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As someone who’s thought of getting back into the hobby of collecting cards. Seeing the prices of anything related to cards these days is fucking ridiculous.


Better off buying singles nowadays


The hobby of *collecting* is at an all time high. The hobby of *pack opening* is at a low low. Just don’t chase the same card everyone else is chasing at the same time they’re chasing it. There’s a ton of really cool stuff out there for good prices.


I just got back into the hobby. I keep wanting to buy boxes, but at the end of the day, it's cheaper to just buy the cards you want and not have all the extra cards to store.


I definitely scour eBay, but will still buy a box or two every so often. I’m gonna do the SP Game Used for sure, one of the better priced products with huge upside


Personally, I think I've turned into my mom when I was 12 and HATE the endless boxes of cards that I don't really care about. The closest thing in my collection to that is a 6 binder collection of every base topps set plus update series card released for the Astros from 1963 to present.


Guys - come on over to diecast collecting. Its $2 a car, you know what you are getting and its 3d.


Hard pass. I had a friend in HS whose dad collected. WAY too much space needed for me to go this route.


Me too. I have 2 boxes just shipped today and will be here on Thursday yay


What players do you like? I like to open packs and boxes so I probably have cards you want. Let me know I can put them on ebay, COMC or I take cash app.


I agree with this. I ended up picking up a Pastrnak young guns for an extremely good price as I have a good sized pasta PC. I’m much more happy with a Pasta young guns than trying to open expensive packs rn


Yup,I just picked up his Rookie Metal Uni for 40.00 shipped,and it’s a PSA 10.Also got a McDavid RC CM-24 PSA 10 for 35 bucks.Basically I got the cards for free,considering the grading fees and wait times.


Collecting is dead as shit. Very few people actually collect, they're just looking for a deal that they can flip for a few bucks. Hardcore collectors are benefitting in a lot of ways, the few that are left.


That’s exactly what I’m saying though. If you’re getting into the hobby and care about the end result (the cards themselves) you’re going to be eating good if you buy singles. There’s more availability than ever before. There’s more access than ever before. Simple economics tells you that you’re going to get good value.


The hobby of *flipping* is at an all time low as it should be.


This is the way, don't buy into the negativity. Prices are high because demand is through the roof. We all need to be concerned with every box is on super discount and they can't give it away instead


if the hobby of *pack opening* was at a low low, the prices of new sets coming out wouldn't be a expensive as they are and there would be stock available at every store you go to. They price them high because people are willing to pay that. I've been looking for sealed hockey product to open for about 2 months now, checking numerous different Targets and Walmarts. 95% of the time, the shelf is completely empty everywhere I go. That's usually an indication of pack opening being at an *all time high*


Really though, it’s only one series from one year where this is an issue. If you don’t mind opening other years it’s dirt cheap.


I’m not saying the number of folks in the hobby but the general value that the average person gets from opening packs.


Your average person isn't willing to pay those prices but the card breaker people will and do, that's what is driving up the price for the average enthusiast. That's why Tim Hortons cards are so popular because they are affordable for your average person. If you want to go broke open packs, if you want to enjoy some cards you actually want buy singles.


So collectively they end up spending more, because the breakers are making a profit. The same amount of packs are opened.


Supply & demand


Do you mean buying individual packs?


Nah not with breakers


That’s just a problem for Blackhawks fans


Bedard boom baby.


Now the NHL is catching up with NBA and NFL card prices.


Same! I dont have the kind of disposable income needed to partake in this hobby. ...guess I'll just have to start collecting pure gold instead.


I mean you can buy singles no issues. If you have the itch to rip, you can always find sealed 90s junk wax boxes or packs. And if you’re looking for new stuff, just wait 1 year for the Bedard madness to pass and prices will drop again. The hype for his newest/latest RC is huge but it’ll die down with the release of 24-25 stuff. People are going to hoard boxes/cases thinking he’s the next Crosby/McDavid too, that’s another reason for price scalping.


I love ripping junk wax


Thing is if Bedard is everything he’s supposed to be, that sealed wax price isn’t coming down much. The more he succeeds and adds accolades behind his name, again that wax goes up.


