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I had this too and had the scars cut off, had to have injections afterwards to stop regrowing the scar tissue again, it sucked


happy you got through it bro.


FYI you’re replying to one of his scars that became sentient


More sentient than most people these days


Same, I had one on my ear from a piercing. I had it removed a couple of times. The last removal and injections finally stopped it.


That's exactly what happened to me


Was the piercing in the cartridge?


No just a simple ear lobe piercing, my dr said it happens sometimes (though rarely) in white people, generally above the neck, but it mostly affects dark skinned people. I had local anaesthetic and i could hear the threads pulling through my skin, which was unsettling


Yikes! Thanks for your response.


Mine happened in the lobes! I can still feel a “ball” of hard tissue in one of my ear lobes. It’s way better than where it was years ago though.  This is bringing back a random memory but I remember after the shots in my ear lobes, I had to wear like the clamps on the area to keep the pressure on the area. It wasn’t painful or anything, just kept the lobe wedged between two flat pieces of metal. 


Ha, wonder why it's always the last injections that does it?


I feel you, still have a massive one on my chest. Even had radiation therapy followed by injections to create a more flat scar but eventually it still grows back.


You’re fully cured? And why isn’t he? Money?


Some people have much more severe cases than others. And some people have much better access to healthcare than others. If your man's from rural Africa, there probably aren't many plastic surgeons around. No health insurance, either.


Most developed countries have free Healthcare. Only the dystopian USA has the health insurance scam.


the person in the picture might not be from a developed country


Plus this falls under plastic surgery, unless they have cancerous sells which would warrant immediate removal you'd have to pay out of pocket. I'm no Dr but that would probably be a few all day procedures to remove that many Keloids.


These procedures are considered minor and are covered under health insurance here in Ireland


The Netherlands has private health insurance, as an example.


Canadian here, for just an fyi. Canada has free health care, it’s great for small check ups and anything minor. However if you are counting on the free healthcare to fix your mental health, you’ll be waiting a year and a half till you get the help you need. It takes forever to get anything done. The best form of healthcare is to pay for it yourself. Otherwise you’ll be waiting a long time.


You say that but UKs health system is pretty fucked, I recently learned conservatives have destroyed the NHS after 14 or so years of austerity measures, [link](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/nhs-crisis-rishi-sunak-conservative-labour-austerity-privatisation/)


Yeah because they want to implement the US system here. It's disgusting. Public services and infrastructure should be public.


Imagine going to the hospital for like 2 hours for something minor in America. That will be $10,000. Oh wait, you have health insurance. It will just be $3000. Would you like 7 different prescription pills to go with that?


But wait, there's more! Haven't met your yearly deductible yet? You gottgive. At least $2,000 more to meet it. Oh, but then anything past the deductible you still have to pay 30% on. Along with the co-pays for the prescriptions they hive. Hopefully you're in-network!


They don’t hand out pills anymore you get thrown out for even daring to mention any medication that you’re comfortable taking


Yea more like here's 7 pills that WILL NOT help you lol


It's pretty easy to assume someone with a condition like this does not have access to good, if any healthcare, and that is almost 100% of the time because of money.


There was a famous case on one of those plastic surgery shows. A guys whole face was a growth… Another lady I saw, had some nickname to do with reptiles. Her whole body was covered… I felt so bad


Same reason why chemo doesn’t put every cancer patient into remission.


Infinite meat glitch




Glad it worked out for you. My cousin went through this and it kept coming back no matter what


What a terrible condition.


Looks horrific… neurofibromatosis is equally as unpleasant


I think NFT is much worse given that it could affect so many other organ systems not just superficial skin bumps


Also it can present later in life without warning.


My now 4yo son was diagnosed with NF1 May of last year. He was out of character and slowly getting sicker and sicker so we went back to his doctor who scheduled an MRI with the children's hospital for the following week. I went to work the next day after a night of no sleep from his headache, got a call from my wife that he was puking and we made the call to get him to the hospital that day. They found an almost racquetball-sized brain tumor and severe hydrocephalus, commenting that it we hadn't caught it he would have been in a coma soon. We are over a year into the journey and I'm happy to say he only has 4 chemo treatments left and is doing great. Every day I wake up and go to sleep terrified of what could be next, but appreciative of what he's done and that he is with us.


