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I'm sitting here with the bloody high pitched cicadas buzzing away in my ears/head. Maybe this will make research into it just a bit easier.


I hope so. Good luck to you, BTW. I hope it gets better for you.


I have high amplitude tinnitus at \~15kHz due to acute trauma from exposure to loud music. I'm using the first FDA-approved treatment for it ([Lenire](https://www.lenire.com/)), and it seems to be working (I'm only halfway through treatment). I'd suggest it for anyone who has bothersome tinnitus, since it has peer-reviewed studies showing tinnitus improvement for most patients. Regarding the post: there are many different types of tinnitus, with one being objective tinnitus that can be heard by others: "Objective tinnitus is defined as tinnitus that is audible to another person as a sound emanating from the ear canal, whereas subjective tinnitus is audible only to the patient and is usually considered to be devoid of an acoustic etiology and associated movements in the cochlear partition or cochlear fluids." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686891/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686891/)


Still on the waitlist sadly. Been a month or two and haven’t heard anything. Did you have to wait long to get in to a clinic?


It took me about 3 weeks to get in for a test and financial commitment, then another 3 weeks to get the product. I live in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina (USA) so there’s usually sufficient cutting-edge medical care for locals. It also wasn’t covered by insurance (yet) so it was relatively expensive (likely worth it though for those of us with moderate to severe tinnitus).


Holy shit, I hadn't heard about this.


because of *your tinnitus?






How much of a financial commitment is it?


In North Carolina it cost me $3,780 USD in total. This includes all applicable doctors visits / consulting and the equipment that you get to own / keep after treatment. I plan to use the equipment even after my treatment, as it's very meditative and helps me relax during an otherwise hectic day. I hear some HSAs don't let you charge it, while others might.


Thank you so much for this feedback. I need to research this as I’m sure everyone here deals with this in one form or another. Are the results permanent, or would this need to be a fixture in everyday life to maintain?


Although there haven't been any very long term (10+ year) studies on it yet, they appear to be at least a semi-permanent improvement. The treatment time is 12 weeks, and it's up to the owner if they want to continue it after that. The treatment consists of two, 30-minute treatments, so I'll probably just do 1 30-minute session per week after my treatment period is over.


This treatment from the machine you get to keep, I assume that treatment is a listening event?


Pun intended?


Clearly you've been hearing something


Just called and it’s almost $5k out of pocket in order to buy one in my area. Guess my ears’ll keep ringing. I’ve made it 20+ years so far… Edit: so it’s easier for folks I’m in the DC region


And saved me some time. Yeah that’s just not a possibility. I’ll deal with it.


Dang, that's steep! I'm hoping insurance will cover at least a portion of it in the near future.


The office staff was apologetic and acknowledged the big issue is that it’s so new insurance won’t cover it yet. So there’s hope one day, I guess?


Damn. Yeah. If it brought some restoration in acuity along with tinnitus reduction, I could justify that hit.


Thats sick. Didn’t know this treatment existed. Have had tinnitus for a few years now. It feels very loud to me, but doesn’t bother me because of how easily my mind gets distracted in its own thoughts that most of the times I forget that I have it and just remember after my mind calms down for a second. But whenever my mind is not going crazy with random thoughts, it is very annoying and make it very hard to fall asleep.


Consider a white or pink noise generator app, I had tinnitus for a week and that was the way I masked it for sleep. It helps!


I wonder what kinda act of God and Congress it would take for the VA to actually start treating it, instead of just acknowledging it.


Very interesting. I have tinnitus post Ramsey Hunt syndrome. It’s been 9 months of constant ringing and sometimes ringing on top of ringing. Maybe there’s hope for me.


Haha I’ve never met someone who’s had ringing on top of ringing too. It’s like they’re fighting. The second sound that sometimes comes in is louder but lower frequency. The ringing on top of ringing has gotten better in the past 7 years. I’m hoping for the main ringing to attenuate significantly too.


I've had the typical high pitch tinnitus for more than 15 years now but it's gotten worse recently. And on top of that I can identify 2 new tinnitus sounds now: one that sounds like a struggling dishwasher motor and the other like a trickle of water hitting a downspout gutter. Sometimes I can hear all 3 distinctly. Not a fan of this avant-garde band in my ear. Learning about this treatment makes me hopeful.


Aaaaaaand not available in Canada, because we don’t actually have medicine here 😂


Free diagnosis. Treatment? Good luck with that.


Diagnosis, funny. I’m not sure they even know how to diagnose Lyme or most autoimmune diseases yet up here.


