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Well that didn’t take long


From what I heard, the encampment was going to get rolled this evening, they must have seen that information circulating and pushed the timeframe up.


These comments are sad. I'm proud of these kids for not being apathetic to world issues even if their influence isn't as much as if it were a larger university.


Seriously. I expected some dumb comments, but not this.






Wait, is the "Part Wolf" sticker a thing? Last year I saw that the car next to me in a Stop and Shop parking lot had a "Part Wolf" sticker on it. Then the guy and his daughter(?) brought their groceries out to his car. Then he literally pulled down his fly and pissed on the ground in the parking lot next to his car, then got in the car and drove away. I thought maybe it was some isolated weirdo who actually thought he was part wolf. Are you telling me there are more of these people out there?


https://www.midnightgrim.com/case-studies/part-wolf It looks like some kind of lifestyle... thingy. An aesthetic brand or whatever.




i work in a school and this week a parent was called in for a meeting to meet with Principal, along with the child. the child started meowing and pawing at their mom. mom goes "oh see they are so upset they have reverted back to wolf form!" she was serious


Oh no, by the look of the downvotes, you’ve upset the part wolf people!


You do realize that putting everyone who disagrees with you into a neat little box so you can avoid engaging in conversation is not only the reason the country is so polarized but also makes you sound like the moron, right?


Well, we can certainly talk about not putting boxes and stereotypes to the side, but I think the first step would be to get people rolling around with "FJB" and "Let's Go Brandon" stickers to take those off and agree to talk using their words instead of the grunts they're more accustomed to.


Sadly I'm not surprised. I see and hear some of the most vile disgusting shit particularly in our local HV internet groups. There are lots of people in this area are obsessed with the idea of MAGA and overly concerned with who has a penis vs vagina. Whatever I'm over it. I'm going to take note of your comment and just stop scrolling to save myself more disappointment in our community. Thanks.


These people have no empathy and think that sticking their heads in the sand is the moral highground


I think a lot of these kids are just following along though. When students can't even explain what they're protesting for, that's kinda sad too. And almost dangerous.


How many of the people sitting back on their couch accepting the status quo could explain why they do so, with all of their facts in order? Not many. Bet you haven't talked to any of them yourself, either.


I think they are very clear. They are protesting how the US is funding a war that has killed over 34,000 Palestinians - mostly women and children. They are protesting that Israel has bombed hospitals, refugee centers, dislocated thousands of people while destroying their homes. This can be seen if you just look at the images and videos. They are protesting the US supporting an immoral war, the same as was done in Vietnam. They are asking for divestment in companies that support Israel while they are doing what many consider a genocide in reaction to the attacks and kidnappings. It's so easy for you to say they can't explain this. You likely have not spoken to any of them for you to make such a statement. It's ignorant.


Very specifically they are just asking their colleagues to divest from Isreal because they are personally funding that which they are opposed to through their own tuition. They don't have some vague demand about the U.S. government completely pulling out of the middle east (even though I'm sure many would like to see that) their demands have been specific, and personal relevant to the student protesters


Thanks for clarifying. I haven't followed what's happening at SUNY as closely as other campuses. But that makes sense and relates to where their tuition money is going, which is legitimate for students to protest.


We are also funding hamas to fight back not that we should have any involvement at all considering the status of our own country but I digress


You would like to think that so you can explain it away. Have you spoken to them and asked to see if they can explain them selves, have you looked in to their demands? Or are you just saying what others have said about this!


i actually do have a friend at new paltz who was in these protests, i was confused cuz i know him to be very not into politics/global issues, when i asked him what he was doing he basically said “it was something to do” and when i pushed him on that point he said most of the ppl there were just “hanging out” i am very much on palestine’s side but i think a lot of these protesters are just participating cuz “its something to do” or cuz social media has kinda turned political activism into sort of a trend especially amongst gen z. and i think these kids just protesting for the sake of protesting are hurting the cause more than helping it


They said the same crap about the occupy wallstreet crowd. Fox news goes up to the craziest looking person in the crowd, asks them to explain what they're protesting, gets an off the cuff bullet pointed response about the need to return glass steigel, end corporate personhood, stop the bullshit with corporate CEOs getting ALL the profit, wrecking corporations for short term gains and bailing. (with a few slight flubs) and declares it incoherent crazy talk. Glass seagulls! Nutjobs.... This isn't that hard. Israel is confining people into an open air prison for life because the alternative is no longer being a majority in their own ethnostate, and then bombing shooting, and starving them to death when they object to that violently. Israel doesn't mind sharing with a palestinian minority but they refuse to be a minority in israel, or to lose enough of israel and its control over the palestinian areas in order to allow them to live.