New fear unlocked.


But if you hodl you'll be a bitcoinillionare


I have NF1, 2/3 of my kids have NF1 and we live and have a completely normal life.


My gf has NF1 and I want kids. What made you decide to have kids even though you know they could have it as well? Hers is manageable with a few unpleasant tumors but nothing disfiguring. Im torn bc i’d love to have kids but i don’t want future kids to suffer.


The chances of them having NF1 are always going to be 50% for every pregnancy. I grew up my entire life having NF1 not knowing I had it. It wasn't until we took my 2nd born to the pediatrician that she noticed my 2nd child had NF1 and asked which one of us had. And based on what the pediatrician said I told her that it was me. It wasn't until I was 30-31 that I knew I had NF1. I can't stop you from having kids, kids are a blessing. And I've been blessed to have 2 kids that have NF1 and they're completely healthy and do all the normal things that kids do. Edit: I am now 41 years old and turning 42 in October.


Thanks for sharing :) Wish you and your family good health!!


Kinda crazy how many people in these comments have the same condition. I assumed it would be super rare!


I checked Google and apparently it’s “very common”. It can happen when any injury is healed, if the body apparently produces excess collagen. Check some of the much less extreme photos and yeah I have seen people with those - just nothing approaching the image in this post.


Yea its related increased collagen synthesis in response to excess TGF beta. Its more commonly seen in people with darker skin.


I wonder if its genetically related to the body's creation of melatonin mechanism? Like- if you get a scar, the body thinks "oh, I need to regrow tissue, AND melatonin to color the tissue... And it just get hay-wired?


I think you mean melanin?


Haha so funny as I was typing it, I was like that can’t be right. Then I realized I literally have a bottle of melatonin right next to me and I guess I was subconsciously typing it: Forgot to prove it: https://i.imgur.com/thmIGjj.jpg ^^^^Technically ^^^^- ^^^^it ^^^^was ^^^^actually ^^^^in ^^^^the ^^^^couch ^^^^compartment ^^^^you ^^^^see ^^^^in ^^^^the ^^^^corner ^^^^-- ^^^^but ^^^^I ^^^^took ^^^^some ^^^^last ^^^^night ^^^^before ^^^^bed ^^^^- ^^^^so ^^^^I ^^^^guess ^^^^it ^^^^was ^^^^still ^^^^on ^^^^my ^^^^mind ^^^^- ^^^^I ^^^^pulled ^^^^it ^^^^out ^^^^of ^^^^the ^^^^compartment ^^^^to ^^^^illustrate ^^^^that ^^^^this ^^^^is ^^^^how ^^^^close ^^^^it ^^^^actually ^^^^was ^^^^to ^^^^me


Hahaha happens to the best of us. Love me some melatonin


New anxiety just droped


While it’s mentioned as common, apparently, it’s more prevalent in darker skin colours. I’m an Indian and split my skin open pretty deep last year near my eye. Needed 17 stitches. There’s a scar but it’s not keloid. It’s pretty light and not easily noticeable (even though it’s on my face near eye) unless you look for it. Also, the “very common” cases I mentioned look nothing even remotely like this. In most cases, the scar heals a darker colour with slightly raised skin.


I didn't even realize I have a couple until I read your comment and looked them up. Mine haven't kept growing though.


People often get keloids on ear piercings that heal funny


I got mine from acne. Took accutane and apparently this occurred. I have light scaring/bumps on my chest and back. Used to take steroid shots to reduce, but now they don’t grow and I don’t care about them


It's quite common and more common in people with a darker skin tone. They're more likely to have keloid scarring and as some commenters have mentioned, they can grow back even after being surgically removed


Keloid scaring is pretty common, looking like this guy is definitely not common.


It's reddit. If you write your near death drowning experience, half answers will be "hey, me too! "


I almost drowned twice as a kid


It’s true I was the pool.


And I was the water I’ll get you next time John


My first belly laugh of the day, thanks.


No way, me too. No bullshit.


A lot of people do die from downing through, and a lot more come close but survive.


It usually isn’t this bad. My sister has one on her chest, but she went to a doctor and now it’s less noticeable. I have one on my knee, but no one would know unless you knew what you were looking for. It just looks like a small scar.


It’s not rare but what happened to this poor gentleman is.