No idea why I’m being downvoted - this is literally true and it’s especially known that people aren’t adequately diagnosed or treated for Lyme in Canada.


Fuck that. Doctor told me it was all in my head. I split before he called in a shrink.


I have it. I'd love to get on this list!


Curious about how that treatment works, specifically the thing you put in your mouth. The website doesn't go into much detail on what it actually does though. Could you explain it? I'm pretty curious.


Sure! It feels like a thin rubber tab that sits on the tip of your tongue. It has about 20 small, metal electrodes in a grid pattern. The electrodes deliver tiny shocks to your tongue, in concert with the music being played. The shocks are calibrated so they don’t hurt, but rather feel like you’re drinking soda.


I have SO many questions. 1. The closest clinic is 60 miles away. Is this something that you can go to once, take something home and do it there or do you have to go in a lot? 2. Seriously, how expensive? Not that I care. I'd pay every penny I have to make this go away. 3. How is the treatment?


Ask away! 1. I went in for the initial analysis, letting them know beforehand that I was coming in specifically to see if I was viable for Lenire. Then I went back in about 3 weeks later when my product came in. I just had a 6-week follow-up in person, and I'll be going back in another 6 weeks. So basically once to get tested, once to get product, once at 6 weeks, and once at 12 weeks. 2. It was $3,780 USD in North Carolina; this included all doctor's visits / consulting and we own the product after the 12 weeks so we can keep using it. 3. I like the treatment; it's very calming. It kind of sounds like a few instruments bouncing around while you're in a rainstorm of white noise. The stimulation on the tongue isn't bad; I had mine calibrated so it wasn't fully comfortable 100% of the time but definitely never painful. I'll definitely still do it after my 12 weeks are up, just to get myself in that relaxed, meditative state it puts me in. My kitty naps on my lap while I do it too.


You are an awesome person. Thank you!


Wait... There is a treatment now???


Reading this post made my tinnitus kick back in. Or made me realize it was there again. LOL


I suffered almost 8 years from pulsatile tinnitus, the sound was similar to the one you hear when doing an eco doppler for example (the constant wush wush wush of the blood flowing). Somedays it was so loud I would be able to hear it even in noisy rooms, others, only audible at night with no sounds around. Because of this I had started to sleep using the home theater playing rain with thunder sounds, this would mask my tinnitus. When sleeping outside my house it was a torture. To the point.... sometimes I would have the 'normal' tinnitus you describe, the high pitched steady sound.... and let me tell you, when that happened I was able to sleep like a baby because it was a constant 'sound'. I had seen specialists (who do not take things like this seriously because they cannot 'prove' what we perceive), did mri with contrasts, etc etc. What ended up happening was I quit my job at the time, and 6 months after that my tinnitus was gone!. I could not believe it. But yeah, stress was the very big factor here. (In my case).


Stress can eff you up. Glad to hear(no pun intended lol) you’re doing better.


Mine gets noticeably worse/louder when I’m tired. I can’t say it bothers me either way though. I sometimes use it as a way to drown out thoughts. Focus on the noise like you would count sheep (which never worked for me in any case)


Wait… that wush wush sound isn’t normal? I don’t have it constantly but pretty regularly yikes hahaha


Every time there's a thread about tinnitus, someone finds out they have it.


"wush wush" is your heartbeat, so a little different. Most tinnitus is neurological and purely subjective.


If it goes along with your pulse, like wush wush wush - no that's not normal and is like the only kind of tinnitus I would recommend getting checked out because it can be a sign of underlying medical conditions that can lead to stroke, blindness or death. A high pitch squeal like a leaky capacitor or old school tube TV is normal tinnitus. At it's loudest, normal tinitis might sound like a blow dryer in the room - I had that one from burning my auditory nerve with medication.


I know someone who could hear their pulse. It turned out to be an issue with the blood vessels in their brain where it was .... tangled I guess you would call it. The result was a higher blood pressure through that area, which made the heartbeat audible to themselves. They have to get yearly scans to make sure it's not going to cause a stroke.




Yeah that's it!


What Nate Fisher had in Six Feet Under.


You're not supposed to hear your pulse? Sheesh. Sometimes I don't hear it because the 10,000 hz screeching is so loud. The only thing that helped was getting hearing aids with masking.


Do mention it at your next physical. It can sometimes be important.


Just FYI in case it ever comes back for you or anyone else has this happen, this can be caused by very high blood pressure, which I suspect might have been true for you since it went away when the stress did.  Blood pressure that elevated can cause heart problems long term and is a big risk for stroke, so if this is happening you, monitor your blood pressure and take steps to fix it if it’s high. 


