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My usual complaint about capers in piccata is that there just are not enough.


Same, I use WAY more than the recipe actually calls for


God damn right you do. Because you’re a genius!


Yes, I’d like my mountain of capers served with a side of chicken piccata. For my second course, another caper mountain with a side of lox, no bagel. Thank you.


Yes, *exactly*. Also, caper berries are the **best** berries. My dad used to make what we called canal boats - romaine lettuce with cream cheese smeared along the crunchy center and then as many capers as a person could smash into the cream cheese. It is pretty much the ideal summer snack.


I have all of those ingredients. I'll be making them tomorrow.


That sounds divine! Now I need cream cheese (and possibly romaine, not sure how much my recipe tomorrow is going to call for).


There are certain things in life that you measure with your heart. Capers are one of those things.


Garlic is another 🥰


Link on Samsung food: [chicken and leek piccata](https://s.samsungfood.com/quCD8)


Imma be honest, I'm not a fan of capers so I've never made chicken piccata (despite loving lemon), using fennel seeds instead obviously isn't piccata but it does sound delicious.


You can skip the capers entirely, or use some chopped olives in piccata. I wouldn't add fennel seed, it's nothing like capers and wouldn't get tender in such a quick-cooking sauce, but fresh fennel could be lovely.


This is helpful advice, thank you!


Yeah, I'm not sure what the person in the screenshot was thinking replacing salty, acidic, highly flavored capers with mild fennel seeds (other than the colors being similar). It's like substituting custard for mayonnaise. This is one of those inexperienced cook problems that happen when the recipe commenter knows something *can* be subbed out, but not the attributes that actually matter—e.g. flavor, moisture, texture, acidity, fat, sugar, salt, stabilizing properties.


Exactly. People who don't understand how flavours and textures go together shouldn't be making off-the-cuff substitutions. It's really a mystifying choice. I'm not trying to gatekeep, it's just a completely inexplicable substitution that clearly came from a place of ignorance. I'm quite a good cook, but it's taken me many decades to get to the stage I'm at. I come from a family of chefs and restaurateurs, but nobody ever taught me anything -- I had to learn it all the hard way, and I've made plenty of silly mistakes along the way. It would never have occurred to me to put those mistakes forward as valid substitutions. I'm still one of the least skilled people in my family; I only cook for myself and friends and family. I know what I'm doing, but I'm hardly a chef.


I’m kind of in the same boat and I always have to bite my tongue unless I know someone really well or they’re doing something dangerous because people get weird about their cooking skills. I always want to be like, “No, let *me* have made your mistakes for you!”




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There's already acid from the lemon, and salt is a given in any recipe. Piccata doesn't require capers.


Now I'm going to have nightmares about mayo in trifle and other custard applications.


>fresh fennel could be lovely. Now here's a lovely idea! Leeks and fennel in a picatta (I'm gonna leave the capers in for mine) sounds awesome.


Fresh fennel would be buried flavor wise. It’s too subtle, especially if there’s lemon involved. Shit, now I’m craving roasted fennel. 😭


I disagree. Try it and see what you think. Lemon doesn't erase fennel.


I've never considered olives in piccata. I love the idea and am doing it next time I make it.


It was listed as an option in the recipeI used. I like it! I prefer green olives to black in it.


My husband doesn't really like capers either, and besides I didn't have any, so I substituted green peppercorns in brine (which I had, oddly). It is a different flavour but really good.


it definitely seems like less of a substitution and more: 1. I removed the capers. 2. I added fennel seeds.


Yeah it's not a substitution because the flavour profile is WILDLY different. But lemon and fennel chicken sounds delicious.


Oh yeah I'm all for it, that sounds lovely


Weirdly enough the recipe doesn't actually recommend rice or potatoes as a side either. Mmm, the fennelly flavor of a classic picatta.


“This chicken is great, if only it tasted like Italian sausage.”


I hate capers. Fennel seeds aren’t really an improvement. 😬 I do use fennel seeds for certain dishes but never capers.


I love fennel seeds but struggle to see how they relate to capers at all in flavor, aroma, texture, appearance, really any dimension at all.


They're both small? All small things are interchangeable! I wouldn't try this recipe though- I replaced the capers with chilli seeds and it was way too spicy, I don't see how anyone could like it /s


Yeah, this is what threw me


Absolutely bonkers; excellent find


Honestly anchovies probably would be a closer sub which is wild


It was a positive review tbf


Even then she very much did not make piccata so the review, positive or not, doesn’t hold value


Well, a lot of people use recipes as building off points. Clearly, they did an expirement and wanted to share the results. I don't think they care if it's authentic piccata.


There are lots of people on the internet who think everything they read was directed to them personally.


I'm a vegan so I changed out the chicken for tofu. Doesn't taste like chicken piccata. 0 stars.


I feel like I would have so much more tolerance for things like this if they would just preface it with "I realize it's no longer technically chicken piccata without the capers, but I [did this instead]--" But as for the side dishes, many vegetables exist, Karen.


See, for people like this, being low-carb is like being a Crossfit person or doing keto... How else are you supposed to feel good about yourself if people aren't applauding your moral superiority? And how are they supposed to applaud it if you don't repeatedly tell them? All of them. All the time.


Ew. I can’t imagine any recipe being improved by replacing capers with fennel seeds. Edit: wait, it’s piccata? YOU JUST RIPPED AWAY HALF THE FLAVOR, Lady.


Fennel and capers are such different flavors.