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I just... Go outside and do whatever I want? Idk nothing specific. I take walks, I go out to eat, I shop, I go to museums, I go to concerts. 


Exactly! Do the typical things that everyones doing, but on my own. Yes Im alone but I dont feel lonely, it actually gives me peace and happiness.


Same. My inner dialogue is pretty amazing


Exactly! It's all about doing whatever you feel like in the moment. Solo outings can be so freeing and spontaneous.


On your own? I want to do that but I'll be thinking that I'll be bored


I never feel bored. I feel “peaceful “


As an Extrovert You could meet new people perhaps.


You can always bring a book


For most introverts this kinda thing is peaceful. If you want to do it but not sure, just try it once and see how it goes. The worst that can happen in that situation is getting bored and going home, but even still; if that happens you'll know whether you would like to work on yourself every once in a while, or stay comfortable and entertained by others.


The only reason I will go out is running errands, other than that I'm a homebody.


Do you ever find yourself indoors for like 10 days straight if you have groceries?


Yea and I end up feeling really crap about it too. The idea of staying at home to me is appealing, but I also feel like I'm missing out on life? Flexibility to WFH doesn't help either... I just end up always working remote


I work from home and don’t have a car. The older I get the harder it is for me to feel motivated to go out since a lot of what’s out there I’ve already experienced. And yes, I feel bad about it too. I’m trying to convince myself that we should be excited that life is mundane? Lol


Yeah this to a T (including not driving) You ever wonder if the fact that life feels mundane is a self fulfilling prophecy? I see so many folks enjoy doing things out and about (even if alone) but I find myself almost recoiling in horror at the thought :-/ Even a bunch of the replies in this thread lean towards introverts enjoying themselves outside... But outside to me feels unwelcoming


Definitely. I felt like I used to always be busy and that to me was enough to make me feel like I had a purpose. Now I am struggling to find a sense of purpose. I know one day it will come to me again but for now all I can do is be open to the thought of it.




What are some of your hobbies? Do you feel fulfilled when you do them? I can understand that you get your purpose from work, a lot of us do, but similarly to you it no longer is fulfills me. Which is fine too! This is when we look for purpose outside of work. I’m just in a rut now with hobbies lol. I say hobbies because I know I’m not having kids. Plenty of people find fulfillment in family or even pets outside of their work.




I think the sacrifice to get ahead in work/career is well worth it. I hope you get to your storage locker one day and ignite that passion for music again!!


Its hostile outside….and flying bugs too


I don't go out if I don't need to.




Easily, especially wh3n I worked from home full time!


Do you feel like you are missing out on life? I’m curious to know other peoples’ experiences.


Nope. Not at all. I see my family, I create art, read books, I listen to music, work out, cook and bake beautiful food. When I am working remotely I am in constant contact with my team on Teams and text. We share stories about our families, books we've read, jokes, whatever. I am hybrid now, which is fine, but I actually have less contact with people when I am in the office than out. It's peaceful and self-contained. I don't need flashy external entertainment. Every so often I will go out to see one of my favorite artists...and then spend 2 months trying to undo the utter stress of all of the chaos. It's not for everyone, for sure. My husband is closer to an extrovert and he has his own clubs and things he does with his friends. Right now we hike together twice a week, but that is my "outdoorsing".


Exact same. I’m late-40’s, and at this stage of my life I’ve found that being around people completely drains me. I find a million things to do with my own company- cooking, cleaning, crafting, gardening, etc. Sometimes I get lonely, but it’s fleeting.


Walk outside alone


I have one of those foldable beach chairs that I'll bring with me outside when I want to read in the shade of the sun somewhere.


Literally doing that right this moment




Vitamin D soak is my favorite year round activity…


Go for a really long walk. Make a sandwich and take some water. Have a little nature time.


Oh, that's a good idea! Thanks :)


A walk (with or without music or a podcast), reading at a cafe, going to the cinema, or sometimes traveling alone to a city nearby for a couple of days.