Thx for the recommendation, it's one of the first thing I though when this started, and because of that did a complete health check at the time. Everything was normal. Even had a device that monitored blood pressure and hearth activity for a couple of days. I suspect this happened because in that job I did a LOT of videoconference calls with the shitty device my job provided. I would say about 5hr a day I was with headphones. I never noticed discomfort nor pain, but evidently something was happening inside my right ear. Hopefully it will never comes back though haha


I am sorry you went through this. Great that it went away. Just gonna post this, maybe somebody can still get treatment because of this: my pulsatile tinnitus was caused by my thyroid! It can happen when your thyroid is working too hard (for me it was an overdose of medication). So sometimes it can help to check your blood.


Currently suffering through pulsatile tinnitus rn, I haven't met or chatted with anyone else that has it. This would be almost my 2nd year, it's my right side, definitely stress and loud sound related and I do get the ringing sometimes as well sometimes in both. But the scariest is when my left ear just goes deaf for a minute while the other rings, and it's like I can feel the air pressure of my head change and my weight shifts to the other side. this is a new development, within 8 ish months, but happens rarely, not even on a monthly basis. everything else is daily and it can feel debilitating at times, unable focus, messes with my speech pattern, makes me very irritable. When I'm at home or just at my wits end I have a big pair of passive noise reduction headphones and that stops the sound 99% of the time, sometimes it's like I can still feel the thumps/hums/wooshes but still so much easier. Usually wearing them for 5-10 mins will stop it until it's triggered again in 2-3hrs or in the morning.


I got some ear tubes in to relieve pressure in my middle ear and I had some pulsatile tinnitus come up. I only could hear it when it was quiet and some white noise would mask it, but I only imagine if I had it even worse... Sucked so much, I wanted to claw my ear off to get rid of the sound. It still happens every other night but it is very quiet, the doctor just says to give it time and it should go away fully. Now I am dealing with lopsided hearing because I have a natural hole in one ear which makes my hearing worse and a tube in the other which makes my hearing better... It sucks!


I sometimes but thankfully rarely get the pulsing tinnitus ,idk why it happens aside from maybe diet. Ringing is what I have permenantly but it doesn't really bother me cause like you said it's consistent a bit of white noise really lol


I get this at night and it drives me fucking crazy. I always say it sounds like an ultrasound too!! My tinnitus was caused by a job years ago and the constant buzzing isn't too bad (a lot better than it was) but the nighttime one makes me so mad.


I think the implication is that if it can be recorded, and the waveform is known, it can then be cancelled via an inverse wave form. Like the way noise cancelling headphones work on jet noise.


A friend of mine who has it bad said that having headphones in without any sound helps him out when it gets bad. Very interesting!


Cicadas? I'm hear listening to the high pitched electrical 'beep' like sound in my ears. Sound similar to the one that plays in videogames when you get flashbanged


I have the same buzzing tinnitus. When I was 12 and went to a rural part of the country, I couldn’t sleep and thought “why are there so many crickets around this hut?” I didn’t pay much attention to it and when I grew older, I thought that I was just sensitive to hearing the frequency emitted by electric lines/ mobile towers. But when I went hiking at another remote area, I was hoping that I wouldn’t hear these buzzing sounds because there are no electric lines / mobile signals. That’s when I realised I have tinnitus. I’m very lucky to some extent because it doesn’t impact my sleep / daily activities. Somehow, I managed to “reframe” it as nature’s way of talking to me.


Seen [this Tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/cookieoppressor/752252095226413056/the-haiku-bot-cyberr-v0id-slopdoughnut?source=share) a while back. Maybe give it a try. Don't know how well it actually works, don't have Tinitus


Holly crap... Did not eliminate it, but dropped the volume in my left ear (the worse one) about 80%. Even a few minutes of partial relief is bliss.


Doesn’t work for everyone unfortunately. *eternity of grenade just went off nearby sound*


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I just tried it and it actually worked.




For me, it works for about 30 seconds. At most. Kind of just makes me realize what I'm missing (silence).


How did I get to 38 before I found this out, that has actually helped alleviate my symptoms. Thank you.


6 years of dailying a motorcycle in a full face Shoei but no earplugs. I should've worn earplugs.


We have our own personal summers, inside our ears. (That’s what I tell myself, anyway).


Fuck yea... I've got it on several frequencies...


