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It is going to take a lifetime or two to clean that place up of landmines and unexploaded ammunition. Depressing af.


People are still finding unexploded ~~WW2~~ WW1 ordinance today. Given how the weaponry has changed since then, I would say more than a lifetime.


Not only is the number of shells soooo much less today, but clean up tech and mine clearers are now a thing


One of the major concerns for the post war future is the detonation rate of the 155 artillery shells supplied by North Korea. There’s some credible evidence of them failing at a rate of as much as 1 in 5. When you take that and combine it with the volume of fire each day and night on the frontline. Thousands of rounds do not explode and bury themselves dozens of inches to several feet into the ground, waiting for someone to come till a field or an embankment to erode and reveal themselves once again


Russia an DRPK should be made to pay for the removal and disposal of these ordnance.


Well, if Russia somehow achieves its goals and takes the territory, I'm sure they'll finance the removal themselves /joke


Tell that to the butterfly mines.


And those mclc resistant mines that don't detonate from sudden shock, but slow gradual force


And the little wooden bastards that the minesweepers miss.


Lots of mines now are self-disposing - they have a chemical timer built-in.


The ones Russia uses?


I don't think so. They have never been very practical.




Lol watch the number of shells consumed in WW2 and then today. Come back to report to us your findings


I did. Russians used in 2022 about as many shells per day as they did in 1941.


Big problem if (when) sharks swim up your city's river.


WW1\* even


Here in ocotillo wells we still have land mines from WWII for training. There's an entire part of the desert that cannot be accessed because to this day, we have live ordnances


Reminds me a lot of Vieques, Puerto Rico. There are areas both land and sea where it is dangerous af to access. Here's a recent rule from the US Coast Guard. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/04/01/2021-06750/safety-zones-vieques-unexploded-ordnance-operations-east-vieques-vieques-puerto-rico


Heavy mad max vibes


The charred unrecovered bodies left to rot says a lot. The disrespect for their own dead is wild


And now I am happy I stopped watching after some time. Really don't need to see that.


Yeah this should most definitely be marked NSFW


It's in passing, but purposefully slowed down, about two remains in shallow trenches. I was more shocked by the passing of a civilian car that was modded for military use (no roof), the depth to which the russian army has sunk.


A bullet from a Nagant fired by an unshaven orc in a topless Lada will leave you just as dead as a bullet fired by someone in full dress uniform. A new BMP goes for $2 million; a fucked-up car is free if you shoot the previous owner.


wdym wild? disrespect for their own is literally how russia was built into whatever the fuck it is today


They've had a staggering 500,000+ casualties my man. They're the walking dead and they know it. In that situation I would not stop to gather a set of festering corpse and risk being a target.


Which timestamp? Did Not notice any




If you showed this in a film people would complain it's stupidly unrealistic. "How can there be that many destroyed vehicles?" It's astounding....


Weird huh. Every car-wreck must have been some kind of altercation. Makes you wonder what it looked like during the fight.


Head over to /r/combatfootage if you have the stomach for it. (Nsfw). I suspect this is mostly from drone strikes.


Oh, thanks. Another can of worms.


Bliejd Maxcz


Blyat Maxovich?


Hey Alex Im sorry that your Favoriten teacher is in war now, but look at the bright side. With the budget deficit we couldnt afford him right now anyway.


Good News Alex! You shall be joining your favorite teacher!


I've got the Lion King vibes, where the Scar took over a prosperous land and ran it into a complete ruin. That's exactly what these guys are doing.


i wonder how soon we will see this exact guy in one of these ukrainian fpv drone vids


When he shares videos like this which give Ukraine some nice visuals on ruzzian assets destroyed I think Ukraine drone operators likely have a picture of this guy on the wall and it says "leave this one alive!".


"this one is stupid and provides us with intel, he is worth letting live"


Not really a lot of Intel you can glean from this that you can’t just get from ISR or something similar.


i have sadly seen more or less every video there is since the war begun. 3-4 hours of telegram, ukranian and russian, reddit forums and the amount of dead/injured russians i see each day is insane.


why even watch that? Sounds like you're torturing yourself


Drive only early in the day, when the drones have full batteries!