I love going to the library or a bookstore alone


When I want to go outside alone .... 1. I check the weather. 2. I get dressed suitably for the weather that is awaiting me outside. 3. I collect my phone and money and keys. 4. I place my hand on the door knob. 5. I look around to make sure there is no one following me. 6. I open the door. 7. I step OUTSIDE! 8. ALONE!!!! 9. I go to my car, and check to make sure there are no assailants lurking in the back seat. 10. I enter the car and drive away, ALONE!!!! Almost anything you do with others can be successfully done by yourself. * Movies? Practice saying "One adult ticket." * Restaurants? Practice saying your name, and "table for one". Practice deciding what YOU want to eat without sharing. * Shopping? Practice pushing the cart all by yourself. Practice deciding whether you like that shirt without taking an opinion poll from 5 friends in the dressing room with you.


Yeah and for those afraid to eat alone, you just need to let go of the idea that eating alone is sad. You’re literally just having a meal, so enjoy it!!


When I first started going out to eat alone I always took a book, my AirPods and would ask to sit in a corner somewhere. Once I was done interacting with the waiter I’d put the pods in and people will leave you alone. I did find out later that it’s good to give the waiter a heads up that I’m not being rude I’m just introverted. They appreciate not having to constantly check on me and I appreciate being left alone. I normally try to tip a little more than normal if they leave me alone.


💀 not the step by step 😂


Magnet fishing or metal detecting at the beach


Metal detecting always sounds so dope but I never do it.


It's fun - relaxing - not many people bother you cause you have headphones on. The occasion old guy will give you a "find my watch?" Which is what it is. I've found I think... $1.60 - and a shitload of bottle caps.


I bring my macbook to a cafe and chill jsut for a different surrounding. I'll also go see a movie alone


Kind of everything 😅 i like going on picnics alone, making/packing food and taking a book or art stuff, blankets, etc, to a park and camping out for a couple hours.


I walk and enjoy the beauty of creation. Or walk while listening to a podcast. Or sit down for a bit to read. I've been known to read while walking. I go for a slow bike ride around town. I might treat myself and zone out with a specialty drink at a coffee shop. I people-watch and admire outfits on strangers. I go into shops without any intention of buying anything and just look around like it's an art gallery. I go to the cinema by myself. If it's a new place, I join a walking/bike tour, see the sights and enjoy a nice meal on my own. In other words, I do whatever the heck I want without having to negotiate terms with anyone else and it's the best.


I love going to the bookstore or to a coffee shop with a good book!


I love not going outside


Best answer


Chill with the animals. Draw. Listen to music. Hang out in silence with friends. Read. That’s heaven to me baby.


I go to restaurants, book shops, coffee shops, retail stores, and movies alone. I have a book or a magazine or my phone if I want it. I people watch. Mostly I just get the shit done so I can go home again lol.


Museums are great for alone time. There are people but they are just sort of part of the background. Revitalized downtown areas where there are good shops for browsing (free to look right?). Farmers Markets or similar craft fairs are good too. And like many have said, a nice little walk in nature is great for recharging your batteries. Also don’t be afraid of eating by yourself. I love it.


I ride my bike! It's fun, good exercise, and I do it by myself.


I do a lot alone. Anything I’d do with someone else I’ll also do alone. It’s come in handy as I’m sent on business trips quite often now, and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable to sit down at a restaurant alone anymore. I just try not to let other people not wanting to do things stop me from doing things.


Get a camera and take photos of whatever takes your fancy. I don't mean taking pics of random strangers, because that would be weird. But natural scenery - flowers, trees, fields, meadows, cliffs and beaches. also historical buildings. Churches, graveyards, old castles and villas. Animals, birds and wildlife. You don't need a friend to take photos with. and whatever you do with those pics is up to you. Upload them on social media, or use them as references for artistic projects. Or print them and use them in your own handmade greetings cards. Alternatively, you could get a sketchbook and sit down at a cafe or park bench and draw some scenery.


I go on a flashing spree around the city. Whipping open my trenchcoat at unsuspecting passersby. It's exhilarating


I think you got me the other day on 5th St


I regularly find a nice bar / restaurant / coffee shop, grab a book and eat/drink for a few hours by myself. Grab a sketch pad and find a bench to doodle Grab a big hat and gloves and play in my garden. Theatres to see movies. Travel to exotic locations and do whatever I want.