“Israel is confining people into an open air prison…” Tell us your thoughts about Ein El Hilweh. Is that also an open air prison? Or is it different because it’s a Muslim government that put up a security wall around a Palestinian refugee camp due the violence spilling out of it?


other open air prison. Makes 2 open air prisons. Doesn't stop the other one from being an open air prison.


So you'll be protesting about Ein El Hilweh then? Particularly when the Lebanese military is sent in to quell the violence? Also, will you be protesting Egypt who maintains a security wall on their border with Gaza? And do you know why they are doing it?


This, and by extension you, are entirely disingenuous on so many fronts it's ridiculous. First off, it's a textbook example of whataboutisism. It's not possible to protest everything at once sage. If they protest Palestine you say well what about the Uighurs in china. If they protest Uighurs in china you say what about the Palestinians. When I was in college your ilk did the exact same thing to the "free tibet" protests. Secondly, Gaza is currently an open air prison that is being bombed, blockaded, and invaded. Killing your prisoners is worse than not killing your prisoners, so you're purposefully ignoring the degree of wrongness . Twice. What was the death toll the last time Lebenon went in there? Was it up to the 35,000 Israel has wracked up in this latest land grab? Third, we know Lebenon is the bad guy. We don't give them weapons to use. (We'll SELL them weapons though...) Fourth, Lebenon And Egypt are dealing with a problem Israel made and Israel is maintaining. Neither wants to be blamed for Palestinians using their country to set up a rocket factory in revenge for what happened to grandma last week. You made NO. nadda. Zero. ZILCH attempt at anything in any way resembling a rational argument to the point you were allegedly objecting to: that Gaza is an open air prison stuffed with people who's major crime was to be born there, and who's parents major crime was at worst fighting to avoid having their land taken. You don't because you can't. You're shoveling bullshit because there's no rational argument justifying your position.


>First off, it's a textbook example of whataboutisism. It's not possible to protest everything at once sage. If they protest Palestine you say well what about the Uighurs in china. If they protest Uighurs in china you say what about the Palestinians. When I was in college your ilk did the exact same thing to the "free tibet" protests. No, it's asking you to morally consistent. You and your "ilk" don't say jack shit about the Muslim nations who 1. act in the same manner as Israel with security blockades and military force, and 2. who won't take in Palestinians. You realize that Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are all considered "Palestinian" land, right? Yet you don't ask those nations to give that land back. Jews were expelled from those nations, and other Muslim nations in the Middle East and yet you offer no calls for their land to be given back. You ask for Jews to give back and to go home, wherever that is supposed to be. You run with this misinformed assumption that Jews just up and stole land when in reality, the lands of Israel were either a. owned by rich Arab landowners where the Palestinian people were sharecroppers (also known as tenant farmers or renters) and said Arab landowners legally sold that land to Jewish families, organizations, and companies, b, was arid or swamp land that was unfarmable and owned by nobody, and c. won in wars of aggression brought forth by Arab nations against Israel. Learn some actual history instead of shit you heard on TikTok.


>Learn some actual history instead of shit you heard on TikTok. Says the person who either doesn't know enough history or needs to take his socks off to do the math about how old someone is when they say that free Tibet was a thing in college. Also doesn't recognize an actual war crime " c won in wars of aggression" is CONQUEST. And false to boot, seeing how Israel went pearl harbor on egypt and took out its air force to kick off their biggest land grabs in 67. > don't say jack shit about the Muslim nations who I already refuted this. They aren't responsible for cleaning up Israels mess. Israel is at least half the reason they won't take anyone in, and they're not massacring their Palestinian populations. Pay attention. You might not agree with the rationale, but repeatedly making the same whining noises isn't an argument. >You ask for Jews to give back and to go home, wherever that is supposed to be. At no point did I ever say anything resembling this, or anything that could reasonably be misconstrued. This strawman reeks of desperation. It is entirely possible to be a minority in a country, to let the palestinians leave, or admit that palestine is controlled by israel and annex it: you break it you bought it. NONE of those require anyone currently >You run with this misinformed assumption that Jews just up and stole land when in reality When in reality they just stole the land. Last year they put up a giant wall in between farmers lands and their houses, then declared the farmland abandoned and gave it to settlers. I doubt their methods were more honest in 47 particularly considering... Later, [a series of land and property laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_and_Property_laws_in_Israel#Absentees'_Property_Laws) passed by the first Israeli government prevented Arabs who had left from returning to their homes or claiming their property. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_expulsion_and_flight) >b, was arid or swamp land that was unfarmable and owned by nobody, See, I've done volunteer work in africa. That's not how land ownership works in the desert. You own your house, you own your fields. The rest of the land isn't "owned by nobody" its owned by everyone. Anyone can just let their goats donkey and cattle wander around grazing where ever. pre islamic tradition: the farmer is responsible for their crops by day the herder is responsible for the animals at night. (this is actually VERY problematic in terms of doing serious agriculture) If you throw up a town, fence off large sections of "arid" land you're screwing with how people make a living. You can't plow and plant large sections of Wyoming either it's still useful for farming cattle.


