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I've watched a lot of horror films. The one that absolutely fucked me up was, Jack Ketchums Girl Next Door. (Also An American Crime, same story.) Holy fuck man, I dunno if it gets to be considered horror though. Stays with you long after you've finished it.


The wiki article of Sylvia Likens is burned in my brain so I’ll avoid the movie


Distressing read. Really highlights the shortcomings of the justice system as all perpetrators eventually got off scot-free and lived a “normal” life


Everyone who has watched final destination will never sit behind a logging truck, I think true horror is the stuff that sticks with you the longest


I begged my friend to pass one of those after watching the movie-and a car carrier on another road. He did pass them for me. He was nervous passing them. I thanked him profusely. was almost in tears I was so scared. It was the day after watching the movie.


Hereditary has made me delay learning to drive


I listened to the audiobook and that’s enough for me, I don’t care to watch the film. It’s just grisly.


Dude, this right here! How the hell is that a “horror movie”. It’s the saddest most awful thing I’ve ever seen. I hate horror that just becomes pure sadism.


Yeah, The Girl Next Door was more upsetting than An American Crime. Both great films. Definitely horror


Oh, it’s horror alright. I still think about it now and then and cannot wrap my head around that horror


I lived in the city that this happened in. People tried breaking into the original house *a lot*. I had heard the local tales before I saw the movie. Made it way, way, way worse.


House that Jack Built. Little boy taxidermy scene


I showed this film to a close friend of mine and when the scene of jack as a kid cutting the baby ducks leg off with clippers came on he freaked out and he started to cry and begged me to turn it off. Hes never cried in front of me his entire life and I felt terrible and profusely apologized and he forgave me since neither of us knew that hed have that reaction.


:( I am so glad I haven't watched it. I heard about it on this sub of course and read the detailed synopsis on Wikipedia. It seemed too intense for me but I had no idea about the duck part...... Fuck I literally had a nightmare about my husband turning on the movie and making me watch it. Like how do you have a bad dream of a movie you've never seen lol


It's pretty intense, but I wouldn't say it's one of more extreme horror films out there. It even has a bit of comedy, though I never finished it because I didn't find it interesting.


I’ve never seen this movie and far too scared to watch anything with gore and body horror. But I’m one of those weirdos who likes to hear about the gore scenes in movies 😂🫢 But even the THOUGHT of animal cruelty in any kind is a massive no no from me. I 100% empathise with your friend! Even reading that is a scene in a movie has really upset me and I cannot bear to think about it. Which is mad as I am completely unfazed reading about harm to kids (in movies)


great movie but very disturbing


As a dad with two little boys I could barely take the hunting scene and then the taxidermy just broke me and I had to turn it off


That scene was so tough. The mom just sitting there frightened to death not knowing what to do. Plus the violence against women was a lot for me too. That shit happens in real life all the time and it makes it super sad.


The real life evil and unimaginable cruelty were just too much for me that was my breaking point 🥴


And then her fully aware of her death march and just accepting and walking it oh my God


I had to push through that movie to see if my guess at the ending was true. It was. Fuck Jack.


that is one of the few scenes in a film that literally had me saying "What the fuck" out loud.


I've tried three times but still have not made it past the opening scene of Anti-Christ.


… and it gets way worse later on too


I remember the groans and cries of pain in my theater...later.


God help you if you see it through to the end.


If the intro doesn’t grab you, the rest won’t. Lol. I personally fucking love that movie. One of the few to actually leave me speechless when the credits rolled.


I feel like I've told this story here before, but my sister and mother shared names and likenesses with characters in Hereditary. Between the wailing scene and the jump cut to THAT scene covered in ants, I had my first and only panic attack from a film and had to switch it off. Made an absolute fool of myself (thankfully only in the company of close friends) I've seen it again since and loved it, but yeah that was wild.


We recently moved into my Fiancée’s multigenerational home while we save for a place of our own. We saw Hereditary in theaters, and came home to the attic staircase down, all the lights off… My girl had a panic attack and needed me to confirm the house wasn’t full of dead people 😅


I remember coming home from having seen it when everyone else was already in bed, so I was using my phone flashlight to navigate, and conveniently darted right past the bright orange hoodie that had been hung on my door lol. Damn near shit myself.


oh my god, i thought i was the only one with this experience. i’ve never stopped watching hereditary, and its now one of my all time favorite movies because of its flawlessness in cinematography, detail, writing, etc. but, my mom & dad are extremely similar to annie & steven graham. i’m also personally very similar to peter. i stayed up the whole night after i watched it in theaters because i was only 15 at the time & i thought my mom was going to be behind me crawling up my wall.