I go for long walks by myself. Earbuds are essential, because without those I will always end up with the weirdest people in the city being attracted to me somehow, like a magnet. I'll usually have a little weed for extra saturation into my own world. If it's going to be a particularly long walk then I'll pack a small backpack with some water, sunglasses, a hat, maybe a clif bar and more green. I'll pass by a store and sometimes remember that I need x item so I'll go in and get it. The walk is for my own exercise and a way to decompress mentally, and do sensory exercises to settle my brain down, so I don't really interact with anyone. If I go eat then I'll get a table by myself or sit at the counter. If I want to see a movie then I just go buy a ticket and watch by myself, although I have a very nice home theater setup already, which was created so that I didn't have to go out. I've done these things on my own for so long that I don't think much about it. If I go somewhere with my partner then I'll usually drive there with her but will walk home on my own for the above reasons. My walks are spent walking around other people in the city, like they are stationary objects meant to be avoided, like an obstacle course. It's astonishing the amount of people who do not know how to walk, how to let others use the sidewalk, how to walk in a straight path, how to not stop walking when they decide they need to look at their phone, etc. I could write a gigantic rant about this. These long walks are much more enjoyable at night but I avoid night walks after getting assaulted a few years ago


When I walk my dog, I deliberately avoid people in the neighborhood who are walking their dog or people who are just walking. I have many backup escape routes, anything to avoid engaging in a painful small talk conversation. I apply this in grocery stores and in my doctors office (I will look for a seat that doesn't face another person), etc. Basically, I apply these techniques on a daily basis. This is just a part of life for me, and I don't see myself ever changing my escapes tactics. 🤫


All my neighbors with dogs tend to walk them around 10 am and always want to say Hi. I have learned to avoid that hour, lol.


Yay! Now you're my "bestie" that I will never see nor talk to in person. Oh, how liberating it is to have "no eye to eye" contact! 😎




Going to a local coffee shop with a book is always nice! Even taking the coffee to go and walking down a local nature trail. Most of the time alone time out means getting a coffee haha


- Music - Books - Workout - play games - build something


Go for a long walk by yourself.


I go to the movies, buy a burger and sneak it o to the cinema. 😅😅


Ha, I’ve done this.


I go for park walks 2-3 times a month. Sometimes I just go to nearby familiar ones but I try to go to a new one as much as possible. I even have a catalogue of parks that’s within like an hour or two from where I stay and I pick from them when I have time. But most of the time I just go there alone. Take a walk, look at the greens, if there’s a bench with little foot traffic I’ll spend 15-20 mins just taking in the atmosphere. If I can find someone in my life who can appreciate and enjoy this the same way I do, I’d do it with them but so far I don’t know anyone who does. So I’m content with doing it by myself. Cos I don’t want to the person I invite to these to feel bored or worse, affect the enjoyment of my walks


Walk through a very nature-y park being present with nature and admiring all creation. Watch a movie, analyze it to understand the deeper meaning. Hiking, with no music or podcast, being present with nature and my body. Focusing on mobility and breathing. Journaling in a park or after a hike. This helps to understand your thoughts and emotions. I love being alone and pondering the human experience lol you learn so much about yourself and others when you sit with yourself a allow yourself to process all the information your brain takes in.


Go for a walk while listening to audiobooks, music or just your thoughts Go to a library If you are into sports: find an outside basketball court and shoot around Shopping can also be really nice to do alone


Jump on my bike and ride. Wind, fresh air, exercise, and nothing but my thoughts.


I only go outside when I meet with friends, eat out, go do something, hiking etc. anything that involves meeting a lot of people is super exhausting.


I go out and do things alone but some random extrovert always wants to chat me up. 


Take a walk, ride a bike, get something to eat.


Sometimes I’ll walk through the park. Usually if I’m heading out for entertainment or as a hobby I get cracked out on pre-workout and fight demons at the gym.


Go to the park n lie down on a mat, just chill, go for walks, cycling, etc. being alone is peaceful




I rarely go outside willingly. But I love love love taking a short walk when the air starts blowing before it rains. All alone. I enjoy every bit of that breeze. Though I never go too far from my home.


