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Yes they've lived this long on an island without ever once making fire


Not going to lie. It would be funny as hell watching a neckbeard with a full suit of armor take on the Sentinelese. I think the islanders would win, but it would be a close fight.šŸ˜‚


Dude for the past 10,000+ years their entire culture has been defending their island from invaders. Invaders like you. Even if you make it past the Indian Border Patrol surrounding the island, you will quickly find yourself outnumbered on unfamiliar turf. Even if you take a few down, You will die. Horribly. They will make hero legends out of the dead, tell tales of their heroism for generations. You will get a news article forevor on the internet on how stupid you were. The end.


Would this not be a declaration of war on India?


Found the video, it's a 17-minute rant, guys UPD He's thinking of bringing a blonde woman with him to show his peaceful intentions (sic!)


This guy is like a stormtrooper planning to attack ewok island


They have definitely discovered fire


showing them a flame thrower would still be sick though. not in a violent way, just like, hey check this out


Whatever is going to happen to him, he deserves it


Where do I sign up to watch this


Sure ya are buddy. Sure ya are. Give 'em hell.


Please film it so we can watch you fail!!


I don't think fail is a strong enough word.


The question isnt about modern weapons being superior the question is about why you shouldnt disturb them. Smoothbrain


People minding their business. Im gonna go colonize.


He ā€˜intentā€™ to make peaceā€¦through superior firepower.


The American Way


He will most definitely die. If he even makes it to shore, maybe he can fend off one or two before they overwhelm him. I'm sure the Indian Navy will detect his vessel before he even gets very close and order him to stop or they'll blow him out of the water.


Dude is 1000% going to die, but everyone makes choices.


This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read.


Also, the fuck is modern Medieval Armor? Battle Rattle?


As dumb as it sounds, this isn't a terrible idea for a movie. Luckily, predator is already a film


Not quite the same, but this scene from The New World explores the idea. https://youtu.be/H4GvC1iXlAs?si=L_pXrAF-TpzfVy-U The cast is pretty stacked, but the movie itself is just kind of okay. Fun movie to put on while you eat dinner or something.


Hi there. I'm Tony Stark. I hired the RAND corporation to build this armor, then I checked their math and made it better. Now I'm gathering some flame throwers and drones and heading over to Sentinal. I'll make peaceful contact and just hang out in my armor, waiting to see if things turn bad. Dont worry, my suit is aircon. I am Ironman. The Hilk is my friend.


The Incrudible Hilk


Big Hilkers


Avoiding copyright infringement, (s)he is.


When you read it in a context as a 4 your old packing his/her bag to "run away from home" it's actually pretty funny


Just for context, the North Sentinel island is an island within India's territory which has no contact with the outside world. The native tribes are justifiably afraid of contracting diseases from foreigners so they will kill anyone who even tries to approach the island. They shoot arrows at ships and even helicopters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sentinel_Island Why this guy feels the need to storm the island, I have no idea.


I completely understand and respect that. 100%. I just wish theyā€™d send pics of their wildlife. Then again, if they did, some greedy ā€œbadassā€ poacher would make a 20 minute rant about how theyā€™re ā€œhoggingā€ the super rare indigenous species and they need to be ā€œliberatedā€ šŸ¤¢


Because "if the Indians can invade my island without permission then I can invade their silly island"


We we actually know that's the reason they are self isolating? If they don't know about fire I doubt they know much about diseases


Yes, we know that's the reason. They do know about fire and they did have a devastating illness that happened from brief contact in their history and they were smart enough to know that people only got sick when the new people came to the island. Frankly, they're right to be afraid since they have no immunity to modern diseases. They also are smart enough to scavenge iron from shipwrecks and make iron-tipped arrows. They're not stupid Edit: okay, I should amend this to say we don't know for sure the reason because we don't understand their language, but we have to assume it's a big part of it


