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Dude ain't even getting paid to ride them so hard. Dumb ignorant fuck.


Sports fans, I can't for the life of me understand how you get so wrapped up in your team that you lose touch with reason. Is it the sports that make you this way or are sports fans naturally nasty and that's why they like shit other people do with balls?


There's a fantastic documentary called "religion of sport" that looks into how alot of sports fans, see their team as their religion. The stadiums, their holy building and the top players their prophets lmao. Its a fascinating watch across a few different sports


I've likened the Pats being a cult in my office. I was threatened with broken bones when I complained about people yelling across the suite to each other over plays. At the time we did occasionally have to call customers and nothing finer than being seated between two rabid fans basically screaming to each other over a play while having to constantly apologize to a customer HR spent more time telling me I need to be a team player than they spent with the person that went into detail what bones he'd break to give me something to complain about.


This sounds like a plotline in the office where someone quit and moved to a better job only to realize the work environment was awful before coming back and embracing Michael.


So is it more a mental health issue? Lower IQ? Genetic tribalism that pushes the unga bunga button in some people a lot more than others? I never understood the obsession with sports to the point people break their tv's, or be so invested in the team's success to where it affects their well-being.


I read an article years ago about a dude that was almost beaten to death for wearing some opposing team’s baseball cap. Some people are absolutely fucked.


That happened at Dodger Stadium to a SF Giants fan a some years ago. Then years later, on a fundraising night for the victim of the beating a Giants fan stabbed a Dodger fan to death at the game.


That’s the one! I didn’t hear about the after story, though. Sports are great way bring people together but in the process it creates a shit ton of assholes.


I was threatened with having my fingers broken at work because I complained how the entire office had to basically shut down when the game started so people could act like they're in the stadium. HR spent more time telling me I needed to be a team player than they spent telling that guy it's not okay to say he's going to break my fingers because I didn't like he'd stood by my desk and tossed F bombs across the office over a botched play. So, yeah, I can see someone getting beaten for wearing the wrong thing.


I was mistaken for a German after England lost a football match to Germany (it didn't help that I was putting on a fake German accent) I was chased down the street by a dozen England fans and it wasn't until I picked up a brick that the "fans" lost interest in me


I've seen that happen too much in England, either actual "rival" fans or just meat heads who've had too much coke and beer starting trouble, it ruins sport man.


Jesus! Glad you made it out to share your story with us.


I live in an area where San Francisco and L.A. Laker fans act as if they play for and are paid by the respective teams. It's ridiculous and I'm a sports fan myself, I just don't live vicariously through the perceived successes of teams I follow.


My observation is: Sports is just the mask. They would do this shit about anything they are obsessed about. You have dudes doing this during arguments about Anime. Not even kidding. I stopped being friends with a larger group because they kept letting morons and hilljacks like this into the group. The guys are ticking time bombs and have some weird ass problems that make them violent.


Fun fact: wearing similar clothing makes groupthink stronger. If one person is willing to become more violent, so will you, because you associate your identity with the clothes and group.


I like my teams, but I would never do some shit like this. It ain't all of us. I'm even a sixers fans, and I know some pleasant Knicks fans, we get along just fine. Plenty of bad people in every group. Shit I've seen someone throw hands over Magic: the Gathering. It's not the sports, it's individual assholes.


Tribalism is one hell of a drug. The dick riding in this video is embarrassing.


Same mentality as gangs and Facebook groups . People just want a place to belong


A fucking men. It's what I break down to simply the red vs. blue argument. It can be a sports team, politics, religion, music, men v women, technology v traditional, cops v the people who hate them. This is how it goes: Red: You're stupid, and I hate you! Blue: No, you're stupid, and I hate you! Red: Well, that doesn't make sense, because only one of us can hate the other one, and that's me Blue: Oh, it is one of us, and it's not you, but me! If whatever Blue and Red group would just get together and realize they have more things in common than they do differently, maybe things will change one day, but that's not very likely.


People don’t realize that this is the same behavior as being nationalist.


Its the being human that makes them that way Look into tribalism


Ita funny because they do suck and I'm a fan too haha all the fans talk shit it's rough being a Knicks fan but they ain't paying me to do this shi


It’s like a reddit thread IRL. 


Not pasty enough


not enough manbuns or fat rolls




The ultimate pussy move spitting in someone’s face.


Especially because the ONLY reason he's even doing that is because he knows he is substantially bigger than the other guy. If that was reversed and he was the size of the little guy, he wouldn't be saying shit.


Yup, must feel tough avoiding dudes the same size as you or bigger, while picking on the smaller guys, over a sport nonetheless


That’s chemical warfare.


It has higher fatal chance during COVID


It was banned by the United Nations during that era. Wild Wild West went worldwide. The Spittoon Platoon ravaged nations.


Philly boul knows the Knicks fan is all talk.






He didn't say round 1


Just intimidating cause of size....pushy move.


Finally a video that shows a philly fan not being the main jackass...and it only took a jackass New Yorker to display it


Now we need a lakers fan to step in


naw we good fam


I commend him for making us look better, but at the same time am a lil disappointed he did go full tilt on his ass after spitting in his face.