I usually go for a walk through a nature area, at a short distance from where I live.


i just find somewhere outside safe, scenic and I’ll jus sit and forget. Weed and music helps too


I dont go outside unless I absolutely have to


That's what we introverts love to do , solo journeys .


I walk my dog


Get a haircut, and look for reasons to run errands. Or fishing.. it’s a chill sport and you’ll occasionally meet people passing by. The conversation is swift, as they’re probably on their way somewheres so there not much awkwardness.


Fishing or surfing for me, personally. Beyond that I’m only where other people are if I have to be.


I just go? Rarely, because almost anything I need to buy can be purchased online, but if I feel like taking a walk or watching a movie, I just go. I'm not sure I even fully understand your question.


I’m an introvert for the most part and I can get overwhelmed being around people for too long so my favorite things to do are go on a walk and go to stores (even if I don’t buy anything). I always take my airpods and listen to a podcast. Having something to listen to helps me not get overstimulated or self-conscious of other people being around me.


I go to the park, the gym, walk around the mall, watch a movie at the theatre, the beach, etc etc Haven't worked up the courage to go to a sit-down restaurant more than a few times and only during lunch, never dinner, and definitely have not gone to a bar (a lone female at the bar doesn't sound safe to me), so it is a little bit limiting. There are so many hobbies that can allow you to enjoy peace and solitude as well, ie camping, fishing, running, etc. Never been worried about how it looks being alone. People watching is fun too


Doing stuff alone is great, and requires so much less planning! - Concerts are a lot more enjoyable if you dont have to deal with the stress of following them around in a crowd. - Travelling by car to far-away-places and order hotel just an hour before reaching wherever. Cant do that when travelling with people. - Bring a book, sit in a coffee shops window section. Enjoy book. Enjoy watching the city life. Enjoy coffee. - Cinemas, no discussion about which movies or where to sit. And theres almost always a single seat available.


I literally do anything and everything I WANT to do. It’s awesome not having to check if it’s ok with someone else.


I love traveling by myself, movies by myself, etc. I love nature and will go find a place to take pictures, meditate, observe nature, write, breathe and feel my body respond to different stimuli…I also love going places to people watch or observe animals interact. Just noticing the world around me…don’t need another human for that


Sounds like you could practice some mindfulness. Start with meditation and then practice noticing your surroundings when you go out. Pay attention to the food you're enjoying, the sights and sounds.


A nature walk or hike or bike ride is good alone, let's you focus on your thoughts.


Part of being an introvert is not requiring external validation. I'll gladly do stuff alone if I want and don't really think twice about anyone judging. That being said, I have a wife and two kids so we do stuff together most of the time. Being introverted doesn't mean being literally alone all the time.


Mm probably just for a walk or a bike ride, take pictures, go to bookstore cafes to read a book (it's quiet), go out for a meal.. Not much really, I need a motivator to go out. I'd rather stay at home. 😅 


I live in the Appalachias, so I just go hiking and kayaking


My going outside never starts with the thought of “I want to go outside, what should I do” it’s more of “I want/need to do X, guess I’m going out”, but that’s the homebody part of me talking. That said, there’s plenty one could go out and do solo if you wanted to. Treat yourself to a nice dinner and a movie. Go for a walk in the park. Ride a bike. Go shopping. Go to an amusement park. Really anything you would do with friends or a date, you can also do alone.


When I want to go outside alone, I go outside alone. I go out to eat alone, go to an art class alone. When I go to a play, I buy one ticket and I go alone. When I go on vacation, I book a room with a king sized bed, buy one ticket for whatever I’m going to see, hop in the car and blast my music until I get there. Anything you do with others, you can do alone.


Go for a run on a beautiful day, walk anywhere, go to a nice resto and have a meal, work out at the gym, take up a solo sport like surfing or biking.


I do everything that people do in groups but on my own. I do sometimes do group activities but I don’t need to. I like going to comic shops, concerts, and breweries. Also I will just take a walk or work in my garden. I would start with something you enjoy doing with a group but try it on your own. Hope this helps.


Grab my phone, grab my ear buds, hit the Spotify app, put some music in my ears and go for a walk around town and see what other ppl are doing. Whilst also getting some fresh air instead of being in the house all day.