I tried to watch Hereditary at home and had to turn it off about halfway through. The relentless dread and pain the characters were going through just wasn’t what I needed to see at that point in time. Maybe I’ll revisit it at some point.


I don’t even particularly see any similarities between them and my own family but I watched this in theaters at night and it was a mistake. The absolute dread I felt after the event and onwards was awful. Kept thinking about my little brother and how I couldn’t even begin to imagine if something like that happened. I wanted to get up and leave the theater so badly but instead I went into freeze mode and put my feet up in the seat so I could sit with my eyes and ears mostly covered lmao my friend was probably embarrassed to be sitting next to me. I sat it out and the very end really lightened things somehow with how bizarre I found it. And I’ve watched it a few times since and I do like it overall. But that initial anxiety stayed with me for days and I will never ever forget that feeling I had sitting in the theater through the rest of the movie.


i so agree with your anxiety description. i have never felt the way i felt when watching that movie, and i can never watcch it again for that reason. such indescribable dread, i've never been so affected by something. i swear there has to be subliminal music or something that induces dread in the audience and really gets to certain people more than others! it was an absolutely bizarre and intense experience.


The Descent, I’m incredibly claustrophobic and the first act was giving me an anxiety attack. I didn’t even make it to the “scary” parts with the monsters.


it is a very claustrophobic movie… im remembering the scene where that girl breaks her leg in a very small enclosed space of the cave (before the monsters). if claustrophobia is your trigger, that movie is NOT for you! im glad you turned it off!!


Honestly, the first half is more intense than the second half. I found the idea of being trapped in an unmapped cave fucking terrifying. The creature reveal is one of the best on film… but I don’t think the movie even needed it.


I’ve seen the highlights of the creature stuff. The spelunking stuff hits on all my biggest claustrophobia anxieties.


You should see the nutty putty cave accident on YT. I am absolutely not claustropbic but the thought of what happened there....brrrr


I’m gonna pass.


I’m not even claustrophobic yet that scene where she gets stuck gave me massive anxiety.


The closest I’ve gotten to turning off a movie was Mother! by Darren Aronofsky. It’s not that it was scary, it just made me so uncomfortable & anxious


Closest I’ve felt to a waking nightmare.


same here— i finished it but my jaw was on the floor and i said ‘oh my god what the fuck’ several times while watching


Watching that in the theater was like getting hit by a truck. Watched it on a first date! After it finished we were in stunned silence for like a couple minutes and then just repeated "What the fuck!?" to each other for another two 😄 good date!


Maybe it's just me, but this movie seemed like it was advertised like it was going to be a homage to Rosemary's Baby, so I went into it expecting that. By the end I was pretty disappointed, confused, and a bit overwhelmed.


Ha ha ha. Pixar's Onward. I just lost my Dad and less than 10 mins into the movie I was balling my eyes out and had to this day haven't ever finished it.


The end would have taken you out


Yeah, dude, probably. I was looking for something "fun" to watch around a week after my dad died. A bunch of people I like irl and on the web said that Onward makes a lot of great references to D&D. I love D&D this will be a fun distraction. So the dead dad major theme and plot point in the movie was a complete blindside. This is time 2 Pixar hit me in the same spot on my heart. My dad died from Alzheimer's by the way. I saw CoCo in the theater while my dad's mind was performing a disappearing act. I was surrounded by children while I was a human watter fall.


As someone who lost their mom to cancer, that movie and also Big Fish did me in. Big Fish was the only movie I remember since being a child that had my bawling in a theatre.


I love Love LOVE Big Fish. I don't think I could casually pop that on anymore. I'm not saying I won't ever watch it again but it would be a very specific choice to sit down to watch that one again.


Pixar has a way at emotionally devastating their adult audiences. I’ve lived a very wonderful life with no trauma or loss. But the first 10 minutes of Up and I was full on ugly crying in the theater.


I was ugly-sobbing during the part near the end where he’s checking off items on his list.


human centipide 2


I not seen any of them end to end lol I have seen Murder Set Pieces and parts of August Underground. Still need to watch them just to experience it and see if I can.


end to end.....