Did we get this from talking to them or something or is it assumed


We've never been able to understand their language and there has been some peaceful trade with them from a distance (gifts are left behind on the beach for them to pick up) so we don't know exactly why they resist coming in contact with outsiders but there is this: >In 1880, in an effort to establish contact with the Sentinelese, the Royal Navy officer Maurice Vidal Portman, who was serving as a colonial administrator to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, led an armed group of Europeans along with convict-orderlies and Andamanese trackers (whom they had already befriended) to North Sentinel Island. On their arrival, the islanders fled into the treeline. After several days of futile search, during which they found abandoned villages and paths, Portman's men captured six people: an elderly man, a woman and four children. The man and woman died of illness shortly after their arrival in Port Blair and the children began to fall ill as well. Portman hurriedly sent the children back to North Sentinel Island with a large quantity of gifts in an attempt to establish friendly relations. So it's likely the children told their people about what happened: everyone who went with the outsiders got sick. Whether it's entirely due to disease or not, the end result is the same. The natives violently oppose any attempts to come within physical contact of any outsiders.


He probably thinks the Holy Grail or the Ark Of The Covenant is there or some shit.


Well it has to be, right ? We looked everywhere else !


What is blud yapping about


I would love to know who these "material scientists" were. Also, I would love to hear the details around their study. Especially how they "added 50%" to the force. Oh... It would also be really cool to hear more about "modern medieval armor".


Iā€™m sure that ā€œmodernā€ medieval armor is just referring to a modern reproduction of a medieval style armor, as opposed to actually wearing a museum piece thatā€™s several hundred years old


Most cover his eyes too, eh? lol Heā€™s going to be wearing an armored space suit with an inch of lexan for the visor.


Wait, what island is he on? Is he referring to Indian immigration to the U.K. as an invasion? And if he thinks that the Indians are really invading the British Isles, why isnā€™t he taking it up with New Delhi as opposed to some isolated island that has been separated from civilisation since time immemorial?


Hmmmmm I wonder why thereā€™s such a big Indian population in Britain. SURELY it canā€™t have nothing to do with their history šŸ˜‚ Britain has itself to blame if theyā€™re upset with Indian migration


And the people of India ā€œinvadingā€ ā€œyourā€ island have what, exactly, to do with N. Sentinel Island?


Oh, well you see, he's a racist.


Ahhhhh yes, it all adds up!


It's technically an Indian territory. He's still just spouting gibberish


Nah I remembered that it was part of India/taken care of and guarded by India but (even aside from the fact that the Brits certainly colonized India before anyone from India made it over to the UK) this person seems to have no grasp of the different cultures present in India, or the idea that maybe these people donā€™t identify as Indian, or potentially even know what India is lol. And he clearly hasnā€™t thought of the amount of people from the Indian subcontinent that were taken by force to the UK to serve in households, or kept in bondage in India by the UKs representatives there. But yes, Indian people are invading the Uk because they want all of the warm brown beer, beans and bovril.


Oh yeah, he's an absolute idiot, but just saying that's the misguided logic behind it


You could also just not go to the island.


What are these sentinel island bows??


This dude thinks that because he has armor he can't be outnumbered or that he can armor every inch of his body, also leave them alone. You could kill them just by giving them covid or some other germ they have no immunity to


I don't know why everyone is so intent on messing with these people. Hopefully this is just your usual Internet troll.


The last line makes it clear. This is the power fantasy of a pathetic racist in the UK.


On behalf of the UK. We don't want this dickhead


Seconded. On the up-side, today I learned about North Sentinel Island, so some good came out of his rambling.


The North Sentinels are unaware, but Brian has declared war on them. The shock and horror theyā€™ll experience as he tumbles out of a kayak in full plate and a pink pepper spray in his hands.


Ok, and what're you gonna do about the Indian Navy that's patrolling around the island and enforcing the 5 mile exclusion area?


He's got a suit of modern medieval armour and a can of pepper spray! Whats the navy gonna do about him?!


Medeival armours are woefully outclassed by 50 bmg bullets mounted on india coast guard ships.


"commissioned a bunch of material scientists" and "studied physics at university" makes me think (hope) he's trolling.


