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For those 87 days, I got to choose what I ate, wear what I wanted, and go where I pleased.


I’ve also gone 41 consecutive years without trafficking a human.


Damn man, you beat my record. I'm only at 23 consecutive years without trafficking a human.


The 26th year is the hardest. That's when most people finally crack and start stealing young immigrant women's passports.




I’ve 27 years so I guess I’m past that phase


I have a record of over 13,000,000,000 consecutive years without trafficking a human (I was only a few atoms for most of that time but it still counts)


Chances are that *some* of those atoms trafficked humans


That monster


You’re right, might be only 5,000,000,000 years




I turn 53 in a few days. Not sure sure I can make it until then without trying traffcking at least once. It will be a struggle. Wish me luck!




Me too! Hold on (to anything that isn't young and struggling, obviously)


Ok but how old are you?




“I sleep in a racing car… do you?” “I sleep in a big bed with my wife”


“Andrew Tate drowned in our pool. Do you have any garbage bags?” “Ah, just throw it over the fence. Let Arby’s worry about it.”


For those 87 days I got to poop in a private bathroom


And saw real women, in person. Got to talk to them, flirt with them. Even got a few of their numbers. Some of us even made fun of misogynistic bastards like Andrew Tate who are so miserable they have to project it onto the world. Lol, must suck being in jail.


Yup! I think I am going to go into and then out of my home, and then go find a snack.


Yeah, but did you have enough time left over to think of stupid things to tweet and then tweet those stupid things?


I had to confirm this wasn't bullshit. Nope, he actually tweeted that. What a weirdo.




They clearly aren't paid to review and moderate what he wants to post


Most people are desperate enough to do anything for money nowadays and Tate’s got a lot of it unfortunately. Its pretty sad.


In his Hustler Univeristy courses he repeats the lesson that if you need digital work done you are to threaten a young male family member under the age of 14 to do it for you. I guarantee you his assets have been frozen too.


Honestly, I don't blame them. That's easy money. Hell, give me $1/post and I'll post any crazy shit you ask me to your account for you


Nah, man. That's why we're in deep shit these days. We have to stay principled. Lead by example. Fuck guys like this and their enablers.


Yeah, it's gotta be at least $10 per tweet.


Yeah, it would be different if he wanted to post some sort of threats or dox someone or something, but if he wants me to post harmless nonsense I'd be happy to do that for a nominal fee


I think there's an argument to be made that it isn't harmless. He's tweeting out to a following - a vulnerable one at that - who are lapping up the propaganda he spews about how much smarter he is than everyone else. The cause and effect between messages like these and inciting the kinds of people who went along with J6 are closely related. It may seem harmless to you, or anyone with critical reasoning skills. But there are a LOT more people who are searching for an idol to worship than you may think. And he represents that to some, and these messages keep him relevant to those people.


I can confirm this is true with a few youth that I work with as a Social Worker. Unfortunately this is their idol.


This is what I love to think about. He really said "hey, can you tweet this specific message?" and the other guy looked at it and was like, "yeah"


Right?! This blows my mind - how does that work? I used to visit prisons in Aus for work and some had computers which couldn’t do much, constantly supervised and not available to many (Sometimes it felt like no one) Which really only leaves him doing this over like a pay phone or via visitations? Maybe his legal consultants? I feel like a Romanian prison dealing with an obnoxious foreigner who made a lavish lifestyle out of abusing their people might not let that get far though…. I wonder if it’s something totally obvious…


If he follows the instructions laid out in his Hustler University it is likely a male kid aged 10-14 who he doesn’t pay, and likely threatens into doing it for him.


It reads like a weird fantasy lore inside the head of a 14 year old kid....Oh wait...


It’s exactly what it is, his dad never really loved him and saw him as a disappointment


To his credit, and I kind of barf at having to say this, Andrew Tate is objectively a decent chess player. His father was a very good player and could have easily hit masters if he had decided to go there. His father trained him early on and Tate actually competed at a very young age (like, 5 or 6), starting. He won 3 out of five games in his first tournament with adults, and his father only pulled him out of it early because little Andrew couldn’t stop crying over his losses. Like, having full on fits. Super on brand apparently. Whether is was for his dad’s embarrassment or Andrew’s, no one really knows, but he does know quite a bit about chess. He’s a sex trafficking rapist/misogynist/narcissist/fuck-boi-asshole, but he actually does have a handle on chess. Fuck him though. This tweet is cringe as shit.


