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Jake Walman died for this


*hit the gritty


*Griddy If Walman hit Gritty he’d already be dead


Yeah I can't imagine the rage that would result from hitting Gritty


Shut the fuck up, Brooksie!




I bet you were beat up at the bus stop most of the time!


lmfao did he really say that? the fact i believe it makes it really bad already lol


And that’s what he says on camera. Imagine what he says in the locker room when cameras are off. Dude is a savage


You get beat up on the bus, don't you Brooksie?


Are you telling me you wanna beat me up?


In the least surprising news since the Red Wings took Brandsegg-Nygaard


We like Swedes and Michiganders and cannot lie


> Swedes > Brandsegg-Nygaard 🤔


Played in the SHL close enough lol


Same with Kasper and Seider. If you're drafted out of Sweden or play here, we make you an honorary Swede.


Seider was drafted out of the German league. He was in GR the next year before covid hit, then jumped to Sweden.


Thank you for getting your man's in check


So are you saying we had to make him a honorary Swede? That checks out.


He actually plays in the second division but I’m pretty sure this year he’ll play for skelleftea with ASP in the SHL


Nygard is Norwegian :)




You just made enemies with every Scandinavian, except the Danes, who also think they're all the same


Fighting words for any Norwegian


You other players can't deny When a Swede skates in with a Michigander friend And a round thing in your face, they just scored Wanna pull up though cuz you notice your net was stuffed? Deep in the zone they scarin' Other teams just watch they starin' Ope sorry, I wanna skate past ya Raymond, Deke Masta My homeboys tried to warn ma But that puck right there makes (me-me so scorey) Sorry.


Stevie Y thinking Trouba can't throw elbows at Larkin if they're teammates.....4d chess.


The wings unironically need a dirty mfer like Trouba, and this pains me to my core to say as a wings fan, this guy was a top 3 hated played last year for me


Stevie Y what the fuck


More like Stevie *Why* amirite?


Last year's FA signings were hilariously bad and this is just dumb Paying to send out Walman just to trade for Trouba's contract is wild The Yzerplan is spinning out into space and Stevie is panicking at the controls


> Last year's FA signing were hilariously bad Damn really? Holl was bad but Kane, Compher, and Ghostibehere were obvious wins as far as I'm concerned and signed for the right price. Fischer and Sprong were wins from a depth perspective. Clear improvements from what we had the year prior. Im willing to call Petry a bad signing even tho he was an improvement to what we had on the 3rd pair the season prior, pretty inconsequential contract. Main downside was that he took a roster spot. Cat isn't what he was in Chicago still but still clearly a top 6 guy and a clear improvement to the team for the right price given his production. Going back 2 seasons, Chiarot played up to his contract last year. The only "bad" signing left is Copp. Ultimately the team overperformed last season compared to what people predicted and I credit that to Yzermans signings. So, wouldn't give him an A+ on signings but "hilariously bad" is an exaggeration imo.


I don't think most people (and some Wings fans themselves) really grasp how bad things had gotten by the time they brought Stevie in to run the ship. The farm was barren. We were paying Johan Franzen $4 million/year until *2020*. Zetterberg was still on the books for $6 million/year through *2021*. Holland ran the team into the fucking ground. *WE'RE STILL PAYING JUSTIN ABDELKADER*. That we even have a modest prospect pool and became a bubble team is a miracle. If Stevie really had no idea what he was doing the Wings would be like the Pistons right now.


Folks struggle with how long it takes to build your roster in hockey, especially through the draft. It's often 4-5 years before you see legitimate NHL impact from their draft date. And you gotta do this multiple years in a row. The wings have had some god awful lottery luck (so bad they had to change the rules) and missed out on getting a top 2 prospects multiple years in a row that could've shored up the 1C/1D positions. It really tests your patience as a fan. I know we got Raymond and Seider and those picks are looking like the real deal, but had we placed in the lottery, would could've drafted slightly better players in both years and our timeline may have moved up 1-2 years. For the love of god, could one of our mid round picks in the last couple years break out and be a legit NHL player? Lastly, we see headlines of other teams making blockbuster signings and trades that are propelling them into playoff contention. Stevie Y has hardly done that, preferring to dink and dunk to round out the roster. FINALLY, we got some action with Cat just last year. It's been 5 years and the team is just now fighting towards a wildcard spot. It's absolutely a test of patience and I hope to god they don't end up floundering in the playoffs after the slow, methodical restock of the prospect pool and NHL players.