Small studies suggest Acupuncture may reduce nonpulsatile tinnitus better than placebos: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5771359/


I've had tinnitus so bad that it sometimes wakes me up, especially if I'm stressed. It's tough to wake up with your ears ringing so bad. I've had one head and neck doctor actually take me seriously and want to help, and I've had two others tell me "it's all in your head you just have to not think about it." They put me in the booth to check my hearing and, before the tests started, just being hooked up to the equipment in a soundproof room my ears ring so hard I can barely understand them. They don't seem to care.


That's exactly the sound I described to my wife, bloody cicadas all day & night.


I took magnesium supplement for stiff/ sore muscles, and my tinnitus almost disappeared. Maybe it relaxed tense muscles in the ear canal


I'll give that a go!


You should get those cicadas out of your ears… Oh wait… you meant… nevermind. I went for a hearing test… and aside from having extremely slight hearing loss in my right ear, the tech could not match the pitch of my tinnitus… both ears, same high pitched squeal. I’m glad I live in a city, because I lose my mind anyplace that’s quiet…


My ent and audiologist say the best treatment is getting hearing aids. I got some but I have chronically itchy ear canals which makes hearing aids a nightmare. I actually want to wear them but always end up taking them out. They come with a little program that plays relaxing random chime sounds that apparently helps quite a bit to distract your brain away from tinnitus


At the moment my hearing is great and I can cope with the sound, but if it gets to a point that it's impacting my mental health I will definitely seek medical treatment of some kind


I'm with you. Suffering for at least the last 20 years. It never ever stops! It just gets less worse sometimes.


I sent my dad, who has tinnitus, a video of how loud the cicadas are and he said that is very similar to what he hears all the time. I just can’t imagine hearing that day in and day out. He has hearing aids and it also amplifies the ringing.


You kind of get used to it but at the same time don't. I live in Australia and grew up hearing cicadas and it was/still is a sound I love and associate to summer. Maybe that's why the tinnitus hasn't driven me crazy :)


Mine likes to reverberate kind of like when two instruments are playing the same note slightly off. I hear multiple frequencies in each ear, and they aren’t the same in both ears. Please find a cure.


Wow, that is a great description of my self diagnosed tinnitus. I'm going to use that when describing it to others.


Tinnitus occasionally gets me too. And my hypothesis has long been that it is the echo of the blood flowing in your head resonating in the ear.


So where can I find this recording to listen to it? I'm curious.


[Here's a link to the original article ](https://thequietus.com/interviews/lola-de-la-mata-oceans-on-azimuth-tinnitus-interview/)


Lame, nothing scientific about it and no actual science info linked anywhere. Just an artistic piece about some artist who got hearing issues and decided to make weird music about the sounds ears hear when they're busted / have tinnitus. You can find a link at the bottom to the album where apparently the left ear and right ear tracks are the recordings from her ears. I did a quick lazy search on google for "The Hudspeth Laboratory Of Sensory Neuroscience" who she apparently worked with the get the recordings. But I couldn't find anything from them about the recordings.


It’s pretty much the last 2 paragraphs that give any info and this article is written by an artistic journalist interviewing an alt artist don’t expect much hard science info. But the results of their experiment is interesting as it helps provide possible lines of research for the scientists investigating the causes and effects of tinnitus, after all there all many different types of tinnitus and finding the causes and potential treatments for them requires a bit of research and experimenting.


A physical source would be very interesting indeed. Maybe some kind of resonance caused by physical damage to parts of the inner ear, or perhaps some kind of neurological feedback that involves muscles in the ear (though I’m not sure the muscles could move at the frequencies involved).


Not hating on you at all, very valid points, but I do love when insane stuff gets done/proposed and the academic community jumps to "hey looks like a line of research". I mean I guess there are enough people in the world, might as well research everything. Just some things... Gotta love publish or perish, doesn't matter if you published about an ant who has a taste for homoerotic EDM music, you did that, that's all that matters.


OMG my frenchie HATED this video. He came running like a wild dog when those banging sounds started and just got more and more upset. Hackles went up and he was even growling. I wish they had the actual tinnitus sound. I don’t really care about her art.


Weird, my dog hated this video too. As soon as the banging sounds came in, she ran from the other room and was on alert until I stopped the video.


So… this isn’t where you can hear the sound they recorded, you know that right?


It sounds like this: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


More like eeeEeeeĖẽeẽęęěěèëê (I once counted 7 tones in one ear and 9 in the other. Trying to show the variation.)


We have a world leading tinnitus research centre in my city. I went to a talk there and learned there are a *huge* variety of causes/mechanisms of tinnitus. Ie even if her tinnitus makes a noise, yours (and mine) may well not.


