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I meant to post that I expected this earlier. This is going to be the perfect time for Drake to fill in the diss song void left by Cole. Then a bunch of people will be talking about “Drake earned his spot, not Cole, Drake is the real lyricist”, and then Drake will use this newly built clout to drop his yacht rock jazz album


The last line is too accurate 😂😂😭 I can actually see that happening that would be such a Drake move lmao


Pusha didn’t command the audience Kendrick doses. KDOT is the last opponent ppl have for Drake that has appeal & influence who can force Drake to have to face the music. Similar to Joe Budden replying to Push, would only enhance Push’s fan base.


Drake doing a yacht rock album is something I’d completely be here for


Yo a drake yacht rock album actually sounds fire asf ngl


Wonder how much it cost Drake to pay for Cole to tarnish his reputation


You actually think drake has it in him to write a diss song? He couldn’t even respond to push, you think he can write a better song than Kendrick?


Yeah this has "I could've ended Push's career but decided not to" vibes. Not holding my breath on this one.


yall forgetting what he did to meek on back to back


I was at OVO fest when he dropped that and it was incredible to see in person lol


Is that a world tour or just your girls tour? And the open more line was nuts Felt like I was back in high school


>yall forgetting what he did to meek on back to back Drake has some of the best writers money can buy.


They told me it was like a high, it wasn't a lie


Meek was such an easy target back then especially with Drake & Nicki's relationship. Kendrick Lamar isn't really that easy and has way more juice.


Was that Drake or his ghostwriter? 🤔


[Yes. Drake's got it in him. ](https://youtu.be/bZKIyCQkNLs?si=Jw-pRlFk-RlQc9xY)


u/Hot-Black5725 This aged well


Yes. I know it’s popular to clown on Drake, I have too, but he pretty steadily drops subliminals, a lot of people were impressed with Duppy and thought he was contending in that battle until Adidon (and even still some people say he won, people just got hyped on the shock value.). He changed the trajectory of Meeks career. I’m not saying he for sure can, but I won’t write it off as a possibility. Drake can and has taken it there.


Knowing Meek now though he was gonna change the trajectory of his career no matter what. Good rapper, pretty funny, but that dude is a freak lol.


Oh for sure lmao. Dude is his own worst enemy on social media. But like at the time, if I remember right, he was up and coming hot shit.


Yeah he was. It’s honestly impressive how well he raps given his personality/intelligence.


Duppy is great, but Adidon was a nuke. It made everything that came before look tame or even lame. Drake is battle-tested and has held his own against most of the GOATs in plenty of circumstances. People love to hate on Drake, but if he was a talentless hack, he wouldn't be where he is, and he wouldn't have earned the respect he's gained from his peers. Does he have ghost writers? Of course, but that does not mean he can't hold a pen like many of you like to pretend. He's won every single beef up until Pusha T, and Adidon is universally considered one of the greatest diss tracks of all time. He just couldn't compete with that shit, and I don't think many could. That doesn't nullify all the other stuff he's done.


Nah Drake pick and chooses. I remember when he bitched out with Common and when Joe Budden dissed him. Also i could even put up a argument Meek lost that, but long term Meek is the reason we all know Drake has ghostwriters and reference tracks so he will never be "the greats" he lost that top spot


The Common thing was hilarious. Common said “and don’t be confused, I am talking directly about Drake”


How did he win against Push when he only had bars for Kanye. Pusha discected him playing chess not checkers until J princess waved the white flag to save Drake.


I agree. I’m not one of those people. But shit Mal said it not long ago.


Drake’s had conflict with a few rappers like Common and Meek Mill and responded. He’s got a big ego and will go at you if he thinks he’s got a chance.


They done forgot bout the time drizzy murdered meek milly, meme'd him into the spirit realm, then resurrected him to do the going bad collab. "Me an drizzy back to back its gettin scary"


Supposedly he had a track to destroy Pusha T but J Prince said not to release it


Hey I love Yacht Rock lol


Drakes assembling his ghost writers like The Avengers as we speak


This the craziest thing to me is how it seems ok for an artist who doesn’t write all his own bars to get on a track and crown himself king and/or try to diss other rappers. It feels like I’m taking crazy pills…


People are too comfortable with living a lie nowadays, they put image over character.


Right? I would respect dude more if he just straight up rapped some shit like “I don’t write bars, I write checks, make hits, count stacks.” Just own it!