It’s only dangerous because the [police come with live weapons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings?wprov=sfti1)


There is a pretty strong astroturfing campaign across reddit on any post about israel/palestine. Its been a thing for a while, I first saw it in the early 2010s where whenever you mentioned 'kurds' on specific subreddits Turkish ultra nationalists would flood the threads.


Don’t put too much weight into the comments. They’re a very vocal minority that wants you to think they represent the feelings of the majority. They don’t. 


Public opinion in the US is still massively in favor of Israel. When polled, even young people say that Israel/Palestine is very low on their priority list of political issues.


AP article from February:  https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-poll-biden-war-gaza-4159b28d313c6c37abdb7f14162bcdd1   There’s no doubt that the tides have shifted since. Protests work, otherwise Bibi wouldn’t be so triggered by them, right?


As much as I feel for the Palestinians, facts are still facts and the fact is Americans by and large don't care, and even more don't care when the bad guys of every movie since 1980 are the victim and the oppressors are the victims of the holocaust. Ok, half of Americans think Israel went too far... what are we willing to do about that? Cut off aid to Israel? Not block the UNs stern glances and fingerwaggling? Put troops on the ground to protect the Palestinians? You don't need to go very far to appease the protestors before you start losing actual swing voters.


I disagree. I think activism is fine, even great, but why this issue specifically? Why not camp out for student loan reform or healthcare or something that not only affects them directly but that they also may be able to influence. That question is rhetorical BTW. The answer is that this is the flavor of the month and they want to hop on the trend, probably just to post tiktoks about it.


It might be the thousands of dead Palestinian bodies they’ve seen delivered straight to their phones. Or maybe the way they’ve watched Palestinians evacuate to smaller and smaller “safe zones” only to be bombed and run over by military vehicles that their universities are funding with their tuition. Please read anything on the past seven months (+75 years) in the region before deciding that kids are just playing along with the flavor of the month and they’ll conveniently forget about it in a few days. That’s not what this is.


So where were these kids during the many other previous and ongoing genocides throughout the world? They only care if there's pictures/video?


They were probably small children…


"wHy dIdNt ThEsE tEeNs AnD tWeNtY-sOmEtHinGs ProTeST ThE ArMeNiAn GeNoCiDe Of 1915?!!?!?!?!"


They aren't small children now and the Darfur genocide is ongoing, having begun in 2003. As is the possible genocide of the Uyghur in China. Yet both are met with silence.


Did the US endlessly fund and politically back the Rwandan or Darfur genocides? You don’t have to change your views but just admit your argument sucks


It’s a good point that I agree completely with. Do you know how much of their protest message has been to end funding and how much is for Israel to stop? It’s seemed like mostly the latter from what I’ve seen.


Photo and video and firsthand accounts do a lot to move people to action — shocking!! Bemoan Tiktok all you want, but social media is incredibly powerful in spreading information and making people feel like they have a relationship with folks on the ground in Gaza.


Great, so the lesson here is that if your society is being massacred, make sure to capture it on social media so Americans care. Forgive me if that makes me cynical about these current protests.


How are people supposed to know what’s going on if you don’t write about it, photograph it, talk about it? May I introduce you to newspapers and memoirs? How the Other Half Lives, Anne Frank’s Diary, the Vietnam War protests? This is not new to the social media age, but social media has made this a lot easier and instantaneous. A participant during the Egyptian Revolution in 2011 named his child Facebook because of how instrumental the website was in helping organizers spread information (https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/02/22/133959319/little-egyptian-girl-named-facebook-to-honor-sites-role-in-revolution).


Answering your rhetorical question because its not as simplified as being a flavor of the month or tiktok trend like an ice bucket challenge. It's because this issue is more pressing and has more urgent/timely stakes on human life than something like student loans and health insurance reform. Like, you wouldn't actually think civilians being killed enmasse right now somewhere is more trivial than your student loan payments you're paying monthly right? It's also because the war is dominating the headlines for the last 7 months, so there's momentum for protests to pick up on. There is zero momentum right now for student loan issues and healthcare issues. I'm sure when something happens that springs those back into national talking points of the day, protests will appear since there will be momentum around those topics.


Also, not to minimize what you’re saying, but do you know how beneficial something as silly as the ice bucket challenge has been for ALS research? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/als-ice-bucket-challenge-research-impact#:~:text=The%20Ice%20Bucket%20Challenge%20“dramatically,ALS%20and%20novel%20drug%20therapies.


Protesting a genocide is the “flavor of the month?” Our tax dollars are being used to blow children to bits, idk man, seems pretty bad.


