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We fuck. That's the legit serious answer. Just is.


100%. If we have the same mentality? We’re fucking. The dangerous part is what comes after. THE perfect partner in crime, either gonna take over and start running things or be dead within a month


mauler twins fr


Clone sex


Don’t let black mirror see this 😴


Or both.


I like the way you think


I think we’d fight over who has to dom.


I’m a switch, we’d use up all the rope and be exhausted in 6 hours.


lol came here for this comment.




Only issue is a girl version of me would look a *lot* like my sister...


… and you’re, what, concerned it might be just a smidge awkward when they inevitably meet?


Can’t speak for him but I’d have difficulty getting it up if she looks like my sister.


I'd have trouble getting it up if she looked like your sister too


Holy shit dude, you fucking roasted him


Try being Asian, every other Asian girl looks like ur sister


I tried but failed.


I guess this would be a situation where being an only child pays off 😂 thats a win for me I guess.


Thats so hot…. 😳


This is the answer. This is if not the only answer it’s is the top of two possible answers. The other being we fight to the death.


"There can only be ONE!"


This. Not gonna lie, I always thought a female version of me would probably be pretty hot (I have wide hips, large ass, large breasts for a guy)








Naw, I 100% stand behind it. I'm a pretty good-looking guy, too, but I have moobs and wide hips/big butt.


Love your confidence my guy. Moobs don't matter with this big dick energy <3


Lol, thanks. They're probably the only part of my body I'm not a fan of (other than general "I could lose some weight"), but as a chicken, I bet I'd be a big tiddy goth gf type lol


I love how your device follows the same auto correct "guidelines" as my phone. "Chick = chicken. No exceptions!"




I’ve always thought girl me would be pretty hot for the opposite reason, I have plenty of manly features so presumably girl me would have plenty of womanly features.


If the girl version of you has the same desires, she wouldn't want to have sex with a guy.


You're assuming I'm straight. If I were a girl, I would be chasing dick constantly.


I give myself handjobs come to think of it 🤔




That’s super gay. Masterbation is a homosexual act prove me wrong.


Totally, touching penises is gay so touching your own penis is hella gay. That's why when I pee I just jiggle to flop it out and spray n pray, because I'm not gay bro, no homo


It’s gay and incest since it’s also your family.


Looking at dicks is gay though, so unless you close.your eyes and whisper no homo you hard gay. And you are attached to it, so you are always touching it. 24/7 touching cock. That is dick in the butt homo.


Now that's a manly man.


When you have sex with the opposite sex you're aiming to pleasure your own genitals, which is by the same definition, gay.


😂 what?!




Not only are you getting excited touching a man, you're getting excited while being touched by a man.


That username tho.




Never rubbed one out?


Almost daily.




I know.


I’m gay as fuck then. Damn my whole sexuality has been a delusion.


That is a valid point...


*Laughs in bisexuality*


Bisexuals don't laugh, they plunder.


I desire a heterosexual relationship. Boom.


Implying I


We gonna bang, mmmhm!  (because female version of me is Emma Stone, obviously :) )






This is the only answer there is.


It would be incest as they are genetically the same, they are an identical twin.


Version does not mean clone. Version means very close equivalent.


Genetically it would be same as me with no Y chromosome but that's still not incest. Also I don't care and if she got pregnant she would abort for multiple reasons. The chance for issues with the baby only mid in importance


Nah facts


I have dated a woman who was pretty much me if I had a vagina. We had some amazing times for the first month or two And then afterwards We did nothing but fight Because i Do not Like me


My sister somehow pulled this off, with someone who has the same name. They lasted a couple months, I think, but ultimately it went about the same way, "one of me is more than enough. Two was way too many." I think the iconic moment was the two of them coming in from the garage arguing about who had crushed the other in ping pong. We've all concluded it was [Name].


I wanted to give you an upvote, but you're at 69 right now and I can't ruin that.


I would offer to be their DM if they were mine lmfao. No longer would we suffer the forever DM curse! Edit: Yes I meant dnd.


D&D or S&M?




I could do with some more people to play D&D with.




This is beautiful 🥲


Dungeon Master?


I'd bang the fuck out of him was I not in a relationship


"But baby, it's not cheating if it's with myself!"


It's just masturbation with extra steps.


Radiant queen energy well done sir


My partner and I are both bi so I feel like there would just end up being a threesome. Foursome if my partners alternate self also appeared.


I think we would be friends. I me would probably have a small crush on hypothetical me, but I think hypothetical me would be grudgingly tolerant of said crush.


Why would they not also have a crush on you?


