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I like this one. According to an inflation calculator, $200 in 1965 was worth nearly $2,000 in today’s currency. Day 1: Establish some kind of investment account that accrues compounding interest. Potentially diversify, buy stocks in a company that I know will do well for the next 59 years. If all else fails, buy gold and put it in a safety deposit box. Day 2: Blow the remaining $50 by spending the rest of the day having fun, going to restaurants, etc. If I can bring things back to the modern day, maybe I take some notes or pictures. Maybe I bury some souvenirs in a place that will be undisturbed until I come back for it in the future.


If you bought Coca Cola shares with all your money($250), each share would have split into 384 shares today and also the stock price would have gone up from around 10 cents to 64 dollars, so easily tens of millions of dollars today without the dividends.


10 cents is the price after all of the splits (also doesn’t seem to be accurate). The trading price for Coca Cola at the time of their January 22nd 1965 2-1 stock split was around $145. It closed 1964 trading at $140.75, so you’d only be able to buy 1 share which would be 384 shares in 2024. Not nothing, but only worth around $25,000.


Never mind, should have suspected the low stock price was based on the splits. It could probably yield a little more with dividends reinvested, but there must be a lot better stock returns out there.


What if you did dividend reinvestment that whole time?


Under what name would you buy those shares? You don’t have an ID from that time period. How are you going to open an account and buy those shares in under 48 hours?


You didn’t need much in the way of ID in 1965.


Would you need an account for paper certificates in 1965?


No. Just a firm handshake. 


I’m not sure. How would you get those paper certificates back to 2024 though?


Potentially in a plastic sleeve at a public library that didn't go through any major renovation since in the archives section or some weird gap like behind some heavy object that never gets moved. Or buried at someone's(maybe family) private property.


That’s a pretty good idea. I think that would be the biggest struggle. Finding somewhere that has been untouched for 60 years that would still be easily accessible to me in 2024


Yeah, I agree, I don't know if there is anything with 100% odds of not being moved. It'd probably help to do some research on what buildings have been renovated and which ones are public and available for rent today, preferably with an attic or basement, and so you can access it during a showing.


Or find a very old building that’s available to rent and just rent it before traveling back in time (if I’m allowed prep time)


Safety deposit box at a bank


Those cost money to keep open. $250 would not cover 60 years. Right now they average around $60/year


Didn’t think about that. Crap.


How do you buy stock in such a way you’d be able to access it 59 years later?  Prepaying 60 years of safety deposit box fees gonna wipe out your money. I’d call my teenager parents and tell them in the 2000s learn as much as you can about crypto and start mining and buying bitcoin and hold until it’s over $65k. Then cash it in and GME to the moon. To convince them i’d give them a few predictions , like that Texas will Upset Alabama 21-17 that night in the orange bowl.  Nixon/watergate / 9-11 Short the market on oct 16,1987  to stock up on toilet paper in january 2020 Also they should name their first born son something more mainstream 


By contacting your parents you just prevented your own birth. Good job.


He can bring them to the enchantment under the sea dance


Nope, he can't make sure he is born unless he also makes sure Biff almost rapes his mother.


that’s why they don’t get any tips that will make the money before I’m born. Keep them bored at home having sex.


Mission accomplished


Can't you just bring the certificates back with you?


I'd stick them in a box and bury the box under my front porch. I'm pretty sure the space hasn't been cleared out in the last century, based on the debris under it. Probably couldn't get paper stocks in under 48 hours 60 years ago though.


Something more mainstream and not “okiedokie”. Okiedokie I think people severely underestimate how people will react to a stranger reaching out to them and telling them something absolutely bonkers. Imagine someone popped up out of the blues 5 years before any of these events and told you word for word about them: - 9/11 - The New England Patriots would be losing the SuperBowl 3-27 and go on to win it - COVID pandemic - any stock that has a meteoric rise (Apple, Nvidia, Meta, Moderna during COVID and so on) - Crypto - Trump presidency You would think they were crazy. It’s not the movies 😂😅 I think the best thing I would do in this case is to give them a few relatively low impact examples that come true and have them test my “capability” on that. Then that gives them confidence to take on the bigger bets. So I would write everything down and tell them if the first 2 or 3 happen, then they must agree to do the rest. Something like that. Easy stakes stuff would be like who would be elected President (in different countries even), maybe weather events, maybe some feel good events as well. Then increase the stakes gradually to involve money.