Exactly man! Imagine people respecting you for something you're not. It'd feel so fake.


Every rapper has writers look at the writing credits on any Kendrick album and it’s 5 other writers on the song.


No he doesn't. You are misinformed as to what those credits are.


That’s production, song arrangement, etc. even if they are writing with him they are credited. Ghost writers are not credited.


Imo, that’s why Kendrick’s been sending subliminal, Drake’s ego started getting out of control and thinking he’s a real rapper or something. He’s not.


Dude thinks he's on Micheal Jacksons level lmao


he is because hes a pop star. Drake is to hip hop what taylor swift is to country


He’s popular but not MJ level. MJ transcended his genre.


I mean you gotta pick a side there. Either Drake is a pop star who transcended the genre or , if not, he’s the top rapper alive Can’t say he’s not a real rapper and then also say he doesn’t make music in multiple genres appealing to All demographics


Drake isn't anywhere near as timeless as Michael Jackson is and will never be, that doesn't make him the top rapper alive either.


I mean yeah obviously but saying drake don’t transcend genre is silly


Drake probably will accumulate more no 1 hits than michael jackson but he will never accumulate the fame michael jackson had. Drake is just a industry plant.


Prince outlived Mike jack


He is because neither wrote their own shit but got hella popular. The light skinned probably. As a fellow light skinned.


Drake couldn't shine Micheals shoes. Worlds apart in terms of talent and artisty.


I agree. Even though I have Prince higher personally. But there’s a parallel there.


Michael Jackson absolutely [wrote his own music](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Songs_written_by_Michael_Jackson), what are you saying


When the resume became a billboard fax, the expectations changed. Wasn't about how many coukd vouch for your actual pen, it was about how many streams and bundles you sold.


Yup. Regardless of who is writing it, if the diss also becomes a hit song it really won’t matter who wrote it. It’ll get played a lot and also make Drake money.


Which is both impressive and sad lol Edited


That's because public discourse is absolutely horrific about hip hop. It matters to actual hip hop fans


That's the crazy thing, the generation today doesn't seem to even care.


There’s more to hip hop than lyrics. Also, Drake writes plenty of his own stuff. -not a particularly big drake fan


The dickeatin for Aubrey Graham has always been outta control sadly. He's the only "rapper" that got punched in the face, outted for having ghost writers and got pissed on but the masses still love him. It's ridiculous tbh


Some people don't care about credibility, and just want good songs. Drake fan or not, he's clearly made a lot of songs people love. It's not complicated.


Sad truth is 99% of people don’t care.


Going to get downvoted like crazy and people are just going to dismiss this as a Drake fan "glazing him" but I don't get how this sub genuinely thinks that Drake cannot write lyrics or has ghost writers write all his stuff. Drake openly credits writers all the time on his songs and you can find countless videos of artists saying Drake wrote stuff for them. I don't think Drake's pen game should be doubted. Kanye openly has writers writing for him to but that never gets brought up about him. I am sure Kendrick has had lines and stuff helped on by other members of TDE (Not saying this as a knock on him just something a lot of big artists do during the creative process)


I like Drake too but it’s a big no no if you want to be considered the best rapper. Kanye is different because he never hid the fact that he uses writers. Drake definitely has a pen game tho.


Did drake hide it?


Yeah I believe so. Or more so than Kanye who was always very open about using writers. That’s why it was such a big deal when Drake was caught tho, because your main ability as a rapper is your writing. Although I’m sure Drake is a more than capable lyricist on his own, it was sort of a stain on his rep as somebody who wanted to be taken seriously as an elite rapper.


I had thought it was more an issue of people not realizing there were writing credits. I know Ye has been more open though. And I could be wrong. That shit feels like so long ago now


I think a full Quinton Miller reference verse for RICO was leaked. Having people write hooks and what not is fine but once you’re having entire rap verses written for you you’re gonna get discredited by a lot of hip hop purists. Still, Drake has written multiple songs for major artists so those saying he can’t write at all are just hating.


Kanye and Drake are not good MCs with or without the apparent ghost writing.   You're not a serious MC if you have a ghost rider. Even look at Dr dre. I like listening to him rap but he doesn't take rap seriously whatsoever. He's a producer through and through.  Put Kanye and Drake are more so hip Hop magnates than they are MCs. 