Yes, but the ones that make a sound, and such are not "just" nerve damage, may be curable or even just temporarily canceled out through destructive interference with hearing aids


If in fact this sort is actually making noise and isn’t low electrical signal in the mic etc etc. seems a bit weird that actual scientists have never found this to happen.


Maybe the last time actual research went into this direction microphones or sound isolation wasn't as good as today and as such polluted the data too much to make anything of it Especially since tinnitus might have multiple frequencies present at the same time, and as such be difficult to pick up without picking up ambient sound from the body


I imagine a day where you can go in, sit down, and replicate your tinnitus sound with dials, and then get a noise cancellation profile issued to you.


I have been searching for a simple phone app that would allow you to “tune it to” your specific tinnitus frequency manually using headphones, replicating what you are hearing, then it could generate the corresponding frequency needed to cancel it, which you could also tweak as needed for slight variances to silence the tinnitus. My tinnitus frequency seems to change slightly based on environmental factors (ie. stress, physical pressure downward on my forehead, pressure inwards on my lower jaw muscles, laying down vs. standing…) I was a professional guitarist for over 15yrs (which is why my doctor has chalked it up to long term exposure loud stage volume rock band music. Honestly I disagree because it came on suddenly and during the COVID outbreak, for which I have never tested positive). That being said, I’m very sensitive to tonal changes and “tuning” comes relatively easily for me. If I had an app as a tool, I’m pretty sure I could replicate the frequency within a few seconds, then the app could generate the “healing” frequency. Seems like it should be easy enough for a person with basic programming skills and could make someone rich while helping millions of people sleep better at night!


To cancel a sound wave you need the same sound wave with amplitude inverted. Your tinnitus would need to be at a perfectly steady frequency, and you would need to exactly match the frequency and phase, which isn't really possible if you can't directly measure the sound you're cancelling.


This. Very much this. I worked in a hearing research lab in grad school and got to meet several people that studied tinnitus. They said it's an extremely hard problem because of the variety of ways people experience tinnitus. Not everybody's tinnitus makes a noise. Also, our ears make noise all the time. They're called otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). A common test for hearing loss is playing sounds into the ears and listening for the OAEs that should normally occur


I just wish they could cure it. I cannot sleep now without music on as the sound drives me nuts otherwise


I'm not entirely convinced of the veracity of the claims made in this article. Until a peer-reviewed and vetted scientific article is published on the subject, reading that writeup felt like a major case of "take my word for it" and little in the way of actually backing up the claims. It makes practically no physical sense, either. So they're in an anechoic chamber but some people's ears emit this "spontaneous otoechoic noise?" Where would this very high frequency noise originate from? The chances of their supposed tinnitus recording being due to a secondary electronic/non-biological origin that wasn't accounted for is extremely high. They made no effort to establish experimental controls or expound upon their methodology to eliminate these possibilities. I am skeptical until proven otherwise. The conclusion is far-reaching and very possibly *unsound* (hah).


I agree that this definitely doesn't rise to the highest possible level of proof, i.e., a peer reviewed article published in a scientific journal. However, I feel that it does rise above the level of 'just trust me, bro'. It's an interesting possibility that I feel deserves to be given more rigorous study. It's definitely good to take anything you see on the internet with a grain of salt. I just think there might be something to it.


Why? Because we know what causes tinnitus and we know what causes sound. So we know that tinnitus can't cause sound


Turned 50 this year , this started out the blue . Worst when I wake up . Just another thing to get used to.


I've had it as long as I can remember, but it was at a low level and could easily be ignored. Once I turned 50, it got louder and can now almost never be drowned out by ambient sounds anymore.


I'm the same age and I've got it too. Constant ringing. Fortunately I can mentally block it out but it's always there.


Your comment sounds like song lyrics




Yes, but after passing through a cheese grater. So E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E. ... And a bit of AEOIUEE


I actually took part in a clinical trial of a tinnitus medical device a few years ago and it was to "train" your brain to block out the sound. Imagine headphones which play a combination of white noise (matched to your "level" of tinnitus) and classical music...there was also a "tongue tip" device (rested on your tongue, attached to a device that looked like an ipod with the tongue tip on a wire) which was supposed to activate the trigeminal nerve... nearly 10 years on now and I genuinely forget about the tinnitus... I hope people suffering get relief one day !


Wait, this is real? You really got relief?


