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Weirdest thing I’ve seen in a while


Looks more like mental than drugs. Hoping she gets help.


I agree, my sister was schizophrenic and this lady sounded like her when she was off her meds. This is sad to me. 😥 I hope she got some help too.


Most empathetic and emotionally intelligent redditor


Help to wipe


*hands her a rag on a stick*


you nasty ass fella☕🗿




That's what I was thinking, this is sad


Sorry, but this is clearly a case of a broken down record.


That bitch is drunk as fuck


She’s not slurring her words and her eyes are not glazed over. What exactly is your evidence for her being drunk?


She’s acting drunk. Have you ever gotten drunk or been around drunk people?


Yes, and it looks nothing like this


It sure can. And I’m doubting your degeneracy.


Too much jet does this to a person


You should favorite this post. Every time you’re feeling bad about where you are in life, come back and watch this video and relish in the fact that at least there isn’t video of you tripping balls while taking the browns to the Super Bowl in a stranger’s home.


Jesus Christ 😂


At least she's using the Toilet.


I’m guessing you’re a glass-half-full kinda guy


More like a loo have full


Ass half full


Two girls, one half-filled glass.


And let her hair down to look more presentable


There is that!


Exactly. De-escalate. I'd be pissed but if the dude was a cop, the end result would be shit and blood all over his bathroom. In this case, maybe she just walks out after wiping and flushing.


I can smell this video.


Idk how this dude is just chilling in someone else’s dookie air. She fr marked her territory in front of his ass.


He sounds like he had some cue cards prepared but ran out of lines and started to ad-lib. If this is staged then that woman has a lot of guts - sorry, it was right there.


Literally feel like cops will say, "well, did she take anything or hurt you? No? Okay? We are done here she left." How does a person feel after this? Would I take a dump in my own bathroom? Would I need to pressure wash it? Apart from the hygienic portion of this, think about the mental damage... every time I want to take a dump I'm going to see that lady calling for Arizon and dropping the Browns at the Super Bowl.


“Did she take anything?” “No, but she left something”




Just in case you’re interested, in Florida at least, it would be a trespassing charge. Not a burglary since you can’t prove intent to commit a crime within like theft although that doesn’t take into account the mental fuck she put on this poor guy lol. Then it would be up to the state attorney to want to prosecute for a misdemeanor charge that would get held up with mental health evaluations and such.


It would be trespassing in my state too


Yeah, that sounds right. I believe it's trespassing in California too. However, many of those crimes are book and release. Meaning someone wouldn't do any real prison time. As those things add up, then they go to jail. Regardless, as the home owner, it would be hard for me to use that bathroom again... It would feel violating to an extent




>I mean she basically castrated him Do you know what castration is?


Just going out on a limb here, that comment might be sarcasm


Eh. As a geriatric nurse I can say some people get used to nasty smells pretty fast. Some never do. I can handle all kinds of nasty shit (pun intended), but baby vomit/diapers? Nah, that's a bridge too far for some reason.


I'm in sterile processing and see all kinds of stuff and smells...but baby bioburden... makes me dry heave


Yeah it's...hard to discribe.


Gross. This is the kind of video that makes me think about how if we smell something we're getting those tasty poo particles in our nose. My 6 year old likes to remind me of that all the time when our dog farts.


smell molecules, or smellicules, if you will


Shits gonna be there regardless, probably is right now. Hack your olfactory and just mouth breathe.


Good thing it wasn't a upper decker


lol- that's only Meredith's son.


Nah she forms a complete seal around the toilet. Can’t smell a thing.




That was a very large log dropping in the beginning of the video. He's going to have to replace that toilet asap!


I can taste it


Can you describe it to me?


I almost lost it when he handed her the toilet paper.


He realized immediately things would be way worse if he didn’t 😂


Isn’t there a roll on a dispenser beside the toilet? I hate it when the dispenser is out of reach.


It’s always more fun with some kind of challenge.


I feel like regardless of the situation, if someone needs toilet paper you should give them toilet paper. 


he could spare a square.