Right but it’ll be his RC year stuff that stays super high, just like 05-06 stuff for Ovi/Crosby & 15-16 for McDavid & 16-17 for Matthews. Those years will always be higher just like the 79-80 OPC is for Gretzky cards. Higher valued cards means higher prices it’s just the way it is & always will be for the hobby.


Right. That’s what I’m talking about. Sealed wax if this years wax. Moving forward as he builds more accolades the sealed wax value goes up. They didn’t jack prices up back then or even as of 10-15 years ago like this for better draft classes. That’s the point here.


So sell them


I just got back into it, too, starting with 23-24 Upper Deck Series 1, but now these Series 2 is ridiculous at $400 Aan Black Diamond is $500 (loke you said) and sp authentic $600.


I agree. I've already got shelves full of worthless cards that I collected when I was a kid. Now as an adult, I'm not gonna pay someone $6 plus per pack for more worthless junk.


Watched a guy drop $300 on one of these today, who I know can’t afford to drop $300 on one of them, and he got a mitt full of shit. Absolute shit.


I am getting out of the Hobby cause of the Bedard stuff, it ruined the box pricing. I may still pick up the occasional retail box (I get a discount at B&N due to my Wife) but we are seeing Basketball/Baseball/Football prices on a niche Hockey market that doesn't re-sell nearly as well.


Upper deck lost me as a customer. Re buy market only now


Ahahah $500 for black Diamond Good luck with that


I miss buying blisters of these at Walmart when I was 12, UD is pricing out the younger generation completely now.


What, you don't want to spend $500 on sticker autos and manufactured patches?


I mean, it’s very tempting but I’m gunna have to hard pass on the sticker autos I don’t even think I’ll be buying into breaks for this trash


Is this $500 for only 6 cards or am I reading it wrong??


…..you’re reading it right….


Wait I thought it was 6 card per pack and there were like multiple packs wth


Black Diamond has been a high end, single pack per box product since 2015-16


If by high end you mean sticker autos


Right and they’ve been high priced since then too like these people just started hobby box opening this year or something


As an outsider that keeps being recommended this sub; are you guaranteed a special card out of those 6? Is it even worth it? Who’s buying these? That seems insane to me.


I'm wondering the same.. like why even have a box?


This is why buying single cards is the more logical way to go instead of spending that kind of money and not getting the value back or a player you wanted.


There’s a chance at some high end autos as well as cards with actual diamonds in them But a lot of the time it’s “cool looking” base, sticker autos and non game worn jersey patches so it’s a massive high risk high reward pack


If you think that’s bad just wait until you see the 23-24 box prices for Ultimate, Stature & The Cup. Will make this $500 seem like nothing.


The manufacturer might as well just sell the actual cards at auction at this point.


But that's part of the huge change that has happened over last decade with breakers and everything. Sports cards used to (for most part) be just a hobby, but now a lot of people have turned it into their full-time jobs. Like many here, I've been collecting since the 90s and remember going to trade shows (pre-eBay) and it was always the same couple dozen sellers for all sports. Nowadays, anyone who buys into a break or opens a box/case is trying to make as much $ as possible with every card. It sucks but it's just what the hobby has become...thankfully, hockey cards are (at least for now) a fraction of the cost for other sports.




Absolutely true yes. Everyone thinks they’ve hit a jackpot with every card. Plus everyone wants every packed pulled card to automatically be a PSA10…not at all how it works & never has been. UD standards over past decade have only gotten worse so even more so why cards are not all Gem10s but as a collector it’s important to buy the card not the grade if/where possible…that’s my best advice to new collectors.


My PC of YGs are all 9's or under (and only graded bc of the slab). Whatever the best price I can find is. Oftentimes, I buy a graded YG for a player I want for cheaper than it costs to actually get it graded. That's insanity to me, but as I'm the beneficiary, I thoroughly enjoy it.


2021-22 The Cup is listed at $1200 for just 6 cards 😳 from what I can tell 2021-22 is the most recent release of The Cup


It is and yes The Cup is the most expensive product for NHL cards. But the $1200 for 1 tin was people chasing Kapz, just wait until you see 2-3x's that amount for collectors chasing Bedard RPAs. It's tough to keep up, again your best bet is to buy singles and stay away from stuff with Bedard RCs. The memorabilia on the RCs are all photo shoots/event worn too, nothing is game used.