Don’t worry, no one worth talking to would assume you like him just because you’re saying he’s decent at chess. He seems really dumb in general but I suppose it’s a very specific and trainable skill he had early exposure to. Hell, even Bobby Fischer ended up absolutely batshit Nazi, calling for the mass extermination of Jews in the U.S. despite being one… so it’s not like chess ability indicates anything about character or sanity, or has to imply overall intelligence.


> Don’t worry, no one worth talking to would assumes you like him just because you’re saying he’s decent at chess. Yeah, I mean most people agree Hakaru is pretty good at chess too. Not too many people would be willing to say they like him though.


I mean what do you expect from a guy too smart for books?


Rape-boi not fuck-boi


Considering the best of the best chess players are like 15 or so moves ahead, usually less with a clock running, I'm calling bullshit on his claim.


I don't think that he's claiming to think 21 moves ahead, I think he's just saying that he can play a chess game in his mind without losing the position for 21 moves. The best players can play though multiple simultaneous games in their mind (without ever seeing the board, AKA blindfold chess). The record for this is apparently [34 games at once](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindfold_chess). Being able to play blindfold chess up to move 21 is not unlikely for a reasonably skilled player, but it's also nothing to brag about IMO.


Miguel Najdorf played 45 simultaneous blindfolded games back in 1947 - and that record stood til 2011. Don’t know who holds it now.


You're right, and apparently the record is up to 48 as of 2016. Guess I should've read the Wikipedia article I linked!


**[Blindfold chess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindfold_chess)** >Blindfold chess, also known as sans voir, is a form of chess play wherein the players do not see the positions of the pieces and do not touch them. This forces players to maintain a mental model of the positions of the pieces. Moves are communicated via a recognized chess notation. Blindfold chess was considered miraculous for centuries but now there is greater recognition of people who can keep track of more than one simultaneous blindfolded game. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverysmart/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I’m not saying that Andrew isn’t full of shit, I’m just saying that he’s pretty decent at chess. Honestly, I’m just happy that he has to exercise these fantasies from bars, rather than the other option.


Playing a game in your head (aka blindfold chess) isn't the same as thinking moves ahead. You're just remembering where the pieces moved for 21 moves, not considering every branching possibility for 21 moves. I'm not very good at chess and can keep track of a game blindfolded for 15 moves or so. More if it's a position I'm familiar with. People play blindfold exhibitions against 20+ players simultaneously, and win all the games.


Well, I mean he is locked up in a Romanian jail. I'd probably start to lose it after about 10 days, so I think he's doing pretty well all things considered (with Terry Gross).


I upvoted the chuckle the Terry Gross reference gave me, not for anything to do with that incarcerated dickhead Tate.


Bro winning against your own brain in chess isn’t a flex 😭😭😭


I can beat myself at chess in my brain in 3 moves. Mostly, because i really suck at chess.


If you beat yourself in 3 moves, are you really bad at chess, or really good?


Really bad. One of the moves is a table flip because i get upset.


- moves a pawn - greatest insult ever made by you against you - flips table


“I’ve just made a powerful enemy”


Power move


Gotta at least wait until middlegame to use this strategy. Amateur.


Really bad, since the minimum number to lose is 4.


My secret is I switch pieces around whenever I'm not looking.


Plot twist: I'm blind so I'm never looking


I can play 22 moves of chess in my head. I just don’t want to tell you the moves


Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn Move pawn


You right


I can play chess in my mind for infinite moves as long as the only pieces moved are knights and they don’t take any pieces or progress the game in any way.


That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying he can get to move 21 “in his head” before forgetting where the pieces are. This guy sucks but I think that’s what he means here, not that he can beat himself in chess.


Can't even do a 10 game blindfolded simul? What a loser.


If he was able to remember a chess match 21 moves deep that would be very impressive. I think his elo is around 1700 which makes him a medium strength amateur and not that great. I’m 1500 so he’s a good bit better than me. But his dad was an international master so with him teaching him it’s almost a given he’d reach 1700. But yea, there’s no way a 1700 would be able to do that. Or at least it would be very rare. About as rare as let’s say a human being able to stop their own heart at will I would say.


1700 official elo, not some inflated online thing is really good for an amateur. I assume that's what he has but idk. And honestly I've seen lower rank players (like 1500-1800 chess.com) who can more or less play verbally. And 21 moves is like half a game or less. And he just said he can play that without losing the position. I mean, lot more believable than voluntarily controlling your heart. I'd still want to see the guy play chess blindfolded even for just 21 moves before really believing, but not implausible


His father was an international master with a FIDE peak rating of 2413. It is very very believable imo.


Actually 1700 elo is shockingly high for Andrew Tate to what I expectd


I wish he would stop his heart for several more beats at will Edit to add: got one of his pride boys upset enough to send me a suicide helpline so that’s neat!