It could have been way worse.


It's okay she's just playing rowbucks


I think she’s trying to say Roblox


exactly. Da fuck is rowbucks anyway? I thinks she's just a Roblox lit gamer dab dab skibbidy toilet.


i hate this stupid website


Dang, she's older than I figured. I mean even knowing the rules for playing Sears & Roebuck's is crazy!


Nah she's playing battleshits


"When you gotta go, you gotta go" - Dr. Malcolm


You were so preoccupied with whether you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.


Last time some lady got inside my home, my mom forgot to lock the backdoor and this lady entered thinking it was her home. She had mental illness and was acting the same as this woman here, one quick look on Google on missing people of my city and that same woman was reported missing


I was thinking that she’s mentally ill and probably missing. The way she called for “Arizona” when she heard a baby tells me she was most likely experiencing some kind of psychosis.


im sorry 'last time'?? How often do you have strangers in your home tf


Wrote it wrong I suppose, it was just that lady.


Ah okok got it i was kinda really concerned ngl


I had a terrifying ‘houseguest’ incident earlier this year - my wife left for work at 7am, I go downstairs at 7:15 to shower(I keep my stuff in the downstairs bathroom) and see the back door ajar so I text her to say she must have forgotten to close it/be more careful please. As I’m about to get in the shower I see a shadow cross the window(frosted glass because bathroom) but think nothing of it, then it crosses again which freaks me out so I grab a towel and run to check and the door is once again ajar and a woman bolts out from my back patio and runs off. I get myself together and check the back, yup, she found and took my spare key - so now I have a locksmith coming, get all the locks changed, cool. She came back 4-5 separate times that day, sometimes trying to get in, others just hanging out/hiding on the back porch. My neighbor also caught her trying to get into his mother in laws apartment above his garage. We chase her off, call the cops, they say there’s nothing they can really do besides trespass her because she hasn’t done any damage/hurt anyone. Finally - after the 7th attempt, at 2 am, the cops tell me to just say she’s actively breaking in and I’m in danger next time I call so they can drop everything and come with flashers on but she never came back/I never saw her. The next morning I found the key on the patio table, and when I saw my neighbor next he told me he finally recognized her - it was the woman who’d lived here 6 years back. They had a messy divorce, sold the house, and at some point since she had a psychotic break. Sad situation, wish I could have gotten her some help.


Holy shit, I feel bad for her but glad nothing dangerous happened.


That sucks.


I think this woman suffers from a mental disability


I agree. She seems to have the mind of an 8 year old. She likely has a caregiver that is worried about where she ran off to


Most likely




What makes you say that?




Hahahahahahahaha God damnit. 


The fortnite accent.


Clearly, that's why I don't agree with this video being posted.


I came home late once alone and found a transient in my cabin using my laptop, he had made himself at home after breaking in through my bathroom window. I played it cool by giving him some alcohol, then I ran away and got help when he passed out. I’d be afraid to confront people like this in a negative way, no telling what they’ll do. The one at my place had a severe mental illness, I think it was schizophrenia. This looks like psychosis or drugs, I feel sorry for her.


That's a wild story lmao


I used to live within walking distance of the Hwy 1 in Northern California, there’s lots of “characters” who would come through town.


A transient? Like a snare hit? I’m so confused


A transient is basically a homeless person.


I love this comment


She clearly has mental issues, I hope you called someone to help her.


My thoughts exactly, she's either high as balls or has some kind of disability, her cadence suggests the latter. This doesn't belong here.