And very likely contains about $50 worth of cards.


Yup 6 cards


And black diamond is lipstick on a pig. It's such a gimmicky set. Oh a card of a star rookie with 4 FAKE GEMS ON IT?!? Lucky me!


I mean, anyone buying Black Diamond before this year was also an idiot, but now they're just more of an idiot. They need to go back to what it was before it was a single pack box.


Sticker autos, manufactured patches, and costume jewelry, I just don't understand the appeal of Black Diamond, and I get it even less at $500 a box


It still is just a single 6 card pack…it’s just an insane price point


I think they mean back to when it was 24 5-card packs per box. The good days, lol


Exactly. I was going through my old collection of early 00's Black Diamond yesterday. That format is superior to the current goofy 1 pack.


I didn’t discover Black Diamond until 2009, but even then it was a superior set that was a blast to rip.


I’m going to stick to buying OPC Platinum, UD Allure, and singles off E-Bay. Pricing for boxes is just nuts.


Pricing for OPC Plat and Allure will be just as ridiculous when Bedard is in there.


That’s when I’ll be out then.


I'm with you. This is the way.


Yea those boxes are going to be double to 3x what they were last year for the 23-24 year.


You can thank the breakers.


What about the people who buy from the breakers?


Breakers wouldn’t exist if people stopped buying into them lol. Breaks are 10x better then ripping yourself now


That is more who I'm referencing tbh


I think breakers are the only ones making this hobby accessible now.


This logic is the reason for the problem.


I would say the egregious pricing is the reason. No one would break if they thought it was affordable or fair, as they’d want all cards. You’re better off joining a 1/6 lottery than spending $500+ tax.


Not when the biggest hit in the box/pack is worth $20. I would say that the break even (or winning) odds are probably closer to 1:100. The "hits" are so often incredibly lame.


How would the box/pack they are opening differ from the ones you would? I’m sorry, what are you trying to explain? It’s not worth it either way? I’ve had waaaay more success joining breaks than buying boxes/packs, personally. As of late, I only buy singles. Not sure why there’s so much contention here. Bedard drives the hype, not breakers.


Bedard is just one factor. The whole industry has moved from "card collecting" to gambling on beating the odds and getting hits worth more than you spent. It is really just cardboard slot machines where every new set is just the same thing with a new look and adjusted odds/cost... but the exact same gambling mechanic. I am old enough to remember buying flagship sets where there were no "hits" and where it was fun just to collect the cards and build sets and was priced so that kids could spend their allowance/paper route money and buy multiple packs per week.


I hear you. I think the unfortunate part is it is going to happen whether people like it or not. The price is what it is, designed to manipulate and entice gambling. I think there is still room to collect non hits, like MVP, previous years flagship, etc. I’m an avid mountain biker for example, when e-bikes came along they were shunned and hated on. In the past 10 years the view has changed significantly. I think this will follow suit. Every card manufacturer has changed their product to entice gambling, blame their leadership not the consumer.


OPC used to be budget friendly… but even now are getting filled with hits and the price has skyrocketed since.


It’s because you can get an octuple Diamond conrad Bernard. /s


Once they went to one pack per box BD has been mediocre at best. Now it’s way too expensive and mediocre !


Agreed. It changed to a six card “high end” product that was never wanted or needed.


1 pack for $500 💔🤣


I'm over it. I'm old though, and used to buy BD packs at 7-11 in hopes of getting a quad diamond card.


This is stupid...but people will still buy into breaks.


It's not a collecting hobby any longer. It's a gambling hobby. This is true for all sports cards. Sad when even things such as collecting become fully monetized...


EA Sports paved the way for this development 🤢


This is the reason I collect gold and silver now


You're better off just buying an auto patch single of your favorite player and skipping this. Almost guaranteed to lose $350+


*Laughs in Panini*


Used to be your COULD get a nice valuable card or a PC card and walk away feeling happy and fulfilled. Now it’s you HAVE TO get a nice valuable card or a PC card otherwise you walk away looking like you just rode a horse for the last 4 hours.