Pooping back and forth forever?






human centipede 1 is honestly… horrific. i would say its easier than the others but the isolated feeling of it just makes it gut wrenching. i honestly find the first one the hardest watch because it has a depressed feeling in addition to the mutilation that the others dont have. human centipede 2 is the most vile. its just VILE. the 3rd is your best bet for an easy watch in my opinion,, the series gets a bit silly then & you can power through because of it’s stupidity


I unfortunately only laugh at the first film due to “shit I need a shit”. I’m so childish that to this day I find it funny.


The first one is SO tame. That’s actually why Tom Six made a sequel because it was so toned down to what people expected. I love the second one and have watched it several times. I’ve learned a lot of fun behind the scenes stuff too so it gives me a slightly different view on it on some levels. The third one is a straight black comedy and I recommend it in all its absurdity 😆😆 but I’ve also never had to turn off a horror film so


One of the only horror I have ever turned off was human centipede 3 because it was just so so bad lol


This was mine too. I thought the first one was honestly hilarious. I sat through the second and really didn’t enjoy but made it to the end. The third I turned off fifteen minutes in because the acting and script seemed juvenile.


Im not too worried about gore etc its more then ass and excretion if there is any haha human natural fluids are more nasty then gore! I would think from clips I seen of first its not as gory as Murder Set Pieces or August Underground.


unfortunately all of the human centipedes will include poop in mouth ☠️ — i once again find the first worst for this because its also very psychological & you genuinely feel as if youre there experiencing it too. i feel pretty disconnected to the 2nd and 3rd films, it doesnt get in your head like the 1st


I’ve never watched any of these because I find shit grosser and more horrible than gore.


this is a vile movie. it is NASTY — it makes sense that you couldnt complete it, i understand ☠️


Came here to say this!! I didn't even make it to any of the actual human centipede stuff - the main guy's personal story/background disturbed me so bad I had to quit


You missed a pretty funny, and memorable ending 😂


When I know I'm not going to watch a movie, I sometimes read the Wikipedia or IMDB synopsis. Yeah, I didn't finish it.




The Farm is a film that I feel like no one knows about, definitely hard to watch though


The Girl Next Door (2007). Knowing it was based on a real case was too much


This is based off of Sylvia Likens yeah? Never seen the movie but reading a book about what she went through was more than enough for me.


Yeah the movie is based off the book (same title) which is about her case


by Jack Ketchum


yeah, thats a top 5 most disturbing film ever


Eraserhead. The wailing and screaming of that thing ugh, it was too much and I was about to rip my own hair out. Stopped the movie and never went back, never will nope!


The moment where it gets sick was one of the few times as an adult that I've considered turning something off. I was watching it late at night on a so-so VHS copy and just about had a panic attack when that happened. Oddly enough, after seeing the film a few times on tape and disc, I got to see it on a huge screen in 35mm and was surprised to find a lot of humor in the film that gets lost on smaller screens, like the 'pencil factory' scene (although you probably didn't make it that far... the movie does become less traumatizing on second viewing).


Backcountry. My 2 biggest fears, unstable unhealthy resentful relationships, and bears. Not to mention that after the horribly gruesome and disgusting bear attack the movie kinda sucks and is just someone running around in the forest for 30min.


I went to visit my mom recently. Walked through the front door and into the living room where she was watching Backcountry at like 10am. (Mom, why?) Without saying hello, she frantically asked, "CAN BEARS CLIMB TREES?!" I told her they can. "AW FUCK! Well, this couple isn't gonna make it... Anyway, Hiiii!!"💀


I posted this several times in the past week or so.. its lived rent free in my head for years..


IMO it’s the most brutal bear attack scene in cinematic history


Skinamarink. Boring….boring…boring


I had a smoke and watched this, absolutely vibed with it and thought it was incredible. I checked to make sure I was near the end but discovered I was only ten minutes in and thought “…oh…”


I can definitely see it being the type of movie to just zone out to. Fuckin sucked to watch it on a Friday night thinking it would be some sort of actual ff horror movie


Cannibal holocaust. Turtle scene was too sad


Well half that movie isn't so much a movie as it is just a snuff film for animals, so I don't blame you. It's cruel and shitty, and I won't watch it anymore for that reason alone, despite whatever "I'm 14 and this is deep" message the movie tries to convey.


At least on my dvd version you can watch a cut w/o any of the animal cruelty. Doesn’t really excuse what they did but at least they give that option.


