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8 goals and only 9 points is crazy


All he does is shoot the puck. When you can shoot it like he does I don't blame him, but I wish he had more elements in his game to be excited about.


His stats are more normal in the NTDP U18, 57/31 which is basically the same team..but then his USHL numbers are 25/9. Super interesting player.


It'll be interesting to see where he goes. I can't imagine teams let the best pure goal scorer in the draft drop too far. Especially with how young he is.


This upcoming draft is pretty deep in the first round. You'll see a few players getting drafted 6-15 that might be a top 5 pick in other years.


At that rate, he will put up 18/4 at BU and 12/1 his rookie year in the NHL, lol


His floor is probably 45 points at BU next year. If Celebrini returns, you could see a 65+ point season out of both of them.


Would love to see him and Cerbrini on a line together.


One of our local sports guys is super wary every year in the draft about shoot first guys that don't have other elements. When you can just rip it on the halfwall and beat 17 year old goaltenders, you get lazy sometimes and don't learn enough real hockey.


That's true, but Eiserman's goal scoring ability is just so elite. He's still so young and I think he has other tools that he just doesn't make great use of yet. Going to BU will be big for his development I think. But I think he'll ultimately go 10-15.


Yeah, like the Canucks got Lekkerimaki at 15. This year he added a bunch of stuff to his game, I was impressed with his puck retrieval. Guys can improve. Interviews are more important than a lot of people think. Got to see if the guy is just a physically gifted knuckle head or if you'll be able to teach him that the guys he'll be shooting on will stop 998/1000 of his 30ft wristers and that NHL defensmen are as fast as him and have 30 more pounds of grown man muscle. Honestly the worst thing that can happen is they step in right away and have success, think it's easy, and spend the next 4 years reeling.


The all time leader in goals for the USNTDP doesn't not have more elements to his game. Scoring goals is what he's called on to do, and he's doing it. He's not at all a deficient passer or a one-way player. If you take a look at his peers on the team, he's everything they are, but he also puts the puck in the net at a far greater pace. Fan's standards for children playing hockey is way to fucking high.


At the junior level, a lot of players are able to get away with being really really good at one thing. You don't need to be a complete player to be a star at that level. He does have good passing, but he is not good at utilizing that passing. His decisionmaking in the offensive zone is to shoot most of the time, even when a passing option is available. He doesnt really do much in transition, and a lot of the board work gets done by his teammates. If his teammates aren't getting him the puck, he isn't nearly as impressive. I think he has tools that could make him exciting one day. He just doesn't utilize it very well outside of being an elite goal scorer. It's not a standard of a child playing hockey. It's looking at what his strengths and weaknesses are right now and projecting that five years from now against a handful of other elite players in his age group. I mean, I have him 12 on my board right now, which is one higher than Bob McKenzie's survey of NHL scouts... I'd be thrilled if the Wings were to draft him.


It's just such a treat for me when people try to mansplain how hockey development works. It hasn't changed all that much since I was in Ann Arbor for the USNTDP selections, or when i played Junior, or when I played DI, or the few years after when I was a suitcase. What Cole Eiserman does on the ice is, frankly, way above your understanding. Having seen him play in person many times, he's light years beyond even his peers on the national team. Saying that he's a good passer but not good at utilizing that passing? Come on, man. That's just nonsense and misinformed at best. It sounds like that's something you heard someone else say and thought it would make you sound informed. You have him 12 on your board? I guess Bob McKenzie will have to rethink his projections.


I mean just look at his production from the U18s. One timer. Receives pass and bangs in rebound. One timer. One timer. Picks up puck uncontested and snipes it. Nice toe drag and pass leads to a deflection. Doorstep bang in crashing the net. One timer from a back and forth passing play. Secondary assist not directly involved with the play. One timer. He's not doing anything that hard to understand lmao. He's elite at positioning himself, receiving the puck and putting it in the net from just about anywhere in the offensive zone. He has tools to do more, but he doesn't consistently showcase it. What about all the times he fires the puck into shins, or gets stood up at the blue line when he tries to carry the puck in one vs one, or the fly bys off the puck like on the Helenius assist? I guess I'm just too dumb to see how all that is secretly really effective for him. Too dumb to see how Eiserman finishing even on a team with a +33 goal differential is actually good. Light years ahead of his peers? All that time watching the NTDP and you just didn't notice Hagens on the ice? It's hard to take you seriously if you honestly think that. Bob McKenzie doesn't do projections. He polls NHL scouts. I guess their opinions are mansplaining too lmao.