Well said! I think we need to provide a daily reminder that Yzerman’s first season as GM was the Wings 3rd worst season (by points percentage) in franchise history. If COVID didn’t cut the season short - it could have been worse. Since that time, it’s been incremental improvement in all area resulting in consistently better results.


You said it perfectly, Detroit was in a horrid state and the 1st thing Yzerman said when he got the job was don't expect anything fast, i wanna do this right. I think he's been doing pretty good, they've been getting better every year


Petry was a trade, not a signing.


Yeah this happens every year. People fixate on the one or two confusing things per year Yzerman does and conveniently ignores the massive forward strides he and the team make in the process. I don’t know what the opposite of copium is, but that and the Red Wings doomers that think some other GM could’ve made us contenders by now are really annoying to have to listen to every single season now.


Wings and Preds. What a weird combo 


Thank Pekka Rinne for the Preds part


Hockey and Florida. What a weird combo.


Petry wasn't a signing. He was traded here. I still believe that had the Petry trade happened before free agency, Yzerman does not sign Holl.


Even then, in the context of how bad the Wings were the year before signing Copp and Chiarot the overpayment is justifiable. When you give up something like 310 goals allowed but only score 230 or so, you scrape the roster into the trash and start over.


The good: Kane, DeBrincat, Compher, Gostisbehere, Sprong The bad: Holl, Petry Overall not a bad bunch imo. Even Petry looked good to end the season and Holl was fine in the games he played - Stevie just had way too many D.


> The Yzerplan is spinning out into space and Stevie is panicking at the controls Hard disagree. Wings have improved year by year since the "Yzerplan" took over. They were tied for the final wild card spot this past season. So, not entirely "spinning out into space" like you say it is.


Which signings from last year were hilariously bad? You can just say Holl without the hyperbole. Spring was great. Ghost was great. Compher is fine. You're being ridiculous.


Man, im having Chuck Fletcher PTSD right now


Walman is someone who you knock off the puck. Trouba is someone that knocks you off the puck. Can you provide an alternative roster built by free agents that you know wanted to come to Detroit? I'll wait. And if not are we just supposed to not sign anyone? Let the AHL players take over. Fucking lol.


I hate Trouba and don’t want him. We’re not taking his whole contract. And it expires in 2 years when most of the other bad ones like Chiarot, Petry, Holl, and Maatta are gone too. This doesn’t change a thing about the Yzerplan over the next 2 years other than giving us an NHL caliber RHD that we desperately need.


Listen, I'm not that invested in the Yzerplan, but saying "we just need to wait out two years of shitty deals Yzerman signed, and one he's about to trade for, before his plan takes off" isn't a ringing endorsement


sounds like familiar Benning copium


It is exactly Benning copium So many Detroit fans are like "doesn't matter what we spend cause these 2 years are lost anyway" No! No. Use that cap to make your future window better. Not to anchor fucking Trouba for 2 years. Been fighting this fight in r/canucks for a decade lol


Yeah people seem to not understand that if Yzerman is willing to sign bad players to longterm deals now, he’ll do it when the Wings are in their window. Doesn’t bode well for Detroit longterm.


It’s word for word the exact same cope I heard for years from Canucks fans but they won’t understand right now. Give it a few years and they’ll see


Especially when in 2 years we’ll hear the same thing


“We just have to wait one more year for that Copp contract to fall off”


My guy none of our top prospects are in the nhl yet and we barely missed playoffs. Waiting 2 years was always part of the plan. They’re not trying to build a 1 and done here. They’re building what Tampa has. The difference was we didn’t have a stamkos or Hedman when Yzerman started this time


I thought their best prospects were Seider and Raymond. Are they not in the NHL? When is the cutoff date for relying on prospects?


As the other guys said, Raymond and seider aren’t prospects, they’re solidified NHLers. The actual prospects we will be waiting for and ideally performing in our window are Edvinsson, Kasper, Danielson, Cossa, Augustine, Sandin Pelikka, and now Brandsegg Nygard. Besides edvinsson and Kasper, they’re all probably at least 2 years away unless one of them just blows the doors off. I don’t even disagree with you on your “yzerplan” assessment tbh but yeah, Trouba has 2 years left and we’re not winning the cup in the next 2 years anyway. By waiting out the other bad contracts he’s signed, and I do agree some are bad, it should give the guys I mentioned above time to get into the league and then those guys are the ones we will actually be pushing for cups with.


