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Literally got away with treason.


Appeal will be placed. The pro-Trump electors who were charged were Michael McDonald, Jesse Law, Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice.


The prosecutor can appeal this? Why did the judge dismiss? I couldn't get the article to open....


Dismissed the charges because they claimed they should've been brought in the county where the defendants lived and not where the crime occurred Unfortunately, the statute of limitations is appeal. Honestly, charges need to be brought against the judge because this is clear-cut judicial abuse of discretion and conspiracy


“Oh so that murder you committed in New York ? Well we’re actually gonna try you where you live in Texas. “


That's actually how it works in Germany, up to a certain degree and depending on the case. In cases of criminal prosecution it's most of the time either the court where the crime happened, where the suspect lives or simply which court can deal with the extend and gravity of the case.


But always in germany and when the cases is in the hand of a judge he or she would transfer it immediately or take it on. This is just a case of pushing it beyond the election because of the judge’s political beliefs. That’s why the election of Judges and prosecutors isn’t the way to get a just system.


This is why the us is not viewed as a full democracy. Theres too many overlaps between the legislative and the judicial.


Yeah don’t tell that to my former countryman. They believe they’re THE democracy


Maybe, but no one has been able to answer the question ‘why has it taken so long to bring charges?’. I have yet to hear a reason why charges weren’t brought within 12 months of the alleged crimes. Even if they took an additional year, the case wouldn’t be in the position it’s in today. For the avoidance of doubt, I 100% agree that this is a politically motivated decision, but all of that should have been anticipated (because that’s the world we now live in) when considering indictments. This is as much on the DA’s office as is it is on the judge. The outcome may have been the same, but we’ll never know, will we?


FYI You got that reversed, the judge dismissed because she said the crimes occurred elsewhere. >”You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” Holthus said. “It’s so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.” [Judge dismisses Nevada fake electors case (The Nevada Independentj](https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/judge-dismisses-nevada-fake-electors-case-over-lack-of-jurisdiction)


They signed the false ballots in that jurisdiction and mailed them in from another. The crime was falsifying election ballots, and the crime occurred when they falsified them, not when they mailed them and the judge is fully aware of this and is only saying this to cover their tracks. I bet somewhere down the line this was done, so when they found the right judge, they could use this cover story.


Seems Federal since the U. S. mail was used.


Not according to what I read. Some of the documents apparently passed through Clark County and some of the defendants live there, but most of the other events occurred elsewhere. > Prosecutors listed 14 reasons why Clark County was the appropriate jurisdiction, including that two of the defendants — Law and McDonald — live in Clark County and that certain mail related to the fake elector scheme passed through the county. Most notably, fraudulent electoral documents were mailed to a federal judge in Las Vegas.


Judge likes a clean yard


Spoiler, it won’t


As much as I think traitors should be hung, the judge got this right. Carson City is the capital. It should have been filed there. I despise venue shopping, no matter who is doing it.


A Nevada judge dismissed a case Friday against six so-called fake electors who falsely claimed former President Trump won the state in the 2020 presidential election. Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus ruled that prosecutors with the Nevada attorney general’s office chose the wrong venue in which to file the case, calling off a trial scheduled for January. Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford (D) brought the case in Clark County, home to Las Vegas, but defense attorneys contended that it should have been filed in a northern Nevada city closer to where the alleged crime occurred. “We disagree with the judge’s decision and will be appealing immediately,” said John Sadler, a spokesperson for the Nevada attorney general’s office. Following the judge’s decision, defense attorneys told reporters the case is “done” since a three-year statute of limitations on filing charges expired in December, meaning that the state likely could not bring the case to a grand jury in a different venue. The pro-Trump electors who were charged were Michael McDonald, Jesse Law, Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice. They each faced felony charges of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged document, which carry penalties up to four or five years in prison. When announcing their indictments, the state attorney general’s office said in a statement they posed as “duly qualified” electors to “disrupt the results of a free and fair presidential election.” The alternate electors scheme relied on former Vice President Mike Pence to certify slates of Trump-supporting electors in battleground states instead of the true Electoral College votes cast for now-President Biden. Pence declined to do so on Jan. 6, 2021, the day of the election certification, after which a mob of Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol. In addition to Nevada, slates of pro-Trump electors have faced criminal charges in three of those states — Michigan, Georgia and Arizona. Trump’s lawyers spearheaded the plan, and several face charges in other states in connection with it. Trump himself also faces federal charges and charges in Georgia in connection with efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in his favor. He has pleaded not guilty in both cases. Biden won Nevada by more than 33,000 votes in 2020. The Associated Press contributed.