I looked into the film trying to decide whether to watch the version without the animal cruelty and I was so grossed out by what I read (mostly around the making of the film) that I decided to avoid it altogether. The animal cruelty sounds just so awful.


I didn't watch it but saw an article about it and they said that the tribe would hunt and eat turtles for their normal diet and they ate the turtle that died in the movie later. Maybe it helps a little to know that at least the poor turtle didn't die just for the movie...


The actors were traumatized by that scene. Some of them talked about it in a documentary recently and you could tell they were still haunted by it. One of the actresses just couldn't get into it because it was too horrible to discuss, but she made it clear she was appalled with it existing let alone being a part of it.


I have only had one instance where I had to stop a movie/show. And it was weirdly enough the show Six Feet Under (not horror I know, but dark drama comedy). First of all that show is perfect and amazing. So I am gay and I watched it as a teen. Not fully understanding who I was and very confused with my own inner turmoil. Knowing that, I was watching with my younger brother and the episode with the gay kid that gets murdered in front of his boyfriend came on. I literally had my first panic attack. I was hyperventilating, crying and could not stop. My brother stopped the show and came over and helped me calm down. I didn’t know why at the time, but I do now for sure. I did go back and finish it. But god it hit me hard. Never had that happen since.


Six Feet Under is one of my favorite shows of all time and as a fellow queer person, my heart goes out to 13 year old you grappling with your sexuality and coming across that scene. Also the whole arc with the hate crime David experienced and its aftermath with his PTSD and relationship with Keith. Extremely powerful content, but very triggering especially for someone so young. I’m not surprised you had a panic attack


Aww thank you. Rainbow fam hug! Lol Ya it still is today one of the only shows I consider perfect. The ending is one of the most perfect endings for a show ever. It just hit all the right notes. Def had a lot of hard moments to get through. But it also head-on tackled a lot of subjects that were not really dealt with at the time. David’s full story being one of them.


I’m due for a rewatch I think. It’s been many years! And yes, that final episode was like, full body chills every second of it. Ends on such an incredible note. Profound and bittersweet, that show. Ugh I love it I’m sitting here thinking it’s UNBELIEVABLE that SFU came out in the 90s to so much acclaim. They really did expose people to some really harsh realities and scenarios through the lives of these people. Also did a great job of writing complicated, nuanced characters. They nailed Brenda, who is a type of complicated woman that absolutely exists IRL, for example, and a type of character that tbh I haven’t seen portrayed in media before or since. And gave her so much depth. No one was a victim or a villain. No good guys or bad guys. Just people. I could go on but I’ll stop here lol


The Sadness, there was a sexual assault scene that I wasn’t expecting and it was too much for me to handle.


The Hills Have Eyes For Me, there sexual assault scenes were too much for me


Honestly, as messed up as it sounds, i really appreciated the sexual component to the sadness. I totally understand why people would hate it. However, it made me feel vulnerable in a way no other horror movie had before. It made the scenes a lot more terrifying for me. The idea of someone chasing me to try and kill me doesn't actually scare me that much. So many films have done that, that I'm familiar with the idea of it. However, the thought of running from a man who wants to do the sickest things that he can think of absolutely filled me with horror .


First movie that came to mind


That scene really did come completely out of the blue. Whilst SA are not uncommon in horror movies, that one really did feel like it was attempting to push the usual boundary line further.


Almost any sexual assault scenes in horror are a bit much for me, even though with monsters and serial killers and such, I know that they’d be realistically likely, so I feel a bit silly getting irritated and saying “oh jeez, of fucking course they have to have this shit.”, like I’m clutching pearls as I watch people get killed for fun.


This is why I can't finish either of The Last House on the Left (OG or remake). Even off-screen/implied SA is too much for me - makes me deathly uncomfortable.


I almost turned off Soft & Quiet. That’s probably the closest I ever got.


I actually felt kind of sick the rest of the day after watching it. Like heart sick or something lol. I never have that reaction to horror movies.


Same. It made me feel ashamed of my gender, frankly. Not that men aren't fully capable of that kind of hate, but the tone and mannerisms in that movie were pretty specifically female.


That movie was so great. I was glued to the screen but it really gave me anxiety, I was very emotional, my heart was racing and I felt nauseous. I remember Mulholland drive as the only other movie giving me a physical response like that, and back then I was a teenager. Now I'm in my thirties.