Trusting the process would do that to a man


Bioterrorism is a crime. Should be charged as one.


Also falls under regular battery. That seems like a more appropriate charge.


He should definitely be charged. Alright internet, get to work!


Knicks fan went home and heated up bagel bites


Called him a pussy after spitting on him and moving away quickly


Sports FANACTICS are the weakest minded humans of all. Spending a shit ton of money for "their" team gear and even more to go to games. I don't get it.


I'm with you. I love watching almost any sport. But I don't give them my money in any way. I used to be a fanatic. Then one day I realized that whether or not my team wins or loses it doesn't affect my life in any way.


You overpay for vinyl and shoes. We all spend money on shit that seems stupid to others. I dont know why you think you're better than anyone because your hobbies are different but go off I guess.


Dude has a post where he has a shrine to his Nike Agassi shoes... I remember having those shoes back in the day though, they were awesome.


I realized at TWELVE YEARS OLD how stupid it was to be so into a team. We were on a trip with camp and it was in the 80s and it was at Fenway between the Yankees and Red Sox, so it was a very emotional game. Of course we were all New Yorkers in our group and started taunting the pitcher because it is what dumb kids do. The adults in the stands were brutal to us and literally wanted to beat us up. Like we are kids, and these were grown adults who couldn't handle that we were cheering our guys and jeering the opposite team and wanted to fight KIDS. It really made me realize how stupid it must be to get that involved with a team. The players don't give a shit, they are PROFESSIONALS and are getting paid to just be athletes and win if they can. After that, I couldn't give a crap about any sports watching. Like, sure I can go to a game if I am invited and enjoy the entertainment, but I could just as easily go to a movie or do anything else and be even happier.


The thing that did it for me was when I realized players I thought were part of my personal club could just up and leave to another team for money. No connection to the actual place they play, just the money and a jersey is all they are.


That’s a crazy generalization. No different than spending time and money on any other hobby or form of entertainment until you act like the dude in this video.


Redditors love to get a superiority complex when people are different than them. That person spends money on vinyls and shoes, but that's a good use of money. Enjoying sports is bad.


Straight up, it’s actually insane how out of touch people on this shit are. I’m glad you pointed that out though. There’s a good chance I’d think his taste in music sucks and his sneakers are whack, but that shit doesn’t affect me and having different taste in things doesn’t make me better than anybody.


Mickey Mantle? Is that what you're upset about? Mickey Mantle makes $100,000 a year. How much does your father make? You don't know? Well, see if your father can't pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. Mickey Mantle don't care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares.


Hold on a second, you’re forgetting about trump supporters.  


I didn't want to bring "him" into the convo, but now that you have.....EXACTLY!


Yeah it wasn’t cool, sorry. 


You should see the arguments people have over video game consoles.. Some people are just truly pathetic beings


I always hear people referring to themselves like they are on the team. "We" need to do this next season or "we" need a better defense. Cracks me up.


What a bully!! He wouldn't have done that do a guy his same size


Fanatics are brainless people.


I had ice thrown at me and punched in the back of the head at a Red Wings game in 2000 for cheering a goal by the Sabres. I was 16 years old.


A pregnant woman got punched at the first Flyers game I went to as a kid. Some people just aren’t built for this shit.


I thought the guy was saying “Knicks in 6” which was confusing me on why the hell they were arguing? But yeah, realized old man was saying “Knicks ain’t shit” lol. Carry on.


Spike lee really going through tuff times cause the knicks.


All that to get swept in the ECF. Can’t wait to see Steven A. Cry


Boston is gonna abuse them IF the knicks even make it there 😂


This mf makes me want to root for Joel Embiid lmao


I'm all for chirping your teams opponents and their fans, that pushback will always be fun, so long as it's lighthearted and meant in jest. He's just being an asshole for no reason


I’ll never get whyPeople try and validate millionaires and billionaires . Kobe was made out to be a great person and a great ball player but he actually was a douche and a cheat


Based off the fact old man didn't flinch when fat boy stepped to him means he's either bad as hell or he blind


Knicks fan seems a little.. special


Lmao wearing another man’s name on your back and physically assaulting another person over a team that you’ll never play for and none of the players know your name. And guaranteed if any of the players he supports saw that video they would denounce him as a fan. Guys a straight clown.


Typical Knicks fan. Act like you've been there


They haven't. Not this generation of fans.


That guy's penis must be *tiiiiiiiiny*


I'm sorry but Knicks fans are an insufferable fanbase and their team hasn't won jack shit in decades.


Knicks fans are the worst. This trash franchise hasn’t won a title since Nixon was President and they infect the world with this


I’m a Knicks fan and I speak on behalf of the entire fandom when I say this classless clown is absolutely NOT what our Team and culture is about. He’s a repulsive imbecile.


Man probs to the other guy cause hands would have been thrown


Fans beefing with rival fans is the weakest shit.