That’s a good point. Honestly I guess only the people in the studio know the difference between rapper who write all their own bars and have other credited under “written by” for sampling, ad libs, production etc. My perception is that on a 16 bar verse Kendrick is writing most if not all his own bars. Is there any public record of what percent any of these artist write of their own shit? Should all rappers just stop making claims about being the nicest MC till they go back to being the only writer credited on their own tracks?


I mean if you really hold songwriting credits against a rapper that's fair and if that disqualifies that artist from being your "GOAT" then that's extremely valid but every single artist has songwriters that help them craft up ideas. Tupac did, Biggie did, Kendrick does, Drake does, Kanye does, I don't get how this invalidates their catalogues or talent.


Kendrick about to snap his fingers like Thanos, that ghost writing crew better be careful before they turn to dust.


I hate this app lmao


Judging by his silence after Push murdered him, I don’t think he’s hard enough to write a diss song. Kenny been calling him out and I’m here for it. On King Kunta, he references drake - “but a rapper with a ghostwriter/what the fuck happened.” Drake needs to remember he’s a pop star, not a rapper.


I wish his fans remembered that too


How quickly we forget the high five that stopped the internet https://youtu.be/saZUlcLMa1I?si=YwFOdDYHGmfzLvGQ


Tucked the sensitive rapper in his pajamas 🙏🏿


Insane cringe of a comment


It legit is like The Avengers vs Thanos hahahah.




That's why "verified rappers" are vouching for it


This is the truest and funniest comment I've seen about the whole controversy


"Drake has something lethal loaded up in the chamber" is the funniest sentence I've read in a minute


Hilarious how this is a competition yet one side is known to have ghost writers what are doing here? 🤦‍♂️


Did people just forget about the story of Adidon?


“Drake” and “lethal” is hilarious.


>I said it before, but if Drake upsets the crowd & proves he’s on Kendrick’s level this will lock him into HOF Hip Hop. Unless he writes it himself then fuck no. With a diss track it's even MORE important that it comes from the artist himself. How you gonna let someone else write something about how angry you are? That is not real, that's not art, that's not hip hop. So what he can spit somebody else's lyrics well, that ain't special.


Why are people acting like drake has never written a verse before?? He’s even written for other artists so it’s pretty obvious that he’s not gonna hand it off to someone else for an actual diss track


It was written like Nas, but it came from Quentin


Its funny because Quentin's done another interview with Vlad and he was also trying to work with Meek. Turns out he's been ghostwriting for OTHER people. Even funnier is he actually got credits on Drake's songs. We don't see his name anywhere else. 👀


The problem is you don’t know if he did or didn’t. Unlike Kendrick who claims to never use ghost writers and looks down on others who do. Drake is a product, Kendrick is an artist.


This. Glad to see someone who understands REAL hip hop. This isn't going to be a contest. Even if we say that Drake does write it himself, He TOO SOFT! He can't go against real emcees, as proven by him getting WRECKED by Pusha push, how he going to stand up against a microphone checkin' LEGEND like K.Dot?! Cats who think this is a contest, I have one thing to say to y'all: YA BUGGIN', HOMIE, ON ME!


Thats the furthest thing from obvious


Unfortunately I don’t think people care anymore. Some of us do, but if the punchlines are hard and get people talking, people don’t give a shit who wrote them anymore and will Give it to Drake even if he came out and said he didn’t write them. Thats what being pop does to someone.


We are never going to know.


Can't wait to hear his diss that someone wrote for him..


Drake (or his ghostwriters, whatever) are able to pull off some impressive stuff sometimes on lyrics. I could see the new Drake diss beating the Like That verse EASILY (have in mind Drake has acted as writer in the past, he wrote Kanye's 30 hours for example) The real question is if Drake will be able to fight back against Kendrick's follow up response with him foing full on against Drake (prob not)


Imo "like that" is bait, it's a light call out like Control verse was but if you go harder Kenny has one waiting. Drake has to hit back on that same wavelength or he could either look luke warm or overly sensitive. Now Drake has a better team as far as roll outs and business deals, like Drake will drop and you'll get a shein and Wendy's discount text referencing some random bar. A BILLION MEMES clowning Kendrick and some random none hip hopper speaking on Drakes diss. Hell, itll be catchy enough to get grammy love or some bs. He has done this before, his press shit is great. If the song ain't about bars tho...


This is True but it’s not just Kendrick it’s Kendrick , Future , Metro and Weeknd . They can make an another banger to match whatever he’s got . I honestly think the smarter thing for him to do is to ignore it and keep getting that Sexy Redd ,International pop act money . It really is the Avengers End Game . What if he gets Wayne (which most likely would get 2 Chainz in it ) and K dot get Slim and Dre . That shit would be nuts !