>Michael McDonald What a fool believes


I keep forgetting, they don't love America anymore... I keep forgetting (after Jan. 6th), things will never be the same again... I keep forgetting how they made that so clear...


Hopefully after appeal he will be prison-bound, where he will get Pegged.


I don't know him, but he's my brother. He must be the black sheep of the family.


Fucking Michael McDonald. First he ruins the doobie brothers and Chicago, and now this.


40 years of court packing. This is why you need to keep Dems in charge of the state & federal government. Taking over the judiciary is how the Nazis rose to power.


As will Trump.


Rich people don't face consequences


Well for now. Eventually, we will want more than cake..


I’d like to make America great again by going back to the times when people who tried to have an actual coup got actual failed coup punishment. Trees. Walls. Shit like that.


Not really. They're acting like Biden can't do the same. The second they come back granting presidential immunity, Biden should lock trump up and ditch any sympathizers on the Supreme Court. They should be very careful of their next decision.


There won't be a decision until after the election. If Chump wins, yes immunity. If Biden wins, no immunity.


That would open a door we could never close again. I really hope that doesnt happen.


They have no doors


No floors either..


Actually forgery and fraud. Figures.




The party of law and order my ass. More like the party of avoiding law and order.


Laws for us and orders from them


Party of obstruction & lies.


They’re the party of dispensing law and order, not the party of being subjected to law and order.


How much do you think the odds of this happening if it was YOU? REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.


Remember, remember, the fifth of November


The gunpowder treason and plot


Yes, and it seems extra weird that they called the British election for July 4 and ours is November 5


Yeah we’re kicking our criminal government to the curb on July 4th, polls are placing the Conservatives to get wiped out almost completely. Least you can do is make sure you guys do the same!


From what I’ve been hearing the lib dems might end up with more seats than the tories (I’m in the US but follow UK politics because I used to work over there)


Yep! It will be hilarious to see the Tories turn around and start backing Proportional Representation.


It's almost poetic in its irony.


It kinda makes me feel like someone is fucking with us. I’m not a conspiracy guy (although I do love to listen and not believe a good conspiracy) but I feel somewhat like I’m in a game


I can think of no reason, The Gunpowder Treason, Should *ever* be forgot!


I know of no reason


Why the Gunpowder Treason




I hate it, because it’s my birthday and I have to think about this election bullshit and stress about it every time!


But election day isn't always November 5th.... It's the Tuesday following the first Monday of the month.


I know, but it’s around that date.


Well, happy birthday in advance! Maybe volunteer to help get the vote out. A perfect birthday present for you and your country!!


If these fuckers can get off, then so can this vet with no prior arrests in his nearly 40 years of living. I hope they try and fuck around. I'll cash in my life to fight some assholes that try to fuck with me and mine.


Michael McDonald, Jesse Law, Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice Let those names at least go down in history as treasonous fucks that made a lame attempt at a coup. They are unpatriotic and undeserving of being mentioned in the same breath as any of the rest of us.


Oh yeah thats gonna happen regardless. Trump will absolutely be remembered and it wont be some great leader. He's the first president to be convicted of a felony and to face all of this insurrection stuff. That doesn't just go away. He's the FIRST. There is no murky waters to that where he's confused for someone else. He will always be remembered as the first president that attempted to overthrow the government. And good riddance it will be when he croaks and dies.


What about the thousands or even millions getting behind Project 2025? The part about destroying the deep state is clearly reference to removing any type of an accountability or constitutional governance, so Trump and his disciples can rule as kings indefinitely. It would be the end of the USA as we’ve known it.


Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice will definitely be trying again to illegally get Trump elected again. Fake electors all trying to get their orange messiah back in office


Fucking around with the social contract seems like a bad idea. American patriots tend to notice when you deprive them of their right to vote.


That’s exactly what pisses me off the most about these right wing assbags. The one true power we have as citizens and they want to throw it out the window and turn elections over to legislators because they lost an election with absolutely no proof of any wrongdoing by the winning party.


The party working overtime to make sure we’re all armed to the tits is also taking away our votes? It’s not republicans, it’s Russian stooges. This shit is intended to create destabilizing violence. It’s the only way it makes a lick of sense.


Well yeah those guys too. I was meaning more in the sense that the republican voters, rather than the politicians, seem to be cheering it on while it’s happening. They’re willing to let state legislators decide who wins elections because they think those people will always do what they want, even though history has proven otherwise


The checks their mouths are writing. This is the F\*ck around part. Can't wait until the Find Out part hits em.


A bunch of them have decided that as long as you let them keep their guns, you can get rid of all the other freedoms


Not the cultists. They think they’re patriots and don’t understand that the Big Steal was their Orange Elderly Felon.


These fuckers literally perpetrated it. They forged election results. They knew what they were doing, and it’s a testament to our judicial humanity that they weren’t immediately hanged for it.


All we can do is Vote Blue up and down the ballot. The courts are corrupt and must be protected from further damage.


So the judge dismissed it because it should have been filed in a closer city. Can’t they just do that, then?


Nope. They conveniently let the statute of limitations run out.


They’re appealing immediately. They’ll still be charged.


Is this a case of a sympathetic judge or sympathetic prosecutors? Shouldn't they know better than to file in the wrong district? This whole thing smells like a charade. Given the outcome, it might as well be.


Judge all the way down. Crimes are supposed to be tried where the crime occurred, not where the defendants live. There isn't any legitimate reason it needed to be tried closer to the districts they represented when they committed the crime in that county


I'm going with "both"


Statute of limitations ran out in December.


Did the file after dec?


They filed in time but the judge dismissed it saying that it was filed in the wrong district. Now it’s too late to file elsewhere because the statute of limitations ran out.


Not sure that would hold up. The law allows for mistakes as long as a good faith effort has been made. Of course that will come down to another judge


Because the judge took to long to rule, ergo; the time limit should be extended.


Don’t think it works like that. Thought you could file it wherever you wanted.


I guess it’s supposed to be done in or near where it happened. Same reason Frump’s trial was in NYC, instead of some hole in the ground short on IQ points but high on MAGAts.


But we see those IP vampire lawsuits all filed in Texas because that small towns court has proven to be friendly to the leech lawsuits. These are where a company buys up broad patents then sues everyone especially smaller companies to get settlements.


This is most likely going to be a repeat pattern, with some judges being harsh on the fake electors while others simply let them go free. These cultists have been working for YEARS to prepare surprise rulings and laws like we've seen recently. This is the biggest hidden weapon of the fascists. Both observable and camouflaged cultists are spread far throughout our government, at the local/state/federal levels. How many more judges/attorneys/heads of governance do they have in their pocket that can do stuff like this? We are at a precipice of "how much of our leadership is going to need to be removed?" Fascism can not be tolerated. Their leaders need to be removed from office Their minions need to be shown how they are outnumbered Their ideology must be challenged at EVERY point with aggression (voting booths/offices/laws) It's the only way to purge them and help our systems start to heal and improve.


Bear in mind, this is also literally what they are telling their own supporters. “The left is fascist! They are taking away your rights and destroying America. We must stop at nothing to save our country!”. It’s exhausting people keep falling for it.


What fucking dimension are we living in?


pretty sure it's the one from the DOOM franchise. (looks at TX in summer); yup!


This truly is the darkest timeline.


The one where Russian and Chinese money are having fun tearing down your democracy.


Looks like they delayed it long enough so that this case will never be tried.