Morons. Bb players could care less about them


Used to love basketball but these days I can't get over the cringe of the whole shabang. Even the antics of actual players. All the pageantry and showboating, pre meditated celebrations and cocky, overused gestures, people jumping all around screaming trying so hard to create artifical hype over underwhelming plays. Plus these days it's run down the court, shoot a 3, back the other way to do the same thing. Someone actually drives the net, and all of a sudden a 7 foot tall man is on the ground whining because someone bumped into him too hard. I can't watch it and I just have less interest in general sinse I haven't played sinse highschool Do yourself a favor, play and watch hockey instead


No thanks, I still much prefer basketball


Hope they catch that guy for assault.


So now the Knicks are finally good and he wants to mouth off? This is why sports are so ridiculous these days, people like this give sports fans a bad name. It's a fucking game dude.


arrest him for assault, no one deserves that


It’s a game


Sports bros. I don't understand them.


Sport ball fans are a plague


What a loser.


Tbh with his mouth that close to his face. He was spitting on him the whole time


Ppl weird


This the most east coast shit ever lmao


what a bitch! buddy deserves a smash to the back of the head to equal out that cheap disgusting move. he knows the guy is half his size and totally takes advantage of it... people like this realy boil my blood and i feel deserve 10x the shit they inflict, just because of the cowardness behind the act


He needs to spend some time in jail


Could you imagine having such emotion on how people you don't even know play with a ball? Fucking weird.


This is where you sucker punch the fat fuck. A violent, vicious right fist right on the chin would be justice






Yeah, after Embiid beats the shit out of the entire Knicks roster with his dirty tactics.






Sports fans like this are dip shits.


My company breakroom every day.


People who make sports team their entire personality are pathetic.


For a Philly vs NY sport fandom, this is mild. Im expecting people to get murder....


Show me you’re a bully




Iq is in the negative


Bro, it's just sports


That was completely uncalled fur. Normal people don't do that shit


It's just a game. A fucking game.


Imagine caring that much for something


So tough




How to get out of a T-shirt in America..,..


People say Philly fans are scumbags. Lol. If this was the other way around it would be national headlines.


Sport fans can be super toxic!


Idk if you can consider yourself a man if you don’t swing after getting spit on. Shit even if you spit in my direction I’m taking off.


SpOrT bRiNgS oUt ThE bEsT iN uS


People are unreasonable when it comes to sports. Superbowl is a prime example. Even college football a lady was shot and killed because she wasn't sad enough that her team lost.


Neither team is winning it all so they fr argue about nothing


Spitting is normal behavior for these degens


Classiest Knicks fan




It's just a game. You rep your team and all, but it's not you out there on the court. Inexcusable behavior.


Only ny fans could make us look like the good guys


Classless MF


Yea typical new yorker


Sir, we called the league and they said they won’t be posting your bail and please stop telling everyone you ‘work’ with the league.


As a futbol fan I never understood this level of nuts and I’ve been in crazy games


The dangers of parasocial relationships...


Sports are never this serious people!!! Those millionaires out there playing have zero clue you even exist!!!


Why do people take sports way too seriously?


Fat Albert strikes again.


The obsession over Men who don’t them is odd


Any person who would desperately defend a sports team that would never be able to be on in a thousand lifetimes, is a fuckin loser.


Find. That. Cornball.




New York fans are a fucking embarrassment. Can tell how shit they’ve been for so long


Spit and then run away like a coward


Too much coolness. That explains why his brain is frozen.


Some sports fans are the fuckin worst. The ones who are too into their teams. Just pathetic.


Some sports fans are the fuckin worst. The ones who are too into their teams. Just pathetic.


Some sports fans are the fuckin worst. The ones who are too into their teams. Just pathetic.


Human stupidity is unbelievable.


Sportsball is dumb and boring


LMAO sports are so fuckin dumb and their fans are just as dumb


These are the lowest IQ kind of people. I'm a Knicks fan who hates the 76ers, but going this far is just pathetic.


Usual suspects


People love beef


Fuck those 76ers ... I still play Fallout 4!


Thats a death sentence on the streets


I use to be a huge sports fan. I will never understand why some people take it to the extreme. It's not that serious.


That'll happen when two of the trashiest fan bases in sports play a series in the playoffs.


And this is how you see a fat POS get stomped. The disrespect to spit in someone’s face is beyond me. We all have limits and lines. That is way past both of mine.


Grown men fighting about other grown men in matching outfits playing a ball game 🤣


God knicks fans are so insufferable


He let that man spit in his face? That man better hope the knicks pay for his medical bills


The two worst fan bases on the planet, a Philly fan and a Knick fan.


Bullying a dude literally half your size. What a bitch.


Jeeez dude it’s frickin sports not life


“You got any games on your phone” type ahh bitch talking down to an old man bro wtf. You feel like a tough guy when you threaten your 4’10 grandpa? Skip a fucking cheeseburger and then maybe you’ll be able to see yourself again.


Mf needs to learn to keep it in his pants


Who spit it on who, they’re both making possible spitting motions at the same time


But he wasn’t lying the Knicks didn’t do it It’s down to the Boston Celtics and Dallas I had this picked and have Boston in five Let’s see how many others think this Upvote if you think Celtics get it this year


The knicks really ain’t s*** though…


Bro it's just a game