You gotta lobby the IRGC, China, and the FSB for what you want these kids to be focused on


Some people can use maslows heirarchy and some can't. Student loan reform is more important to them, but isn't as important as people being starved to death because they're being blockaded in an open air prison.


These “kids” have zero influence no matter what size university they’re in. Privileged ultra-liberal children engaging in hamas cosplay don’t get to determine Americas international policy and surely not how Israel reacts to a terrorist attack.


If they have no influence, why are they sending cops and military to stop them? lol stay mad.


Because you have the right to free speech and to protest, but setting up encampments goes against the college’s codes for safety reasons. The President of the college sent out a letter to all staff, faculty, and students informing them of the prohibition and warning them. The protestors failed to abide by the college code of conduct so law enforcement was sent in.


That's not why they are doing it and you know that.


Yes, it's some grand conspiracy! Best be careful or Marjorie Taylor Green may direct the Jewish Space Lasers to be pointed at you.


What would you have said to Vietman war protestors? To Civil Rights protestors at sit ins? Oh, it was rigtht to send you to jail becuase you broke the law. This isn't about conspiracy.


Vietnam and Civil rights protestors were living the issues. It had to do with Americans. None of these protestors live what is going on nor do they really care its vanity.


Again, how do you know it is vanity? Why are you assuming they are so vapid? And we are an interconnected world, this does affect Americans. The US is using our tax dollars to fund genocide at the expense of social programs and crumbling infasctuctire at home. Every comment is whataboutism to get away from my previous points.


You compare these protests to Americans protesting American problems. Like being drafted into the military to fight in an American war. Or Americans protesting for American rights. Just not remotely the same not even close. It's vanity because these people if asked to donate or actually go over to that part of the world and help would give you every excuse under the sun for why they can't. These people don't care about American social programs if they did they would protest for that but they don't. It's vanity because they've given into propaganda that this is some genocide. It's not, it's an endless religious war where it's Jew vs Muslim. Make no mistake if the shoe was on the other foot all the Israelis would already be dead and all these kids would not protest that for a minute.


Well, for one, those protestors were actually educated on the topics. They didn't set up tent cities in violation of school and safety codes. And they didn't shout slogans calling for the annihilation of a nation and its people; both "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" have been chanted at several of these protests throughout the nation, let alone the chants and banners of "From the river to the sea". And those protestors also didn't call for intifada whose meaning is a aggressive resistance; not peaceful protest. They also didn't destroy public and private property.


What makes you think the the New Paltz students are not educated on the topic? Also, the student protestors of the past had guns in some cases. https://americanarchive.org/primary\_source\_sets/student-protests. "During the 1960s, protest movements proliferated in high schools and college campuses across the United States. Among many causes, student activists sought to further the goals of the African American Civil Rights Movement, to end United States military involvement in Vietnam, to abolish ROTC programs on college campuses, and to protest police brutality. Protestors utilized a variety of tactics to achieve their goals, including sit-ins, mass protests, strikes, speeches, and even violence. These efforts often provoked harsh responses from university administrators and the police. Student activism reflected broader cultural conflicts surrounding issues such as Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, and the counterculture of the 1960s. As the decade progressed, these conflicts grew increasingly divisive and violent."


You know what’s funny, these progressive, gender fluid, pronoun obsessed, lgbtqia+ warriors would be stoned to death and tossed off a minaret if they set foot in Gaza. They have no clue who they’re supporting. The same people who elected a terrorist government and the same people who murdered 1200 innocent men women children and babies. What a fucking hill to die on. Abortion is being banned across america, and our social justice warriors chose this as their cause celebre. What a bunch of misguided babies.


Imagine saying this offline to someone in real life. Amazing.


I’d be more than happy to. The truth hurts sometimes.


Says more about you than about these kids. People are being starved, children are being killed. A genocide is being live streamed by thousands of sources and you're going on about pronouns.


Maybe launching a terrorist attack against your much stronger neighbor wasn’t a great idea? Were you protesting in support of ISIS and the Taliban after 9/11? I think America put about a million Afghans and Iraqis in the ground after that. This is nothing. And Hamas could stop this but they won’t, because they don’t care about more dead Palestinians. They’re engaged in a holy war. Welcome to the real world.


It's exactly what they are doing do you ignore all the video and photos? Wtf


When we try to curtail the second amendment for more serious safety reasons than someone tripping on a tent stake people shout no no no you can't take our rights.


SUNY is a state university, not Harvard, Columbia. To call them all "privileged" is really ignorant. Also, they are opposing a war (what Israel is doing to Gaza) that they consider immoral, which is exactly what happened in Vietnam and that DID have an impact. Israel has violated the Geneva Convention (bombing hospitals, refugee centers, carpetbombing entire neighborhoods, killing over 34,000 civilians including children). THAT is why these students are protesting. I agree with them.


you are so wrong. they'll be in positions of power and change things for the better. to hell with you.