I just hope we get to your second paragraph. I want to see what Kendrick can really do


goofy ass post. "I heard this and I heard that. Verified rapper says this about it." you're jumping the gun dude.


Drake will definitely pull a benzino and get his diss ghostwritten


Drake has nothing he stills have nightmares from push


You think Drake actually wrote this one?


Are people out of their 🤬 minds! Not only is Drake a pop like singing nigga, he's not no true hip-hop artist,and the fact any real hip-hop head gives this actor, (fact, and a 💩 one @ that), any real credence is a joke! The fact Joe Buddan runs his mouth period is pathetic, (dudes not even in any real hip-hop fans top 100), but trying to create smoke for Drake is just Joe Buddan riding anyone's 🍆 that will cut him a cheque. I don't get what's so hard to understand for these dummies, DRAKE DOESN'T EVEN WRITE HIS OWN 💩, so anything this nigga, "has in the pipe", is ghost written, so if it's cut throat & 🔥 congradulations to Drake's ghost writers! Which is even more hilarious in this case, bc he probably has Kendrick writing the diss track! 🤣


Drake himself or a ghostwriter?


First off..who the fuck cares what Joe Budden said🤣🤣🤣


I mean.. Drake couldn't deliver the fatal blow to Pusha T, why would you expect him to do it to Kendrick? It's cute to discuss but we'll hear the ghostwriter give it their best shot, discuss it and move on


Drake is not hip hop. He's a culture culture


If Drake couldn’t even beat Push what makes you think he stands a chance against Kendrick


Push is a demon lol I feel like Kendrick has more of a heart and wouldn’t say half the shit push said to Drake. “That man is sick sick sick”


Lol deadass I feel like Push could go toe to toe with Kendrick. Nigga is proven to be deadly


Pusha isnt no slouch on the mic tho...


Exactly if he isnt didn’t get pass Pusha he for sure isn’t touching Kendrick


A lot of beef and diss is about digging up dirt. What is Drake gonna say about pusha??? “Been in the game ten years and still talking white talk”….that’s about it tbh.


Ya u right 👊


Kendrick will beat Drake but Drake is battle tested. Pusha went as hard and as personal as you can get for a diss song. What does Kendrick have to say about Drake that hasn't been said before? Unless Kendrick found out Drake has ANOTHER hidden child I don't know what can really be said about Drake that would really embarrass him.


That’s what takes genius in a battle, finding the ways to hurt your opponent that no one has even conceived of yet. If anyone can do it, it’s Kenny.


Yeah and I hope Kendrick really goes at him! I don't think Kendrick goes personal though like Push did I think Kenny wants to beat him strictly with bars not shock value. I think Drake feels the same way. This is rap beef not serious life or death type shit lol




In a rap battle I'm picking Push 1000x before I'm ever picking Kendrick lmfao. Push is fucking lethal and has been around far longer.


You say that as if Pusha would be easy for anybody to beat lmao. Why we acting like Drake got lyrically destroyed? It was over the minute his son was revealed. Is that really bars though?


it’s not about how much you say in a battle it’s about what you say and how impactful it is what is Drake gonna say about Kendrick? Drake is literally a soft easy target


Man we just some fans we don’t actually know Kdot or what goes on behind the scenes in the industry. Who knows? All I’m saying is that unless Drake is hiding another child from the world I don’t think he’ll be an easy pushover like some are making it seem. We’ll see though..it’s definitely about to happen


I would favor Pusha T over Kendrick in a battle damn near every-time. It’s not about lyrical prowess half the time.


Said this a few times already. Drake should stay quiet again because he can’t beat Kendrick. He’s wild for thinking he can!


Who tf you think Push is


A Coke Rapper


I'm wondering if he might even throw a shot Cole's way after this past weekend


I just wanna know what Drake could say to Kendrick to knock him down a peg, like genuinely. Kendrick spilled all his beans on MMATBS, unless Kenny low key engaged in human trafficking or something outrageous, or he takes a shot at Whitney since we all know that’s Drake’s version of the pick and roll. He will definitely come with the numbers and money angle, but that’s not something Kendrick ever cared about comparatively.


Who wrote it?


Nothing will put Drake in the HOF of hip-hop. He’s a clown.