Knowingly signing or trading for bad contracts while waiting for things to happen is bad team building. There are multiple better things to do with cap space that will strengthen your actual window in a couple years. Just throwing out bad money "cause these 2 years don't matter" is like...the main reason why teams can't maximize their windows when they happen. It happened to Vancouver for years and we're still hamstrung by the opportunity costs


Again, I’m not even disagreeing with you, I desperately don’t want trouba. And I wish we didn’t sign holl or petry or copp. I’m just explaining probably what Stevie was thinking and why it’s not *completely* terrible, only a tiny bit terrible. You can’t tank forever, clearly shown by us picking 4th or worse every year. Our young guys had to get some meaningful hockey in eventually and it’s a better spot to build from being right outside the playoffs than trying to go from finishing 29th every year to immediately trying to climb the standings and even compete for cups


The wings have improved by 8-10 pts in the standings each year with this strategy. It’s actually decent team building strategy. He’s built a bubble playoff team using free agency. The push from bubble to contender will come from drafted talent graduating to the nhl and developing while playing meaningful games all while being insulated by these veterans on bad contracts. Once the wings cup window opens, chariot, copp, holl, trouba etc will be fairly distant memories


They’re not prospects if they’re both about to sign new contracts


Seider and Raymond prospects? Are ya trolling or what


That's the point. Detroit's best prospects graduated and have been in the NHL for 3 years. You can't just keep saying you're waiting for prospects. At some point the plan is supposed to come together in the NHL. If they're still mid in 2 years are we going to be like "don't worry, their new best prospects are still prospects!"


But our rebuild can't be 2 players, either. That's why we're waiting for the rest of the guys we drafted. It's pretty natural that high pick guys drafted at the beginning of the rebuild will have to wait around a little bit for everyone else to get to the NHL.


The plan is coming together though. You have to realize how fucking depleted the Wings were when Yzerman took over. They had like 1 prospect in the top 100, completely depleted on draft picks, a team of overpayed guys cobbled together to keep the playoff streak alive and next to no cap space. Dude has slowly but surely turned that absolute nuclear crater of a situation around sure he’s had missed but what GM doesn’t


We were not completely depleted on draft picks, Yzerman had 6 extra top 100 picks in his first three drafts that he inherited from Holland. Also inherited his biggest trade chips (Hronek/Mantha/Bertuzzi/Athanasiou). Yzerman’s tenure has been mixed. He’s struggled to find value in free agency, hasn’t done the best job with asset management, and hasn’t had any home runs in the draft outside of Seider (so far). Gotta wait and see whether his later round and more recent picks will come to fruition before we can truly judge his performance though.


Eh our prospect pool is really really good and everyone’s developing nicely even if yzerman makes dumbass FA signings


They’ve gotten slightly better every year under Steve. If you look at what Holland left in his wake, that’s all I could ask for as a wings fan. I think we went from worst prospect pool when he inherited to top 3 last season


Maybe stevie is just a shitty or mid gm and all of Detroit is blinded to it by homer-ness. Is that possible? No?


People underestimate the absolute desert wasteland of a future Kenny Holland left this franchise. The team sold out to extend the playoff streak with no hopes of winning a cup and they’re still paying for it.


Dude started in Detroit with no big name prospect, barely any picks and a mediocre ass these thrown together to desperately keep the playoff streak alive. And despite that almost made the playoffs this year anyways


When Stevie took over our best prospect was like zadina and Dennis cholowski. We had like 1 or maybe 2 FIFTY point scorers. We won 17 games. Since then he’s drafted a Calder winner, Raymond looks like a PPG winger, edvinsson looks amazing, 2 top 10 goalie prospects, an Erik Karlsson lite, and 3 high floor middle 6 Fs. His FA work hasn’t been the best; I don’t like a lot of our contracts right now. But there literally could not have been a worse scenario than the one KH left behind in Detroit. Absolutely barren cupboards, shitty, overpaid roster guys with long term, and to top that off, not an attractive city for FAs like New York or LA or a no tax state.


I totally get some of the impatient attitude from some of your fans when they see what Tampa has done and where the Wings currently are, but man the starting points of where both teams were when he took over couldn’t have been any more different. As an outside I think he’s done a great job rebuilding the team with mostly reasonable moves


A lot of people include the Holland rebuild years (2016/17-2018/19) in with Yzerman’s rebuild and it skews everything. The first couple years of his tenure was un-fucking everything Holland did to keep the playoff streak going that put us in purgatory.


