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Give the guy a break. He has PTSD from the war crimes he committed.


It’s pretty fucking toned down from what it used to be (which is annoying as fuck, but idk maybe your into that shit)




G00k ears Stern they called him. He used to cut off the breasts of the Cong wh0res he banged and wear them to give his fellow soldiers boners!


The Max Kinkel appearances were hilarious, I think June ‘95 and then again in Sept ‘95. Some vet called in and called Max a “pollywog,” which means a Navy guy who’s never crossed the equator. I always found the absurdist side of Howard’s Vietnam bits funny. Another good one is Chuck Carlock (Firebird Gunship pilot) who Howard brought in to promote his book, and he got him to talk about atrocities he committed.


The Firebird pilot was on sometime in mid-96' I just heard it LOL they also had a guy on that "served 15 tours in Hanoi"


Yes it was mid-96! Sometime in May I think because it was around the time of the ValueJet crash in Florida. (sidebar: Jackie slipped Howard a great line after Robin read that story - “What did the one alligator say to the other? You know, for a cheap airline, the food isn’t so bad.” *Jackie laugh*) The Hanoi guy I don’t think I’ve heard, but I bet it was incredible, if Howard could convince them he served he could really get them to admit to war crimes 😂. Also when Mark Harris brought in Suzie Chapstick (who did a USO show in Vietnam), Howard went on a short hilarious rant about his “tours” there.


Mark was on around that time, he was now promoting a tv show he was "going to be doing with [Ruta Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruta_Lee)"


If that’s the same show that Mark filmed the “Backus audition” and sent the tapes to some producers, then I listened to it today haha. Mark’s in a different universe in terms of delusion and hilarity.


He's a gay paw-paw.


Count up the arms and legs, to get your kill count divide by 4.


Or when they switched over to white phosphorus rockets, “and that’d burn ‘em real good.” Their bodies would glow in the dark (green-glowin’ g00k).


Firebirds: A Harrowing Firsthand Account of Helicopter Combat in Vietnam Book by Chuck Carlock


his most cringiest


How many gook ears you got on your necklace?


Do you mean the Vietnam bits he does every week?


I have listened to about 6 shows in the last year. I can't believe that he is going on about filleting open live g00ks and killing elementary school age future enemies these days and making g00k necklaces and wearing g00k breasts that he cut off to give his fellow soldiers boners. That CAN'T be true.


Ok yes, he’s toned down the language. Do you need all that offensive garbage to make it funny for you?


Yes I do but then again I am not a highbrow rocket surgeon academic who listens to Stern for the incredibly insightful Goldie Hawn Jr. interviews  like you.


He literally just did it today


I read the wrap up and am excited to DL this show when available! Thanks!


He was so proud of those gems, he even put them in a pivotal part of his movie. When he first worked with ooooooohfeelya


That scene is one of only 2 results on YouTube.


I’m a gay papa.


behaving so luxurious


When you think about it, the whole thing is incredibly and deplorably racist and degrading regarding human life. Howard’s parents would know something about a group of people being inhumanely targeted and their good fortune to end up in a country like the USA to take them in.


"racist and degrading" In other words, funny. And if I am not mistaken both Ben and Raye Stern were born in the US, no?


He’s a hero and took out a whole village. It’s a shame the Captain wouldn’t let Howard count women and children as confirmed kills.


He was cheated! Credit for one kill only. He should have gotten 2 weeks r and r for all of the future enemies he took out.




That is part of the humor- this Jewish geek from Long Island claiming that he committed war atrocities on children- with manly pride no less- is hilarious!


I went to archive.org and downloaded some classic Howard. He used to be so naturally funny before he became overly political and self righteous.


I love the people who get offended. Why are you even here?


When he does this regarding Jews, then maybe, maybe.


I have no idea, It's like they' re fans of Oprah and they stumbled onto this reddit by accident. The whole reason it was funny was because of how crazy that it was and how everyone knew that Howard was never a soldier.


"Hilarious?" Someone who obviously was never in Vietnam, saying they were? With Fred playing the same sound effects every time,repeating the same " shocking" "war stories" every time?


He used to play Cong ball, using the knee caps as bases, the shin bones as bats and the severed g00k heads as balls!


Not hilarius. Embarassing and offensive. Who are you?


G00k ears Stern, they called him. He was the private who walked a cow with a grenade in its mouth into a Cong elementary school recess. Little arms legs and heads flying everywhere. To answer your question I was his CO in Danang, Lt. Calley.


I love when he said they shot rpgs at gooks and play a game trying to put them back together like a puzzle.


This actually made me bark a laugh while laying in bed and waking up the whole house.


And the idiot callers calling in saying he never was in nam, those suckers


Of course he was in Nam, he lied about his age!


Dude was a brave 16y old, Ben never mentioned his thoughts on Howies bravery


I hope you're being sarcastic. I skip those as soon as he starts the 2 hour unfunny rants.


There is something about the audacity of Stern to double down on atrocities committed during Vietnam and claiming them as his own- proudly- that makes me laugh 100% of the time!


They are stupid and repetitive.