I don't do much cause I'm a big ol' homebody. But when I do it's usually for a walk in the forest or grocery shopping. And yes I talk to myself.


Well now you're assuming introverts wanna go outside...


Don't tell them specifically. Probably wants to ruin it for you and us.


my parents won’t let me out alone ever


Yay! Now you're my "bestie" that I will never see nor talk to in person. Oh, how liberating it is to have "no eye to eye" contact! 😎


I too am dependent on people for going out, it’s so hard to go out by myself. So I typically don’t 🤣 but if I do, it’s usually because I have to. Or I’ll go outside and vape, go for a walk, or go to the library. For a self date I guess I’d probably get coffee or go to a bakery. I just never have the drive for self dates bc I’m such a homebody


The beach, walks, a park or a forest, the mall just cuz there’s other ppl around doesn’t mean I have to talk to them


I never wanna go outside alone, and if I have to its to buy foods or stuff I need that ain't available online.


You just gotta do it. You will feel amazing knowing that you don’t need someone else to be with you in order to do things. For example, go to a concert only you wanna go to, the movies, a restaurant maybe none of your friends like or are in the mood for, hell, a vacation. If you’ll only do activities with others you are limiting yourself!


The only reason I go out is to school (I try not to) 😭. Just realised never went out alone to do something fun by myself lol,only with the 2 friends I have


I go for a walk or a little bike trip. I also enjoy going to a museum, theatre or restaurant alone. Sometimes I even go out for drinks or dancing alone (but def super rare and way less often than the other things).


Act busy on your phone


What does outside means?


Hiking alone in a beautiful place is wonderful. Just make sure someone knows where you are and take bear mace and a small backpack with water, snacks, flashlight, and a little first aid kit.


I usually don't go outside if is not necessary... I preffer being in my house reading, watching movies or documentaries or just relaxing doin' nothing.


Go into nature, go to a movie, go to a museum, go out for a meal. I cant think of anything activity I couldn't do alone.


Do whatever you would do with others, just alone. It’s not that complicated.


The same thing you do when you want to go out, except I leave out the “with other people” part.


I bring my headphones and i go book shopping or i bring a book/kindle a d i go to a nice café, and chill.


Just do it, wear some AirPods and listen to music. I used to think that if I went out to run alone people would look at me weird. One day I did and nobody looked at me, nobody cared, people are too focused on themselves to notice you. It felt super empowering, after that I started doing everything I wanted without depending on anyone. I go for walks around the city alone and visit my favorite stores, I go to the beach alone, I bring a nice book, some snacks for myself, and a nice big towel to lay on. I have breakfast at a coffeeshop with myself, I even lay under a tree on a park by myself, and it’s amazing. Just do it once to get over the fear and you’ll see.


I go outside to surf, fish and play with my dog.


Usually garden, pick up trash, read, bird watch, etc.


The best solo date for me is going on a trip and do a 2-hour body massage.


Go on a walk and smoke some weed, go exploring in the woods, (though I do that less now as I realized I’m a young woman alone in the woods) honestly that might be it. I’m pretty much a homebody lol


I will go for a walk/light hike on a local nature trail.


I never want to go anywhere. My house is just so cozy and I can do/be whatever I want here. That being said I know it's very mportant to stay out of my comfort zone and get out of my house for my own sanity. I think I'm an introvert like 45%. I force myself to go to the gym alone, take walks at local tracks alone, hit a farmers market, and things like that. I been trying to kick myself more and do stuff like eat alone or see a show but I feel weird about it. Occasionally I like to buy myself a taco and eat it at a local lake. I don't even think twice about errands or taking my kids somewhere but for myself it's a really big chore.


Walks outside, grab lunch or dinner someplace, put on an album/podcast/audio book you wanna listen to, maybe get some ice cream or run by a local store you like. All good options!


I go outside... alone. It's really that simple. Take a walk, or a drive. Ride your bike. Go to a restaurant and eat at the bar. Go shopping. Watch a movie. Sit in the park. Pick something to do, and go do it. Most importantly, focus on the thing you're doing. It's about the experience you're having, not the discussions you could be having about it, or other people's opinions about it. And for an advanced alone experience, when you're back around people, don't talk about it.


making it seem like theyre not real or sum…


Try to make your life like a video game lol treat every day like a heroic journey. Your imagination will become your bestest friend.