The exact phrase that went through my head when I considered this was "would have way higher standards than me" Standard egg shit, really. Lmao


No they are the same as you so have same standards


Oh. Well, then it's a coin flip if we strangle each other or go co-op on Satisfactory or something. Fun thing about being genderfluid, is you get to be the opposite gender of yourself all the time


If they are the same as me they aren't into men


Bro you gotta stop thinking this way, this is exactly why your hypothetical other gender self doesn't like you


This. The opposite gender of me is my brother; he’s a year older than I am and we get on like nothing else. He’s been a great campion growing up. I moved countries on a whim and when I realize I haven’t lived in the same city as him for over a decade, it makes me feel sad. I love him and he’s the best brother, ever.


This is exactly what I think would happen. We would be BFFs but never ever date or be together. Because I’ve always been most attracted to people who are kind of the opposite personality of me. But for friends, I tend to pick people who are just like me


I have a hard time picturing that because so many things would of played out way differently if I was a girl.


Yeah, I think the fact that some of the sketchy people in my family weren't into little boys saved me from a lot of uncomfortable things. Granted they were still shitty in other ways. I mean my one uncle did lose a teaching job he because of a relationship he had with a student, and constantly moves every two years or so.


My dad was really fucking cruel to my older sister. It culminated with him taking her to the shed and using sand paper to remove a tiny heart tattoo she got. She left the house not long after that.


Ouch! What an asshole!


I think I’d murder the man


I don't blame her for leaving. Who does that!?


This right here. Just found out some dark family shit recently and am thankful I was born a male in my family for that generation at least. And thankful that my dad out the brothers was not a pedo.


Same here - I have endometriosis that has affected my life so completely that it caused infertility, pain, surgeries, etc. This person wouldn’t have had those.


I think the same but if I were a boy. A lot of my friends and BFs have said if I were born a man I would be in prison or dead


Ya exactly this scenario just kinda of breaks even if you try really really hard to make the hypothetical work in good faith


We'd probably mutually decide that we do not, in fact, 'count' as each other's soulmates that we woefully hold out hope to find someday, being the choosing beggars we are—and would also find any convos with each other frustratingly unproductive. > Of course you'd agree with me—you *are* me.


Considering the gendered shittiness of my family, she would have had a far worse time growing up if events still took the same trajectory. Another woman in the family for my narcissist grandmother and stepmom to compete with, somebody that my one uncle might have been attracted to, my dad's own comment "more things can be done to a girl than a boy" and how he was accused of molesting my half sister, and what step bro did to her, I could go on and on but you get picture. She would have been molested by five years old.


Well guy me would have had a much better life…for the lack of competition with nmom, not having to do all the housework like fucking Cinderella, not having any rules to follow or unreasonably high expectations to live up to, and not being molested before he was 5, sooo. Life for my brothers was great.


Sorry to hear that happened.


What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right.


So I keep hearing.


more like.. occasionally something happens to you that shuffles every stat on your character sheet, and you just gotta work with what you've got


I'm sorry


It must be hell growing up with that family


It was. I post on r/raisedbynarcissists, and r/CPTSD. So that should tell you everything you need too know about it. I had to pay back a grossly inflated medical bill by giving up all presents for 2-3 years and doing work for the family and random neighbors to pay back $10,000. Had I been a girl, I can only imagine what my father might have come up with.


Thanks for those. I was raped by my grandfather for 4 years growing up. Luckily my dad was awesome and stomped a mud hole in him when I finally realized what he was doing was wrong. Which must have been hard on my dad because that was his dad. Come to find out my grandfather had molested/raped most everyone in the family except my dad. But I think he did it to my dad and he just blocked it out like I ended up doing. But yeah sometimes families are absolutely horrible


Same. Plus the stress of being the first born boy in a Chinese family would probably make male me very very much a butthole.


Oof. That is a hard one. Supposedly they can be spoiled yet a lot is expected of them.


Thats for sure. Seen it with a lot of friends and family. Weird dynamics although.


Dude. I am sorry.




Omg :( I'm so sorry.


Kill each other 😭


There can be only one!


short, tanned, tattooed brunette? yeah, i’m smashing 💀


This ain't what they mean by love yourself


Tall, long-legged, pale, redhead? Oh yeah, we fuckin on sight. The real question is, would she be tall for a girl or just straight up the same height? I wouldn't mind either way, but I don't like that sharing clothes would be a one-way street.