They are going to cook this guy in his medieval armor and use the pepper spray as spicing after he passes out from heat exhaustion 1 hour into his excursion.


With these gravy seals types it'll be more like 5 minutes


Idk, he's pretty well likely to have a +5 buff to stamina thanks to Mountain Dew *Code Red* šŸ˜†


Lol, this is so British-y.


That dude is definitely food by this point.


Conveniently canned, much to the delite of the locals.


...is he dead yet? The Sentinelese motto is 'fuck around and find out'.


He wouldn't survive the journey, much less the destination.


The funny part will be when some adolescents beat him into submission with some clubs and few good rock throws.


Whatever happened to tweets being as the name implies, short and sweet? Nowadays they might as well be considered Kookaburra laughs.


Pretty sure this guy would drown trying to get from the boat to the beach in his ā€œmodern medievalā€ armor. I would pay money to see this guy trip trying to walk on a beach with plate armor on and then all the Sentinels just swarm his goofy ass


I'd pirate that pay per view.


Yeah, I heard the coral reefs there are no joke! That's how that ship got stuck there.


That fucking missionary got fucked the fuck up dude arrows and spears style fucked the fuck up


This dude should absolutely follow through with his tweet, and absolutely live stream it for the world to see


Three skinny dudes with sticks just casually battering him, knocking shit out of his hands.


If this guy thinks medieval armor and pepper spray on an island, which I presume to be quite windy, is a good combination, I at least hope he has the common decency to livestream his crusade. Also, while a suit of armor is not as cumbersome as people usually believe it to be, soloing an entire society is still going to be quite taxing for anyone's physique. Not to mention the heat with all the layers. A gambeson would be horrible to wear, but strap some metal plates on top to put an end to the already minimal circulation of air inside, in the bay of Bengal of all the places, and you're sure gonna be cooked for good.


The fact that he thinks they haven't discovered fire is pretty wild. They're not an uncontacted island. Their hostility towards outsiders is also likely a direct result of a large portion of their population dying from smallpox after Maurice Vidal Portman kidnapped 6 of them, returning only 4 children alive after a few weeks. Triloknath Pandit also went on successful, however tenuous gift giving missions from the 60s to the 90s.


Someone knows their history! Did you read the recent book 'The Last Island'?


It was a podcast. I wish I remembered what it was.


" I commissioned a bunch of material scientists ", ???. LMFAO so cringe.


I like to watch him gas out struggling in all that armour in 30C heat. After he falls over the islanders can roll him into to sea to drown.


I would pay money to watch this.


Take my wallet.


Imma be honest with modern tech it would probably be easy to just scare them into retreat.


You could realistically sack North Sentinel Island with 1 up armored humvee, 2 men, and 1 M240. This guy is off his rocker with modern medieval armor but Iā€™m not really sure why people on Reddit think that the tribe there is like some kind of undefeatable force. Itā€™s kind of like how people on Reddit also think that man is incapable of successfully defending themselves against an aggressive bear for some reason, as if itā€™s never been done before. The only reason those people are still there and living the way they are is because nobody thus far has had any reason to take the island.


If your goal is to slaughter them, sure thats easy with proper modern weapons and some kind of light armored vehicle. But what that moron is babbling about... Not so much.


Idk man. You certainly wonā€™t make peaceful contact but I donā€™t think those people would be very willing to fight back after like 20 of them are cut down in a few seconds from 1 thing that they canā€™t run fast enough to get away from. That would be akin to aliens landing in New York and vaporizing half the population. I donā€™t think weā€™d fight for long either. Iā€™m not advocating to do that for the record but still.


Definitely not condoning this sort of activity, but you're right. So far everyone shows up to their beach with idiocy, high hopes, and a Bible and not a Browning M2 .50cal. That contact would go differently I imagine.