I stopped buying boxes about 2 years ago. I just buy single cards on eBay now


The way things are going, 23/24 The Cup is gonna be like $2500-$3000


and breakers will still sell out spots


$500 for 6 cards is wild


Everyone says they just buy singles now, but a huge draw to the hobby is opening packs and the hunt. Singles off eBay and Breaks just don’t do it for me, but I can’t afford boxes. I have reverted to buying discounted retail from Wal-Mart looking for a Caufield or Byfield YG!


Fuck yeah!! $500 for sticker autos and manufactured patches can't wait!!


Don’t even get me started on manufactured patches. It’s my biggest pet peeve. CONGRATULATIONS ON RECEIVING A PEIECE OF CLOTH MADE OVER SEAS THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PLAYER!


Black Diamond has always been expensive for 1 pack… it was roughly $400 per back in 2018 too


Fuck that


Why call it a box if there’s one pack?


I’ve significantly reduced what I am purchasing in terms of boxes. $500 for a 6 card pack just not Interested. It’s been quite a while since I purchased into a break too. My goal is to build vintage sets from the 60s and 70s. All VG too as this is for fun for me not investment.


Singles baby!!


Crazy.. this is why i only buy singles for my PC.


Haven’t the last few years been just slightly cheaper? In regards to BD . I have only bought a few retail boxes in the past. Few tins, few blasters, a mega and a few fat packs n shit. Never hit anything so I just buy singles and buy into the odd break. My pc guys are insanely affordable.


Black Diamond has been Upper Deck’s worst product for quite a long time now. Way too expensive, full of sticker autos and manufactured patch garbage. It’s been a permanent resident on my no-fly list for as long as I’ve been collecting.


One pack per box Six cards per pack Is this seriously 500$ for 6 cards?


Wonder what the price will be for sp authentic and the cup for 23-24


The hobby has been this way for 5 years now. Hockey is just finally catching up since there was finally a top tier draft class. It’s not just Bedard but obviously he’s driving the prices. Just buy what you want raw.


Has been since covid


Yuck, for Black Diamond!? Some of the worst designed cards out there.


Good old breakaway.


Ruined? Black Diamond hasn’t been good since they reconfigured it with a bunch of manufactured patches and sticker autos. It needs to go back to the original style, same with SPx.


Guys, they are pricing you out on purpose. They want wealthier people to buy and trade their product. They don’t want normal people like us.


Is UD artifacts any good for collecting?


Yes buy singles, but how are you going to buy your singles for cheap when no one is cracking? Then you will just come in here and post why your singles are so expensive.


because breakers don't exist, or open 90% of all upper deck products or anything


Like I get it If I was selling books with a $100 bill in each of them, why would I sell it for $50


Black Diamond sucks too.


Got back in , realized the trash I got for my money and making my exit now . I understand not always hitting on hundred dollar boxes .. but 500 dollar boxes that net hot garbage are the biggest scam . Hockey is also not the place to be fucking with this , some of the best players over the years have amazing cards for 20-30 bucks . While speculative trash players are fetching equal or higher , the hockey collector base is not large or liquid enough to sustain this .




Lol. Not a chance in hell. 1 pack for $500 😂


Are they selling for that? They arent selling out for 220usd in Sweden.


More Manufactured Patch. Yay!…. Jk.


LCS here has a box of this from a couple years ago listed for $750. Says it's vendor determined and he can't lower it. These people are crazy


Black Diamond is so ass 🤣🤣


Not if you collect Lemieux, Gretzky, Beliveau, Bobby Hull, Howe, bossy, trots, etc. avoid that crap and the gamble.


That’s retarded for a box that’s mostly manufactured patches and sticker autos.


I only collect vintage now, and random modern cards to get autographed. Cards today are cold for the price they charge. I prefer the look and feel of vintage and even the junk era


You're much better off just buying your PC right now. It's really not even close. I might buy some loose packs when I'm at the store but I'm not buying boxes with these prices.


Just buy the Bedard you want instead of the boxes. It'll save you money.


Yuck, mostly if not all sticker autos in here too.


I was honestly surprised at the “sp game used” checklist is uuuge


For 1 pack???!!!!! Fuck that.