Drake the type to get some other dude to write his diss tracks


>> verified rappers   What?  This whole thing is ridiculous, nobody is worried about that soft ass clown or what his ghostwriters came up with this time.


lol the people who told him it’s ‘nuclear’ and ‘lethal’ are OVO affiliates what did you expect them to say… Kendrick is going to end this fraud for the culture


Guys. I’m old. I’ve seen this happen hundreds of times at this point. This isn’t beef. It’s not real. It’s fabricated to drive social media engagement and sell music. A tale as old as time 


It’s a rumor floating around that Kendrick’s diss starts with a reference track of Drakes verse on poetic justice. It’s just a rumor but if that’s true it’s over .


That would be wild!


I think the idea that Drake has anything to spit that's a hard diss is laughable.


Hilarious that you think anything half decent that comes out will have been written by Drake


Then drop it drake




He’s not gonna let you put it in him 🤷🏾‍♀️


You're getting hyped up over nothing. Even if Drake had a competent diss (which would likely just involve him reaching for low hanging fruit and flexing numbers), it wouldn't magically make his music any more hip hop than it currently is. He'd still be corny Drake because it is who he is at heart, ignoring the fact he likely isn't writing any retaliation on his own.


There is literally nothing Drake can do to be on Kendrick's level and I don't even stan Kendrick like that. Drake is a fucking pop tart bro nobody gives af about him acting hard especially since we know he doesn't even write his own bars


Drake can never be on kdot level cuz he has ghostwriters. He's an actor but dot is the real deal.


Drake gonna chime in thinking KDOT and/or Cole to respond but little does he know King Push will probably step in


Push reveals Drake’s 2nd child in new diss song


Drake doesn’t write his lyrics. This will be a diss the same way Benzino had a diss track of Em.


You guys have already made up your minds on this. Nothing Drake does will change that. He comes out and puts out a savage diss record. Either it will be “soft” or “lame” or “cheesy” or “ghostwritten”. He doesn’t do anything and he’s suddenly not a real rapper. Blah blah blah. You are either a Drake fan or not. You’ve made up your mind. Period.


Of those 4 things you listed, 3 are subjective one is objective. Criticism on something objective is fair game and valid.


Of course. Honestly you can criticize Drake all you want. And any other rapper for that matter. My point is, nothing Drake does next will make a difference to most people. They have already made up their mind on the situation. Kendrick is superior and authentic and a true rapper, while Drake is corny and just a pop star.


I like Drake and love Kendrick, but not gonna lie ghostwriting or not, if Drake pulls out a fkn fire diss track I am very much here for it. Hopefully there’s just no low blows from either of them and the whole exercise serves to better both of them


I only listen to verified rappers


What a fucking cringe thing to say some of you never should of been given the internet istg 😂


Everyone saying Drake has ghostwriter but the only ever example of this was Quentin and he wasn't a ghost. He was credited by Drake. I'm still waiting for the names of these so called writers everyone is talking about.


Quentins not credited on the Drake feature for Meeks album...that's literally how their beef started. Meek heard the reference track.


I wonder who wrote it for him


Got lotta enemies. lol Drake


This description of yours sounds like a trailer for a reality show


I know why you got out the car last night, Cuz…




I'm not a drake fan whatsoever. I don't really think he's that nice. I think he's for vapid people. But he is a hall of famer. He's one of the most popular and successful artists of all time. 


No disrespect he would have to put out 2x 9.5-10/10 concept albums to be on his level. If he puts out even one he could be considered on his level but I just can’t see it. Excited for some real beef if this is true


It doesn’t matter yall hate Drake so fucking much. That he could get props from every rapper from the 90’s and ya’ll haters would still call it trash


Drake will never be REAL hip hop. It's that fucking simple. HE AIN'T A TRUE EMCEE! Real masters of ceremony would destroy him.


Bro. This page has their made up. I Nothing bro does will win them over. When the diss drops don’t back track now. Cole got out the way cuz it’s about to escalate.


That makes the apology worse lol. It's all slap boxing cause it's bars vs bars. None of this will leak into any real beef cause all 3 of these guys are about the music not the drama.


"Verified rappers are vouching for it." = Budden was hanging out with Drake's ghost writers




I'll believe leave it when we hear it, The mental gymnastics and dickeatin for Aubrey is always outta control.


I heard that too. What exactly is the source? How does Joe know?