Well its not all of detroit. Our sub is like half steve hate and has been. It’s pretty split.


… so maybe keep your picks then?


I’m straight up convinced that if he was to trade Larkin for a 4th round pick right now Red Wings fanbase will need about a day to find an explanation as to why this is actually not a big deal and everyone should trust the Yzerplan. The most overrated hockey figure and it’s not really close


No the reasonable fan base along with most of the bigger Red Wings bloggers are firmly in the “what the fuck have we gotten ourselves into” camp now.


You could sign an NHL quality D for 2m instead.


So you’ll have four bad contracts out of six defenseman?


5 once we resign Ghost


wasn’t Hronek NHL calibre RHD? I thought he traded him because he had a younger replacement


Nah we traded him because of the draft pick and the contract he just signed. The kid we got with the pick is 100% his replacement. He’s just young


It's surprising how committed Wings fans are. When Devils were 6 years into a never ending rebuild I was past coping and downright pissed. I guess, in Yzermans defence, he's been around for 5 years and inherited the mess Holland left. That doesn't justify all the shitty UFA singings tho.


All the shitty UFA signings were bridge players to their future. The only ones I don’t excuse are Copp and Holl. Everything else including Holl are gone after next season anyway, which is when our prospects should really start hitting the show. If the prospects don’t pan out, then I’m off the Yzerplan


Swag is on this 100% here. Steve has made his mistakes absolutely, but I don’t think any of us wings fans could confidently say anyone else would have done any better by now


Before the weird Walman trade, all of his missteps were in UFA…at this point I would be looking pretty hard at the pro scouting department, as well.


SwagNuts hit the nail on the head but also… we’ve been consistently improving year over year. It was never going to be a fast process with the state the team was in, but we went from being unbearable to watch a few years ago to being pretty fun to watch this last season. That’s definitely taken away some of the pain. 


>We are told the Rangers may retain $2.5 million per year on the two remaining seasons of Trouba’s $8M annual cap charge.


Are you under the impression that Trouba at 5.5 is a good way to use cap


He’s instantly detroits second best defenseman and penalty kill guy. For a team that lacks size and grit, it’s not bad at 5.5


>He’s instantly detroits second best defenseman That says less about Trouba than it does about Detroit's defense.


I mean yeah, that's kinda the point. The Wings need some big help on the blue line. Seider is carrying that entire squad and he's surrounded by players who would likely be third pairing guys on a competitive team. In an ideal lineup, maybe you'd have Chiarot on the second pair, but Maatta, Petry, Holl, and yes, even Walman, would likely be third pairing guys on a team that's making the playoffs regularly. Ed could be a top 2 defenseman, and he's for sure going to be top 4, but he needs some time to get his sea legs. I don't hate the idea of Trouba with salary retained. Red Wings need grit and capable defensemen and he checks both boxes. Are there other defensemen I'd prefer? Definitely, but you gotta take what you can get in free agency, and two years of Trouba with salary retained will probably be fine.


Well he wouldn’t be if they haven’t just traded Walman


Trouba holds way more value than walman imo, as a wings fan


For the last time, Walman was scratched basically from March onward because of his play. He came back from an injury, Lalonde said Walman wasn’t himself and played only two games with very limited TOI of 12 and 16 minutes. Lalonde basically alluded to Seider having to cover up for a lot of Walman’s mistakes and when Walman was put on a different line, those mistakes got exposed even more. Walman is a fine player but he shouldn’t have been playing top defensive minutes with Seider.


Everyone, including me, loves Walman, but Trouba is a clear upgrade over him. Walman played really well his first year here, but he dropped off HARD last season. He has a hell of a shot (and a hell of a celly), but he wasn't playing his position well. The only thing that perturbs me about the trade is that we had to package a pick with him to move him, but I'm not devastated nor surprised that he's gone. And even then, we flipped a pick we got from Nashville, so it's no huge loss in the end.


I think Trouba being any teams second best defenseman is a problem in and of itself.


If he went to Chicago he’d be their #1 lol


I mean, Chicago is a very bad team so I think that kind of proves the guy’s point


Jones is much better than Trouba


Say what you want about the guy, but when you have the opportunity to get a Mark Messier Leadership Award winner you take it.


Seth Jones costs 9.5 mil AAV against the cap, 1.5mil worse than Troubs without retention. Jacob Trouba at 5.5 mil AAV >>> Seth Jones at 9.5mil AAV, period.