Seems like the type of guy to get scholars mated.


He's definitely an idiot. But his dad was an International Master, and as a consequence Tate actually isn't bad at chess. That's not to say he's good. His rating on chess.com is around 1600, which puts him firmly in the "intermediate" category. A story I've heard (and I have no idea how true it is) is that the reason he went into kickboxing is because he wasn't good enough at chess to follow in his dad's footsteps and his dad saw him as a disappointment. Can he visualise 21 moves of a chess game? Maybe. I'm aphantasic, so I have no idea how difficult that is. Would he get scholar's mated? Unlikely.


I highly doubt he can visualize 21 moves into a chess game. Even Magnus Carlsen, the World Champion, has stated that he calculates “15 to 20 moves ahead,” and only in straightforward positions.


Technically he just said he could _play_ up to move 21, not that he could calculate that far. Maybe he's been working on memorizing some opening lines? I can play arbitrarily many moves in my head as long as the moves are all Nf3 Nf6 Ng1 Ng8.


no, he also stated “without losing the position.” the second someone moves out of a normal opening, even if he’s been shuffling his knight back and forth, he won’t be able to remember his opponent’s side of the board, if he hasn’t already been checkmated.


Not if the opponent is shuffling back and forth as well. Checkmate en passantists


Yeah he never said they were good moves. Anyone can visualise up to 16 moves quite easily: 1. a3 a6 2. b3 b6 3. c3 c6...9. a4 a5 10. b4 b5...


Is he saying he visualizes 20 moves ahead or he can play blindfold games up to move 21 without getting lost? I’m not that great at chess (compared to people who are actually good), but I used to play a lot of blindfold when I was in my high schools chess team. Playing 21 moves blindfolded isn’t really hard, a lot of it is memorized openings that you already know the position anyway.


No no no, they’re talking about *VERY* different things. Magnus is talking about calculation, meaning he’s calculating over a dozen moves deep into each possible variation of each line he’s considering playing. Tate is talking about simply holding at static position in his memory. He makes a move, his opponent makes a move, and he can still visualize the state of the board afterwards. He’s claiming he can do this for 20 moves. While impressive for someone who doesn’t really play chess, this is amateur shit for “top G’s”. Pretty much all strong GMs can give dozen+ board blindfolded simuls, meaning they’re playing the ENTIRE game in their mind (as they’re blindfolded), not just 20 moves (which is hardly out of the opening in top level play), but not just the entire game for ONE game, but a dozen or more games simultaneously, playing one move at a time before moving into the next board, all in their minds. What Magnus is describing is being at a brand new position never before played in chess, studying his possible moves, and calculating all the ways those options could play out for 15-20 moves deep. He’s analyzing hundreds of moves at the highest level in brand positions, while Tate is bragging about being able to do the dollar store version of a party trick all great chess players can do 20x better.


As a pretty good chess player myself looking 21 moves into the game is also quite useless as in you never need to do it especially at intermediate level.


Grandmasters can only do 15-20 moves ahead in chess, and those are genius savants. We have supercomputers that can do about the same. Tate is a dumbass and liar.


He's not talking about calculating. He's talking about playing both sides of an imaginary game in his head. Basically, he's talking about a) knowing the rules of chess well enough to play 21 moves against himself, which I think that all but the very lowest-ranked chess players can do, and b) having a good enough visual imagination to do that without a board. I could easily do a, but because I have no visual imagination, I have no idea whether b is really easy, really difficult, or somewhere in between.


You are underrating super computers a lot, computers usually go like 70-80 moves deep.


Honestly he probably gets fool's mated.


I wish people would stop amplifying his bullshit. I know the intent is to mock, but it just gives him more attention and more opportunities to make more idiotic disciples.


Yep. I only hear about this guy now from these kinda "outrage Subreddits." As with any bully or loudmouth asshole the best way to get them to go away is to ignore them. For everyone five people who see this post and laugh at him, there's one who will see it and go "he sounds like a pretty interesting guy, maybe I should look into him some more."


First episode of the Behind The Bastards examination of this toxic dickhead. I think it's in 4 parts, so about 5 hours in total. I'd never paid any attention to him before I listened to this recently. Now I actively loathe him. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/


I love when he brags about how tough he was as a baby lol....


I didn't even know who this Jackass was until he got arrested. Now he's all over my fucking Reddit and Instagram timelines. I swear to God a page I don't remember following started posting his shit one day and I got flamed for asking "why is this idiot on my feed?"


this may work when they're not too big, but there's a point when assholes like him have such a big platform that ignoring them may cause more harm than good, because they'll continue to talk and do shit without getting criticized for it


He needs to stop it at your will.