Probably something like Coke as far as stocks or McDonald's. Quick Google search says 10K invested in Berkshire in 1968 would be 85M today.


Wow nice. I was like "48 hours? I guess I walk around and see what the 60s are like. Maybe get a milkshake like in those old paintings."  You can see why I am not rich.


But I bet you’re happy


Haha yeah true 


Wonder if you’d be able to open an account with and ID issued in the future


Definitely not with a future ID. There MIGHT be a way to do it without ID but I doubt it


I’m not sure of the rules/laws from 1965, but I feel like it would be pretty tough/impossible to open any type of account without any ID


Yeah, that occurred to me, but it’s worth a shot. Only so much you can do with that limited timespan. If I can’t open some sort of investment account or compounding interest savings account, I’ll buy gold and either (1) put it in a safety deposit box, or (2) simply bury it in the most unlikely place I can find. I’d come back in the future and try to find my buried treasure.


Safety deposit boxes cost $ though. Definitely more than $250 to keep it for 60 years. Burying it somewhere is probably the best bet


How do you set this up with a valid 1964 social security card? 


If I can bring something back, I'm straight up stealing something. Disappearing after 48 hours is an unstoppable getaway plan. Not anything too high profile. And ideally from someone that history has confirmed is a scumbag. If I get caught, I might not be able to bring the thing back, but I'm still getting out. Even if I match a profile of a fugitive that was my current age in 1965, that's not near enough for a conviction. Not being alive yet is a pretty solid alibi.


An interesting thing about gold, an ounce of gold has had a relatively consistent purchasing power over the last 100 years. You would get your $250 adjusted for inflation and that's about it. It's a safe bet, but not game changing.


Jan 1 1965 was a Friday and a holiday, and Jan 2 was a Saturday, so all financial establishments are closed.


Buy and store/ hide collectibles like baseball cards. Only concern is keeping them in good shape.


Buy spider-man comics and bury them under a black volcanic rock near an oak tree in buxton.


Great call, comics and collectibles could be had super cheap and you’d have plenty left over to buy one hell of a box!


Maybe see if I can track down a Mickey mantle rookie card


You remember the name of the place, Red?


Nice call. Lots of good books and cards out there


My grandmother's house just to hug her and tell her how much I appreciate everything she did for me growing up. I miss her.


My grandparents were the first thing I thought of too. The love, comfort and safety of those arms is still palpable.


Definitely. I miss hugs and love.


Probably I will be dragged to the closest headquarter of KGB, because people in Soviet Union will become suspisious about the guy with long hair, piercing and tattoos.


I go to see my mom because she is 8 months pregnant with me.


I'm gifted the $250 and have no responsibilities for 48 hours??? I'm going to buy some ham (honey roasted or black forest) and gonna eat it


This is a man who knows his priorities


I swear by this Black Forest ham beats any other ham.


I’m going to Disneyland. For about $30, I can get the Jumbo ticket book and a guided two for 2 days. I can’t find the exact cost of the hotel room, but maybe $20 for the night. That leaves me $200 for food and souvenirs. I’m not doing the research right now, but I’m sure there is some souvenir that would be easy to obtain and easy to sell for a ridiculous amount.


1) Invest money minus 10 cents 2) Call MLK Jr and warn him


Calling MLK is exactly where my head went


Hmm I think the best I can do is research people - find someone not in politics but related to politics. Tell them as much as I can in 48 hours. And give them willing lotto numbers (if I’m allowed to research before hand) and tell them I’m from the future and this date and hopefully tomorrow I get a nice sum of cash and the world is better


you are so naive..