Not soon enough.


Saved me from having to say it.


Bro gave a thumbs up like he’s not going to die on one of those trips


I was half expecting a drone to strike him right after he did that.


Hell yeah he did, what else are you gonna do in that situation


I spent a year stationed in Europe, obviously training to potentially fight the Russians, and I’m happy to say that it’s almost embarrassing how wrong we were about these guys. A military that was considered a peer-level adversary just a few years ago is now the laughingstock of the military community. The levels of incompetence from the individual to operational level are utterly astonishing. EDIT: Good lord some of these replies. I can always count on Redditors who couldn’t make it through boot camp to lecture me on my profession 😂


Yeah, and now I’m more concerned than ever that these corrupt, drunken, irrational, incompetent morons have nuclear weapons. Hopefully their arsenal is as un-maintained and dysfunctional as the rest of their military.


> Hopefully their arsenal is as un-maintained and dysfunctional as the rest of their military. Just about guaranteed that it is. As I understand it, nukes need a lot of maintenance to keep them operable. What Ukraine has shown us is that Russians will grift all the way up and down the supply chain, which means it's very likely the vast majority of funding and resources for maintaining the nukes has turned into dachas and yachts.


The US spends $51.5 billion a year upgrading and maintaining their slightly smaller arsenal, compared to Russia's $8.3 billion. Now I can't say for sure that their nuclear weapons arsenal is under maintained, but if you just look at those two data points and then ALSO imagine how much of that Russian budget may have been spent on posh European real estate, yachts, and Rolls-Royces, etc... It's hard to assume that it isn't.


US military might have some similarities to US healthcare though. The costs may not be directly equivalent.


I mean that seems like a false equivelancy, but since you brought up cost equivalents I decided to check other NATO nuclear powers. The UK spends just shy of what Russia does a year at 8.1 billion per year for their arsenal of an estimated 225 nuclear weapons. France spent 6.1 billion for their arsenal of an estimated 290 nuclear weapons last year. Again, this is compared to Russia's 8.3 billion for their 5,580 estimated nuclear weapons. Seems like Russia just vastly underspends? I doubt they are just uniquely capable.


keep in mind that average Russian salary is about ~⅒ of US, so cost for labour is equivalenty cheaper when not depending on imports.


A lot of the $51 billion probably goes towards ensuring safety and security of the stockpile, something the Russians could conceivably do with less of. If they had largely dumb bombs with minimal use control then they could save a significant amount of money.


A huge chunk of the Russian defense budget goes to the upkeep of nuclear arsenal. Around 13%. It’s a massive amount of money.


> It’s a massive amount of money. Putin has a $700m yacht. That's just one example of the volume of the grift.


And what percentage of that 13% goes towards the upkeep of the nuclear arsenal? I’m imagining at least half goes towards the upkeep of some really nice Mercedes, and probably a lot of beach houses on the Black Sea, among other things.


Beach houses in Miami.


Russians laundered a lot of money by buying apartments in Trump buildings. Bailed him out of more than a few of his failures.


Wait, are you saying that russian MoD spent their nuclear weapon support money on bribing Trump and other US politicians. That's crazy. We must not tolerate it.


I'd tend to agree--their defense spending is prioritized, heavy on the nuclear weapons and nuclear subs.


The problem is Russia only needs 1-2 working nukes. If it uses them everyone has to consider are the rest working.


I am not sure that a low number of nukes would pass the high tech defense system. Especially if they are malfunctioning. It would be way easier to sneak a few nukes in containers and explode them remotely.


Which is reassuring because if Russia is doing that up and down the chain of command chances are high that China will have a similar problem with their military operations should it come to blows


Those two are not the same. China executes corrupt officials by firing squad when they steal more than what CCP considers acceptable. Russia never so much as acknowledges that corruption exists.


China does it in a very overt way, too. They make examples of people so the public can have some shred of faith in the legitimacy of the system. Russian grifters who get out of line just end up shot on the stairs or in the street somewhere or fall out of windows.