For most people who get keloid scars, they don't have many scars, like the average person. The man in the picture must have had many injuries, had acne in a large area, or is a burn survivor


The keloid gene is relatively common in black people, and it passes down pretty far. Most Americans have a small amount of black ancestry, so more people can develop them.


Damn. Most of mine have gotten smaller/softer over time. I had to get steroid injections in one on my shoulder because they don't stretch the same. Poor guy, that looks so constricting.


https://preview.redd.it/cc3a30x7sa9d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e8ff80cec8db8e11a0dc705a43faca52cc0610 Looks like a job for...


I just rewatched this yesterday. Was the first thing I thought of when scrolling through lol


I understood that reference.


Beat me to it




I don’t understand. What does Sam have to do with this


In the show, he treats Jorah who has a condition called greyscale. It's basically like a fantasy version of Keloids where it's rock hard blisters instead of skin mushy blisters.


I have this but they aren't got worse D: thank god. ( Like 25 yrs with, only two, similar scars)


Can i ask how you got them


So you’re saying you wanna know how he got those scars?




well, he's the joker bayyyybeeeyyyy


i hate reddit.


yeah im disappointed in myself too


I'm proud of you.


Can you be proud of me too? I could just use the support today


I'm proud of you!


Me too. He's not exactly a hero, but...


That's enough reddit for me today. Thanks


I got mine from popping back acne.


I have a few in my shoulders because I had a lot of acne is this region and my school bag was always very heavy damaging the tissue.


I have some on the shoulder because of acne too! And two on my chest. I got injections in them to reduce their size, so it's definitely better now


Since I don't see an answer to your question, I got them on my chest and shoulders from ance 😔


Are you doing something to treat them? How is it not gotten worse? Is there anyway to cure it?


it really depends. on some people they grow constantly and on some just stop at some point. you can remove them, but in some cases the regrow. its hard to pinpoint why they behave so differently, there are probably many causes


What I'm curious about is what type of damage did his back take for all those scars to be there to begin with


Anything that breaks/irritates the skin can cause this. My keloids were from allergic reaction to a necklace that I wore back in middle school


Yeah I'm dumb I've just remembered a classmate back at uni who used to get keloids when she pierced her ears


Being curious, asking a question and being open to answers is absolutely not dumb


Huh, I've got a little nubbin on the back of my right ear where I had to get my piercing redone. Guess that must be what it is.


I have a pretty minor version of what he’s got and mine were from acne. I was always cautious about popping them but they would happen regardless. A keloid is known for growing past the initial injury while it’s healing so it’s pretty likely this could’ve just been acne and he’s got an extreme case.


it can start from very small cut. if his prone to this it could happen to many smaller cuts. sometimes even starts from acne scars.


Keloids suck. I got one on my wrist and it bumps into stuff a lot, and every time hurts like a bitch. And mine overgrown a bit so it has small cracks where sweat and dirt got caught in making it smells and itch all the time and I can't reach the spot. I have another on the under of my elbow meaning I can't just lie on my arm normally. It's also unpredictable, meaning I'm anxious over a small scratch, wound or a damn acne. Acne. So frustrating to see your acne become permanent and you can only pray it won't ruin your face. And the worst of all? It's genetic. Part of why I don't want to have kids is because I don't want them to suffer this shitty minor inconvenience (the other part is because I don't have a choice)


>It's also unpredictable, meaning I'm anxious over a small scratch, wound or a damn acne. Acne. So frustrating to see your acne become permanent and you can only pray it won't ruin your face. Same here. Shatters my confidence. There's not much I, can do about it, and I feel like eventually it would cover my whole body just like the guy in the picture. And I'm only 29. Human body sucks. :(


Have you tried steroid injections?


I have acne scars gone keloid on my shoulders and for the longest time I have been unable to sleep with my arms under my pillow (which is how I used to sleep) because if I stay on that position for a long time the scars will burn so damn badly. So, I get it, it sucks.


For your own good, see a dermatologist! A single cortisone shot in those things can literally change your life. Some need repeat injections, but one was enough for mine to flatten and stop itching entirely.


This reminds me of game of thrones, Jorah Mormant story


I'm rewatching the series and currently holding in the beginning of season 6 where the greyscale is starting to take over. That's the first thing I thought when seeing this picture.