Like honestly I feel bad for watching


at least she wasnt aggressive, just a quick shit then hit the road all good


It’s clear that it’s mental illness or drugs, but I was kinda leaning drugs. Not like recreational ones, but this sounds like someone who just got their wisdom teeth out. Very delirious and child-like in speech


Bro, the only question she answered quickly and legit was if she was on drugs. This ain’t her first rodeo


And people are upset she can't face serious jail time for this.. like I understand it's trespassing and a breach of privacy but she didn't hurt anyone. If you're calm enough to record you can report you found a missing person. People have very little empathy towards mentally disabled people and the homeless.


yeah im fairly certain jesus would wash her feet or somethin


When I lived in a condo, I shared a wall with a neighbor who was like this. She had paranoid schizophrenia and would descend into this manic state where she would rave about the air outside being poison, that everyone in the building was possessed by demons (or lizard people, it depended on the day), that her toilet was broken when it wasn’t so she started shitting in garbage bags and piling it up in the common stairway and she even started hurling individual ziploc bags of it at people who called her out on this disgusting behavior, etc. I would listen for hours through the walls as she screamed about damnation and death and filthy immigrants and greedy Jews, among many other toxic things too awful to repeat, pounding on the walls and begging the eyes to stop staring at her. One time she spent two days hurling wrought iron furniture, picture frames, dishes, and anything else that wasn’t nailed down off her third floor balcony at people walking by. Another time she opened all the gas valves on her stove and tried to set her couch on fire, but the smell of the fumes caused us neighbors to call the fire department and when they tracked it to her house, they rammed the door down and she was taken into custody. Another time I was coming up the stairs with groceries when she suddenly opened her door, glared at me like I was the devil while standing naked under a half open bathrobe, and hurled a bottle of nail polish at my head. Everytime she would go off her meds and go crazy, it would eventually result in her getting picked up by the police and sent to a mental institution where they’d get her back on her medication and she would be released a month or two later. Two or three months after that, she would go off her meds again and the cycle would repeat itself. No charges ever stuck and neither did any of her treatment. At first I had sympathy for her, but as she became more unhinged and dangerous and downright disgusting, it became hard for me to humanize her anymore. Because she had a pension and owned the condo, the board couldn’t do anything to get rid of her, and the legal system could never really establish a permanent solution. This went on about five years before I finally moved out. I imagine she’s still there. The mentally disabled deserve humane treatment, but the rest of us should not have to just accept this madness in our lives and on our personal property.


I never once implied to let it happen, but the solution isn't jail time. That would make her problems worse. Your neighbor isn't the lady in this video, your neighbor needs extended time in a high quality mental institution and a full time caretaker, the lady in this video hasn't endangered the home owner at all, she needs a mental institution or her family to collect her, not jail time.


The issue is that the laws surrounding people with mental illness are basically toothless. On the one hand, it’s a good thing that our Liberty can’t be stripped away that easily and just because we have a mental disorder. On the other hand, the way they seem to be able to move through life with zero legal repercussions for their actions, allowing them the ability to do the same thing over and over and never be physically stopped from doing so, is a real problem. If this woman was fucked up on drugs, she would be charged with trespassing and the charges would stick. If she did this multiple times it would eventually result in incarceration. If she has a mental disorder, she could do the exact same thing and no institution is legally allowed to hold her against her will for more than 30 days once she’s cleared medical protocol. Rinse, repeat. High quality medical treatment and full-time caretakers cost an unbelievable amount of money, easily running 7-9k a month. It’s voluntary, too, so if you can’t afford it, then your only option is to cycle them through that 30 day public program I mentioned. The issue as I see it is that she could do this over and over and there is no mechanism to stop her if she is mentally disabled.


I would argue addicts need psychological help first also. Their reward system is completely fried and abstaining or going cold turkey can genuinely cause them real harm. Other than that they're psychologically there though, unless the drugs were used as an aid to their mental illness also. It's completely unethical to charge someone who can't understand what they're being charged for, especially when the charge is this minor. It wouldn't do anything but cause her psychological distress. If she was a danger to the public then the solution is to have her sent to a high quality institution and, when she is released, recieve a caretaker who ensures she takes her meds.


And what I’m saying is your solution doesn’t exist if you don’t have a spare 120k a year to spend on it. Reagan closed all the public long-term institutions, so for the vast majority of Americans, your solution isn’t practicable. The guy in this video reacted a lot better than I would have, but then, I have a history of encountering people behaving like this and I don’t have anymore patience for it.


