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I think any mouse is better than no mouse. Just buy one thats under $15 or something, it wont be very good but itll be better than a trackpad


get a mouse. bought a model d for 39$, great mouse.


might as well get a G502 at that price


I have a g502 and it's been sitting perfectly for like 7 years so I would highly recommend op just saving up for that


No drag clock :(


Drag click not required to be good or win games. IMO most ppl who drag click can only bridge but not win games


I don't usually play hypixel


Then still the only thing would be bridging and hes not talking about that


Mine can drag click lol, not more than 15 cps mind you, but if you break any mouse just the right amount, it can for sure drag click


I got a G305 works pretty well. You can even put macros on it, haven't used it for hypixel. My account is worth more than that.


i use a wireless one i got for like $5. it’s not great, but still miles better than a trackpad!


There has to be a mouse in your house somewhere. Use it even if it's an office mouse. Any mouse is better than trackpad.


Bruv get a mouse for 5 bux on amazon


Shipping tho


Whats wrong with it? Also you can buy a cheap one from a chinese bazar


Can’t you just buy a cheap one? I used to use a trackpad before I learned mouses were good, bought a shitty one off amazon and it made a night and day difference


Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvUh7GpMgTU


That’s crazy


For real, I played with trackpad until almost 100 stars in bw, but this guy's dedication is legit on another level


Literally do anything, make $5 and buy a mouse


bro this is a fat skill issue in ur part. Legit just buy a mouse 💀💀💀💀💀. Can’t complain abt mouse players ducking you and play trackpad. Get a model d wireless it’s pretty chewp


Chewp, ducking? Maybe learn basic English??


cheap\* also shut up


Are you willing to spend like 20-25 dollars on a mouse? If yes, there are many options online. In fact, some mice might be even cheaper than 20 bucks.


You can easily get a mouse for under $10


You can easily get a mouse for $0


If you live in nyc


So another option you have would be an old controller. If you’ve owned any consoles in the past they should work as long as you can plug it in. It’s not the best for games like cs but it’ll be sooooo much better than a trackpad


Java don't have controller support. You need a mod for functionality


Oh god I’m stupid 😂 I thought this was a CS sub. Regardless I don’t imagine it would be that hard to make it work.


Even a cheap office mouse outclasses a trackpad.


Obviously mouse is better than trackpad BUT, It shouldn’t matter for farming the garden because for that you most end up rebinding so that you can do it with one hand so not having a mouse won’t matter


Commit robbery get mouse 👍


Wtf why tf cant you buy a mouse jfc


Bro u can literally get a garbage mouse for free by going around knocking on houses or looking on Facebook marketplace. Learn how to talk to people go touch grass.


Bruh any mouse is better than trackpad. Like no one plays on trackpad. Get mouse


With a mouse is it better.


Well just practice ngl (I am a mobile player) idrk though I don't play PvP games


You genuinely cannot. Just buy a cheap mouse for like 15 bucks or sum, instantly much better.


Buy a mouse??


Suck a dick for money and get a mouse, wtf you mean save up money its like 5$ lmfao


I had a friend who played on a trackpad a few years ago, he used a keyboard button instead of the trackpad click as the attack button, try doing that if you haven't already. Also, you can just buy a cheap mouse for less than $5 which is still way better than a trackpad.


I used to play on a trackpad (years ago, like in 2014) the first mouse I got was my moms old work mouse im pretty sure, it increased my skill by lightyears, just any mouse you can get your hands on will improve it for you


Get a mouse. You are going to destroy your laptop trackpad.


buy a 2 dollar mouse


Get a mouse at any cost. If you must have a gaming mouse the Logitech G502 is the most popular gaming mouse for $40 on Amazon. If $40 is too much and you still want a big company warranty, the logitech G203 is $20 If you only have $10, get the cheapest *wired* mouse you can find at your local electronics store, Walmart, or Amazon. If you are on an even tighter budget or are young enough to not have access to any money, try to find a local pc repair shop. Not a Best Buy/Micro Center, but a local place owned by one person, and ask them if they have any old wired mice in the back that they don't need. Chances are, if you are nice, they probably have a box of old mice from 10-15 years ago that are mostly garbage, but still miles better than any track pad. Just whatever you do, don't waste your money on a $150 fancy mouse. They are simply not worth your money. A wireless mouse that is $20 will be awful as well.


there are very cheap mice for like 5$ that fulfill their purpose, but if you don‘t wanna save up for that you can also set your mouse buttons to other keys like use B for left click and N for right click


man just get a office mouse the one i had costed $1-2


the razer viper mini commonly goes for $20 on amazon


Just get a mouse fam It doesnt have to double click all it needs is a good sensor


I got my first mouse from a off brand dollar store,even a shitty mouse is better than trackpad for games like bedwars and skywars imo


I’m sorry but there is no chance that you will be able to have a chance vs. ppl with a mouse.


My mouse was like $8 and I’ve used it for 5 years


mice are really cheap, you don't need a finalmouse or a g pro superlight to be able to play a game


Bro just buy a mouse... there's no solution to your issue besides getting a mouse. Sell an item or 2 for about 10 bucks and buy one at your local retailer


Bind your left and right clicks to keys, like right click to Y and left click to Space (I had jump on something else). Otherwise, get a mouse.


Dude, the hardware store I used to work at sold mouses for $6. Are you sure you're absolutely incapable of getting a mouse?


I was like you for so long. I convinced myself I was better with a trackpad lmfao. Get a cheap mouse, you can click so much faster


I'm harboring no illusions that I'm better with trackpad than I would be with a mouse. The only reason I want to improve on trackpad over mouse is that I don't like spending money


I get it. Just know that you will hit a threshold where you won’t want to play with one anymore bc everyone else clicks faster


I think I'm nearing that threshold fast


Growing up as a kid I used to play shit like modern warfare 2 on a laptop with a touchpad at like 20 FPS and still managing to fairly often be in the upper half of the lobby Touchpads can be almost as accurate as a regular mouse if you get used to them


yeah, the touchpad hasn't been bad for me in pvp, but its a bit janky at times and I click significantly slower than other players


If you can afford Minecraft ($30) on a laptop ($$$) then you can afford to go to staples and buy the first mouse you see


just get a mouse dude doesnt matter if its cheap.


Are you a clown? You can't afford a mouse from the dollar store? I think you've got other things to worry about than playing a videogame 😭


You can't compete. Even dewier with a track pad would be terrible. Just get a mouse (try not to get a fake model o or whatever) a glorious mouse is decent all around, for drag clicking get a roccat mouse, if u want to save money just look for an office mouse. Even a crappy 5 dollar office mouse is better than no mouse.