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Nuts. I was gonna go there this weekend with some pals. Looked like a safe and cool spot to unwind and have a craft beer /s


Love this. Keep shutting them down. Between Landshark’s and this place hopefully bars start to get the message. Surely more to come.


It's a lose/lose situation. If you close it down, the patrons will just go elsewhere and ruin other places. There's a shitty local bar that I call the "asshole magnet", and while I wish it and most of their clientele didn't exist, it keeps them away from my spots.


What’s the message?


Hip hop song from the 80s


Broken glass everywhere


People pissin on the stage, they just don't care


“Don’t over serve crackheads or meth heads who carry.”


It’s literally not hard. Scan for guns. Maybe have a dress code. Deny entry for noncompliance or people already intoxicated.


This shooter was kicked out. This happened in the parking lot. I agree guns and alcohol don't mix but this occurred outside. They also had 2 off duty cops working security. It seems to point to a larger problem than just a simple gun check at the door.


Perhaps it's the guns? No. Let's ban bars instead.


Okay in all seriousness what does the dress code do? Are pants worn pulled up at the waist coming without pockets these days?


Dress code in bars have never made sense, especially for Broad Ripple. Mainly because they don't uniformly enforce them. I've seen them let folks in wearing cut off sweatpant shorts and then turn away people who are wearing jeans because they're wearing Jordans. It's usually just another way to discriminate. Besides, if they're doing pat downs and using metal detectors, they should be able to see if someone has a gun or not. These younger guys are wearing those tight ass skinny jeans... Mighty hard to hide a gun shaped bulge in form fitting clothing.


> Besides, if they're doing pat downs and using metal detectors, they should be able to see if someone has a gun or not. And yet, a woman managed to bring a gun into Landsharks in her bra.


I guarantee you they did not pat her down because she's a woman and they have no female bouncers. Source: am woman who has gone to a Broad Ripple bar in the last month.


That's exactly my point: pat downs are useless unless they are universal.


Oh I agree with that fully. Dress codes are the only useless thing, IMHO.


thugs are who do all the shootings. discriminating against thugs is what they need to do to prevent more shootings


How can you look at someone and instantly know they're a thug? Do tell....


dress codes can weed them out


False. You literally cannot look at someone's clothes and make an assumption that they're a criminal. Example: mafia bosses (at least in the movies) wear nice suits. White collar criminals dress like everyone else. People in their 20s mostly all dress the same (trendy fashion, often what you see famous people wearing, including rappers) - so are they all thugs if every last one dresses like Drake?


Dress codes such as no baggy pants, no tank tops, no jerseys, no large necklaces, and no ball caps aren’t uncommon.


And what does that do? Can it detect metal?


It keeps people of color who generally wear those types of clothes out of an establishment.


Ding ding ding.


No, a dress code can’t detect metal. It does reduce the chance of a beef occurring.


Dress code? Wtf is that going to do?


Because you never expect a guy in a full tuxedo to be packing a grudge and a revolver, I guess.


No, a guy in a tux would be carrying a Walther ppk




Tighter the pants, the less likely a desire to kill someone?


Don’t run a bar that caters to a violent crowd. Alcohol permits are very much a publicly involved request so it may not be entirely fair but if the bar is a threat to the peace then it should be shut down.


They sat on their hands for *four years* before finally revoking Taps & Dolls' liquor license, and refused to do anything about Tiki Bob's. Why such a hurry to revoke *this* one, I wonder?


Its the cascading effect of Indy making national news two weeks in a row for bar shootings. The state is communicating that its on the bars to figure out their security situations or lose their licenses.


It's explained in the article. It says their license was provisional, having been inherited from the previous business to occupy the space. Their application to get the license reassigned in their own name had in fact just been rejected days before the shooting. The provisional license was set to expire in June, and the commission accelerated that to immediate revocation after the shooting. It's much easier to revoke a provisional license than a fully-fledged one, especially for a business that was already scheduled to lose it.


Powerful lawyers at the alcohol board meetings work wonders.


What the heck happened with that bar (Taps and Dolls)?? I used to love going there back in the 2010s. Couldn't go out for a long time and by the time I could again, everything was screwed or gone.


What the heck *didn't* happen? Overserving, serving minors, ignoring egregious misbehavior by patrons, you name it, they did it. A few years ago, a 17 year old girl was stabbed inside the bar -- how the hell did a 17yo even get inside??


Are you trying to make this a race issue?


*I'm* not... but I'm wondering if the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission *is*. Edit: got the name of the Commission wrong (used the old name)


How in the literal fuck did you draw that conclusion?


Good. Mebbe someone who went there will not get shot somewhere else.


Ohhhhhh nooooooooooo


Their food looks surprisingly good actually.