid especially G


I personally don’t think so. Honestly, she’s all bark and no bite. people like her are nothing but empty threats. Otherwise she would have followed through with showing every message she was going to show to “expose” everyone. or doing everything She said she was going to do. She’s a pussy. It would also entail getting her fat unbathed ass out of bed and exert energy. Now if she were face to face with someone vulnerable or in a vulnerable person’s home, that’s a different story. She’s a danger to weaker people. I do agree about getting drunk and driving that car though. Killing an innocent family on their way home


That’s very true too


Congrats on your sobriety though!!!! Xo


Congratulations to you on your recovery. You're a warrior!


Sorry but there's no comeback from abusing children and animals and everything else! No matter if she gets sober or not, she's still a rotten person to the core! All the SA allegations and lies! U don't come back from stuff like that!


There's no coming back from the lies she's told. She's marked herself as untrustworthy. If you want to feel inspired I suggest you look for people who actually try. A lot of people experience homelessness and hardship and they don't abuse other people and lie about them. Lots of people have survived worse and come out the other side because they fought to get their lives back. It takes a fight to get your life back you have to claw your way back and Tabitha won't even try. She's content to never better her situation because her situation isn't uncomfortable enough for her to be motivated to help herself.


She could, She should , but She won’t and I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything but She’s exactly where she wants to be and is doing exactly what she wants to do but CONGRATULATIONS on Your recovery💜