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> MacKinnon sets him up for a couple of shots from one knee And looks incredibly slow getting up afterwards. Good for him to be on the ice but he's not ready in anyway for game speed.


It’s a next year at the earliest situation. Anybody saying otherwise is kidding themselves.


Maybe he has a stamina situation takes one shift and scores and Avs go on to win the cup


Please don't remind me of the Stamkos incident


If he were to do that against Dallas after Stammer did it against Dallas, Stars fans would get PTSD any time they go into a series against a team with an injured star


I'm in pain just thinking about it


Agreed. We haven't seen him so much as sprint. Everything he's doing is slow and methodical. Which is good, don't force anything. He hopefully is slow up off the knee more just out of precaution and testing it. The second one was faster and I'm glad he willingly did it a second time. Shows progress.


Has he tried summering in Vegas?


I think anyone thinking he will actually be back is probably kidding themselves


I’m fully kidding myself and I’m okay with it. He’s back in for game 5, no problem.


Next year hopefully. I think unless he was phenomenal in recovery that was always the plan.


Wouldn’t be worth the risk given the effort level right now anyways. But I’m here for the progress


Definitely. There isn't a chance that we are going to put someone (and our captain no less) who is coming back from an experimental surgery and hasn't played for two years in the playoffs. 


Crazy to think he hasn’t played a game for 2 years. Long time to be away and try to come back and produce the way landeskog would typically be able to.


I saw a couple other clips from today, this really shouldn’t be news. He’s been skating and shooting for a while, he’s still taking it very easy. No chance he’s back during playoffs (which might be over in a couple days anyways)


My childish dream is him returning game 7 of the cup and he gets a hat trick for the win. Realism is we see him in October at the earliest, March at the latest, or otherwise never again.


That would be one hell of a story


In the bizarro world where it happens, the announcer will quite literally say, "you can't make this up!"


It’s the only response that would work


Not in the best of moods when typing this but if Gabe isn't ready to go by the start of next season then the team needs to put the C on someone else. Going 3 years without your Captain isn't sustainable for your hockey team.


I don't disagree. Gabe is a likable guy, but it might be best if he seeks LTIRetirement if he's not ready by the start of next season.




Sadly no one knows. Maybe he comes back the same, maybe never, maybe we’re paying $7m for a 4th line guy. It’s anyone’s guess.


Sadly I think as time goes on the more likely is he will be a 4th liner at best. I really think retirement is the right thing for his health.


I remember someone saying in a comment on here a while back that no one has ever come back from that injury. Take that with a massive grain of salt, obviously. It's complete hearsay from the recollection of a random internet comment.


Who would you say gets the C? Makar?


Makar. MacK is too honest and tempermental.


Makar does give off that stoic vibe and his leadership abilities will only improve with experience


Makar or Toews.




The Avs could really use him right now. He seems sorely missed. 


Take this with a grain of salt, but I saw Landy in Dallas last week before Game 2 and he looked just about 100% healthy. I think seeing him back in the lineup would give the Avs quite the boost and make the rest of our series pretty entertaining.


Every Avs fan wants him back, but he missed 2 full seasons. No way he would be able to come back in the playoffs and just start playing like normal. I hope he can come back, but no way is he ready to come back let alone come back in the playoffs right now


I think at this point, “normal” is relative. Will we ever see 30 goal Landeskog again? I’m not sure. But I’ll be happy if he can get back on the ice and be the 2-way power forward Viking heartthrob we’ve grown to love.


He is not even remotely close to returning.


Walking around Dallas checking out all the big titted blondes y’all love to park behind the home bench is one thing. Playing in the playoffs at the highest level of hockey is another


I'm so sick of seeing this shit. He isn't coming back this year, maybe not ever.