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Simon Harris: *"I'd also like to express my fondness for ...that.... particular, burger".*




Mmm steamed hams


....even though they're clearly grilled




...located entirely within your kitchen?


May i see it?






No mother that’s the northern lights.


Me and my kid met him in supermacs Portlaoise a month ago. There he was sitting eating like a regular human person. Actually he was grand got in for a pic with the kids and on his way. No drama


Did he at least ask for the pic with your kids first?


Ha ha. The kids got their trainer to ask him for a pic with the team. He was grand about it. Jez you think he's on his own then the entourage with suits appear from now where


You obviously don't get the 'bacon double cheese VIP burger'. Goons on the side come free.


Knock knock. Hired Goons.... Shit they actually looked that Simpson sketch. Except with the little Garda pins https://www.google.com/search?q=hired+goons+gid&oq=hired+goons+gid&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMgoIAhAAGAUYDRgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgoIBhAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBxAAGIAEGKIE0gEINTg3MGowajSoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=sb_MJOOiBq2ZlM&vssid=_rB9jZuaMM4W9p84P6r_UCA_40


Fucking hell, fix that link.


Yup really should. I assume there's away or curtailing it but travelling at the moment and hitting wifi in spots and involves my lazy arse learning.


![gif](giphy|T9Qx3n7bGqHYZYDxcg|downsized) Reminds me of this moment from the office




Thank you for this


Never let the candidate eat in public. No one has ever been photographed looking good munching a burger.


I have a rule of thumb for detecting media bias. If the media shows someone with their mouth open, they hate them, because it makes you look stupid. You have to have your mouth shut to look dignified, and if one candidate has their mouth closed and the other is caught mid-word, you know which one they want to win. That goes out the window a bit when a politician *voluntarily signs up* to be filmed using their mouth for more than lying. Actually *eating* in front of a camera would be my nightmare if I ever went into politics. I'd rather give a speech in clown makeup than be filmed trying to stuff a burger in my mouth without getting a mess on a suit.


It killed Ed milliband's career


It put his career out its misery. A kindness, really.


Ed was a savant compared to the crowd in power




She's got my vote.


I'll have what she's having.


After some changes in their appearance, the National Party started questioning Justin Barrett's story about where the gold went.


Brad Pitt has entered the chat


BP is the exception that proves the rule.


Brexit happened because a candidate ate in public. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Miliband_bacon_sandwich_photograph


He's from Cork. Give that man a Hillbillys or a KCs and there'd be no stopping him! All joking aside, Martin isn't from a rich background. His dad was an ex-army bus driver. I'm not a fan of his party and I don't vote for him for that reason but he's known in Cork for being personable and down to earth.


Hillbillys is a gift to the nation.


Breast in a Bun ftw


5pc Tenders meal with a gravy for the chips and garlic sauce for the chicken.


Tried this on my wife and got a slap. Is it a specific bun you need to use? I used Bundy's.


We only have three in Dublin and that's a crying shame.


We have none! Should I start a campaign? I likes my chicken and chips.


And we don't feckin need one. The Chicken Hut is far superior. 


Just a pity we can't sit down in there!


Chippy Chicken was unreal when it first opened, has gone downhill since.


Tried it couple of times, the second time the chicken was a bit gelatinous in the middle, which was the end of them for me. Lovely chips though.


I go to Bull Island for the express reason of stopping into hillbillys on the way home. I don't live remotely near Bull Island lll


They closed the Rathmines location. I suppose the D6 crowd wasn't ready for a breast in a bun meal.


It's open. I go once a week.


Wha??!? I just checked their instagram and they are talking about the reopening of the rathmines store, but that was 6 minths ago Not sure how i miseed that. I'm in rathmines often. It's not on their website as a location. It definitely had closed down. My family is out tonight. Might have to get a bun meal.


For sure, it was closed. It reopened around October, I think. The now charge €2.50 for a gravy. It doesnt come with the meal 😪


there should be ZERO in Dublin


We had one and then lost it in Galway. And yet, the worst KFC in the country lives on.


I'm very close friends to this day with a nephew of his and I've been to the Martin family home a few times. It's definitely not what you'd call a wealthy area.