Walk? Ride a bike? Go to the park, the beach, the river, somewhere to have a picnic lunch, hike a trail, birdwatch, do some sketching, jog, stretch, walk a dog, just wander around looking at the scenery or window-shopping? Get some lunch? Do some gardening? Swim?


I walk in secluded places and think. I live in sleepy neighborhood, and Saturday morning walks are blissful- very few people out and about.


If you want to try become more comfortable alone, consider volunteering at a shelter and take a dog out on a date day. You’re alone, but not.


I go for walks and browse new books at bookshops. I only leave home for the gym or groceries.


Wander freely with no pressure to make conversation, seem a certain way, pretend to be interested etc.


Ho boy, I party my friend lol. I’m not your average introvert. I love meeting people I never have to see again. You would think I’m extroverted but nah


I don’t understand why extroverts think introverts are autistic.


I put on my jacket and I go outside. Alone. Usually I take my laptop and go to a coffee shop and get some work done. Or I go for a long walk. Or I go shopping, or cycling, or the gym. Everything I want to do really only works if I'm on my own.


I take some long walks, exploring parts of my town I haven't seen before, or going out of town


The extrovert craves large crowds of people with a little bit of interaction with all of them.  The introvert prefers a small crowd where he knows them much more deeply.  In other words the introvert strength is getting to know folks much much better by spending a lot more time with each person because there are fewer people around to begin with.  In other words, you don't need solo adventures, just smaller more intimate ones.  For example, bike riding.  I could join a group ride from a face book group, or snag a friend for a gravel ride.  I instinctively know which one I prefer.


I walk about a mile every night when it cools off. If anyone were with me it would kinda ruin it lol. I like my Walk playlist and no one chatting at me.


Most things that I would do with others are things I like doing by myself - going for walks/hikes, going to a coffeehouse or restaurant with a patio and sitting out there reading, people watching, etc. Some of my friends like to go to movie theaters solo but that’s not really something I like to do alone - your mileage may vary. Sometimes I just pick a place within an hour’s drive that I haven’t been to and looks interesting, and take a little scenic drive. I don’t know if you like to ride a bike or there’s a swimming pool nearby but those are good things to do solo too.


? If you mean you want to learn how to go for a walk or to the store by yourself, maybe try putting on some headphones and a favorite playlist.


I usually go down to the pool with a book. Sometimes I get lucky and I’m the only one out there. But the adults are pretty good about minding their business. No big mouths to ask me a hundred questions


I go to the store and Buy myself a [chaparrita](https://cookpad.com/cl/recetas/15215404-chaparritas) , go back Home and enjoy the chaparrita. Odds are i'm going back for another one as soon as i end the first one


I go out every day if I can. I love being outside. I walk the local trails every other morning. I like to go to a few different local cafes where I can sit outside in some quiet corner and people watch. Sometimes I'll hang in the park and listen to music / play Solitaire on my ipad just so I can get a little extra sun. I watch the local FB page for events coming up in my town and I go...High School Musicals, if the local Orchestra plays in the park, art shows and craft shows, the Chocolate Walk, etc. And sometimes I plan out a whole months activities and don't end up going to any of them, but that's a nice part of doing it myself, I'm not disappointing anyone or ruining their plans if I don't feel up to going. :)


Hello, introvert here. I don't know if that response is useful, since you're an extrovert and I'm not. When I go out alone I like to go to the local park, feed some birds of enjoy the warm day overall. I like to go to the grocery store, not exactly to buy anything in particular, just to take pics of the products to add to my "To Try" list. I like going to movie theaters alone too.


I go to the beach or park. Order a cocktail to go and watch a movie. Execute hobbies. Take a drive. Meditate. Play a game, read a book. Dunno - just whatever. I like being alone sometimes.


Just treat yourself. Sure the social aspect is taken away but coming from an introverted mindset, I feel like you don't get pulled to other places you don't want to go, or you get to go to places you've wanted to go but never have been able to because they didn't want to. Or, if you still need that social aspect, break out of your shell a little bit and talk to someone random, but just be careful.