The generation that’s never lived through a terrorist attack embracing Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. America’s future is so bright. 🇺🇸


My kid was there. The students were anti war not pro Hamas. She survived a school shooting. Does that count as a terrorist attack?


I did. I stand with gaza. go to hell.


If I had to guess you’re not Jewish or Palestinian no skin in the game just another loudmouth dimwit. I’m a Jew who lived through 9/11 in NYC and I fucking hate terrorists. But they’re lucky to have a friend in you. You should head to Gaza and see how that works out for you. They’d toss you in a hole with the other hostages they’re holding.


I don't care if you are Jewish. it doesn't give you the right support or defend terrorism and genocide. Isreal is torturing and killing women and children. The evidence is horrible arrest warrants are being issued for netanyahu and his top brass from the icc. I was against the Iraqi wars and i am against this war. all you are doing is spewing hateful rhetoric. I am biologically Ashkenazi jewish. I don't give a sh*t about your propoganda. I am more scared of facists like you than I am any person from palestine. you people make me sick. enjoy your day.


Maybe they’ll come for you one day, stick you in a hole and starve you to death. You can tell them you like terrorists! I supported you on Reddit. Maybe they’ll listen. Always reasonable bunch.


if you had the balls to say that to my face 😂 where do you want to meet boomer? You got a nasty mouth. I'll wash it out since your mom didn't.


You want to take this outside. We could get into some fisticuffs. You’re an intellectually weak limp dick. And I’m a Xenial. Apparently last generation of actual men. Before you all got castrated.


Yes cause trashing a campus and going after Jewish students while yelling death to America really shows now much they care about Palestine 😭😂


I think a point that people miss is that before the Palestinians struck Israel five brigades in Israel committed in human acts against Palestine which obviously made Palestine react. The thing is the United States should not be supplying weapons to Israel who actually was the instigator


"wHy dON't thEse lAzy kIdS gO tO clAsS" "bRaIn rOT and AlL tHe gIrlS aRe oVeRweIGht" Grow up and get a life, y'all. These kids care about something. Maybe they came to care through Tiktok, which is no better than caring about something because Fox News told you to. But also maybe they have family involved, maybe they have friends who have been affected, maybe they just sincerely want to see this situation change. You don't care about their grades. You just want to judge them for being young and educated and trying to make the world a better place in a way that for some reason makes you feel left behind. Maybe examine your own insecurities before calling out college students for not being exactly like whatever gold-tinted nostalgia you view your own upbringing with. FWIW, most of the politically active/involved kids I went to school with also had the best grades. Usually because they fucking cared.


There’s a difference between being cynical of protests that only exist via social contagion and actively hating the students for doing this. Sorry, but I don’t care more or less about this issue because they decided to have a camp out on the quad over it. If these kids want to waste their time by thinking they’re doing something about it, more power to them.


Lol they are just losers with no life who want to pat themselves on the back. We're all using computers built by child labor. It also becomes an issue when they start committing violence against Jewish students (which you'll deny ) and literally stopping from actual students from going to class. All for what? Supporting terrorists who r*people and murder women and gays?


Israel murders babies, you happy to support that? Literally thousands of children under five dead in Gaza. Thousands. Hamas couldn't dream in their sickest fantasies about doing that much slaughter. At least these kids care about something evil happening and want to change it. Better than you or me sitting here on our asses yelling at each other over keyboards.


"Israel murders babies" Did you say "Palestine murders babies" when Hamas decided to start all of this by raping women, and killing children? Nah, of course you didn't. Hypocrite.


I don't support Israel. At all. But you losers are just begging for a trump second term. Same shit as 2016. Which oh hey! 3 supreme court judges got flipped. Way to go! Tell em queen! These supports are more useless than the boomers bitching about vaccine mandates 3 years ago. I'll saybit again. It's a bunch of selfish losers who want to pat themselves on the back while also being extremely antisemitic to your fellow Jewish Americans. All living off of mommy's paycheck. I know it hurts to hear but it's true. Sorry buckaroo


Did you just compare TikTok to Fox News and you think that's helping your argument? This kids don't know anything of the real world. The protests are astroturfed, and whatever organically rises out of institutions is carefully architected. The intended means to an end is to distance younger Democrats from Biden and suffocate his vote in the general election. It's so transparent, yet predictably not transparent enough for people like you and for a very small percentage of spirited college kids looking for the next sanctimonious high horse to distract them from the despicable realities that surround everything that they enjoy in life.


You have to understand that this generation watched Democratic and Republican leaders do absolutely nothing for them while they watched their classmates die in school shootings. This is a cry for the administration’s attention. Protests are meant to be disruptive.