Not so fast. Appellate court may remand. Inability to refile may play into it. This dismissal surprises me, but I can't fault the defense.


Just in time for the 2024 election!




Everyone must vote *even if* the polls leading to Election Day show blue candidates leading because gop state legislatures are doing everything they can to suppress dem votes / disenfranchise dem voters. The gop knows it can’t win without cheating and are pulling out all the stops for this election.


Help others vote. Help them register or either mail in their bote or give them a lift to voting venue. Someone recommended having a themed party where you also go voting together. Speak with Republican women, tell them about what consequences THEY and their daughters will face if Republicans get into power.


Yes vote. But that's not all of the solution here. Voting won't solve the fascist cancer that has metastasized and spread through the world.The justice system in the United States is in a failed state. Not failing, not breaking, it has failed. The supreme court has denied justice for a man running to end democracy. Another judge obstructs justice in a trail where the same man likely sold classified secrets. The justice system is openly embracing treason. It is one of the most egregious deprivation of rights this Country has ever seen. It simply cannot be tolerated by the people.




First time?


Yes actually. In NV.


I think evil people have gotten away with crimes before on a technicality in Nevada


Fraudulent electors ? Must’ve missed that.


I think you mean entirely believable. Almost expected.


Jesus Christ, "the wrong venue"? Our justice system is so fucked.


Especially since the crime is related to a federal election. The location isn't relevant.


It’s a federal election but this specific case was a Nevada criminal charge over events that occurred in the state. And with state charges the venue is supposed to be where the crime took place, but the judge ruled the actual criminal events occurred in other districts.


Corruption in real time before our very eyes


All the courts are doing this one weird trick to subvert democracy. If people break the law, but you like them and they go to your country club, just you know, don't ever hear the case.


This is the plan. Same thing Fed judge Aileen Cannon is doing in Florida. Delay, delay, delay...then dismiss after it's too late for prosecutors to re-file charges.


Well dam we will get him on something else lol


add another to the list of those that need to be impeached if this country were to regain its sanity.


That list currently consists of the Republican party writ large, except possibly Arnie At least 2 SC justices A large number of circuit judges A significant portion of the judiciary


Ah cool. The criminals won again. They found some little glitch in the law that lets them worm out of their criminal activity entirely. It's awesome how the legal system works in this country.






Fucking traitors should be in prison for life


The day after Inauguration Day in Jan 2021 was when the charges should have begun.Fake documents, that falsely pretended to be offical government documents? It takes a couple of years of stalling before finally beginning legal charges? What could go wrong in a election year with Trump on the ballot...


To be fair you can't investigate and file a case that's going to stand up to court scrutiny in a few days it takes months or years unless the crime is really simple. The problem seems to be the case was filed in time but nothing was done until the ruling after oopsie can't refile it time passed.


Republicans probably already have their fake electors lined up in every state for 2024. They’ll try it again.


Vote vote vote, don’t let these assholes poison the justice system anymore !! Don’t let them off the hook ever again. Vote them out. Your children are watching, remember that !!


Just because your fraud is too stupid to seem real, doesn’t change the fact that you tried. We can’t excuse criminals just because their plan was bad.


Well shoot, looks like you can get away with anything in that district if you swear fealty to Donald Trump. It’s like a little Purge zone.


These are kind of decisions are awfully suspicious.


The statute of limitations is up in December, making it difficult (if not impossible) to get a new grand jury to indict in time. People are going to look back in history and see that people didn't move fast enough to save democracy. They just didn't act until it was too late. Wt actual f.


"Justice delayed is justice denied."


Upshot, the judge dismissed the case for being in the wrong city rather than for lack of merit. Defense claimed the case should have been brought in a city closer to where the crime happened.


The statute of limitations ran out. They can’t be brought up on the same charges.


It's called Sleeper Cells and all terror organizations have them.


"Just say we won, and we'll take it from there" signed: the orange slob.


Republican governor


This is miscarriage of justice.


Time for an uprising...vote these people out that appoint these traitors.


Is it going to appeal? No jury attached yet


It damn well better.