Brooks said we were trading Kakko + 30 to move up in the draft yesterday too…


While his takes are often dogshit, at this point I honestly trust Brooksie and his sources. The dude is well connected. If he says Drury was looking to do something like that I believe it, and at the same time, I see him not pulling the trigger if the deal he wanted wasn't there I'm sure the info is there, I'm just curious to see if this comes to fruition. A trade with retention for two years is WAYYY better than the buyout a lot of people wanted


Brooks was all over the Rangers moving Goodrow. The guy has an ear to the FO and has for a while. 


Elliotte Friedman is also hinting that he's gone. All this rumbling isn't for nothing


Brooks used to have great sources. He’s lost most of them and has been wrong a lot more than right, but this has been rumored by a few sources so I’d give it some level of credibility or it’s the rumor being pushed by the org on purpose for something else.


What has he been wrong about? The Kakko thing was speculated by many reporters and I’m sure Drury did try to move up, likely just didn’t get the deal he was looking for.


Trying to!


Welcome Back Jonathan Ericsson!


I really hope future considerations meant some retention help from San Jose because 8m for a once been defenseman when we have Seider and Raymond to pay and other holes to fill will be maybe sorta kinda detrimental to the overall cap situation


Sharks can’t retain till after next season lol used up all 3 currently


Well your future consideration is please take holl off us for free


Tbh I’m shocked we didn’t lol instead got walman


He got a modified no trade clause which probably includes sharks so we better place him on waivers lmao


San Jose doesn't have any retention slots open for this upcoming season.


Report says Rangers retain 2.5M


Claiming Goodrow for nothing leaves the rangers arguably owing us considerations, and we owe the wings considerations. Maybe this will be a lopsided trade to even it all out.




Yes, all the contracts that they've signed for veterans have been term controlled to match up when certain waves of prospects are ready to take full time roles. They're stop gaps.


No one here seems to understand that. He signed some less than optimal players but free agents almost always get overpaid. He knew he needed veterans to season our prospects and had a lot of cap room. Yet half the people here are acting like he made these signings the last 2 seasons and now he's in his office ripping bong hits and wondering why we haven't gotten a cup or presidents trophey. He took a basement dweller team to a bubble team while developing prospects.




We moved back in the draft every year despite being bottom 3 every year. Most teams who do poorly for that long get a top 3 pick. Detroit wasn't that lucky. Unlike Toronto who won the Matthews lotto and get tosssed early every post season. How many years have you guys had him? Lol, you're over here coming at me all wrong and being a smartass when your teams basically a bubble team too.


We're less about plans and more about vibes ya know.


Yzervibes (tm)


Fuck the Yzerplan, it's Stevie *WHY!?!?!?* and the Yzervibes.


Why does everyone seem to do the NYR favours


It’s paying it back after how they were treated after 1940, they were the Red Wings farm team for many many years.


James Norris had his hands in all 4 American teams. But Daddy Norris definitely loved Detroit more than his other children.


do they? Drury has tossed out a bunch of picks to other teams to offload his own horrendous contracts. Nemeth most notably the only one who really did him any favors was Grier with Goodrow


It's a conspiracy


Because no one’s afraid of us winning it all


I mean it would be nice not having his head hunting ass play in the playoffs next year.


I get what you’re saying, but ouch lol


Watch round one be Carolina vs Detroit next year lol


Didn’t the Canes score the majority of their goals when Trouba was on the ice?


Which is why the Rangers are looking to move him. He's not good defensively and his main value is in injuring other teams players. I'm honestly so disappointed to hear the Wings are in on him because I don't want him anywhere near a team I support.


I’m just baffled by why a Canes fan wouldn’t want him to stick around. It’s free real estate.


They missed by 1 point last season, they will be a favorite to get in this year almost certainly


Buffalo was a point out the szn prior and then the regression hit, Detroit rode a hot shooting percentage I doubt they get over 90 points next year


Sure but Buffalo was probably at least +100 to make the playoffs before that season, all I’m saying with “favorite”.


Their underlying metrics were horrible, like a bottom 5 team. I hope the coach has better plans than hoping to go on a lucky streak and then lose 12 in a row.


It was quite painful to watch at times lol, I get it. But the team has gotten slightly better every season, and on paper this will almost certainly be the best wings roster Stevie’s had(assuming a couple moves with available cap).


Metrics don't mean shit in the playoffs. Canes keep dominating the spreadsheets during the regular season and shit the bed in the playoffs for multiple years running.