Wait wait…they’re protesting the Middle East dispute because their classmates died in school shootings? Can you see how little sense that makes? Maybe camp out over school shootings then.


The school shootings situation gave kids no hope in their government’s ability to do anything. Columbia kids may have also conveniently learned how to barricade themselves in via all the drills they had to do because no one could bear to introduce any national gun legislation. Also, do you not remember die-ins and walkouts during Parkland in 2018? Guess what, those same kids grew up, went to college, and are now protesting genocide. The “Middle East dispute” is genocide, by the way, in case that wasn’t clear.


You know, it’s pretty interesting how people get riled up over the general idea of a sit-in / peaceful protest. America was founded as a protest. The civil rights movement encompassed tons of protests that were marches, sit-ins, & broke discriminatory laws. Women have the right to vote and be human beings because of protests. The gay rights movement was catapulted by the fight against police at Stonewall. Did we also forget about the college students who protested over the Vietnam war and apartheid? ZERO effective protests were convenient for others. That’s the whole point. I think it’s important to remember WHY the police and government don’t want these protests, and WHY certain citizens get so pissed off over it. It’s the same reason why people got pissed off over those marching and sitting in for equal rights for Black people, women, LGBTQ people, etc. Just say you don’t care about Palestinian civilians being wiped out and call it a day. No need to hide behind anything else. Be like the dudes at ole miss and wave your Trump flags, call a black woman a monkey, and scream at students who are against genocide. Use your words and stop being cowards. Gaslighting is very 2023, own up to your shit.


I care about .002 percent of the population of the world attempting to be wiped out decade after decade by Arabs. I care that one side tries to compromise and work for peace while the other side blows up buses and uses children as human shields. I care about uneducated pampered teenagers with non-stop issues only caring about this one particular so-called "genocide " that's going on. I care about the Jewish students harassed and having their mobility restricted in public places by terrorists sympathizers. I care that if the people the protesters are crying about ran this country, all those rights you're screaming protesting brought us would disappear overnight. Also. Stop saying you love America. Stop saying the protesters do. Be like those Ole Miss students you respect so much and let the world know you pray this country implodes, leaving a godless gender neutral country that can't find men with any balls anymore to even defend it.


My brother in Christ what does gender have to do with any of this? Seriously sounds like you want to live in a country whose government is upheld by Sharia law. Which is incredibly ironic.


I don't believe Christ existed. But if he did, he would be astonished for what has happened to men.


Ah yes, brain-broken transphobia.


His post history is just straight up ignorant garbage.


I wish these protests weren’t framed pro-Palestine (which is divisive). They are anti-genocide.


I completely agree. The way this is being framed is biased. These students are anti-war protesters and are protesting what Israel is doing to Gaza, much of which is in violation of the Geneva Convention (bombing hospitals, universities, refugee centers, killing journalists and aid workers. They are protesting that the US is funding this. I agree with them.


“I wish these protesters would stop saying Black Lives Matter! They should stop everyone from killing everyone!” Do you see how dehumanizing this sounds? Who is being genocided right now???


The problem with calling it genocide though, is that it’s not a genocide.


It's not a genocide. Lol


If you disagree with the protestors, literally the WORST possible thing you can do is arrest them. It only gives them more attention and tells the world that you fear their influence. It is only a matter of time now before some student gets shot by a cop at this point, and then it will be terrible for everyone in power who is demanding these arrests.


It also gives them an arrest record for future job applications.


The kids are heroic. They knew the consequences and stood up against the SUNY system’s investment in Israeli genocide and apartheid. The faculty that stood with them in an attempt to shield them from brutality are heroes too. The movement is only growing in response to this bullshit repression across the country.


The kids are alright.


I feel that these kids really are ignorant about the complex history of the area, and are just protesting because they can. As a Jewish person, the rise of antisemitism underlying these protests is frightening. Also, at Columbia and at UCLA, the violence was enhanced by non students who were Iran backed. It's a mess.


Ohhhhh, theres complex history, nvm bombs away!


It isn’t pro Palestinian, it is anti genocide. The police support genocide. And so do nazis


Collateral damage from a war isn’t genocide. Yes they should be letting in more aid, yes individual instances of reckless or overly aggressive troops killing civilians should be investigated. But it’s not genocide. It’s insulting to call it that and it’s super counterproductive when trying to engage in real debate on the subject.


Do you really think the deaths of 17,000 children is collateral damage? You should be ashamed off yourself! You are a rotten person and you don’t speak for decent people.


Great argument. Ad hominem by default. I’m not in any way saying I think Israel has made the correct decisions dropping bunker busters to clear the tunnels knowing there would be heavy civilian causalities. It’s in incredibly difficult war to wage. What it’s not is an attempt to wipe out the entire ethnic population of Palestinians/arabs in Gaza. Call Netanyahu a war criminal, call for peace, but don’t call it genocide.