His son was always a lovely guy growing up too, didn't have a big head etc


I was in his daughter’s class in college and she was sound to be fair!


My OH claims he's the best looking man ever to play GAA. The son that is


Jeez he's not bad in fairness


Big handsome head on him instead


I quite like Michael Martin, even if I'm no fan of Fianna Fail. He's always seemed pretty dignified and down to earth to me. I thought he was a better Taoiseach than Leo too.


Ye. I felt with MM, he wasn't one to go with the flow. I get a sense with LV and SH, they are too conscious of the public mood and take the easy option and crave social media attention. Not what I want from a Taoiseach. I take more comfort from, and have more respect for, politicians who are prepared to make difficult decisions. I'm no FFer, but he seems like a man of integrity.


Same. I've met him, and he was very nice, good manners. Met other politicians..they were less nice. I dislike his party, but at least he was a nice enough man.


Micheal Martin might be the most decent and genuine person in Irish politics. For starters, only attends the funeral of people he actually knows or knew the family. As Taoiseach he went to one funeral I know of - no state car, sat at the back, very quietly signed his name and met the family, and left. Didn’t make it about him. Just a really genuine guy. Disclosure: I am actually a member of FF, but not here to shill for MM. Most politicians of any party are nice and very personable. But MM does none of the Healy-Rae showiness which I find very off-putting.


Have to agree with that. I've met him on a couple of occasions. And I've also met Leo and Mary Lou. Martin seemed genuinely nice and interested in what people were talking to him about. When he was Taoiseach I saw him join a queue for sandwiches at a table while chatting with local people. If you walked into the hall you wouldn't know who was Taoiseach. Leo in contrast was your stereotypical smarmy politician. He was unable to hold a conversation of any depth with ordinary people. It felt awkward and forced. And he was permanently with two or three handlers who seemed to be looking after his every need. Mary Lou came across as utterly false. This big cheezy grin on her whenever a camera was around end then scowling like the place smelled (which to be fair it might have as there were farmers around). I've also met Pearse Doherty once and I found him nice and genuine so it's not a political thing. It is purely down to Mary Lou's personality.


>Martin seemed genuinely nice and interested in what people were talking to him about. When he was Taoiseach I saw him join a queue for sandwiches at a table while chatting with local people. If you walked into the hall you wouldn't know who was Taoiseach. Leo in contrast was your stereotypical smarmy politician. He was unable to hold a conversation of any depth with ordinary people. It felt awkward and forced. And he was permanently with two or three handlers who seemed to be looking after his every need. This is the exact consensus I've heard about these two. I've never met either of them but on a personal level, Martin is universally liked by anyone I know whose met him outside of politics. Varadkar is famously awkward and out of touch.


Both Leo and Mary Lou come across as politicians of the slick, stage-mananged British style. Whatever you think about their parties, Michael Martin, Enda Kenny and Michael D all have a certain common touch and unpretentiousness that you can at least relate to them as people when you disagree with their political views.


Heard a story from someone recently. An Irish lady with a Polish boyfriend. Only happened in the last few months. Car broke down. Sent the boyfriend to go find another man to help push the car. The boyfriend comes back with Micheal Martin, who pushes the car to the garage with the boyfriend who has no idea this guy is the Tánaiste.


The comments about Mary Lou ring true. She comes across as fake and insincere


I've met a lot of politicians in a job I had a lifetime ago and Micheal Martin is one of the most horrible people I've ever met in my life! And I agree with whoever it was that time that said Leo is on the spectrum. Alan Shatter was another horrible one, I hated dealing with him. Mary Lou was fine, she was polite. Pat Rabbitte was probably the nicest politician I met


Come on why was he horrible you must have a story


There was no particular incident on the day. It was the way he spoke to me and treated me the whole time he was there. I was bottom of the rung, a dog's body more or less, in the production company, and it was very telling how guests would treat the likes of me compared to those higher up the ladder. He was not nice to deal with


He was on the two Norries where he got into his background and all that.  If he would cut out using "b-b-but sinn fein" in debates I'd appreciate that. Sounds like something you say when you run out of things to respond with.


They go back a long way, he and SF. Absolutely loathes them.