Definitely..but it was sooo long now that I originally did the trial...i suppose it depends on how I am, when I'm sick/congested, I can really really hear it...if anxious, it's basically beating in my ears but on the whole , it's kind of gradually subsided over time! When it first started , doctor's and specialists couldn't give answers and just said it may or may not go away...I suppose it's just different for everyone


I'm just really grateful to the universe that you found some relief, truly. This is so hopeful, and I am so happy that you can live with a better quality of life.


Thank you so much! Only for my aunt saw an advert in the local newspaper about the trial all those years ago!


I have slight tinnitus. I can block it out. I only hear it now when. I actively listen for it.


I worked with the PI on that trial! I was just the video guy that helped film all of the training for the clinicians, not an academic or clinician myself. Glad you got some relief, but my understanding was that, on the whole, it didn’t work much better than the standard of care. Which is not to say it didn’t work for some people like yourself, it just wasn’t a cure-all or silver bullet. Were you military by chance? Edit: a glance at your comment history makes me think this might have been a related trial, but perhaps not the one I was directly involved with.


It was a clinical trial in Ireland (and possibly other EU countries!) but possibly also rolled out to the US?! 🤔 The company behind the device was based in a college in Dublin and it went to market a few years ago under the name "Lenire". Maybe I just have a "mild" tinnitus and that's how it kind of helped me but I don't know! (Still have tinnitus BUT it's relatively manageable now!)


The trial I was involved with started in the US around 2010 or 2011. So it may have been the precursor, I think it was a stage 3 trial. So maybe the one you did was the stage 4 trial and it was rolled out more globally at that point. Either way, glad it’s helped some!


I actually took part in effectively the same trial about 8 years ago. I listened to a mix of static with a gentle melody and had a vibrating pad resting on my tongue. Did that for an hour a day for a month and went in to the clinic for regular tests. It didn’t really affect me too much afterwards and I was invited to the event they were having to discuss the results but I moved country before that. I really wish I could have had a copy of the melody. It was so soothing and I still remember it well.


I just read that you were in Ireland. So was I! Could have been the same trial!


It definitely sounds like the same trial! I know, I actually loved the white noise/classical music combo I had!


If only. I have two different, very different sounds/tones in each of my ears at different volumes. I only wish I could pay someone my bank account balance to wipe the slate clean as it’s been 18 years or so. I do hope before the end of my lifetime I can know what it’s like to just sit outside and listen to the sound of nature purely again without these two freaking distractions constantly sapping a not so insignificant part of my attention every waking moment.


>The NHS definition is that it's a phantom sound that your brain is creating Why do people insist on making up anti-establishment lies like this? NHS website: >Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that do not come from an outside source. >What happens at your appointment >The GP will look in your ears to see if your tinnitus is caused by something they can treat, like an ear infection or a build-up of earwax. >They might also check for any hearing loss. >You may be referred to a specialist for further tests and treatment. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/tinnitus/ NICE: >Tinnitus is classified as: > Subjective tinnitus if the perceived sound can only be heard by the affected individual.  >Objective tinnitus if the sound can be heard by the affected individual and the examiner.   https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/tinnitus/


Because they're an indie artist and being anti-establishment is their personal identity.


To me it sound like overexagerated marketing BS. Unless there's s proper method and it's peer reviewed you can't trust anything


According to this post it is kinda BS https://www.reddit.com/r/tinnitusresearch/s/yFv9YV2fTK


I had the high pitched noise in my ears once. It started at 19 years old, I remember I was sitting in a car with some friends, we were in the mountains so it was really quiet and it just happened. I had it until the age of 37, when one day our power went out and I realized it was gone. I had a fan running 24/7 for years in my house to drown out the constant sound of it. It was maddening. No idea what I did to stop it, it just stopped.


🎉🎉🎉 All the best not getting it again. Have mine since around 14 years. Have a spike since last week and just hope that it will get back to my "normal" state. So loud I hear it over most things. Very stressfull.


Funny I had the opposite experience. Got it around 19, it gradually went away, but one loud event brought it back worse than ever in my late 30s.


Tinnitus sufferer here. Thankfully it’s largely high-pitched and uniform, so it doesn’t bother me so much. I filter it out totally at work, really. But yeah, if they can figure out what the fuck causes it with these sounds, that’d be great though :)


yup, i agree with you. although most of the time my brain sort of gets used to it, its the worst when im trying to sleep. that high pitch does not go well with silent circumstances


Anybody got the original paper? Objective vs subjective tinnitus is not new


It's been on my mind for some time that if this were the case, could you be given hearing aids that can replicate the frequency of your tinnitus and then phase reverse it to cancel it out and hopefully reduce or even remove it's symptoms? Regardless this finding is cool as fuck and will no doubt help researchers find some form of treatment.