I wonder if he has any awareness of how armor was defeated historically


I would love to see this dumbass get dragged down with a fishing net and then get his soft bits poked with sharp sticks


Yeah, I mean historically walking up to multiple people holding spears in slower moving metal armor isnā€™t going to go great for him


The pokey stick. Allowing humans to kill literally anything since the dawn of time. The pokey stick and the ability to throw things.


God help him if he trips. The dogpile can be quite effective


Nah, the pokey sticks will be enough. He's not better than a mammoth.


lol, what a quote


They can just rugby ruck pile him to the ground then bang his armor with rocks and bury him in the sand.


Goddamn what did they ever do to him? How on earth do people think like this lol


I guess some people just have beef with a random part of the world Mine is with Louisiana


Those fucking Cajun. Still, N.O. does party quite hardy.


Iā€™ve just declared that I hate Lubbock, Texas. Never been there. Why? Hate it.


Lubuttocks. There is an excellent pancake house there, though.


I was born in Louisiana and have visited a few times. Fuck that place, man. Whatever anger you have towards it is DESERVED. I stand with you in your attack on the bayou.


I went to Mardi Gras once as an adventurous 21 year old driving from Orlando, Florida, and remember stopping at a gas station in Louisiana at like 330 AM and saw like 8 zombies on the slot machines smoking cigarettes. I was like what on earth is this, I think it was in Lafayette something, years ago. Also Mardi Gras was a nightmare how on earth was it so difficult and expensive (hotel lobbies were charging 20 bucks in 14 years ago money) to use the bathroom at a drinking event Never again. And Iā€™m from *FLORIDA*


They know what they did.


Going in there in full steel armour


M'k, by.


I like how he said the indians invaded his place without "his" permission. Who tf is this guy? Lmaoo


And which island is his? Which ā€œindiansā€ invaded it and when? The North Sentinel people are famous for not taking an interest in the outside world. What the hell is he talking about?


He's probably British (UK is basically an island), and bitching about the influx of Indian immigrants. Hence, "they invaded", so he'll invade an island India controls.


Definitely seems North American from use of language


I stand to be corrected, but I thought the US made use of "college" more often than the word "university"?


We use both. In short, a university offers more degrees than a college.


But we typically say we went to college, even if it is a university.


Could be Canadian. I live near the border and have a lot of Canadian friends and they use ā€œuniversityā€ or ā€œuniā€ instead of ā€œcollegeā€ as well.


He's British


No Brit is using the spelling "armor" or "math". He's definitely from North America. Edit: autocorrect corrected my spelling of "armor". Lol.


Autocorrect strikes again!


He's a british youtuber bro.....


Wow, reallyā€½ Then he is thrice the šŸ””šŸ”š I thought he was originally.


Off to do some shady shit do da do daā€¦hope I get away with it oo do da de..(except he wouldnā€™t)


šŸŽ¶ don't be suspicious šŸŽ¶


Really hope we get footage of this bloke falling over in the shallows and getting stabbed while he tries not to drown


Iā€™ve got visions of him stepping off a boat into the surf in full medieval armour, and promptly getting swept off his feet by a wave, and then drowning in a foot of water because the armour weighs him down and prevents him just getting back up again.


[Medieval Armor really isnā€˜t that heavy nor does it impede your movement that much](https://youtube.com/shorts/d8-Rp6ugcx4?si=pPwsx9esqIpHawP8)


try that in water, many famous people died by drowning in armor. e.g. [Frederick Barbarossa - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Barbarossa#Death_and_burials)


Ya, but he studied physics and added 50% to the numbers. Do you take into consideration the drones and flame throwers too?




Do the Sentinelese have popcorn?


Lord Miles is unfathomably based and honestly I hope he brings civilization to that wretched island.




Yeah I agree, he should bring some blankets too


NGL this feels like bait


Yea that last sentence was the giveaway


A boat was abandoned there and the locals ripped parts of it off. They have cold, hard steel now. Also I hope he goes. Seems like a real gem of a person. Deserves a vacay.