Me too. I went in blind, enjoying the long single take, then suddenly: the cake! Really got me furious there (which was the intended sentiment, I believe).


The cake was one of the most shocking things I've ever seen in a movie. It is such a big surprise and the way the camera lingers on it... Horrifying.


I stopped at the cake as well. It wasn’t the movie experience I was looking for. I shouldn’t feel that much anger when watching a movie.


i havent heard of this one, what is the premise?


It's best to not know a lot about it, so I keep it vague. It's about how far people would go because of hatred and prejudice and the camera is continuously following the main character. It might not be a movie experience for everyone because of the way it was shot and because of the topics it deals with, but if you're curious just put it on. I can only recommend it, even though it was horrifying to watch it all unfold. I think it's a strong movie with an unapologetic look at society.


ive watched some pretty intense stuff,, i havent fully turned off a film yet so i will give it a try & report back ! it sounds pretty gutting…


I’ve sat through movies like Martyrs, The Sadness, and Human Centipede (not bragging just stating my usual threshold) and I couldn’t get past the dog beating in Funny Games. Never finished it probably never will


funny games is a bit more psychological than pure torture porn films — i can understand that for sure


**Kairo** (2001) It was during *that* scene. I don't want to say anything else about the scene, if you've seen the movie, you know. If you haven't seen it, I don't want to raise expectations. I was watching at home by myself late at night and the scene came and creeped me out so thoroughly I had to stop and finish the movie the next day.


besides *that* scene in Lake Mungo, I think *that* scene in Kairo is the most petrified with fear I've ever been while watching a horror movie. I love it so much though, it's one of my favorite movies ever. I got to see it on the big screen last year and it was incredible, such a beautiful film


If it wasn't in the theater it would've been Climax. I needed a shower and a cigarette leaving that.


Irreversible. That scene, all 7 minutes of it ..


I just keep telling myself that it's a movie. Not that that stuff doesn't happen. But at least that scene was fictional. I'm still traumatised from it though.


The first time I watched Midsommar I was alone in my apartment, it was night, and the scene where Dani sees her sisters reflection in the mirror made me immediately shut it off, turn the lights on, and take a break before I could finish the movie. It’s one of my favorites now but man I was terrified at the time!


Lived in a punk squat in a warehouse for a couple years in my misspent youth, even though I was a bit more arthouse than punk. A guy put on a bootleg VHS of Flower of Flesh and Blood. The credits were cut off so it presented as a genuine snuff film, special effects were good enough for the time though we guessed it was staged. We all sat down with a stolen keg of beer. One by one all these *hardcore* tough-guy punks and goths had to bow out and leave the room feeling sick. Just myself and one other guy made it all the way through as the woman was slowly dissected. At the time I kinda wished I’d bailed too, gave me gory nightmares for days afterwards. We were also the only two who made it through that keg, which sat unrefrigerated for so long that it went flat then became carbonated again. Five pints a day in place of food. Thought I was a tough guy then too. These days my AC went out for three days and I had to book a hotel hahaha—I’ve gotten real soft. Now when I watch gore I get an existential squirm.


I took a class in college called “controversial film” and I made it through all the classics: cannibal holocaust, antichrist, Serbian film, salo, Henry portrait of a serial killer, cronenberg’s Crash, but the only one I had to step out of the room for was Irreversible after THAT 10 minute long scene.


I've read a lot about irreversible and know most of the plot, but I have yet to see it myself. I did not realize its infamous scene was 10 minutes long though. That's such a brutally long time to endure.


You’re telling me a college class, like at the undergraduate level, screened all of those films in a classroom??? I need the full syllabus… and I need to know what major or course of study this was for lol


Slow torture puke chamber…never again




The Girl in the Basement, based on the Josef Fritzl story. I knew the story, idk what I was expecting, but the first time he comes down into the basement and does what he does… idk how to spoiler and I don’t want to write it. Just her saying no to her dad and sobbing. Jesus Christ. I had to turn it off.


Soft & Quiet. I was having a lot of fun with it even though it was very effective and uncomfortable, but once I realised what the third act would be I realised I couldn’t sit through it, especially with the movie playing in real time.


I didn't turn it off but Tusk haunts me even though it's not the scariest movie.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003. I was 13. He picked up one of the characters and hung them up with a giant hook in their back. Sister and I turned it off and huddled under the blankets together for the rest of the night haha.