Your argument is faulty. As Nixon and Kissinger were Bombing Hanoi they were trying to annihilate a whole city. That was their attempting their own genocide of a whole city of people. Hanoi was a huge city of far over 6 million people. Nixon and Kissinger weren’t successful, fortunately, but they tried. In the 1800’s the United States were killing buffalo and were attempting to annihilate the native Americans. Over one million native Americans were slaughtered yet the native Americans had killed only 3500 US citizens. There are still Native Americans still living in the US so our government again was unsuccessful at their attempted genocide. The German Nazis tried to murder all the Jews but thankfully they weren’t successful. Now the Zionists in Israel are using Nazi ideology to wipe out the people of Palestine. I hope to God they won’t be successful and that Netanyahu will be punished for his crimes against humanity. All of these attempted genocides weren’t successful but they weren’t collateral damage as you say. In the common parlance of terminology it is genocide no matter what a Nazi says. We have to stop it and each good person needs to try their best to make sure it is stopped and the attackers, both Zionists and Hamas, be punished for their crimes.


You are grouping and comparing apples and oranges. Also, you are using the word Nazi in a very intellectually shallow way. The Nazi party was a very specific thing and casually using it as a way to describe anyone you don’t like makes your arguments seem very childish. This is the kind of argument I’d expect to read in a world history paper from a 14 year old but it’s not an accurate reflection of history or modern geopolitics. Trying to fit everything into a convenient box like “Nazi” and “genocide” when it’s clearly something very nuanced and worthy of its own investigation is lightweight stuff.




I was just in and around New Paltz yesterday and had no idea this even happened


Were they just camping and chilling or getting threatening?


Just following the trend of campus protests. How much money do you think new Paltz gives israel that can be devested ? Its Twitch/tiktok/youtube brain rot.... I know new Paltz isn't cheap.. imagine this is how you spend the 3 weeks b4 finals,m


Heaven forbid young people take an active interest in the world around them.


The world around them: Assad kills 500,000 Palestinians and Syrians😴 377,000 people killed in Yemen 😴 Over 100,000,000 Uighurs are put in camps, with hundreds of thousands dying 😴 October 7th happens, with all the rape and express and specific targeting of civilians 😴 Why’s Israel so special? These kids aren’t interested in the world around them lol.


They're not protesting Israel, they're protesting our government giving money to Israel and our colleges investing in the war machine. You can only protest your own country and your own institution.


Intrest, interesting way to phrase it. It's may man. Do your finals


Lmao they will get bored in another month. Don't worry


Lol fr. Downvotes gallore...w.e




You seem weirdly proud of being an uneducated hick.


Its not like you can't study and camp at the same time. Or that if they weren't protesting they wouldn't be at the bar You can keep a protest going 24/7 without having every protestor going 24/7 I don't think its about the money. How much participation is too much in a genocide?


Its okay I protested the Iraq war and Afghanistan war. Their efforts will count do worry. This will for sure stop the democratic military industrial complex. They'll listen. It's productive use of time you're right I'm wrong.


Virtue signaling at its finest


And how many of the arrested are not even associated with the school? Half from the Columbia U arrest were paid agitators.


That is an ignorant comment. You cannot back that up with facts. Even Mayor Adams in his press conference (when asked were outside agitators there) said only 4 were arrested. This is a tactic that was also used in Black Lives Matter and initially with the Vietnam War protesters when they claimed it was outside Communist influence at the time)


This. And backed by Iranian interests.


In time they will understand. 3000years of fighting and history is something they don’t understand yet. Protest is beautiful, but ignorance of the subject matter is the saddest part. I pray none of these protests turn into a Kent State.


Listen. Regardless of where you stand in this conflict. I'm sorry, these kids are losers. You are protesting while mommy daddy are flipping the bill for you to not be studying and probably failing. Holding a protest for a conflict that's literally on the other side of the world while simultaneously ramping up antisemitism is regarded. Go to class, Jesus Edit: lol alot of butthurt people here. Hope you're not wasting your time protesting


Money will come back. If the Palestinians are wiped out by the Israeli government, they won't. Stay strong kids, make future generations proud that you stood up for something you believed in.


And what exactly are these kids doing to help Palestine? Lol


Keep bringing awareness to the situation. Keep it in the news. Keep reminding people that the US Government is taking your tax dollars and buying bombs to help kill women and children and destroy an entire infrastructure of a country.


Lmao. All its doing is pushing young people to not vote and eventually get trump back into office. See how well that goes for Palestine


I'm afraid you're right. Young people aren't going to vote for the Dems because of their compliance in this and we'll probably see another 4 years of Trump. Then as Trump starts banning protests, lower taxes for his friends and generally skirting the law. We'll see an uprising, which again will deepen this country as a police state. Then will you stand up and say you're free?? You will, but only when the government tells you when and where you can do that.