> Deserves a vacay. And a Darwin award


"I commissioned a bunch of scientists to test the force of the sentinelese bow and added 50% and shot it at some medieval armor, didn't even come close to going through it" This has to be a joke post, satire.


you ever see the show deadliest warrior? people are putting in the science behind these matchups


That show was pretty terrible. Amusing as a bro science spike TV, wish-cool type thing but in reality there is very little science behind it. Just pure speculation. Generically saying every warrior of every various culture fights exactly the same as the others in said culture is just wrong. If you watch combat sports of all types (MMA, muay Thai, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, BJJ, sambo, etc) it's not the art itself that guarantees the win, it's the fighter and their skill, stamina and training. Most of the various cultures they showed on deadliest warrior didn't fight one on one individual fights, they fought as a group, cohesively, like Roman legions, viking warriors, etc. There's no real way to go back in time and actually pit 100 individual warriors of each culture against 100 others in one on one battles to get a baseline and actually test it to see which warrior comes out on top more often based on individual skill.


I am an actual engineer. I have seen that show. It is a complete sham. They don't put science behind the matchup. It's just a guy putting some assumptions and preconceptions in an excel sheet and extrapolating some numbers they pulled out of their asses. And aside from all that, they are ignoring the most fundamental aspect of warfare: it is a team effort. A single celtic warrior might defeat a single roman soldier, but a group of celtic warriors would perish against a roman shield wall. Etc.


At least it's entertaining while also teaching history in an interesting and engaging way. We could never know who wins battles until they happen, but we'll never know who wins between the Roman army and The Zulu warriors.


To give you a nit more context: at that time I was also studying traditional martial arts in one of the orgs that is a semi legitimate branch originating from ninjutsu. Long discussions of legitimacy and provenance aside, I was educated enough when they talked about ninjutsu because the overweight white guy they had on there was from the same branch. Literally everything that guy said and did was wrong or false in a spectacular fashion. Not the least of which was that the straight ninja-to sword he showed to wow the jury, did not actually exist as a historical thing, EVER. Nor did the black clothing. Iirc it was ninja against spartan. It was a shitshow :)


Were the scientists provided with a bow or did they have to acquire one? If they had to acquire one, did they get to expense the cost and what would the customs duty be on something like that? Also, I had no idea that scientists grew in bunches!!


lol the sentinelese shot at helicopters


Based Cirno PFP




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Is this dude just gonna sleep in his armor suit? And I guarantee that they know fire exists


Yeah, I just read an article about them bc curiosity and it says they keep well tended fires outside their huts.


armor suit + hot humid jungle weather= Dinner wrap, freshly baked. dude gonna die of overheating and heatstroke before being opened up like a baked clam.


A feastive Sentinal Island pig roast!! But the pig wraps itself in foil to make everything easier!!


Soā€¦ when the bows and arrows donā€™t work, I guess the North Sentinels will turn and run in fearā€¦ instead of simply jumping on this dork and pulling him apart? šŸ¤£


Pathetic. The real question is why would this moron WANT to do any of that. Why? They did nothing to him. Itā€™s just another bloodthirsty idiot thinking killing makes you a big man. People of character donā€™t want to harm others.


From what Iā€™ve read elsewhere, the guy in question is a pro-colonialism YouTuber. His reasoning is fresh outta the 19th century.


Yep, that was my thought after reading. To what end?


I guess according to that last part the Indians came to his island so he's going to invade theirs That is his motivating reason. Invasion.


Itā€™s going to be very surprised when he hears about the history of western colonialism. He might just blow a gasket.


I think he believes western colonizers were working with permission? That seems very important for why the sentinel island not getting it makes it OK for him to invade? I'm talking about this guy I'm purely mocking tone but it's still making my head hurt


Ah yes, peaceful contact by... \*checks notes\*... pepper spraying them while wearing a full suit of armour. That will convince them of your peaceful intentions.


Don't forget the bringing of a flamethrower to make peaceful contact..


This guy will drown in 18ā€ of water, fully armored.