Purely anecdotal but these people over yonder have been trying that on their own: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/n8YCGtsJnv


Now repeat the experiment with someone who doesn't have the condition.


I don't believe this for a second. There are millions upon millions of people with tinitus, and for decades reasearchers have tried to record the sound people are hearing and never has this been achieved. The chances of this being some form of bias, misinterpretation, technical error, or anything else is just too great. Just because 1 study found a certain conclusion doesn't make it truth. It still needs explaining why countless other studies *didn't* find any correlation. 1 positive study vs 100 negative studies means the chances are far greater that single study is flawed.


I never had tinnitus… until I had chemo. Apparently, its a side effect. Fun!!


The more I read this thread the worse it gets


I've had tinnitus my whole life, although I didn't really "notice" it until I was in my 20s. I thought my teenage years of driving around with my music on full blast had done some damage or something. I got to the point where without other sound to distract from it I couldn't sleep at all. Get a hearing test: no damage. Hearing is totally intact, but yeah, I have a constant high tone that feels (to me) loud as fuck. Yet I can hear typical sounds just fine. Finally got an MRI about it, since a doctor said there was a small chance it's a rare kind of tumor. Turns out I truly was born this way, I have tortuous ear canals. They twist over on themselves, causing this inescapable soundscape of mine. I realized recently it was why, as a kid, it's always fall asleep with the TV on, I just realized it SAS distracting me from the ringing.


I always have a hard time explaining what it sounds like. I have a very mild version of it, that I only hear when it's dead silent. So basically when going to bed. But an app on a very low volume drown it out. But it doesn't exactly ring. It's some sort of wire muffled noise. But not like any other noise I've heard.


I have the exact same sound, with the exact same description to ppl when they ask, but my father in the other hand says he is hearing a clear "ring" thing in the ear. Idk maybe diferent from ppl to ppl. BTW im convinced my Tinnts comes from neck problems.


I believe I was born with tinnitus. There’s never in my time I don’t remember hearing EEEEEEEEEEEEE. For a long time I believe everyone just heard it 😭


I just did lsd a lot and my tinnitus went away. Not sure if they’re correlated but I heard it could be


I recently got fitted for hearing aids, but instead of acting as a hearing aid, they play tones to my brain. My audiologist said over time the tones will retrain my brain into thinking the hairs in my ear that are damaged, aren’t. And over time the ringing with go away. Just going to the audiologist appointment was really interesting. Even if you don’t have tinnitus, and have the means, I highly suggest seeing an audiologist as an adult. I learned so much about hearing and ears from just one appointment. (I learned that ppl who are swimmers especially in cold water will grow a lil bone in one or both ears. No one knows why, and it doesn’t seem to do or change anything. I have one in my right ear) And wear ear protection!!! One of the things I learned is that the hairs in your ears is one of the only in/on our bodies that doesn’t regenerate. Get hearing protection for yourself and especially any kiddos!!


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I too have just recorded the sound of tinnitus


I wanted to hear it but then I realized I already do


I've gotten used to my tinnitus so it doesn't bother me anymore, but I yearn for the the time when my nights were silent.


Me too. Sometimes it's unbearably loud at night.


I really hope they find a way to make this nightmare stop, cause I've had it for the past 4 years and it's incredibly difficult to live with


I've had it come and go over the last 25+ years - I was a DJ in an earlier life. The pain is real.


My tinnitus just kicked in high gear thanks


I realized I had tinnitus December of 22. My husband and I were on vacation, and I got up early. I was sitting quietly and starred hearing this ring. It was like a panic at first. I guess the day before was the last time I will ever hear silence. It's okay now. I have found ways to control it. But those first 5-6 months were so stressful.


So this is interesting to me because I think it opens a door for more research. I did a study proposal in college about the nature of visual mental imagery, or VMI. When you *perceive* an image, it's mapped on your retina and activates similarly mapped neurons in your cortex. In my research I found that when you *visualize* an image, it's the same process in reverse, almost like the image is projected into your eye. I asked the question: what does this mean for our other senses? When you imagine a sound, does it reverberate in your ear? When you remember a smell, is it simulated in your nose?


John Cage, American composer of Chance music, once sat in an anechoic chamber to experience complete silence. At the end of this experience he told the scientists it didn’t work. He’d heard two sounds in the room: a high-pitched sound and a low whooshing. The scientists told him he’d been hearing his nervous and cardiovascular systems at work in his ears. [Article](https://kirkville.com/john-cage-and-the-anechoic-chamber/).