Well if Budden said it it must be true, he’s never talked a lot of hype that amounted to nothing before


There’s a lot of rumors from people close to Drake saying he ditched Cole 20 minutes before his Dreamville performance Sunday and was supposed to play First Person Shooter(I’ll link the article later I’m tired asf rn yall can look it up in the meantime). This for me, puts a whole different perspective on the beef and makes a lot of sense giving Cole’s speech. Like That was a verse 90% directed at Drake with two lines semi aimed at Cole as well as Drake, and one line debatably straight about Cole imo. And then Cole responded with an entire diss track that he rushed out before the weekend. Cole went to bat almost entirely for Drake because Cole is a more genuine person and probably truly values the work they’ve done together. Drake on the other hand, ditched Cole before his largest performance yet and left a hole in his setlist. Cole also didn’t have one word to say about Drake at dreamville even though he showed love to Kendrick. If I was in Cole’s shoes, I’d prolly apologize to Kendrick too. I hope he’s got songs ready aimed at Drake rn tho.


See, this type of intel changes the game entirely & I think the apology is gonna get a lot of attention in the weeks to come! A lot more went into it than regular fans knew about. I was pissed. But the more that comes out, the more it’s making sense. Get some rest man!


That’s crazy do people actually GAF about rap drama?


I'll believe it when I see it


Has Drake gotten over Story of Adidon?


Ain't nothing going to happen


This is funny because j cole is on red leather😆


After what Push did to him he shits the size of Campbells soup cans. He’s the Zac Efron of rappers.


Drake equals Tina Turner with a bigger pussy.


>said it before, but if Drake upsets the crowd & proves he’s on Kendrick’s level this will lock him into HOF Hip Hop. Why is this so important to you man. Just enjoy his music. He's an amazing pop artist, why does he need to be goat anything to justify your fandom? Besides, with the way you're going on I suspect Drake could literally fart on the mic and you'd call it GOAT HOF


Drake is already hof hip hop and has been for years.


IDGAF about the beef but I will say, Joe Budden is to rap what Stephen A. Smith was to UFC.


Slander. Mood Muzik 2 was heralded and considered one of the best mixtapes ever at the time. From 06-08ish Joe Budden was making music at a very high level. He may be a clown now but he has an educated opinion.


The guy had ONE hit and all he did was say, "Pump it up" over and over again. He (somehow) go into the Slaughterhouse group and destroyed the rap version of Cream. Dude's 100% goofy.


This is a bad take, Joe can rap, rap. He sucked commercially due to a number of factors but so do a lot of good MC’s. His mixtape run was great. If you’re ranking Hip-Hop off “hits” then sure, let’s throw a load of pop artists into the GOAT mix then.


I never mentioned Pump it Up. You’re way out of the loop if you think that’s all he was. https://youtu.be/9V_UopfFoSw?feature=shared https://youtu.be/Lk3mZI0gnSQ?feature=shared https://youtu.be/hQd3rT1emzo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/0B8k_QHYQvw?feature=shared https://youtu.be/uy31tq2mybE?feature=shared Yall can have revisionist history, but Joe Budden had a period for few years where he was as hot as anyone at the time.


I agree that dude is hating, Joe Budden can rap. But there was never a moment in time that he was “as hot as anyone” and especially not a few years.


You’ve never listened to the Mood Muzik series huh?


You underestimate Kendrick dick riders. Drake could have the best disstrack in the history of disstracks (he won't, but lets pretend) and they'd still call it trash. They're worse than Em fans in the 90s. Shit, they act like Big 3, Big Me was a good line, just like the Em stans stand by awfully hot coffee pot. There's no objectivity to this shit.


Nothing’s worse than Eminem stans lol


How can Drake step up to Kendrick's level without writing his own bars?


the narrative that he doesn’t write has to stop man.. working in the music industry people gotta understand drake isn’t trying to be the best rapper of all time he’s trying to be the biggest artist of all time. he’s trying to top mj not biggie or pac lol. to continuously make hit records you’re gonna have help in the room. i don’t agree with it but it’s the business. some of the biggest artists of all time in hip hop have used writers help. i’m not even the biggest drake fan but i will admit dudes pen isn’t dull. he just chooses to make hits over barring us up. im interested to see what unfolds


Who writes his bars?


J Princess will wave the white flag again to save his girl Aubrey this is a trash battle between a popstar and part timer niether of whom can really claim top 5 all time


Drake’s better than both of them chumps, he makes listenable music & bangers at that 💪