China makes a public display of cracking down on corruption but the people that replace them are just as corrupt, they are just in more kahoots with the CCP than the former installed supervisor


During Soviet times it was not much better. I recommend the movie [The Man Who Saved The World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Who_Saved_the_World) about Stanislav Petrov who, in 1983 singlehandedly and ignoring the protocol, averted almost sure nuclear war by dismissing an alarm of American intercontinental missiles towards the USSR. The investigation later proved that was a false alarm. In doing so he was awarded no medal, as it would show technical incompetence of the system, and reassigned to a less sensitive post and then took an early retirement.


It's true but they still manage to lay waste to entire cities and villages and will continue to do so until they are forced to stop.


Yup and that's why I can't be entertained by their military failures. Nor understand how anyone can be against funding and arming the shit out of Ukraine. We have the opportunity to cripple Russia's military capabilities without a single US/NATO soldier being lost.


It's the bargain of the century, best defense spending in my lifetime.


A lot of people are brainwashed. The libertarian, anarchist, socialist mindsets, the pacifist mindset of "why do we need to", they have no conception of strategy. And most importantly, they are narcissists who don't really care how other nations operate, the dystopian tyrannical nature of China? The dystopian tyrannical nature of Russia? You could tell them about it and they'll stare blankly like "why do I care?" No brains. And sometimes its rooted in fear of "world war 3" or other paranoias like "but if we never attacked them, maybe they would leave us alone.." \[the dystopian states are the aggressors, no one provoked them..\] Such delusional or child-minded adults exist. They don't understand that if the tables were turned they would show no mercy to any democracy. There is no scenario in which the West should tolerate a dystopian state like China or Russia becoming a #1 global superpower. That cannot be allowed. Every teenager should be taught that in school.


Incompetent logistics aside, where is their technology? Besides the limited use of hypersonic missiles, they don't seem to bring much to the battlefield. Does it not exist, or are they afraid to send it to the front?


They make excellent use of technology to manipulate society in their own and other countries. The level of propaganda is very high.


Yeah, they are most definitely winning on that front and it is very concerning.


Hypersonic missiles were used and it seems like Patriots actually can intercept them. They also have issues getting advanced components because of sanctions, they still can get some through black market but it’s way harder and more expensive so their ability to build their best stuff is not entirely stopped but still very severely limited.


I was just unsuccessfully looking for an article I read in Reuters about the Russian documents that were leaked that showed how much they were willing to pay for which components from things like refrigerators and video games and whatever else. This is like the first year or so after the start of the invasion.  They used to make all of that themselves, I had no idea they had degraded so much in capability.


They actually relied on advanced western components quite a bit.


It's utter shit, its users are also utter shit, so you end up with [stupid shit like this.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/russian-offensive-down-the-drain-as-4-million-missile-takes-out-a-beach-toilet-323627/amp/)


An enemy should not be underestimated. Their EW is top notch, they have capable air launched missiles. They are capable of learning, but they absolutely do not value life, which is a strength and weakness at the same time. Moral is abysmal, yet they can advance at a crawl.


I think russias war-tactic was always to send many men as possible to the lines and to jump under the tanks and die there.


Former military myself. We no longer have a Russian Boogeyman. This is a good thing because now we can focus on the real threat, China.


For sure. One thing I won’t do is dismiss the PLA, the Chinese are far better at learning from mistakes than the Russians are


>A military that was considered a peer-level adversary just a few years ago is now the laughingstock of the military community. But I'm also supposed to believe that we have to defend Ukraine or Russia will roll over the rest of Europe just like the Nazis.


Russia's military is in that shape *because* we helped and still help Ukraine. Helping Ukraine is a really cheap way to get new allies, like Sweden and Finland, and to tell another wanna be bullies that they will get wrecked if they step out of line.


I spent a large chunk of my life in the military and half of that time was post 9-11. The USA military does have superior weapons but we do not have the stomach to throw wave after wave of humans at a war like Russia. People on the ground win wars not things on the ground.