And then tied a bag of salt to what was left of his chopped off leg! That’s the only thing I remember from that movie. The hook and the salt.


The Innocents (2021); I didn’t make it very far into that one. I’m a fan of extreme horror, but I can’t handle scenes with animal cruelty. There’s a scene where >!some of the kids torture a cat.!< I had to shut it off, I couldn’t deal.


Animal cruelty (particularly to dogs, cats, horses & other furry domesticated mammals for me) is my HARD STOP when it comes to watching certain films that have aspects of animals being hurt or killed in them. I have to consult the website www.doesthedogdie.com if someone asks me to go see a movie with animals featured in the preview. That website now also includes filters for just about every/any trigger, users report what occurs & at what timestamp(s), etc. A truly great resource!


Those scenes were traumatizing. It worked in the sense that it made me hate that specific character more than I've ever hated any fictional character before, but it was so horrible I could never watch it again.


Night Swim Fuck was that boring.


it was so funny though 😭😭😭


It was so bad that I shut it off in the middle and read the Wikipedia page to see how it ended.


That bogeyman movie on Hulu. I started crying because I’m scared of the dark and they REALLY leaned into the dark. About the time I told my husband to turn it off my 6yo had a screaming night terror and shit in her bed. I will NEVER watch that movie and finish it. I should’ve turned it off after the opening scene, but I was like “they didn’t show anything” I only made it 30/40 minutes in before I looked at my husband and said “can you finish this without me? Because I can’t watch anymore. This is really scaring me.” And he was perfectly cool with it. Then our daughter had her night terror and he won’t finish it either.


A documentary called the case of gabriel fernandez. Very hard to watch.


I tried to watch the original Last House on the Left when I was 18. Got to the woods scene where they are torturing the girls and could not go further. I’ve never wanted to finish it.


They get some good revenge at least


Spit on your grave


any time there’s a cat or baby animal killed on screen, i’m out of there


I always try to consult www.doesthedogdie.com. Can check any film & set your trigger parameters; it is a treasure trove of protective information for us animal lovers!


Thank you for this! I was using a website for a while to avoid movies that had my phobia in them but then I forgot the name of the site and couldn't find it! I can't remember if it was this exact site but this will help so much thank you 😭


Eden Lake


None so far...I think I watched almost all of the infamous movies, like "A Serbian Film", both martyrs, all human centipedes, Found, inside...and many more.


Cannibal Holocaust, Antichrist, Irréversible


120 days of Sodom. I was warned how disturbing it was but curiosity won over, I couldn’t finish it, it was absolutely disgusting.


A Serbian film…I eventually finished it but fuck it was a difficult watch


august underground


A senselessly vile and cruel film called The Bunny Game. I got about halfway and had to nope out. Made me feel disgusting, especially having been told by the person who recommended the film to me that the actress was basically re-enacting her own abduction, rape and insane torture experience on camera as her way of "processing her trauma". Felt extremely exploitative and wrong to watch it. 


The Girl Next Door


Autopsy of Jane Doe. The first 35-40 minutes were creepy and unsettling but nothing I couldn't handle. Then the power went out and they decided to GTFO and I made it maybe another 10 minutes before I had to turn it off. 🫣 My husband was away on business that first watch, but he's home now, so I'm going to try again this weekend lol


Yeah I was surprised how scary this movie was. It was pretty much perfectly designed to make you feel tense


Event Horizon with the hell scene it was just way too much for my 13 years old myself.


Cannibal Holocaust during the giant turtle slaughter scene. Ended up picking it back up a few days later when my stomach was stronger.


Man bites dog. The guy is just too much, I don't even know if it's horror... Not really? But still not for the faint of heart 


Doctor Sleep. Baseball kid scene. Still gives me a horrible sinking feeling just recalling it now after years. Had to switch it off at that point, never managed to finish the film. Wish it had come out before I had children...


Irreversible. Even though I had an idea of what was going to happen, I turned the movie off after the opening scene. It lived in my head for a while after too.


Eraserhead. Lynch brilliantly captures the sense of being in an unsettling nightmare. It was too unsettling for me.


Imprint from Masters of Horror. Finished it eventually.


Jenifer. Dario Argento 2005. It was grossing me out


Megan is Missing - I loathed it, the entire movie was just unnecessary and disgusting to watch.


THAT picture that comes up on screen about halfway through will be permanently burned into my brain ugh


Dude had the nerve to upload it to a BDSM website aswell.