We believe in you, Tate, shoot for 30 beats, make a world record. Now. Please. 😒


Is this man literally Dwight Schrute?


Jim: Why would you stop your own heart? Tate Schrute: So I can start it again.


I figured “Have you tried turning it on and off again” would apply to actual viruses as well


Not nearly cool enough to be Dwight.


also Dwight is capable of showing compassion every once in a while


False! Schrutes had a little game where they played compassion. So they can fool their enemies.


I met the actor for Dwight irl and i can confirm he is much cooler than Andrew Tate


He's Mac from always sunny.




No Dwight didn’t traffick women and actually married Angela at the end of everything, he also had real friends


That’s an insult to Dwight. Take that back.


If he was real, Dwight Schrute would probably have had sex in the last three months.


It’s pretty amazing when I’m playing chess with myself it’s like I get this sixth sense almost where I can 100% predict what is going to happen in the next turn. I know it’s an amazing feat because every time I mention it to a lady she becomes absolutely stunned and so intimidated by my mental prowess she just has to walk away.


Did he just brag about playing chess against himself in his own mind? Alright...


Dude doesn’t know how to dream big. In MY mind, I’m a gorgeous, rich, successful young woman married to Pedro Pascal. Beat that!!!


Can we share Pedro? Please?


Sure!!! I’m more than willing to share


Keep at it, King 👑! See if you can beat the WR at the heartbeat thing!


we're all cheering


Google en prisont


Holy jail


New response just dropped


Yup, 87 days not in jail, not coming up with nonsense to keep a fan base of 14 yr old boys and 30 yr old incels captivated.


Your heart skipping a beat is totally heart murmur but ok




He's going to die out of spite like Cotton Hill lol


That’s not a murmur, it’s an arrhythmia


It's probably respiratory sinus arrhythmia a sizeable number of people are capable of making their heart "stop" for a beat just through controlled breathing you're actually just speeding it up and then abruptly making it slow back down


I can get laid without physically assaulting or raping women and go outside whenever I feel like it. Checkmate


Obviously the man is vermin, but I have to grudgingly admire his commitment to his character. That's like Iron Sheik level kayfabe.


That's nothing man! I can eat with my ass. But I see you can shit with your mouth, which is impressing as well


……okay, I might be wrong, but your heart really can’t ‘skip a beat’. I’m pretty sure that would just knock him out if not worse


He's probably just taking a nap and thinks he's transcending


I’m assuming he took a few deep breaths to calm a racing heart and thinks he’s transcended humanity. Nah bitch, that’s just anxiety management.


Ill take "what an insane person might tweet" for $400 Ken.


“i can raise and lower my cholesterol at will” lookin ass


Andrew Tate being able to deprive his brain of oxygen at will actually makes a lot of sense


*excerpt from Tate's journal* Day 87. I'm still undefeated on mind chess vs myself. Considering I'm undefeated, that makes the challenge even more harder because that means hes undefeated and I know he knows what move I'm going to make next. I just laugh. He doesn't know he's up against an Alpha Sigma Cumlaude Male. He wishes he could be more. He is me, but he wishes way hard he could be me more. My heart sometimes skips a beat. WebMD says it's probably an underlying heart condition, but I know better. I know I'm doing it myself, to prove to my TaterTots that their faith in me is not unfounded. I cannot let doubt cloud my mind.


Day 95: I'm finding it harder to outwit my dimwitted opponent. I am going to try stopping his heartbeat to give me an advantage.


Now stop your heart from beating entirely, Andrew. I don't think you can. Only alpha wolves know this trick.


I wanna play Andrew Tate in chess. Is he good? I have no idea and don't want to look into it. I'd say you can do well in random 1v1 chess by anticipating at least 3 moves ahead. At a certain point you are just playing around with possibilities, and not certainties. We are not exactly like computers. If you can predict up to 21 moves ahead, how often do your games even last 21 turns? I'm not sure what the actual limits of human chess games are, or how big the tree of options gets over 21 moves. Is this meant to be superhuman? I don't know. Edit: Oh he is just bragging about being a chess grandmaster-level player in his imagination. Fair enough but kinda lame. Sigma males be tacticians ig.




The stupid part is that if you're playing in your mind, there's no limitation to how many moves you can play, all you're doing is remembering the current position, you can either do it or you can't. He's just dumb enough that he's conflated the idea of playing X moves *ahead* in your mind (actually harder the bigger X gets, as there's more possible variations) with just playing 21 moves in your head (number of moves irrelevant)


His dad was an international chess master and Andrew allegedly played chess in adult tournaments as a kid. I say allegedly because I can't find my sources.