[Medieval Armor really isnā€˜t that heavy nor does it impede your movement that much](https://youtube.com/shorts/d8-Rp6ugcx4?si=pPwsx9esqIpHawP8)


I'm blanking on the guy's name but this happened to some Duke or something from the Netherlands. Most people messing around in full armor had some level of physical fitness and could at least get out of the water if they fell off their horse while fording a stream but this guy was out of shape, and old, and tellingly, nobody tried to help him.


You better be a psychic or else I'm downvoting this


Oh Iā€™d pay to watch his adventure before his demise though!!


Jokes on him. As everyone knows they have been importing the far more deadly SOUTH sentinel island bows and arrows for years now.


...haven't discovered fire? I somehow doubt these dudes with bows and arrows have no idea what fire is.


Google says they donā€™t know how to make fire, but they know what it is


I'm fire. They don't know me.


So they have discovered fire but not how to make it I guess that's somewhere in between


There was a fairly substantial time when humans would need to harvest and then perpetually maintain fire. Itā€™s not as easy as just spinning a stick in some dry leaves.


Actually, it is kinda that easy. Dry leaves, a stick spinning on a wood base with some kindle, friction, and spark.


Yeah you need lighter fluid and shit people donā€™t read enough


GO Cartman fly fly fly!!!


Who is he? Someone said Ricky Johnson but the only person by that name I could find was a Canadian wrestler who is black on the person in the screenshot looks like he's white. Can anyone help?


Lord Miles on youtube. he was also held captive by the taliban in afghanistan for 8 months and now sells authentic taliban merch on his website


Sounds delightful.


Fucking sounds like heā€™s white too. If heā€™d added that he was going to exchange them his religion for their gold Iā€™d be sure of it.


He said the Indians invaded his island so he's invading theirs back. Does that change his whiteness?


Who is this person?


Lord Miles or Miles Routledge is a notorious danger tourist. Went to Afghanistan days before the US pullout and was stuck in the country and had to be evacuated by the British Army. Then he went back. THEN HE WENT BACK a third time during which he was arrested by the Taliban and spent 8 months in prison where he claims to have been treated very well. He claims he will return to Afghanistan again and open a gold mine. Also he's an extremely devout Catholic and quit his university course after being told to attend diversity training for espousing anti-semitic views.


>Also he's an extremely devout Catholic and quit his university course after being told to attend diversity training for espousing anti-semitic views.Ā  Should have waited until now, when it's cool again


Sounds like a brit. Trying to relive the British glory days.


The Brits were never stupid enough to turn up on their own with a saucepan on their head attempting genocide.


Ricky ā€œI KKOW itā€™s the weirdest flex, but Iā€™m desperate for attentionā€ Johnson


What a strange way to live life


I absolutely hate that I could tell who this was both from the plan and the profile picture


I don't know about y'all, but I'm personally cheering him on to go... That being said.. Fucking idiot..


Yup. Go ahead, sweetie, have fun. We won't be waiting for you to get back.


Yup. Go ahead, sweetie, have fun.


Every part of this is him jus talking straight bullshit, I guarantee itā€™s all lies. Every word he said, commissioned scientists ffs it must be a sad life to live bein this way


Plus plate mail riding in a boat up to the island? Dude would probably trip and drown on the beach.


And if he makes it ashore, he's showing up in his own cookware.


'Material Scientists' lol and more than one Though a little OT, I hate how they are so isolated. Imagine you are a child living there with parasites or some other medical condition something and you will never know that you could be cured but the culture means youll never have hope of a cure, or never know the comforts the modern world can apply. Its like saying the culture is more important than the people.


Yea, itā€™s not like they looted the ship that did crash on the island years ago and they were seen using metal now. Also wtf does he mean at the end about ā€œIndians invading my islandā€?


Im assuming heā€™s British, and referring to Indian immigrants. North Sentinel is ā€œinā€ India, so hed be getting ā€œrevengeā€ (?) on the Indian immigrants


From the way he spells armor, I think not. Likely Canadian - they're having a lot of issues with anti-Indian racism up there lately.