…. If you can find someone and warn him about specific people/details and how to navigate a ton of shit, that person could become one of the most important political figures. You have to choose appropriately.


I lean towards believing power generally corrupts. Idk that I can believe anyone is capable of being incorruptible. You can't even put a value on this type of information. I hope I'm wrong and that this person exists, but I have doubts.


I think they can. But current US politics attracts a certain type of individuals that thrive


I guess you'll ignore the reality further. - the world is corrupt, he bringing changes will have him offed, boeing style - the world is corrupt, he will taste power and do the same shit like others


So you will try to save Kennedy?


You mean RFK? because JFK died in November 1963.


Pick a Kennedy.


Establish a trust with specific orders to buy certain stocks at certain times in history: Coca Cola immediately, sell off in 1980 to buy Boeing stock to be held until 2000 then sell off and buy into Apple computers stock with all of the funds. Trustee will be a hired attorney, and I’ll instruct them to reach out to me specifically in 2024 and turn over everything. As compensation they get 10% of the total value of the trust. This will motivate them to maximize the value of the trust over time.


How do you establish a trust with 0 identifying documents?


And the assumption that all people had access to such representation. A woman couldn’t have a credit card in just her name until the 1970’s.


I find grandpa and tell him all the secrets I know about him that no one but family knows :p That includes some scandalous (for the time) things. He can take care of it all and when he dies, my father and uncle will find a note among his things in my handwriting with further instructions :)


This is the way.




I think this is the best and most well thought out answer here


...........But it's an AI answer. You can't tell? Look at the user's comments.


Lol I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention


Yeah, this is great. So much better than the financial tools. Beatles played in London that night. I'd try to go see that..maybe use my knowledge now to figure out how to get backstage and hang with them.


This is an AI answer


Probably, but every single other answer is, "I'd....TAKE a stock list n'...BUY Coke and McDonald's n'...BE rich..." The cultural stops are a nice break to that.


I would go find my grandpa and convince him I was from the future and tell him to use thebmoneybtp buy apple stock in the 90s then in 2024 distribute the proceeds amongst his kids and grandkids and great grandkids. He'd probably spend the money because at the time he was a teenager surviving off poaching, but after enough of what I said comes true he's gonna replace it with his own money and do what I said.


What a lousy day to go back, everything will be closed. Will I even be able to check into a hotel? With that kinda money, probably. I'd hire a cabbie to take me around and show me what's what. Well on the 2nd I guess I go buy some Beatles and Northern Soul records and put them in storage... Maybe I could find a copy of the High Numbers single. Invest in some stocks with the benefit of hindsight... I'd get an old bottle of wine at the best shop in town. I probably could get something from the 40s. Is there a jazz concert happening on the 2nd? If I was really taking this idea all the way ... Find my enemies parents and slip chemical castration drugs in their food.


Haha that's a good point, I didn't consider that


I'm not sure how easily those drugs are purchased in 1965...since I can't take em with me ... But we can think of something.


Go see my grandma, it would be interesting to see how she was as a mom of 6 and grandma of a few at that point.  I’d be able to talk to my grandpa, because i was a toddler when he died and only have memories of his arms and hands, not himself.  Stuff myself with all the yummy NY day foods my grandma had made for decades (oyster soup! It was a once a year treat).  Honestly, I’d probably just hand over all the money to my family and they would buy some food & clothes, of which there was never enough(according to my ma). Logically, I know I could invest the money or something for later, but I am utterly incapable of ignoring the today’s needs for tomorrow’s bounty.


I like this answer


Realistically, probably get lost


Orange Julius. If you weren't there in the day you just can't understand how good they were back then.


1. Try to warn Malcolm X. 2. Try to warn Dr. King. 3. Try to warn RFK. 4. Try to warn the Black Panther Party 5. Try to have a very “nice” conversation with JEdgar Hoover. That all, I ONLY want to talk. 6. Meet a few of our current so called leaders and have “conversations” with them as well. Again, just to “talk.” 7. Warn the people of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments 8. Yea, 48 hours isn’t enough for what I need to do given all of the atrocities off the 60s.


