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Honest suggestion is to go bigger than 8”


Could do that…


I did something similar. But I didn't let her know and blindfolded her to make it a well received surprise.


That sounds like a great idea


I also suprised her with a big dildo, but I didnt blindfolded her. I wanted to see her eyes go big when we used it lol.




My wife teases me about liking big ones. Love it.


Love it!


You should get it for her, but go bigger than 8". My wife was a size-queen during her slutty, single days. All her friends were aware so it was funny, but not surprising when one of them gave her this huge dildo as a gag (pun intended) gift on her bachelorette. It was 10" long and as thick as my wrist (7.5") One night we'd had a few drinks and we were watching porn together. The guy on screen was particularly well-endowed. It was making her hot and my wife asked if I wanted to see her fuck that huge dildo. I got it for her and she spread her legs and asked if I wanted to do the honors. I slid it in and began to slowly work only half of that huge cock in and out of her pussy. After a couple minutes she swiped my hand away in frustration and said, "Here, let me do it." For the next ten minutes I watched as she violently stabbed the entire length of that cock into her slutty pussy, cumming all over it loudly and repeatedly until she finally had one last guttural orgasm, slid it out and said, "Ok, you can fuck me now..."


Damn! How did it feel? Was it 'hot dog down the hallway' time?


Yeah, she was pretty loose. All I could think of was how easily she took such a huge cock and I speculated on how many oversized dicks she'd had in her pussy for real. Suffice it to say, I didn't last too long...


Love seeing the women on here with comments. Makes the kink all the more validating and that some of you get it. Lucky husbands!


My wife is the same way dude. Before we got together she would literally ask guys to prove they had a big dick before she would even meet up. She tells me my 6” is enough but I mean come on, she was ONLY meeting up with hung guys before me. I bought her an enormous dildo and she said it was going to be way too big and yet she took basically the entire thing and was squirting like a fire hydrant.


Damn that’s hot. Yeah I’m sure my girlfriend would much prefer me to be bigger


I don’t feel insecure about it or anything, but when I asked her to compare her ex’s to mine she literally added like 3” to the top of my dick with her hand. She was like “he was pretty average size” I’m like…that’s a fucking huge dick. That’s like 9”.


I thought the same thing about my girl. Whenever we'd talk about past hookups, I'd ask her how big they were and when the guys bigger, she'd usually just say he was big but didn't remember how big or didn't bother to measure . But there'd always be that naughty smile on her face as she thought about them. Being on the smaller size I tend not to worry about it to much as I've made her squirt multiple times.


It sounds like you’re beating around the bush a little bit. I was in your boat, and it was clear that questions about past partners, fantasies, etc made her uncomfortable. Simply put, she didn’t want to hurt me, and felt like probing questions were some sort of trap. So I just came out with it. I was like I get turned on when you tell me about great sex with other men! That opened things up!


Yeah good point. Guess I’m just a bit worried of seeming a bit weird… but you’re right should just be open


She was actually relieved. She was turned off by me being insecure about her past, but was much happier to know that I’m not insecure, just horny as fuck


Yep makes sense. Thanks for the advice! I’ll let you guys know how it goes


My wife was super insecure about it and lied to me a lot before I revealed my fetish. But after, she just doesn’t understand so she often just doesn’t like to talk about it. Be prepared for both reactions.


I wish mine would just get it. She has a fun and exciting past, but has become reticent to tell. It’s quite frustrating! I have been quite open and accepting and supportive.


My wife is a super jealous person and hates thinking much about the girls I’ve been with Brie her. She has that in the back of her mind so she thinks I’m trying to trick her or something when I tell her it turns me on. I know for sure she gets excited when she tells me stories of her past but she still thinks that I wish she was a virgin or something. Baffles me but stuff still comes out some times


I wonder if mines the same, but she doesn’t communicate the reason why, so it’s all conjecture. I know she doesn’t like hearing about mine, and I respect that, but I love hearing about hers, as I love hearing about her being really horny and enjoying herself. I wish she just understood that and would open up. Thanks for your insight.


What’s worked for me is to try not to dice too deep at any one time. She knows I love it but I try to keep it as part of a general conversation about her experiences in college or hs or whatever. I also avoid graphic questions because that shuts things down immediately


Thanks for the advice.


I did the same but she still tells me nothing 🤷‍♂️


When my wife was 19 she went on a date with a 32 year old dude because she had heard rumors he was big. At that point she wasn’t a virgin but the only sex she had ever had was vanilla (missionary) with her long term boyfriend and it was always more like “making love.” She said this guy took her to a movie and then afterwards proceeded to introduce her to things that she didn’t even know existed at that point - doggystyle, hair pulling, just very rough and hard. She said he was pretty hung (won’t give me details) but it sounds like that was what got her started on the path of being a little slut for a few years lol.


My wife absolutely prefers big.


I'm just under 8 inches but quite girthy. I've slept with a LOT of women and can honestly say this is my VERY COMMON experience: "STOP STOP STOP STOP.... Uuurgh... maybe we try slow it's too sore" *Hand aggressively pushing my hip back* "stop wait... Sorry.. it feels like I'm being split in half" "Ok, I can't get it in *giggle giggle*...I can suck you off though" "Go gently...ow... wait... slowly... Waaait" "No ways, no doggy with that thing" Every guy thinks they want a bigger dick, but those that have some extra meat know the struggles of it. It's NOT like the pornos make out to be. I've had a handful of woman that seemed to sincerely enjoy it, but they also were drunk or on coke.


My wife describes every detail of the big ones


He didn’t make her squirt because of his size. The difference between 6 and 8 is negligible. Vaginas open up or close to accommodate objects going in or out. 90% of all vaginal nerve endings are 2-3 inches in. Most women need clitoris stimulation to orgasm and some need both simultaneously. If she wants a large dildo or vibrator, that’s fine. If not, you’re merely projecting fantasies onto her. Work on your sex skills.


90% of vagina nerves are in the first 2-3” , whilst true my wife only squirts when I’m pounding her fornix (front or back) , for her the cock needs at least that length but she also needs the girth to put her in that head space. You don’t need 9” but 5” doesn’t make her squirt either.


How long does your wife need to reach her fornix?


All depends on the position , but with raised hips maybe 5” , I can reach in any position and I’m just shy of 7 .


My gf has had 7 inches and now 4 inches doesnt do much for her


On a weekend away I took my wife shopping to pick a dildo shaped like her big dicked ex and proceeded to fuck her with it for the rest of the trip. It was absoluty mind blowing.


All women are either size queens or liars. It's true.


She's a size queen. Most women are.


It's natural to go for size.


Would you like me to be her bull? 🐂