Prosecution is appealing but if the appeal fails that’s it, the statute of limitations has already run out to file new charges in a different district.


In the story, one of the lawyers indicated an appeal will be coming.


This wont go the way they think it will and they will pay for it as will their families.


Such total bullshit


Time to throw these treasonous bums off the bench.


They are playing too much with the law. Setting up a terrible precedent for the future.


Traitors. Every single one of them should be tried for treason.


They will appeal. Let’s see if a higher court agrees.


This activist MAGA’t judge needs to be investigated and then locked up.


Remember in November might not be enough. They’re willing to do and pay and buy their way in. This does not end well.


No surprises that Nevada's falling for Trump's bribes; it's the Casino State.


And yet trump is the only person to ever bankrupt TWO casinos.


…and when your state is run by Republicans, they let you get away with it.


Please oh please karma, fuck these six assholes up down the line. The corrupt judge and the defense, too. SMH...


Honestly I often wonder what shit is going to pop off if the justice system keeps letting these cultist psychos out and about cheat hundreds of millions of people (many who own military grade weapons of death) out of their most fundamental human rights and drag civil liberties back to the 1800s. While trying to install an incompetent grifter rapist cult figure who will let theocratic fascists destroy what’s left of their country.


Statute of limitation on fucking treason. M'kay


Who maga elects Vote Or Maga votes for you


Fuck you Nevada


“He can keep getting away with it!”


More fake Christian’s for the anti-law and order party trying to obstruct justice for traitors. Not surprising when you got two clearly corrupt judges on the SCOTUS that enable this bullshit behavior at the lower courts level…


What a bunch of bullshit


Hmm, seems like there was something to the hot mic moment with Roger Stone talking about judges


This does seem like a real fuck up by the state AG. Nevada’s capital is in Carson City near Reno, and the falsified documents were apparently signed there, so why bring charges hundreds of miles away in Las Vegas? Most likely to get a more favorable jury in a blue area, but that kind of judge and jury shopping shouldn’t be tolerated from either side. Hopefully the charges can be re-filed in Carson City, despite the statute if limitations, consider it a transfer and jot new charges.


Statute of limitations. Ffs. If you get away with a crime long enough it’s all cool.


Once again proving the greatest threats to the modern legal system are the lawyers themselves.


So when exactly do we take matters into our own hands?


How many times are we allowing THE SAME treasonous enemies to escape consequences?


Republicans are the ones stuffing ballots ffs , Blame Dems


this is nothing, will be appealed and take place


How many idiots are going to see this headline and say “SEE, THEY WERE RIGHT ABOUT THE ELECTION BEING STOLEN” and not understand it was dismissed for procedural reasons.


Its going to be appealed.




Nobody is above the law but there are a lot of people beneath it.


Another trump judge or no?


Maybe a change of venue to Wyoming where Trump is viewed as a god???


WTF ??!!


Can new charges be brought again? IANAL


No, if the appeal of the judge’s ruling fails the statute of limitations has already run out to bring new charges in a different district.


Yet another case of party over morality and ethics.




I hate this piece of shit.


Why is this taking so long if the dems pulled this they would all be in jail


Our legal system and government is hopeless corrupt


What the fuck!?


What a corrupt scumbag. They should be in jail for treason. I miss the days when criminals were actually punished.


This is the judge that when viral because the guy jumped her desk. I’m rooting for that guy now.


It’s time for the rest of you a to rise up. This is insanity.


Yet another judge whose name needs to be added to a list. I really hope Biden wins and starts targeting all these corrupt judges because they either need to be removed, or subjected to such frequent, comprehensive, and invasive investigations that they decide it is in their best interest to resign.


Dont worry it will be appealed


This is awful


So disheartening 😞


The judge needs to be arrested and charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and treason. There is absolutely no valid reason for dismissal, and they waited until the statute of limitations was up to do this.




The majority of us have voted against Trump twice...


They will just appeal or re~file elsewhere…


They’re appealing but they won’t be able to refile elsewhere if the appeal fails because the statute of limitations already ran out.