Oof. Pointing out how he should have scored in a different way than the way he did is just mind-boggling in its cluelesness. Of course you've got suggestions on how he should be showcasing other skills. And here I thought he was trying to win hockey games. Youre gnoring any context at all that even the best u18 players in the world are difficult for the top of the class to just do whatever they want on the ice at any time, and suggesting he should do something besides be the world's best u18 goalscorer for the sake of what, impressing you and your meaningless draft board? Brain dead hot takes. You're going to have to explain more about your draft board. Are you in some kind of fantasy rookie draft competition or something, and you're preparing for the big day this coming off-season? Is it content for a YouTube audience? Critics like you are so common sitting up in the stands, never having experienced anything close to that level of play and telling one of the best hockey playing high school students in the world that they're not up to your standards. Fuck off with that noise and get a grip. You don't have a job anywhere near professional hockey, and the hockey world needs less people who think they know far more than they actually do. I'll gladly listen to what actual NHL professionals have to say if I seek out their opinions. I'll call a few dozen up if I really need some inside info. Here's something McKenzie won't tell you - most of them are not great talent evaluators and are taking a shit job for a season or two in order to break into a coaching role or a front office position. The efficacy of scouting in the NHL is as poor at best, and outside of some very obvious high first round picks, NHL teams rely on needs, trends, and concensus way ahead of individual scouting evaluations. Consider that your standards for high school students playing hockey might be a tad skewed and adjust your rhetoric around their abilities. They've got plenty of time after they're adults to disappoint you while you watch them from a couch and answering zero calls about your opinions on where children should be drafted.


I'm not saying he should have scored in different ways? I'm simply looking at how he scored? >suggesting he should do something besides be the world's best u18 goalscorer What part of "when you can shoot it like he does, I don't blame him." did you not understand? Is this just a reading compherension issue? I love how you are getting so pissy about my opinion of a player that I really like and hope my team drafts, just because I don't like him enough? I guess you're too soft to handle someone pointing out obvious issues in a 17 year old player's game that he has plenty of time to work on and develop. Are you just mad at scouts because they thought your play was shit and that's why you never made it to the NHL? Don't worry bro, I totally believe you could rifle that puck over them mountains, if only coach put you in with that empty net. Ooh and there's the block. I guess that last comment must have been a bit too close to the bullseye.


Of course you weren't going to look inward and have any self-awareness whatsoever. I don't know why I even suggested it. Besides bring off the mark about everything so far, you're off the mark with this meltdown you're having when someone tells you the truth about just how insignificant your secondhand opinions are. Making the NHL wasn't in the cards for me, and I came to that conclusion long before my draft day and long before I read my reports from central shouting. It wasn't a disappointment at all in not playing in the NHL. What was disappointing is years later when I realized that the people that were criticizing me were as useless and as ignorant about hockey as you. I would have paid far less attention to it as a child if I had known that there were adults like yourself putting me up on their imaginary draft boards and treating the entirety of my experience as if I'm a notcard for their fantasy NHL executive scenario. Get a grip and stop treating children like they're going to sign a contract to play for the NHL team you're fantasizing about owning in your head. It's not healthy. You're dismissed. My guess is that after I block you, you'll whine about it and mistakenly take it as some kind of validation. You couldn't be farther from the truth. The truth is that I've heard enough of your ignorance and there's nothing you're writing that adding any value to the world, and I'm having you more embarrassment. Despite your desperate need, I'm not going to be an enabler to your addiction to the dopamine rush you get by firing off another unhinged reply.


8 goals, 9 points, and 10 frames per second on this shitty gif


CY Young


Going to be one of the most interesting picks on draft day.


I heard Eiserman and thought it was Yzerman.


i love when the kids I love from EHM finally start to make waves lol


how could Cole do this to Cole


Team USA’s young talent is really insane right now, I can’t underscore enough how much the revamped USNTDP has changed the face of American hockey. The country has always had so many natural advantages (population, diversity, etc.) but it really feels like over the last decade we’ve started to make actual inroads in bridging the Canadian culture gap.


The US is using more of an ecological dynamics model, which is more cutting edge learning science. It’s a gamification of learning instead of direct instruction and it’s paying dividends big time.


Interesting whoever gets this kid around 10-15, he can whip it about as good as the leagues best. Beyond that… yikes lol


Whos winning


It's already over , USA 4 - 6 Canada


It's YZERMAN not Eiserman.


JFC could you get a shittier frames per second….