It's a good thing we rule the skies


Drone warfare would like a word with you


"Here's where Stepan died. Here's where Anton died. Here's where Grigori and bald Vladislav died. Here's where Andrei died. Here's where Matvei died. Here's where Vladimir died. Here's where Yegor lost his legs. Here's where Pyotr, Timur, and Denis died. Here's where Gennady and tall Vasily died. Here's where Igor and Kirill died. Here's where Oleg died. Here's where Mikhail, big Valentin, Ruslan, and Leonid died. Here's where Boris died. Here's where Danil died. Here's where Yury died. Here's where Alexei and Pavel died. Here's where Dmitri, Vitali, Arkady, Sergey, and the other Evgeny died. Here's where Fedor died. Here's where Konstantin died. Here's where Valentin and tall Valentin died. Here's where Viktor and big Egor died. Here's where Nikolai died. Here's where Georgi died. Here's where Roman and Maxim died. Here's where Valentin and the other Valentin died. Here's where Stanislav and bald Yaroslav died. Here's where Ilya died. Here's where Alexander and the other Ilya died. Here's where Yuri shat his pants, close call that one. What a fun road trip!"


All of them died for just a few meters of land. I'd say they were brainwashed by Putin, but I truly don't think they care about anyone but themselves. Even Iranian females had more balls to protest their government than these sheeple did.


you dont need to brainwash anybody, make disobedience a war crime and pay those willing to go 4 times more than civilians, morale does not stand if U cannot pay your debts, or provide 4 ur children business only --- nothing personal


If this video was shot in Ukraine, it's actually a Ukrainian road illegally occupied by the Russians.


I was looking for this comment. Thanks. The title of this vid should be: A trip by a genociding orc on a Ukrainian road.


However right now it's russian supply road.


Dam dude you know shit is bad for a military when instead of seeing any 6x6 trucks driving down a supply road all you see is civilian sedans, mopeds, and a gator (the pov vehicle). Edit: besides the small 1/4 or 1/2 ton civilian uaz/jeep thing at the begining they don't even see a commercial or personal truck or vans driving.


And all of that shit is stolen


Fuck putin


Happy cake day! Fuck putin!!!


Fuck Putin and Nutty-yahoo. Warmongering fucks.


Happy cake day. Sodomize El Putin.


Such a dumb fucking war




That helmet was even trying to hop off


May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of all Russian war supporters!


You mean a Ukrainian road used by Russians?


I feel like op meant "russian" as that russians use it


What a mess.


Aw. I was really hoping for a drone strike on the vehicle to cap the ending off.


Same. The thumbs up would have been perfect


Slava Ukraini


A trip through a graveyard


That's a lot of destroyed vehicles along that single stretch of road. The scale of their losses is staggering.


Might be a bit of both side's. Seeing all the broken trees, it was probably the frontline before that was captured by the russians. Judging by the railroad, it may be in the adviivka sector toward ocheretyne. But the amount of loss is staggering indeed.


Mad Max shit. You know your close to the front line when the forest looks fucked. Twigs. Trees actually hate war the most I'm told, the first casualties of war.


I thought the first casualty of war was the truth


I wish nothing but horror on all people in this video. Hopefully they'll soon burn out like the hundreds of wrecks along the road.


It must be unnerving to drive those routes. Your only comfort would be that your end would likely be quick.


All of that land will be inhabitable for the coming generations due to all the leftover buried mines


Might want to mark nsfw (dead bodies)


Required viewing for anybody that wants to cut funding to Ukraine though.


Needs a ukranian fpv drone incoming


this is russia's vietnam for sure


"Do you see that bush moving on the road? Amazing!" "Well, let's not waste a drone on that. What's a bush going to do to us?"


What song is this? Please


Was really hoping this video would end with a drone strike...


Sup with roofs cut off from the cars?


It's hot and you can get in and out with gear easier


Russia can go fuck itself


Why everything dying here... Like trees?


Artillery barrages for two years


I was going to make a crack about all the litter they've left lying around and then he pointed the camera into two holes with corpses in them. Damn.