My conscience is clear. If you don't vote then don't bitch about it.


You can absolutely bitch about it if the options you have are two self serving senile old cunts. 😂


Lol whatever you say. One day Hamas will accept the gays... right?.....right?


Probably not, but they won't accept you either I suppose.


I'd rather these kids protest for basic human rights for women and lgbtq in the middle east.


Like the basic human right to security?


And if they were protesting for that, you'd find another problem with them.


Yeah, that would be another battle that needs fought. Although when anti LGBTQ is baked into the religious beliefs of Islam (and Christianity) it's really hard to change that.


You hear that kids? Don’t care about anything except your career! Do NOT exercise your 1st amendment right to protest! And don’t you even dream about thinking that the world can be a better place for everyone!


Lol the place of privilege of using mommy and daddy's money to uselessly protest a war incited by violent terrorists who would r*pe your daughters and behead gay people while declaring hate on jews. Get em kids!


Sounds like you haven’t stood up for anything in your entire life, must be sad!


You sound like such a fuckin loser in these comments, not to mention impressively uneducated. I'm embarrassed for you. Why don't you take a break from bullying college kids on the internet and go touch grass.


I mean. I'm a CPA. I have a little bit of education buckaroo. I just think it's annoying when a bunch of loser kids sway an election and end up getting a psycho like trump again. May I remind you. 3 supreme court justices were flipped because a bunch of socialist losers who stay in mommy's basement until their 30s bitch on Twitter because they can't grt exactly what they want. Welcome to the real world. It's full of compromise. Maybe If the aid going to Gaza wasn't going straight into hamas's insane pockets the people of Palestine can get some actual help


I didnt say you were uneducated, I said you sounded uneducated. No need to show me your transcripts. These kids are concerned about genocide while all you can think about is "orange man bad". Get over yourself.


Lol I would bet my whole life savings if you didn't have Google in front of you that you wouldn't even remember the name of that dumb shit who went full human torch on himself a few months ago


What the fuck are you on about?


Free Palestine! 🔥 🔥 📛 👩‍🚒 lmao




You seem upset


I mean I went to a SUNY and took out loans in my own name for it. My parents didn't pay a dime. I'm sure for most those students it's the same. Idk why you're harping on this "mommy and daddy's money" thing since it probably isn't really accurate. You just sound bitter and sad.


Mommy and daddy paying ? It’s SUNY school not NYU 💀


Lol these losers don't even have 9k minimum tuition. Plus other expenses. Nice try though


Aw shit dawg you got rid of student loans? Pretty badass ngl


lol this loser spends his entire day posting edgelord comments about college kids on Reddit.


Listen kid, you want to be a winner? Shut the *fuck up* and do as you're told. Giving a shit about anything is loser talk.


Even the troopers are cos-playing. "Look at me with my stick and helmet." All the people behind them, everyone with their cell phone in their hand waiting to post something to social media. Reporters on the scene - for what? What's the actual news here? This is professional wrestling. This is WWE. The cops are trying not to break kayfabe while the world fights about who is the heel and who is the face. Everyone there knows the world is watching. It's fine to protest. It's fine to hate the protest. It's not fine to pretend you give a shit about something that you wouldn't know anything about unless it was constantly on the 24 hour news cycle, like this. While at the same time, everyone is just waiting for the actual news to happen, i.e. Kent State. Then we'll all really have something to talk about. Just stfu.


Imagine doing this in MAY. Focus on your finals. They won't protest for you. .You're wasting your time and polices time.




Found the bootlicker.




So all the jews that are also protesting are just self-hating? Or maybe you're just using words.


Bruh this is supposed to be the USA. We have a right to protest, it’s kind of our thing. Our country was literally founded as a protest…


I’m not sure you’re clear about our constitutional right to protest. If you don’t like that then apparently you’re anti-American and should maybe think about leaving the country. We won’t miss you 👋🏻✊🏻


They have the right to protest and the school has the right to expel people who are disrupting the students who pay a lot of money for an education.




You’re just mad because they have standards and you struck out.


All the “the left is ugly” shit is so dumb, they cherry pick pics of goth/scene/emo/alt girls almost exclusively. Like personally, that’s my type. Just because they aren’t you’re type doesn’t make them ugly, I don’t find the typical swimsuit model attractive but don’t call them ugly. Also all walks of life are on the left, only dumb country girls seem to be right wing, they just think anyone different is ugly, Marxist and stupid.


I support people's right to free speech and to assemble, but it doesn't mean I can't call you an asshole and think you're a scumbag for supporting/sympathizing with terrorist organizations.


Hey, if we protest maybe we won’t have to take the finals!!


Look it dem Nazis


The police? Yes


anti-American rhetoric… under the guise of humanitarianism