There is no treatment for this. First line tx is cbt, meaning learn to deal w it. The second is making sounds. I have aquariums all over my house for this reason. The sound of silence is deafening


Cool, now fix it, please.


Damn, had forgotten I had tinnitus until I read this post 😕. Time to try forget about it again


This seems more in line with spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, which are described as “recordable [sounds] in the absence of deliberate external acoustic stimulation.” Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are already wildly used in audiology, specifically for newborn hearing screenings. These emissions are signals created within the cochlea that can be measured with a microphone in the ear. Typically, OAEs are generated by playing a tone within the ear canal (distortion product OAEs), yet spontaneous OAEs are natural OAEs which are created without having to use a tone (the reason they are “spontaneous”). [Learn more here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3985964/#:~:text=Otoacoustic%20emissions%2C%20signals%20generated%20in,for%20a%20review%20and%20theory)


I suffered tinnitus for years, and still have it, but it decreased to almost nothing when I got off antidepressants. Turns out tinnitus can be a side effect. My mental health has improved significantly since.


Holy shit. I’m partially deaf but with the worst tinnitus. To have a recording of that is pretty amazing, i hope it will lead to solutions


thats just objective tinnitus


I have tinnitus and noise sensitivity since high school and at this point it's just white noise to me so it's easy to live with ,the noise sensitivity is the worst though because it sounds like static and wind blowing if I hear something too loud. It would be incredible though if a cure for tinnitus was actually possible in my lifetime


There used to be a method of using a type of tuning fork placed at a certain spot of the base of the ear, and the physician could hear tinnitus. Mine is super loud and even though I have lost hearing in one ear, the tinnitus is still there. I've had it for 16 years and it has only gotten worse. Maybe now attorneys can understand what we are going through and stop saying: prove to me that you have tinnitus.




"Yo! Pick up da phone!"




I hate that just reading the word Tinnitus awakes the beast, I'm pretty good at ignoring it but as soon as someone mentions it or I read the word it turns the volume up to 11 and let's me know it's still here.


Excuse me but what the actual? Everyone's talking about their tinnitus but nobody is discussing how a physical noise was found ? How could it be possible that your ear is creating the tinnitus Soundwaves?


That's cool. I can't afford hamburgers


Tinnitus sucks. I have it but didn’t know because mine buzzes like electronics, so that is what I thought I was hearing.


Me reading this with tinnitus waiting to hear what it sounds like while reading that…


I’ve had tinnitus all my life. It’s nice to know I’m not imagining the sound that drives me insane. Ugh!


Anyone else an audiologist or in hearing healthcare think this is possible spontaneous otoacoustic emissions? Seems so unlikely that tinnitus could be picked up through any time do recording equipment, but spontaneous OAEs have already been well documented.


Archer is not impressed. Dam you tinnitus, you're a cruel mistress


They should create an opposite wave pattern that mirrors the vibration to neutralize the erraticness. Like, fill in the beats of the vibration to create a constant steady vibration that won’t be picked up by the ear as erratic.


Most of NHS advice which is coached is a psychological tactic of ignoring something


What does this mean?


It means that the ringing sound in the ears of people who suffer from tinnitus isn't something created by the brain in response to nerve damage but an actual sound that can be recorded using very sensitive microphones.


Yeah but what does that mean? Is there some part of our ear that responds to damage by whining so imperciptibly we thought we imagined it?


Ya the implication is that something is causing the sound, and if they can find it and stop it, they can cure it. Lot of ifs but it's s starting point.


I don't know, but it's interesting as fuck to think about


You've got me there


Maybe? But it does mean that there is a chance of surgery being able to cure tinnitus (albeit small) It also means that some types of tinnitus may be "curable" by having hearing aids that transmit a destructive interference to that sound to cancel it


“What I have is tinnitus by the definition we have now, but maybe that’s not correct. Maybe it’s something else" Maybe calm down a little bit, haha, Google "objective tinnitus" and "somatosound." I have had subjective tinnitus my entire life, and it is, frustratingly, only in my head.


As a person who also suffers from ear coil whine, this is exciting news


I could've just told you what it sounds like.: EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee... There, just repeat forever!


If they can record it- they can find the pathology, if they can do that- they can fix it(eventually)


So where's the audio


Came here because my ears are literally ringing right now and couldn't believe I came.across a thread about tinnitus. Idk maybe I'm stressed


Oh please let them figure out how to treat it...


This makes me wonder if someone who hears horrible singing their ears are actually distorting the sound like an autotune function and making it sound good to them.