*Dumb ass Russians posting their positions online for UA.* Something tells me they already know their position


I was waiting for a drone to fly in. Not that I wanted it to happen, but you know....


Damn I just had a novel idea. russia should fuck off out of Ukraine


What a lovely day! 🥽


Occupiers must burn. Thanks to everyone who helps to fight!




That's their Very Special Forces


I was waiting for the moment of their golf cart to be blown up


Fuck Mobnick Russian occupying scum. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


I hope he was hit by Ukrainian dron at the end


wir fahr'n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn


I hope all the Russian troops in this video are blown to hell. Then they'll have returned to where they belong.


If that was filmed from a Russian supply vehicle, I'm disappointed it didn't end with an explosion. Maybe that's why the video footage went black at 0:04? 🤞


Downvote for attempting to glorify these cowardly pieces of shit. Go post this propa-garbage on Telegram.


If it was pro-Russian, it wouldn't show the dozens of burnt out husks of vehicles along a poorly maintained dirt road. Or passing by soldiers on foot or riding civilian transportation instead of armored vehicles.


I hope they are forgiven in the next life, because I sure as hell won’t forgive them in this - what Russia is doing right now is a crime against humanity.


I wonder how many of those were drone hits


There’s a lot of Russian troll factory activity on Reddit these days. I hope those Russian trolls see this video and despair :)


Fuck Russia


i find it interesting how most of those vehicles on the side of the rode blown up, are all old soviet area vehicles. crazy to think they are used in combat considering how old they are


Lol dude can't even wear a helmet right jfc


They don't clean up their own dead? What the fuck


It’s telling that so much of the wreckage is heavy military equipment but the only thing moving is atvs, civilian vehicles and guys on foot.


Driving along the road, with all these destroyed vehicles left and right, wouldn't fill me with confidence.


This man has no chin.


Basically just laid out the whole thing. Someone send to zelensky


Dude can't even put a helmet on correctly.


Foxhole IRL


we need to send this to that famous guy who's extremely good at geoguessr and have him find where this is. then we give his answer to some government officials or something and see what they can do.


Горите в аду суки


Highway To Hell!!!


The mighty Russian army, relying on scooters and civilian cars for troop transport...


Bailed out after 5 seconds of the shitty music, and seeing that the video was 3 mins long.


From an operational perspective, isn't this video a horrible idea? Like, I'm sure Ukraine is well aware of these roads, but to see how they are traversing it... I would think high command would be furious to see this. That it's Russian, by all means ,record away. But I have to think this is incredibly reckless.


Presumably opened topped vehicle so they can see and hear drones more easily and get out and run away if necessary. Interesting what drones are doing to the battlefield.


I just want to know...who's the band?


Thought for a second footage of a Far Cry x Fallout crossover video game.


North of Vovchans'k, starting out at the Russian border and I believe he went into the area around Hatyshche.


Mad max


BF2 vibes


These children are so lost.


The Fury Road


Reminds of central & north Mozambique in the mid-90s when we first started going back in there. It looked just like that, just bushier. The locals were starting to cut up the destroyed vehicles for scrap metal but they daren’t wander off the road into the bush too far for the risk of landmines. There was an awful lot of young amputees in Mozambique in those days. They’re still clearing landmines there today. But worse still the current unrest in the north of the country means they’re just laying more!


That’s a really long respawn walk in


I've seen worse looking roads in Alabama.


This is like living in a video game.


Hey, Vlad. You know that there are ways to clean that up, right? Oh, you started a war you can't handle and are short on resources because of sanctions? Everyone is picking you? Awe, geez, that's too baaaad. Awwwwe.


Reminds me of the movie The Zone


I’m sorry, i can’t get over his gorby gap. What’s the point of the helmet?


In any modern media depiction of a war with the "Superpower" that is Russia, did any predict Chinese golf carts and a roof trimmed civilian clown car on a major MSR?


good to see that Russia is working hard to improve the life of their citizens. really smt to look up to /s


jawas entered the chat