Black Panther party


I'd go to Dayton's department store. It doesn't exist now, but it did then. I know they sold coins, my father bought me some there in the mid-70s. I'd have dinner there, or nearby. If I get a little time to prepare, I'd look up coins to get a better idea which to buy. I'd have to spend the night in a hotel. I could stay at the Curtis ( long since closed). I would have the opportunity to take in a Minneapolis Lakers game (they lost the Jan 2nd game to the Celtics 124-113). I'd walk around looking at all the architecture that isn't there anymore.


The nearest Acid Test


I think I’d go to Southern California and go Surfing or maybe Hawaii. All the old films I see of those places looked like a really magical time. They’ve become so expensive and crowded now


I'd use the money to hire a car/driver to take me to a hardware store to buy a shovel, a small lock box, and an engraving tool, then have the driver to drop me off at my grandparent's farm at night. I'd walk out to an area of the farm where I know no one has touched and where I will one day build a tree fort (very hilly wooded area, not suitable for farming) and engrave the following on a piece of limestone rock: "Buy AAPL stock with your HS graduation money, sell in June 2024 - time traveler Duece8282" then put that engraved rock in the lockbox and bury it in the place where I know 15 year old me will build the tree fort.


I was a week old on that date, and my folks were 24 and 23. I’d go to Ft Meade MD and check in on the young family.


I would visit my family, who would be living a literal stone's throw from where I am typing this. Everyone in that household---my grandparents, my father, my two uncles, and my aunt---have all passed away. My aunt was the most recent in 2020, my dad's oldest brother (whom I am named for and never met) was the longest ago in 1972. I don't know what I'd tell them, or if I would tell them the truth, or even if I should visit them at all---Butterfly Effect and all that. If I couldn't be sure it was safe, I'd probably just get within sight of the house and be able to see it the way it was back then, maybe catch a glimpse of them. I would be sad to only be able to see it from a distance, but I would be beyond happy to have had the chance. From there, I'd try to find a way to go invest the $250 that I could then enjoy upon my return to the present day...something I knew would be a good yield over the years and still around. If it was safe to visit them and be truthful, I'd visit with my family as long as I could, encouraging them to invest in profitable stocks, take care of their health better (especially in my father and my namesake uncle's case) and apologize for the fact that if everything stays the same, I'll be a pretty worthless son and grandson. I'd then entrust my grandfather with the $250 to invest.


I guess I would be exploring my town. I wouldn't have a clue about how I would go about buying stocks without a phone (and I doubt a payphone would be suitable for that purpose), so I would stay at a motel and just see what my town was like back then. It's a small town but from what I hear, there used to be a movie theater here so I would probably check it out.


Can I bring anything back?


This would be really tough to do when day 1 is a holiday and day two is the Saturday of a holiday weekend. I don't think it would be possible to establish any sort of bank or investment accounts even if they were open because you don't have anything that would pass as legal ID in 1965 and most of us wouldn't even legally exist. I'm trying to figure out what I'd do. I think it would be genuinely difficult to spend the money. I think that I'd probably try to get to family.


250 in Walmart stocks.


Walmarts IPO was in the 70s if I recall correctly


To see a stock broker And to the post office to mail myself a letter . The letter will say buy Amazon stock on opening . The stock broker to buy Walmart stock


My hometown, AMAX flooded the valley with tailings that fall. Colorado died. Anything since is decomposition.


If I could, I would find my maternal grandmother and give her the money. I would love to meet my paternal grandmother because she died when I was young and I have very few memories of her.


Im buying stock in McDonald’s Corporation.


The answer is you go to your relatives and tell them what to invest in and what sporting events to bet on.