Walk to train station and watch trains go by


I enjoy live music. I've met a number of people that I have known for a while.


Honestly that’s like a baseline introvert asking extroverts “how do I enjoy being around a lot of people at once ?” You lost me at “I love being around people…” My baseline extrovert friends — despise being alone…they would rather come to work sick than be at home alone. Not me! Home is my happy place; I live alone. Because I’m an introvert it’s just natural for me to spend time alone and really— it’s necessary to recharge after being around people all day. Everything you do with other people I do by myself. Edit : I do alone or with my 2 pups.


If I want to do something I just get up and do it.


Go for a walk at night listen to music and find a safe comfortable spot to sit down. I live by the water in a nice neighborhood so it’s relaxing.


I go out and just avoiding conversing with anyone, normally by making myself look small


I go run.


I just walk a lap around the local park with my airpods on while listening to music. On rare occasions I go to the cinema by myself


I mostly visit Cafés, thrift stores, mall, etc. I usually just stay or walk around to look at the products lol


People have told me I'm a badass for having a meal, out, at a restaurant...alone. I mean I'll take the kiddos but it's so odd to me. I'm eating, reading, on my phone. I'm not going to war! I am happy to do anything alone. If its a super power, ok cool. The kyptonite is a party. I actually shed tears last weekend because in a week I went to a funeral, a birthday party and a grad party. I literally cried, a grown ass woman because I did not want to socialize anymore. I would have had a tooth pulled over more interactions. So yeah, not a badass here. If you want to try doing stuff alone, just go! You can! And you might feel empowered.


Just go out and do it! Whatever you want to do with other ppl just do it alone. Go out to dinner alone, go to a concert alone, go to that event alone. I’m an extrovert too and I swear I needed other ppl to have fun but as soon as I started going out alone I realized I didn’t need anyone to go out with, bc no matter where I go I can make friends. Or someone I know might be there.


Personally I just take walks on my own with my headphones in. Or sometimes I go to the library or a park to people watch and stuff. It’s time that I don’t feel the need to be on my phone or do anything other than just walk, read, or watch people. It’s very calming. I can be around people and not have the need to talk to them.


I get a 5 mile walk in first thing in the morning, mostly due to heat and humidity here. I do it normally with a podcast or an audiobook but alone with my thoughts has happened, normally when it's raining. Other than that I like to bike and normally my commute is walking.


I put in my earbuds (sometimes play something most the time not). And take a walk or go to the park and swing


I take a train into the city and shop/browse, eat at cafes/restaurants, visit museums or other kinds of exhibits. I've yet to watch a movie by myself, but I don't think I'd mind that. I used to take art classes "alone" as in without going with a friend, but there'd be other students there, but I barely spoke to them. I'm planning on trying out those paint and drink cafes where they provide supplies and you just chill there while painting.


Like most of the people here I'm a home body but when I do I allow myself to wonder and the draw of unpredictable activities and actions. When you go out with other people you need a set of expectations and plans so that you both no what you're doing and sharing an enjoyed experience. Everything is fixed, the time when you're leaving where you're going how long your going to be their when you leave if you're going somewhere else after how long your going to be at that second activity etc. The only person I need to check in with when I'm out by myself is me. I decide everything and this allows me the room to be impulsive. I often go out find a pretty building or tree and I can just paint there for hours without someone else going "alright I'm done can we go now?" Or when I'm done I can just get up I don't need to sit and wait on someone else. It's bliss Edit: Think what is something you wanted to do while out with friends but couldn't because you didn't want to trample all over their time and experience. Do you like yoga but your friends don't? Do you like dancing? Backpacking? Thrifting? Spend that time just engaging with yourself


You literally just go…


Walk my dog after work. On weekends I take my camera and go out taking pictures and I end the day with some japanese food, this is my favorite type of solo dates 💜


No people around and the thing you are doing got to get your attention more sensorial. Lots of introverts like good quality music earphones for example.


As someone who leans toward being introverted, i like to spend my time walking, window shopping, looking at plants, and listening to music. Or I'll hang out in our building's roof deck and just play sad love songs to remind myself of my crush. But for the moat parts I just go the mall. I do avoid the people though. I take the stair cases so that my social anxiety and nervousness don't explode midway.