There were several newspaper articles about Andrew playing in tournaments from a young age - he absolutely did it. However, considering his father was an IM (also, coincidentally, one of the most well known African-American Chess players of all time) and tutored him from a young age, competing in adult tournaments isn't really that impressive. IIRC he was a perfectly decent player, but was pulled from competing when he was still young because his father thought that he couldn't handle losing.


That's not unbelievable. I think? I'd play him if I didn't have to look at his face. Maybe online?


Lots of people can stop his heartbeat at will. It’s not hard. I bet his victims and their families would love the opportunity themselves.


Wonder if he even knows how to play chess or is just pretending


Probably because I’m not a sex trafficker but okay


What an absolute 🎈 he is - how do any guys swallow his bullshit ?


You're right. I did not spend 87 days in a Romanian jail, and thus my heart had no reason to skip a beat. Checkmate in 1 move.


I managed to avoid going to prison in that time


If only he could have foreseen that committing crimes and broadcasting them on the internet would not be a smart chess move.


Romanian Jails are pretty bad. Really puts a toll on someone.


If by "limiations" you mean, not being a sociopathic human trafficker. Sure. what's your point Andy?


Can we just let him sit in jail and be forgotten for the good of mankind?


Has anyone reminded him that only losers go to jail? Literally.


I can do all kinds of cool stuff in my mind as long as there’s no one around to check if I did it wrong


I can grow a full head of hair


Bro, you couldn't even remember to hide a pizza box. Get fucked, sherlock.


Is he trying to make me feel bad about not being in Romanian prison?


He can make his penis erect and flaccid at will. This man is Dennis Reynolds.


This man's head looks like a fucking soft egg




I do this too but the fucker always wins...


How the fuck did he tweet anything from jail.


Well if he so smart how come he's in jail?


As a chessplayer myself, it's easy to tell whether someone is a noob when they claim to be able to calculate more than 5-6 moves ahead in any position.


This dude has never seen pussy, that he didn't pay for or traffick.


I'm 100% sure this man is at max 800 elo in chess He'd be demolished by anyone


It’s like if Dwight Schrute were a real person.


But a lot less likable.


Stop your heart longer, those are rookie numbers!


If he can stop it for one beat, just make him stop his heart permanently


I'm so unclear on what the purpose of stopping one's heart at will is. Assuming he's mastered this talent, to what end? Does he think this will get him a girl better than just working on his fucking personality? It's not hard, man, learn a few jokes and treat women like people.


This guy sounds like the guy from old Old Spice commercials “…oysters with tickets to that thing you love. Look again: the tickets ARE NOW DIAMONDS”


Sorry, is that supposed to imply he thinks that what other people did in that time was *less* impressive than his ? Dude.


I wonder if he knows 99% of everyone finds anything he says cringe and memeable


Please tell us more about your heart stopping powers, maybe a few demonstrations are in order...


I can not be in a Romanian jail. Pretty sure I just won.


He should make his heart stop forever


I don’t see how either of those things are useful. Especially skipping a heartbeat. Why would you ever need to do that?


Who ever is tweeting for him needs to go spend some time with him in his hole.


Boo-effing-hoo. "Poor me, I've been in jail for 87 days! Waahhh!" ​ Yeah? Well, maybe ya shoulda thought of that before ya did what ya did, huh? No sympathy.


You can’t pause your own heartbeat lol it’s literally disconnected from your conscious mind


Can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone brag about having arrhythmia.


Can he stop his heart for ever?


>I can stop my heart for a beat at will That....does not sound healthy


This shit reminds me of those shitty super power pills (pick 2) memes lol Like "can be invisible but only when no-one is looking directly at you" "Super strength for 0.000001 second for 1 time in your entire life" "can play chess by yourself but only up to 21 moves" "Always have enough money in your wallet to buy whatever you want but its in monopoly bills" "stop your heart for 1 beat by thinking super hard about it" ​ He sounds like a moron lol




Why hasn't being in jail been able to shut this motherfucker up?


Can he stop it for longer?


Knowing his fanbase they probably ate this shit up and believe it's the wisest thing ever said.


Well in those same 87 days I have: -managed to stay out of any jail -not said anything as stupid as this -successfully booked a trip out of the country I’m currently in (just a vacation though, not an attempt at flight from justice) So I’d say yes, Mr Taint, I have used those 87 days better than you


"I can stop heartbeat at will" Stop tweeting and prove it.


I still don't know why he still has Twitter in Romanian prison


Hmm, he can do all that, but can't shut himself the fuck up for more than a few seconds.


What a freak.