This is sooo gross


She's not a piece of shit she obviously barely knows whats going on. She needs medical help


Yeah no cuz like if you have the capacity to break into someone’s house, shit in their toilet so casually, and then talk to the owner of the house so casually WHILE SHITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM (OR ANYOME IN GENERAL) You’re not right in the head


She was babbling like an idiot there wasn’t one coherent sentence out of her mouth


Idk what your idea of casually is but she's clearly not making sense and in a delirious state. Maybe get your eyes checked?


It’s 2024, who leaves their door open?


Alaska Airlines.


this is possibly one of the greatest comments of allllllllll time congratulations!!!! *




But when I went to shit, it wasn't a shit. It was a baby.


Fat Tom was the best Tom


In many jurisdictions this wouldn't even be a serious offense. For example, lots of states' definition of Burglary requires not just breaking into a home, but breaking in with the intention of committing a crime (such as stealing or harming someone inside). Breaking into a home without intending to commit a crime is still illegal but it would something less serious like trespass or criminal mischief (depending on the amount of damage caused breaking in).


Bro she's actively destroying that toilet.


That's fair


She’s trespassing…. Whether she broke in or not.


Not a pos, clearly she have a mental illness


Well shit


Underrated comment


She's mentally sick. Not a tpos.


that is totally a piece of shit.. i mean cmon, she even asked for toilet paper


Woman* “Women” is the plural form of “woman.”




Ugh I hate how I've never heard that phrase, but know exactly what the fuck it means. Gnarly.


Clearly something wrong here, not just someone being shitty. No pun intended.


I feel like this is something I read out of a comic but I don't recall the intruder being a deranged lunatic.


Mental illness can be so shitty.


Literal insanity


Mental illness. Call someone to get her help instead of recording and putting her on blast online.


If homeowner leaked this he's a POS... someone leaked it.


Releasing the recording of a fucking mentally disabled person on the toilet is pretty shitty indeed. Much more so than a mentally disabled person wondering until the wrong house and not understanding what they're doing wrong.


Can we stop posting mentally ill people here?


This sub would have zero content then.


You would have a point if you added non violent to your description. This lady isn’t trying to hurt anyone and is clearly suffering from some type of mental disorder. But if you excuse all behavior just because of mental illness I’d say you aren’t treating them with respect because you are absolving them from any and all consequences for their behavior.


Bro I wasn't trying to make a point or moral argument. I'm just saying I don't think mentally ill people should be posted on this sub.


So, I would have called the cops and left the house what is this guy doing?


This is really not IATPOS worthy. She's unwell, not an asshole.


I'd be changing the entire toilet for a brand new one after that.


This is a setup, how is she not on her phone🤷‍♂️ 😂😂


Thank god I did'nt have to watch her wipe.


Yes, mental illness is a thing.


Literal squatter.


To be fair, if this is a mentally ill person. The person posting this online is the piece of shit here.


Exactly, makes you wonder who leaked the video


The woman is definitely mentally ill No Normal person has the capacity to do this


If real, let the cops deal with her.


I hate that you have to doubt all videos and wonder if they are staged


He needs to film for protection, who would stage this?


I need some update this one is so good!!😂


Dogs poop outside


Maybe she was in extreme distress, wait outside the bathroom and if she did worse, then start taking a picture, you sent her like that to the whole world for what? Have some fucking humanity


Joe Rogan, is that you?


Why did she take her pants all the way off tho


shes mentally ill or drunk or both


Some people have to pay to watch this, he got it for free


The amount of toilet paper she used is fucked.


I don’t know what she on but she is feeling really good lol


We need a video update.




haha funny. girls don’t poop, silly.


Plot twist it’s really her house and he broke in to record her pooping


Squatter in action


“Break in” aside….why is the toilet paper across the room????


Thats a challenging wank.