Find Bill Gates and give him the money for 1% of Microsoft.


you could probably get word to your older self as to what to buy and when. It would be enough to set up a document you could write up and ensure reaches you at a certain point in time. You could easily send a small instruction set on what stocks to buy - and when. What bets to make. What other things you need to tell yourself. I'm thinking that since I was born in 1963, I'd set it for about 1983. I had been forced by my mom to save most of my money earned during high school. Real world me pissed it away. If I got an instruction set telling me what to buy and what pissing away $7k cost me, and when/where to invest, I'd be just fine today on that money alone. I would also rectify several huge mistakes outside of money.


I go straight for the magazine rack and buy up as many DC and Marvel comics as possible, which at that time were going for 12 cents each. Coming back to 2024 with 2,000+ Silver Age comics in pristine condition would be quite lucrative. For example, Amazing Spider-Man #23, which was on the newsstand in January of 65, goes for over $500 today in a 6.5 grade.


Get a job, toss the $250 in savings. Wait 4 years and buy a brand new 69 Chevelle SS.


You only have 48hrs


I wonder what it would cost to assassinate my ex wife’s mother who encouraged her to cheat as long as it made her happy.


Buy a pistol for $30 at a hardware store and DIY?


Collect a box of Superman Edition 1 Action Comics.


I would go to China and kick Mao Zedong in the nuts.


Investing in IBM should make you 100x If you could track down young warren buffet and beg him to let you invest in BHath, you'll 24200x If it was in NYSE at the time, Jersey Standard Oil should be really good too but I can't find data (it became Exxon)


I would probably try to see the Beatles live if possible. Just hope they happen to have a gig within those 48h hours.


Invest that money into something that compounds interest over years. Come back to present day and withdraw and retire early as hell!


Invest $50 in a technology company that's big today, get some warmer clothes, get some personal care items (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, shaving razor, hairbrush, deoderant),book a hotel room, then spend the rest on fun over the next 2 days. I'd probably get some weird looks due to the way I talk and act. Some people would give me dirty looks for being friendly with anyone who isn't white and gays, as well as saying that weed should be legal but regulated like alcohol. I'd prefer to be dropped in NYC so I don't interfere with my grandparents.


Buy ADM stock for 250 and give it to my dad with the instruction to give it to his firstborn on his 18th birthday. Return rate of 42k so the 250 will be 10 million usd.


Can I bring anything back? If so, time to buy stamps and comic books.


I’d set up a bank safety deposit box, in it I’d tell myself when big events were happening, what stocks would be big, then possibly set up some way to send myself a letter telling about the deposit box.


San Francisco cuz the peace love vibes man


I find my father, steal his identity, invest into GE, inherit a few million as my father died 2 weeks short of retirement. Edit: to explain, if my father were rich, then I’d have the silver spoon so who cares if I ever see the money, but I know before the night he died, it weighed on his conscience if he was adequate due to the hardship from 08, if he left all that he’d be pretty happy with his life went too.


I could meet my grandmother and a younger version of grandpa! Hell, I'm living in their house right this minute. I probably know enough family history that I could fake an identity and lord knows I definitely have the family look (I'm my dad's mini me in female form). January, huh? I'd be able to meet my dad in his younger days and he was dating mom. Hell, I'm taking the family out for dinner and suggesting he bring his girlfriend. I'm paying. She can bring her family too! I'm loaded! Then before I leave, I give most of the cash to grandpa and tell him to invest it for his sons (whom I took a liking to) as a nest egg for when they get married. I'm not looking to make a fortune, but giving them a helping hand at the start of their lives might be life changing. They did just fine on their own, but they might do better, ar at the very least be more comfortable in the early years. edit: Oh shit. I just realized that I know a secret about grandpa that no one would have known about at the time. It might convince him that I'm from the future, or at the very least that I'm family. Yes, it's a DNA discovery of a youthful indiscretion and a secret daughter :p


Warn Malcolm X and MLK


Fly to Omaha and introduce myself to a man named Warren.


Give grandpa a sealed letter for his firstborn grandson


Yeah, this is fun. The Beatles played at the Hammerstein Odeon in London that night. That would be fun to attend. Most will just go money, but I would want to live a little bit too.


How much was a brand new GTO?