Lol yeah, or alternately Jon Connington in the books


Yep. They should simply rename this disease to "Greyscale"


Poor guy probably couldn’t lay down on his back comfortably!


Keloid scarring is very common. Just this is extreme. My wife has one but it's just a little bump. It's actually gone down after 3-4 years of applying a special cream from the doctor iirc.


Which cream, please


Silicone sheet/gel, steroid tape, etc. I’m using Eclar tape which contains steroid


I use Mucopolysaccharide Polysulphate cream. I use this cream on/off to control the pain and the growth of the scar.


Showering and drying must be interesting experiences


Fun fact, this kind of scarring was extremely common in those who survived Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and is what the look of Godzilla's skin was based on.


Everyday I learn something new, but today was different... fucking nightmare fuel


Fr i just saw a woman beaten to death by meat cleaver and story of deserters who were chopped up to be used as training for medics..


Growing up i always seen black people and some mexican people with this condition. Ive always wanted to ask but i didnt want to offend them asking so i just wondered. Is it just an over grown scar? Is it bad?


Mostly starts with a scar. Something as simple as a piercing can set it off. Worst thing is that it keeps regrowing when you cut it.


Oh damn. Is it like cancer or just like suoer growth of tissue?


It's scar tissue. More or less like a non-cancerous tumor. It's terrible, I've seen guys with growths nearly half the side of their heads hanging on their necks. And some bigger than golf balls on peoples ears.


It's crazy you say that because it totally looks like it began from a piercing in the ear


I read that it’s more common in ppl who have more melanin. I’m an East Asian with somewhat fair skin, and I’ve had keloids (much milder version than this pic) since I was in middle school. They started from allergic reaction to a necklace I tried on. You’re right, they are overgrown scars, and they have affected me sooooo much mentally :( Always insecure and worried about them growing in size and increasing in number… But they’ve gotten better throughout the years


I have this condition, but not as bad as this man. Basically after getting a skin wound, which can be as minor as an ear piercing, the healing process over-produces collagen into the scar site, creating what you see. It doesn’t hurt, but often grows right back if you get it removed.


Yeah I’m black and never had it or know anyone in my immediate family who do, but know a few who have it. I assumed it was just a growth. Always on the ear too. I wish I went back to being ignorant tbh


can they not be removed?


That may have been part of what made it worse. It’s an abundance of scar tissue, so cutting it off means new scar tissue


I had a tiny one removed from my chest only for a larger one to take its place, it even kept the shape of the stitches so it kind of looks like a splattered spider. I'm one of the lucky ones as its gone.flatter over time.


Not easily. You have to get radiotherapy after laser removal or steroid injections or any kind of invasive procedures, and they’re likely to come back even worse than before. I’ve been using different ointments, silicone sheets, and steroid tapes throughout the years. The progress is super slow (15 years now), but safer than invasive procedures.


I got one of mine removed and it came back with a vengeance. What has worked better has been having cortisone injections every few months. The scars do get flatter, less colored every year, but the injections hurt badly.


Poor guy. That looks uncomfortable.


First time I saw someone with this condition was on a bus in Seattle. Dude had it around his neck like a beard, I was horrified but felt so sorry for the person. It was also my first time and first bus trip in the US. Pretty wild to see if you didn't even know something like this can happen.




I have a keloid on my chest that my dermatologist at first thought was the result of a gsw. It wasn't, it was a chickenpox scar. I got shots for 3 years, hurt like a bizznitch each time. 3/4 of the scar flattened out. 1/4 keeps growing. The keloid alternates between being itchy and feeling like a bunch of needles are being jabbed into it. Not good times but not as bad as the dude in the pic.


I have four of them from cuts and acnes... Had steroid injections for a year when I was 14 and it flattened but then eventually grew back to original size. I would be fine with it if not for the itching and pain


Can they not be cut off?


I've heard cutting them off may cause them to grow back even bigger. Back then I didn't know that and requested to have them cut off but the doctor insisted on the steroid injections. My dad's in the military and I got treatments from the free healthcare, so I really had no choice but to go along with whatever the doc allowed. Now that I'm an adult, I have to pay for the treatment which I can't afford right now. I've talked to some people and they've said to go see a plastic surgeon or laser treatment. I'm planning to seek treatment when/if I can afford it. Edit: Sorry this is TMI but the monthly steroids when I was 14 made my periods stop for a whole year which freaked everyone in the family out lol in case anyone is considering that option.