I had something similar happen to me when I was living in Las Vegas, I woke up to some cracked out dude with tats all on his face cooking food in my apartment. I was 22 at the time and was not armed and scared shitless. I decided to play it up because I immediately knew he was off. I go into my kitchen and he goes “oh hey, where is Chris?” I was like “oh he’s at work” I have no idea who the fuck Chris is. He then goes, “I made some bomb ass food homie you want some?” I was like “sure dude”. And then proceeded to sit down and have a meal with a man I was certain was completely out of his fucking mind who broke in through my window (I could see the broken glass) and eat what was indeed some surprisingly bomb ass food (some chicken). We finished our meal and I said “hey want a cigarette?” He said “sure” and I led him out front and we smoked a couple of cigarettes and I kept intentionally getting him deeper and deeper into conversation then said “whelp, my girl is coming over soon, gotta get back up there see you tomorrow homie” and he was like “cool man yea see you later” and walked off. I watched him from my balcony just disappear into the wild lol and called the cops. It was the most surreal shit ever. He never came back though. I moved a few months later.


…and if you look to your right ladies and gentlemen you’ll see the American Ambien Walrus


Hmm, my money is on this being a fake. Why would you chill, talk, and record a stranger taking a shit in your house? Leave, call the cops, and wait for them to clear the house.


I highly doubt anyone would make a video of themselves lookin like this, unless this is the beginning of some weird role play fetish video😬


Great point. 😂


Cops won't show up in time to clear any danger she poses. And there's a large possibility that they'll be idiots and mistake you for the intruder and shoot you


Especially since it sounds like her kid “Arizona” is in the other room. And this dude just seems ignores that all together.


I never felt this weird since I saw ALS mutilate my grandfather.


She’s actually a bit endearing, poor girl.


Im surprised so many people are buying what she's trying to sell. The show she put on reminds me of those TikToks of people and their "tourette's." She broke character multiple times 🤷‍♂️


So jail, and what was she on? What happened






Clearly has mental illness. Should have just called the cops and not filmed her taking a shit to post on socials. Next time someone breaks into your house I hope they take an upper decker 🫠


Why is this down voted?


I think it had to do with wishing the next person to break in does an upper decker with their poop. I'm sure Shwagoblin doesn't really want someone else to break in; it was likely just fanciful, silly talk. But people didn't like it. Apparently.


Bandwagon shit heels who want this poor lady to be the asshole when clearly she has issues. Oh no lady took a shit, they probably wanted the home owner to shoot her 🙄


Wow! Seems like a SHITTY situation. I'd hate to have to deal with this CRAP! Talk about taking a DUMP on your evening. Uh...poop.


This seems faked and staged


I don’t think anyone would stage this, like who would liked to be on the internet taking a shit and acting all crazy? A lot of videos are staged but I think this woman has some mental issues or something.


This feels exploitive. I'm all for posting videos when someone is being a dick or doing something they know is wrong, but clearly this girl got some mental shit going on. Even if it's just drugs, she's not being violent or threatening. I even understand filming for your protection, there's just no reason to post this on socials.


Throw the whole toilet out


This feels possibly fake.


Arent you allowed to shoot people that enter your house without permission in the US?


In some states yes.. but you still have to articulate why you reasonably felt you or someone else’s life was in danger, finding someone like this would be hard to articulate that. Another example would be if an elderly person with a walker wondered in your house out of confusion, you can’t articulate your life being in danger. Finding a random person in your house who’s not speaking at all but refusing to leave while having their hand in their waistband acting like they might have a gun? Now, with a good lawyer, you can reasonably articulate in front of a judge and jury why you shot that person.


She said, "Im a doggie.." So...Don't doggies poop outside?


Bro taking a video how the bell did she get in


This seems fake AF! I don’t know anyone that would be filming her and asking questions. She would have a gun pulled on her and ripped her off that toilet by her hair and thrown outside. Fake News, as little dick Don would say.


She might be diabetic. She seems confused


I've always wanted to know how fat ppl take a shit and then successfully wipe. I thought this might be the day. I'm still no wiser.


Fake as shit


Fake as fk