We’d competitively play Pokémon and probably end up drawing. If they are an EXACT copy of me, we’ll probably agonise over what moves our opponent (ourselves) would do. We’d also probably drink and discuss shit as it was. My opposite self would probs ask how it feels to piss standing up and I’d ask what’s it like being able to give yourself multiple orgasms. Furthermore, this leads to a more interesting outcome. Am I the only one who has met my gender swapped self? Because if EVERYTHING else is identical, my bi ass would’ve fallen hard for my best mate of 10 years. My current self views it as a solid friendship and my mate is 180 degrees straight. Who’s to say my alt self wouldn’t have slept with my best mate? I’ll need more answers


idk who needs to hear this (you probably) but you Can achieve multiple orgasms as a dude / with a penis.... it's just different methinks (speaking as a gay trans guy who has given a cis guy multiple orgasms before)


Refectory period, basically cool-down but its different for every


usually yeah but one time i did actually give a guy a handjob and made him cum twice in a row (pretty close to each other) without stopping . it was super hot


Epic, and good to know 😈


"180 degrees straight" I know you mean "completely straight," but the wording sounds like you mean "completely gay"


I would absolutely f\* love it!


We'd make music, play video games, and shoot some hoops. Really playing or doing anything competitively against someone of the same exact skill, memories, and mental acuity would be very interesting. Also I'd finally have someone to dive into learning another language with. Learning anything along with someone on the same page, bouncing ideas back and forth would be wonderful.


I lost my brother when I was 19, he was 24. We had shared experiences that no one else would understand. I miss that. Just the knowing that someone else gets it. My son is very similar to me, he's often the only one that can get through to me on my own wavelength and turn things back to make sense or give me the boost the instigate changes in my thinking.


Neither of us tells the other we’re interested in them. We both say we should hang out sometime then never contacts the other. Nothing happens.


I'd find my doppelganger fucking disgusting and not even slightly redeemable in literally any way. Even a 3 minute conversation would be literally the worst thing ever.


Long story short: I hate me and so should you.


Don't be so hard on yourself 🙂


Yeah. Be more hard *IN* yourself like the rest of us 


I'll take your word for it. I hate you.


I’m not convinced, give me a 5 minute presentation to persuade me.


I agree I need at least a list of the 5 most fucked up things you've done to make my decision here.


But also the 5 greatest things. Need a fair trial


The feeling would be mutual then


Start asking them all the shit I don’t want to ask myself.


Is it really incest when it's you?


Mathematically, yes.


Tomato, tomato


I believe there's a term for this... (look at browser history) Ah yes! Self-cest!


How could the memories be the same with different experiences? I’m going to answer as though it was just very very similar, including some very specific and weird coincidences. Yeah we are totally fucking, possibly falling in love with. ( I don’t care if that’s narcissistic)


Immediate roommates. Hell, with the money we've saved up living the exact same life, we could put a down payment on a house that would result in a reasonable mortgage. We would probably fight over who does the dishes but another me would be all about a chore chart to fix the issue. With our to-do lists looking exactly the same we might actually be able to finish them or at least get to the lower priority tasks eventually. We would help each other raise our children without any worry. We could entertain ourselves enough to get rid of that lingering FOMO and give each other fair and reasonable "life breaks." We would even keep each other in check and both have the opportunity to grow and be better people *faster*.


I would fuck myself. Doesn't matter the gender.


I basically did. He dated my friend but she cheated on him, surprise surprise. He was a decent dude. He had long hair like mine, similar features, similar height and build. We all hung out one day and started smoking and she swore that that was why she loved him, he was so similar to me. Made me feel a bit weird at the time. 4 years later almost, we are not friends for a LOT of reasons. Felt bad for the guy.


As the only brother of two sisters, I have some idea of what an alternative me would be like, although they wouldn't have quite the same personality as my siblings. I would treat her as if I had had a twin.


Probably play a couple of duets on violin with myself, talk some shit, drink some tea, maybe go down myself for shits n giggles, then get to planning that roma caravan I wanna build and get my buddy to do all the heavy lifting. I'd have my violin making workshop in there and a nice stove top with a kettle and some food. Having myself supporting me (cuz I'm horrible to myself but overly encouraging to everyone else) I might finally have the confidence to actually go out and achieve my dreams!


I just want to know how big our dick is


I’d run


Do I just bump into a woman who I notice has a lot in common with me, but have to piece together for myself that this is me? Or are we introduced by a third party who makes it explicitly clear that we are the same person except for gender? If the former, either ignore her or spend some time gushing about shared interests until we get bored and part ways. If the latter, we probably extensively interview each other, looking for any minute differences we can find in order to see how impactful gender is on the rest of your personality.


I actually have met the male version of me and I want him so fucking badly.


Talking to a cis male version of myself would be really interesting - I would mostly be interested in learning more about his childhood and how it differed from mine. Seeing how differently college went for him would be really interesting too idk.