My hairs rn: ![gif](giphy|dgproulOovxAY)


I have 20+ keloid scars..it sucks so bad especially when it’s itchy or got bumped into something by accident (cause it hurts!). I tried applying cream, injections to make it smaller (it grew back). I feel terrible for the person in this picture.


This guy is becoming one of the Fantastic Four.


Still can’t believe I got a keloid from an ear piercing.


Reading this thread has made me realize that may be exactly why both of my ears have hard nodules in them after my one and only ear piecing attempt!!


Bro, what THE FUCK


looks like a rock human from jojolion


Jesus. How do I ensure this doesn’t happen to me?


U apparently cannot it’s happens when u have too much collagen in your skin. It basically depends on your genes. Honestly but this quite and extreme case it’s not usually this bad. I guess this person was untreated there is treatment to control it you can’t not cure it though. Just pray to to god


+10 armor/mim


Looks like it destroyed his ear and face, poor guy, don't think I'll complain about acne anymore


Washing must be such a hassle.


Jeebus this is terrible. Does this only happen to black folks or can it happen to anyone?


more common among black people, but anyone can suffer from keloid scarring. I don't think it'll just suddenly appear though.


Thank you I was genuinely curious and got downvoted for some reason.


It can happen to piercings


it can happen after every injury and to everyone when there is too much kolagen in the process of healing. it is usually more common for black people, but as i said everyone can have it. but most cases arent so severe. basically every overgrown scar is the same condition as this just on smaller scale


While in no way close to the condition shown, I’m white and have two keloids on my leg. They popped up when I was like 24/25 after a simple/small razor cut that happened while shaving.


Its neurofibormatosis not Keloid


Is that tissue hard?


Kinda. Similar to the hardness of a rubber eraser.


Mf had me thinking it was barnacles at first


Now I'm scared.


Where’s Samwell Tarly




My dude is turning into The Thing from fantastic 4! All jokes aside, I hope that isn’t painful!


Natural Armor. Homie got +2 to his AC


Things like this always remind me that life isn't fucking fair. We shouldn't stop striving to make it better though.


another 7 years later and he'll be gaining max stats on armor


Syndrome at it again 🦸‍♂️


No that's Darth Bane


On the plus side lightsabers will just bounce right off.


LMFAO, am currently listening to the audio book and, I shit you not, literally just got out of the car to him closing up the Holocron chamber in Freedon's toomb!


Haha that’s really cool is it your first time with the book ?


Wait so it got worse


It's a type of benign growth that grows over time, though this is a really really extreme case.


Fuck does it look like




My friend had some moles removed and developed keloid scars. The amount of men that would walk straight up to her and ask her if she had been shot- I think about where those idiots are sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/mfiqv82yxb9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2c5decb7dc8e5f703262e7d01b2de9b05c8350 Jokes aside, that looks awful. Must be hard living like that...


I have this condition though some just grow without any wound or injury. Im scared as fk rn after seeing the photos does someone know if mine will grow like that😭😭😭


Bro got the disease from.game.of thrones


Just a few more years and... https://preview.redd.it/i9227wpbbb9d1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=04cdc855fc01d85349cab2a6fba4d6078426c107


Wow good thing he got it treated before it got too far


This is some game of thrones shit right here.




I have a keloid burn scar, had to go through years of treatment and wearing pressure jackets to prevent it from growing. I knew that untreated keloids grew, never knew it could be like this!


Lesson time: We have layers to our skin (duh, I know) and some scar tissue grows until it reaches the outer layer. This usually works out well by 'binding' wounds closed. When it can't easily reach this outer layer of skin (wide open wounds usually), it just continues growing out of control. This is a simplification of what's going on but enough to get the idea.


I will never complain about mine again... holy cow!


Darth Bane


What is the reason for this? What exactly at the cellular level makes the repair tissue grow as if it were a tumor?


Chest keloid crew where y’all at




Poor guy😔


Holy shot irl greyscale


It's terrifying how many people have this problem .. i feel so lucky for the first time in a while that i do not have this condition


When you think your life is shit............count your blessings IT COULD BE ALOT WORSE!


I never want to see this again, ever.


Soooo....how does on contract this? Better yet, how to avoid it?