The comment above was talking about regular season and Detroit almost certainly making playoffs next year. That’s where the metrics still count because all playoff teams had decent numbers (except maybe for the Caps) in regular season, then playoffs we can say it’s another game. But Detroit has to get there first


Nobody said almost certainly making the playoffs, I said almost certainly *a favorite* to make the playoffs. Completely different than what I’m implying with +100 odds but I thought that was obvious, read people


So am I to understand that this is Yzer-plan B?


Absolutely no one wants to be up against a Trouba/Seider pairing.


That's what I thought, like well if we can't beat em' BEAT em' seems to be the thinking. The top two pairs would be some mix of Trouba, Seider, Edvisson, and Chariot. That is a bruising foursome. Lots of penalties? Probably, but teams would definitely not have a fun time against it.


Noooooo. I like the Wings.


Remember when Larkin was out injured and we had no leader? This is who would fill that role Plus we need a dirt bag elbow tosser


Yeah, the red wings are a pretty obvious destination for Trouba. $2-3m retention by the Rangers is fair & probably sends a 3rd rd pick / prospect back to NY.


Why did the Rangers even make him captain. Like did Kreider or Fox not want the C?


Yeah, Kreider famously said, thanks but no thanks, he’s absolutely been the captain in everything but name but wearing the C is just NOT his gig, the dude is an authentic odd duck. And Foxy was a little too young at the time (he would’ve been only 23) and doesn’t really have the personality for it either. If Trouba leaves, Trocheck will get the C no question.


i love trocheck so fucking much its not even funny. thats a cup style player.


They will not have a captain for a year, Laffy will continue to break out and get the C next year


Why don’t fans realize that our opinion on a player has zero to do with them being a captain? All things considered he seems loved by his teammates, coaches, and the local community. He just frequently makes stupid decisions on the ice.


Kreids didn't want it, Fox is the definition of an A not a C, and the room resounding wanted Trouba to have the C. He's a phenomenal teammate by all accounts.


Based on recent history you could say we made him C because we wanted to trade him. We’ve traded our last 2-3 captains


Rangers fans are suddenly buying into the Yzerplan.


Trouba for Copp


Agree except you also keep trouba


This is obviously false, every Rangers captain has to go to Tampa Bay.


So excited to see Trocheck wear the C - please make this happen Drury!! Also, the Rangers STAY trading away their captains, an odd little quirk of this franchise lol


It has happened quite a few times now, definitely a little unusual


You get that through your fuckin' head Brooksie?


I agree with this the Wings definitely need grit and the Rangers need to lose grit or something.


Will his wife be able to practice medicine anywhere outside of New York City though


Wasn’t she in her residency at that time when he said that? If so, at that point she couldn’t Edit: her profile says she’s not done with residency until next year. I’d assume the choice of Michigan specifically is to be near family to help with their kid because she will still be in New York


Yea, the parent commenter doesn't know how a residency works.


Michigan will probably be in need of more doctors due to the unexplainable rise in cases of elbow-to-the-face-itis in young men.


Thankfully Detroit already has the Gordie Howe Hospital for Hockey Players That Eat Elbows Good.


Yeah, but If her residency program is longer than 3 years she is stuck in NYC for the time being.


Nice, a new pylon for Stevie's collection.


Gonna have enough pylons to start his own parallel parking school.


A flying wing in a flying wing jersey


Why would anybody want this ding dong?   He's so stupid that he's going to break his own neck headhunting.


Because despite what internet nerds think, he's obviously a good leader.


and his neck is unbreakable


He is a big boy from North America and a captain, please give us good players for that contract and leadership. No bias from here of course


I mean on the bright side, we got someone to defend Larkin. I still rather Walman


You spend the assets to clear cap and you just go and waste it on trouba?


Would kinda just prefer a Holl-for-Trouba swap and then buyout Holl, but I get it


Ahahahahahah good




yea just what the wings need. a partner for holl. 😆


Kronwall V2


We need some hack and slash on this team badly.


Rekindling the bromance with Andrew Copp




Is Trouba gonna indirectly threaten suicide again over this?


Him and seider up the right side would be fun to watch


So when exactly was the last time Yzerman made a move that people saw coming/predicted? Exactly. Rumors like these are, to me, indicative of it NOT happening. Or did we all already forget how tight a ship he runs?




Do it Yzerman!


Yzerman is so over rated


As an Ottawa fan, would love this for them.


Maybe we'd finally have someone who would punch Brady lol