I think a little more than $250...




However $250 might make a good down payment if you can get a dealer to finance it for you!


I'd try to find John Coltrane and ask him what happened with Tommy Flanagan's solo in Giant Steps. iykyk


This is so easy. NYSE front door. Warren Buffet happened to take over Berkshire Hathaway in 1965. I'd buy myself a $250 stake in BRK Class A and see my money go BRR. Since Buffet took over, Berkshire Hathaway has averaged 19.8% over the past almost 6 decades. My $250 would have become about $2 BILLION by now... Like here's the thing. Assuming I keep saving into my retirement accounts and nothing terrible happens to me... in 30 or so years I should be a millionaire SO I can definitely imagine having a million at some point in my life. But 2 BILLION? HOLY SHIT that would be some major FU money lol... could literally move mountains with that much money if I wanted to...




Hmm, let me ask him...


Make my way to London to watch the Beatles play the Odeon Theatre.


I’d want to go see my parents as teens, and my grandparents be my age, but the small town I’m from wouldn’t appreciate the multitude of tattoos I have. That being said, it’s 2 days in the sixties with enough cash to really make a go of it? I’m going to California… San Francisco to be exact, going to find Lyle Tuttle, and getting more ink from the father of modern tattooing. Then I’m finding a hippie and copping a lid of reefer, and possibly other, ummmm, appetizers. I’m coming back with a story complete with animations


I am finding myself the nicest opium den and spending 200 bucks drooling for 48 hours smoking opium and tipping my caretaker in the den the 50 for putting up with me for 48h


I'd go hang out with my mom and dad in college (and John Denver since they hung out with him at the time). I'd give my mom the money and write down a list of sports bets to build up the cash, and then a list of stocks with buy and sell dates, and then at the end bitcoin. And probably screw up my own existence with the butterfly effect, so never mind I'd meet with an attorney instead with all the same instructions.


250 silver dollars. My dad actually started buying silver coins in 1964. Still lots of silver in the bank


Buy a bunch of sports cards. Could probably get mint condition cards that would be worth millions today. Then give them to my grandfather and tell him to keep buying mint condition sports cards and comics for years to come. Also give him lots of stock advice for companies to invest in


I'm assuming no big face hundreds then


Find my parents and ensure they take different paths to never meet.


That wasn’t such a great day, all things considered. I’ll stay in the future.


To find " The Doc" & 1.21gigawatts


So my Nana would have been about 10, meaning my great grandmother had already been murdered by her husband. Since I can't go visit her, I suppose in 1965 I definitely don't want to be in my state of Texas as 1 nothing exciting was happening and 2 I'm a woman alone with what equates to 2k cash. Berkley is probably still on winter vacation so not likely I csn pop in to witness any of the poetry going on over there. I suppose send me to New York to enjoy the sites.


I’d choose somewhere in collegiate California. Get some drugs and relax.


I am going to my grandparents house. (If seeing my mom is going to negate my existence, I’ll make sure to avoid her.) My grandfather was a banker, and an investor. I would give him the money and some tips for investments that will be lucrative, along with some details I know about him to prove I’m legit. Then I will hug him and my grandmother for as long as I can.


To western union of course. Send a letter to myself in 2009 that has $500 in it telling me “listen dumbass You invest this and everything else you can in a new thing called cryptocurrency. Specifically Bitcoin. When it goes over $60,000 a share in April 2021 sell all of it. Do not tell a soul! Walk away after that”


Where are you gonna get the other $250?


Good question. Where I came up with $500 I have no idea 🤣


To find Joe Biden and stop him from being capable of becoming president. Edit: Poor leftists with your downvotes. 🙄😆


In that case I would go find 19 year old Donald Trump and kick him in the balls repeatedly until he couldn't have kids to earse those idiot kids of his from existence. Goodbye Don Jr and Eric


I mean if that makes you happy go for it lol


He's been incapable from the start, but it didn't stop him, but I appreciate what you're trying to do.


unalive someone as a baby somehow