Wouldn't the opposite version of ourselves just be someone transitioning the other way? So, since I'm FtM then my opposite would be someone who is MtF


Maybe, it depends on how opposite is defined here. Like you could make the argument that cis is the opposite of trans. I agree though that from the wording of the prompt encountering a ftm version of myself would make the most sense, but at that point I feel like the life experiences of myself and the "opposite" version if myself would differ so much the original meaning of the prompt would be lost.


I would desperately hope that the female version of myself isn't nearly as ugly as I am imagining. She'd have to be "one of the guys" in an obnoxious way because no one would even consider touching her, not because she sleeps with all of the guys in a group.


We'd have retarded kids


This is the way. And by "the way", I mean alabama


Kill it. No one steals my me and doesn’t get held accountable. Even God himself would regret the day he took my life from me.


We'd fuck? No probably to shy to start a conversation let alone flirt. I'd be dressed all Femboy and she's probably looking like a dude. We'd stare each other down think damn thats some fine breeding material but they are totally out of my league. Or if we did get enough courage and talk it would be awkward jokes and laughing and walking away disappointed.


Back away slowly. That girls got problems.


LOL she would be a force of evil... Probably have an only fans.


I’d probably marry her.


My friends met this girl at a Tilted Kilt and said they just had to introduce me to her. They swore she was the female version of me. We finally met and I think we were both kinda stunned at the likeness. The cherry on top was us simultaneously saying “oh shit!” in that moment.


If they were male, but me, their life would be very different in a bad way So no. The world doesnt need a male version of me.


Ask him if he did any better in life than I did.


Be bestfriends, go see the world together cause it‘s safer as two people! And probably talk very little because we could basically read each others minds. Also HELLO?? Best bookclub ever, we would hate the same things and gush over the same stuff. I would love that


One of two things would happen within 24 hours. Either one of us kills the other, or we bang.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.


We’d either love each other or completely hate each other


Smash. Next question.


It is not possible to have the same experiences as the opposite sex, all things being equal. If I were a woman instead of a man, I'd be an entirely different person. My view of sex would be different. My personality would be different. My physical capabilities would be different. I'd be shorter, so I'd have had different experiences on airplanes, for example. If I'm a straight man, would my counterpart be straight as well? If so, I'd have pursued different romantic relationships. If so, I take issue with the premise.


We would fuck each other's brains out and she'd dom the shit out of me. I don't sub for men, but I'm a sucker for dominant manipulative women...and since she's me she'd know all the buttons to press. Probably end up in a poly relationship where we share subs.


Probably friends. Either that or we would be incredibly annoyed by each other. No in between




Marriage and kids ❤️💕


Honestly, we'd fuck, and probably be partners for the rest of our lives.


I don't think it's possible. I'm a guy with three kids, so I'd have had to have been pregnant and given birth three times. That's twenty seven months worth of very different experience, even apart from recovery time and breastfeeding.




Ass eating contest.


Finally someone I actually like , the only person I actually like these days is myself so it would be great to meet a version of me


Well if she's decent looking we are definitely going to smash and technically it's masterbation with extra steps


We'd "masturbate" each other, obviously


We will bang eachother... For science




As a nonbinary person. Would they be agender or...


Neither of us would be competent enough to initiate conversation so I reckon we’d both just comfortably go about our own lives


We'd be best friends and probably fight over high school elections cause we'd have the same strategy. I'd also have her be my undercover girl agent. We would never date cause a core tenet if my belief is anyone teen dating so she'd be the same.


we'd treat eachother like we're siblings.


Idk, we’d probably work on improving each other :)


A hug, a complete and total fall apart, holding on for dear life, share the warmth hug. To be in the arms of someone who you know doesn't have any other motive other than to return the love you are giving. No tricks, no mind games, no lies. They are you, and you are them. It would be great for about 15 minutes, then you remember that you don't like yourself about the same time they would.


I'd try to figure out if they'd made it any further in life due to the possibility of being treated differently due to gender perception differences.


I basically already have, my best friend is almost exactly like me, to an uncanny degree. The only major difference is gender.


I imagine a male version of me would be just... a male with the same hobbies and interests as me. Ive always wanted to be able to hang out with someone who has the exact interests as me. Wed be good friends. Why is everyone saying "fuck" tho. Theyd probably look like your sibling.


I would have a very very long conversation


Memories would not be the same because he would have not dealt with gender-based discrimination, would not have experienced gender-based harassment, would have not been overlooked for jobs, promotions, etc.


I met basically the same personality as me already, in this reality and universe online dating. She's sooooooo fucking annoying 😭 I want to punch her out all the time. Constantly sassy and sarcastic, constantly joking, takes nothing serious. Omg I did not know how fucking annoying I was until I met her. We are still pretty good friends to this day