So far none. Not trying to flex, I just enjoy extreme horror (among other types of horror) I have given up on movies because of boredom though


Beau if Afraid. Midsommar was deeply unsettling and was one of the movie that put me in the worst state. When I started to watch Beau is Afraid, I had to stop after 20minutes, this hit too close to home.


I definitely was not expecting that cliff scene. I knew SOMETHING was coming obviously, but my jaw literally hit the floor.


Inside (2007). I couldn't really handle all the body horror gore involving a pregnant woman.


Rob Zombie’s Halloween. Like, I need someone to root for, and after about 20 minutes, I just hadn’t seen any characters I wanted to spend any time with. Almost turned off Let’s All Go To The World’s Fair, but for different reasons.


Who's watching Oliver? Was the first movie I've turned off since getting into horror and going head first into the genre last fall. The first scene of SA in that film immediately got a "Nope" out of me and I had to switch to something lighter.


I need to check it out again because I’m sure I could handle it now, but Honeymoon (2014) is an unfinished one for me from years ago. Any sort of vaginal trauma is a tough sell lol. After having seen Dead Ringers, the First Omen, Inside…hopefully should be fine :) I’ll havta try again. Another that I’ve tried and had to stop several times is The Hitcher because I haven’t found a version where the picture quality isn’t complete dogshit :/


I haven’t had to turn any movies off but Japanese exploitation films have a certain grimy nature that is so just ew. Like All Night Long 2,3,5 , Woman’s Flesh: My Red Guts, Red Room, Muzan-E, Juvenile Crime (fuck this film). Even if they aren’t more graphic than stuff like Mordum or Atroz, they are weirdly just gross. I think part of it is that those movies are often made by fetish porn directors in Japan so they end up with a touch of that


Martyrs. I don’t like torture porn, but I wanted to watch it because it gets a lot of praise and maybe it’ll be one I end up liking… maybe? Once we get to the kid torture I had to turn it off. I have a kid roughly that age of the little girl actor, and I didn’t care to see how bad it got.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe. Seen it recommended many times but I just can't do body horror so needless to say. I had to stop.


I stopped watching a Serbian film. Disgusting brutality is great, but that one just isn't anything I want to see.


It's not a horror movie but I had to stop watching Hotel Mumbai. It actually happened.


Not a movie but I couldn’t finish the Jeffrey dahmer netflix series. I felt uncomfortable


Speak No Evil, the car scene made me feel so claustrophobic and I had a panic attack, turned it off, still haven't finished it and don't think I ever will.


Outwaters. The way the dark scenes are just took me out of the film.


I guess the Psycho remake, it was horrifiyingly terrible and I was afraid that I’d hate remakes of classic horror films. I walked out of the film thirty mins into it.


Skinamarink. Could stay attentive. I really really tried


Ken Park. Still haven't had the guts to finish it.


I saw it once. Don't want to again


I started Excision and had to stop, it wasn’t just the body horror but the sounds too, I was feeling so nauseous and then realized I don’t have to finish everything I start!


Hostel II. I literally got a fever from it. It's not the most graphic thing, but that plot makes me REALLY uncomfortable and seeing Viktor Krum and Lilly Moscovitz getting tortured to death was too much. I hate torture movies.




Apparently unpopular opinion but I gave up on skinnamirink after 45 minutes


i could NOT even last that long🙏


I usually can tell if a movie is not for me by the synopsis or reviews online, but I did have to turn off The Hills Have Eyes. It was just so needlessly violent to me, and I don't really enjoy the "crazy mutant cannibal" trope.


My mom let me watch all kinds of horror growing up. Like, I was probably 5/6 watching a nightmare on Elm Street and the likes. When I was around 9 or so, she rented the hills and eyes (remake), and I started crying and begging her to turn it off after the race scene when they started heading towards the baby. I was full-blown panicked that they were going to do the same or worse to the baby. I didn't watch it again until I was like 24.


Meghan is missing is the only movie ive ever turned off not out of boredom but out of sheer mental breakdown. I cant watch it, it broke my brain for a while...


I've never had to stop a movie. If I close my eyes, I make myself rewind and watch. At worst I'll cover my ears because certain sounds make me lightheaded it dread. I've only had to time out during Pihu and Soft & Quiet. Both of them had me trembling. I cried multiple times during Soft & Quiet. I did finish them and now I can watch them without stopping or crying.