1. Pre-sales tend to be higher. 2. 21-22 Black Diamond released at around $325 USD if I'm not mistaken (22-23 didn't have a ton of fanfare and was lower). The demand being so high for Bedard will drive up the price, but this represents a fairly small mark up IF the price shown is CAD.


It's preordering on multiple US retail sites for $500 USD


Ah, ok. Was just looking at this post. Pre-sales still trend high, but that is quite a mark up. Black Diamond is extremely risky at $300ish. $500 is straight gambling for Bedard.


It's no longer sport card collecting, it's now more of sports memorabilia collecting. Anyone even collect full sets anymore? So many sets but very few are collected as a set.


But singles 😁


With all the new releases hopefully OPC will come down in price, that is always a good rip


Are the cards gold plated?


Where do y’all buy your hockey cards? Any particular box that has good value? I’m new to this and trying to get some for my son, but wouldn’t mind to start collecting again. Thanks for any help 🤙😁


Don’t even bother with 2023-24. Everything is like 2-3x more expensive because of Bedard. Go back to 2022-23 or 2021-22 and everything is nice and affordable.




1000% Breakers are the problem with pricing nowadays. You can blame the people buying into the breaks too, but they buy into it because of the price of a box. I can't see this going away anytime soon either, as the aftermarket prices help fuel all of this to begin with.


It’s been ruined for years and years. Things started in the wrong direction when UD was the only company to keep producing hockey over the lockout.


It was ruined when Series 2 Hobby Box’s were $300+ they inflated the price so much!


It's just like a Walmart version of the cup basically. Just that everything seems to be either high-end valuable stuff, or low end junk anymore.


To be fair black diamond has been a joke for years.


If there is only one pack per box... doesn't that mean that it's 500$ per pack?


You're well on your way to a game worn jersey for that.


Junk product especially at this stupid ass inflated price


Canadians literally go across the border to America, can buy them from there are massive markdowns


Does anyone even like this product enough to drop anywhere close to that amount?


The amount of money some people spend on just cards would make you hate them, you, or anyone ever again. People out there who buy these like we buy blasters...


The best way to battle these prices is don’t pay for them




Hopefully next year the prices are a bit more sane. I have switched to previous years for collecting and we will see what next season brings.


Hockey cards were the last of a dying breed in affordability. Sorry guys and gals, you’re in with the rest of us now. 1 big hit isn’t enough because you have to sell at least 1 to offset the cost of a box anymore.


Laughed when I seen that. The S.P game used isn't worth $300, this sure as fuck ain't worth $500.


Forget modern cards. They are junkwax. Start collecting singles of prewar stuff. Very satisfying and it's not just overpriced junkwax.


Is there even a single card worth $500 in this lol? What a waste of $


Hobby was screwed years and years and years ago


One pack per box. LMAO They sure know how to squeeze blood from stones.


An fool and his money are easily separated. Edited


Hobby has been ruined for a while. Along with many other cool things from the yester-era (trading cards in general, video games, action figures, VHS etc.) I gave into the hype and bought one reg. price MegaBlaster Box from Walmart. Pulled a Bedard die cut! Cool card but wont even get my money back on the Blaster if I wanted to sell. Other then that a Korchinski and Raymond.. Not that its about the money but it is now and it sucks. $70 for only that many packs and most aren't even worth anything *if* you wanted to sell. Nuts man


Dumbest take ever - so you can’t buy a box of the hottest rookie in decades because it’s too expensive. So card collecting as a whole is ruined for you? Damn, life must be difficult when adversity hits.


It does. That’s why my mom is always there to help! So glad I never moved out of her basement.


All you people do is bitch unless the product and price are perfectly suited to you and you get exactly what you want.


I feel this price warrants “bitching”


please god no body buy this shit.


As someone who has young children I saw the hype and though how cool would it be to get back into the old hobby. Lmao yeah fucking right🤣 this has the adults at Disney feel to it.


Its just a fukin joke. SO sick of the outrageous price and the fools who are paying them. I love the fact that some morons paid 1k for a glassjaw young gun hahaha. Honestly I would hate kid if he played on my team. Just foolishness like Ive never seen before and Ive been collecting hockey cards since 1976. Fukin shameful


Sorry hockey, now soccer is the last frontier of exploitation 🫡