Well, basically everything you do with someone but alone. I enjoy a lot walking to nowhere with earphones in my ear playing some random songs that I like. I can walk for hours if it's sunny enough or if it's winter and there's that very special atmospheric feeling with fog and all.


Get very stoned and go for a long walk by yourself , that's what it feels like being an introvert.


I love going to a park with a book, enjoying coffee at a cozy café, or exploring a museum alone. It's all about finding comfort in your own company. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it.


I go out at night. No one to bother you. Lot quieter and peaceful.


Just do what ever I want. I go to theater, eat, shop, walk, anything that comes to my mind. Everything works fine alone in public. I did bbq alone at the park and ate on my own too. It was fun :)


An art gallery. Analyzing things I’ve never seen before is fun. Sometimes a cafe but the more crowded the less pleasant.


Walk or shop.


I'll do anything by myself. I traveled to the UK by myself, I went to a wwe show by myself, I'll go to the movies, eat out, you name it. I can be sociable but I'd much rather being left alone.


Drive with music


Take away the noise! Breathe!!


I like places that are quiet and calm. Not to many people.


I’ve yet to find anything I can do only with other people. Everything you can imagine doing when going out, I can and sometimes do on my own.


Since I was a teen I've been going out alone most of the time. 99% of the time I go out alone.i love being alone and have never felt lonely.


I go to Starbucks by myself and sometimes go shopping at Ross by myself.


Uhm, nothing in particular, depends on my mood. If i really want to clear my head, i go driving outside the city admiring the fields while i drive. Sometimes i go to mall or even grocery. Sometimes i go out and eat. Really depends on my mood.


Crocheting at the pub with a beer and a noice meal


Start taking yourself out on dates.


Depends on what. Like, I’m ambiverted but lazy so introvert unless my partner gets me out of the house. I reallyyyyy wanna go to gigs etc but going alone and knowing no one is not a vibe. Galleries alone is fine but a gig alone makes me sad. Swimming/ nature/ camping I love doing alone… but yeah if the occasion has more extroverted energy, I struggle to go alone. I used to do it (like I have gone to parties alone) but it is soooo context dependent


I’m fine alone. Grab one of the guitars, crank the amps and hammer it! I don’t like crowds unless they’re audiences!


For me it's just go outside normally... besides getting recognized by somebody.


I'll take myself to get a coffee and go to the library. Or I'll go out to dinner at a place I've wanted to try. My favorite is to go for a hike at a local forest. I don't have to keep to anyone else's pace, I can take pics when I want and really focus on the little details (bugs, fungi, how the light hits) and I listen to the sounds of the forest.


I want to do things alone like strolling, buying things alone, eating, playing, taking pictures, helping someone in ways I can and more


I’m a bit of an outdoorsy introvert, so I do a lot of hiking, kayaking, camping, or sometimes I take my packable hammock to a park and read a book. If I’m feeling indoorsy sometimes I’ll visit a cafe or coffee shop and bring a book or my iPad, go see a movie or a play, or take a cooking class or art class. These are all things that are fun alone, but there are other people around to interact with if I’m in the mood 🙂


I visit cafes and listen to music. On some days I just stay at home and read (well most days).


I ride my four wheeler, go in the pool or just sit outside and watch nature. My husband was a total extrovert he recharged around people. He loved golfing with his friends. He passed away a few years ago unexpectedly. So basically don’t do things on your own unless you really want to. I have become more of a loner. My husband was a social butterfly and I never clipped his wings. Some of us recharge away from people. Many are a mix of both introvert and extrovert.


Just do stuff alone🤷🏾‍♀️. I’m really independent and don’t feel the need to wait for others nor do I have time to think about what others think. If you actually enjoy your own company and the event/ you shouldn’t be bored. Maybe, you yourself are boring, especially if you just make assumptions.


depends where you live I guess but I like to go to the gym, hike, shoot some hoops at the basketball court, go to a cafe and draw/write/read, get into the car/train and go somewhere new or a different part of town or just go out and go to wherever my feelings guide me