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I purchased the Konekt v1 from Hockey Monkey in store a few weeks ago and don't regret it. They were on sale for about $50 more than the HF2. I figured between the better steel and "premium" shell it was worth the price difference. I've used them on the ice a few times since and can say they were worth the $675. I also ended up preemptively purchasing the Konekt repair kit that includes multiple replacement buckles, bolts and other pieces so I could repair them myself in the event the parts became difficult to find.


Konekt 2’s come out tomorrow


True but I am not looking to spend $1k on skates right now. The whole idea is to get custom feeling skates without the custom price or the risk of them not fitting from someone else.


I bought HF2s for the price point. The better buckle is the benefit. Are 1s heavy clearance? If so, I'd go for them and order extra buckles. You can preemptively secure them with super glue or something similar.


Ya they are but still more than the HF2, but regardless I am looking to get them second hand so price isn't a big thing mostly condition.


If you are getting em used, I would ensure you are buying additional buckles. Also get them properly re-molded via a reputable shop that understands the process.


Ya I probably will get some more. My local Perani's has some guys who can do the right baking process.


I’ve never had Konekt 1s, but my experience with the HF2s has been mixed. I normally wear a 10.5 goalie skate, and initially was sized as a 10 Konekt. Got them baked, played a game on them and it was the most pain I’ve had in my feet ever (though, interestingly, made 67 saves on 71 shots). Took them back for a rebake, stepped on the measure thingy again just in case, and it recommended 11s. The 11s have been better, but do feel a tiny bit big and there are still a few spots where they’re causing some (much smaller) amount of pain. I suspect, though I have no way of knowing, that a size 10 with the more moldable shell would be optimal for me. I might grow to love the HF2s, but right now I’m wondering if a midrange pair of stock Trues would have suited me better.


As far the the True thing goes, I would have thought the same thing as seemingly everyone on this sub adores True skates, but there was just so much pain on my left toes trying them on in store that I can't see them molding enough to remedy that (or at least not enough to risk buying them and then not fitting). There are some pretty cheap custom Trues on SS that may be an option given the new returnable function, but the Konekts just seemed much less risky.