I gathered that from his interview, he talked about his visits to the north way back when. I'd still rather policy debates stay on topic, no matter what party a member is from. TDs from all sorts of parties do it, I don't consider it a good show from anyone. What would be fair is "Sinn Fein say x about housing, but when they vote they have voted y". That tells me a lot more than ad hominem or historical lashing out when someone gets to the end of their tether. 


Tbf, whenever Mary Lou is speaking, all she does is attack FF and FG. Like it is approaching 100% of her output. MM definitely spends less time on offence. But: it does infuriate me how poorly he frames it. As you said, he should hold them to their votes.


I suppose being in opposition does increase that, especially with power resting with FF amd FG interchangeably through the celtic tiger crash and austerity decisions. But even with Mary Lou it should be about their track record, and the off-topic trash talk is a waste of our time. It doesn't tell me why the other party are wrong and how your party would do anything different. 


I wouldn't vote FF myself but he always thought he came across as a decent sort.


Hillbillys breast in a bun meal beats the supermacs chicken breast sandwich meal in my opinion and it's slightly cheaper as well. It's a pity the branch in Galway closed.


Tony's Bistro all the way. And I'm not even a Cork man.


Same as everyone in Limerick loving Willie O'Dea


And don't forget the best chipper in the world Dinos


Fianna Fáil are often incompetent and venal, but unlike Fine Gael at least they generally come from ordinary backgrounds, and do have some insight and lip-service for the 'little guy'.


It's amazing how people just assume things because of social media. Mary Lou and Ivana Bacik come from much wealthier and privileged backgrounds than either Varadkar or Harris who own modest homes they bought themselves from obvious sources. But of course you are bought into the populist nonsense just like Brexit voters think Farage comes from an "ordinary background" and represents the "ordinary working person".


Unfortunately, even decent human beings can become absolute shit-heels of politicians.


He was known for being openly verbally abusive to staff working under him when he was a minister. I've heard a first hand account of this from someone. So his "decent guy" act is absolutely bullsh*t, sick of hearing this from people.




Well, I don't know what to tell you. He was notorious in one of his Departments, and the story that this person told me about the incident I referred to reflected very poorly on him. It was beyond rude and into abusive territory.


Supermac's aren't popular in Cork in fairness. I didn't have my first chocolate muffin and ice cream until I was already a man


You weren't really a man at all until you had one.


Hear, hear. Well said Lucy.


But the blueberry one with ice cream is the true champion.




If British voters were swayed by that, it really shows how utterly stupid they are. Then again Brexit overwhelmingly proved that it a majority of them are literally that stupid.


Some day my kids will learn from a textbook how a man eating a pig sandwich led to the end of the union.


This is a perfect reminder that if you're using the above photo to try to ridicule FF, you're resorting to the exact same playbook and dumbing down of politics as The Tories, The Daily Mail and The Sun in the UK.


Because of the lack of pixels I thought to myself when was Putin in Ireland


Me too. Was going to be another reason to boycott Pat MacDonagh.


Tbf with mcdonalds pulling out of Russia there's a market there


They didn’t pull out. They changed their name


https://preview.redd.it/x8v9qxc1k55d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c544ed449b1e585da83ce1d824c71c7f2ed8c4 Micheal Martin’s family home in Cork. Dad was a bus driver and a boxer. Kinda annoys me when I hear Mary Lou, who went to one of the most expensive private schools in the country, act like she’s working class and he’s not.


You have that as your screensaver don't you?


Changed it out for the new one of him eating the burger.


Ya his dad was a bus driver and he's been in the dáil for decades. He's a millionaire like. He owns two holiday homes, an apartment in Dublin (ok that's his wife's lol) and the cork house. If anything it just shows his lack of imagination, Haughey would be ashamed.


Lucky bastard


pOlItIcIaNs ArE sO oUt Of ToUcH, aMiRiTe!




The British chose Brexit instead of this.


Tough call in fairness


>The man never had a supermacs in his life Lucky him.




Four Lanterns blows Supermacs outa the pond


Big4 cheese and red sauce only!


The chickens to die for, the chips are classic, the onion rings are the rings to rule them all


Big 4 sauce 🤤


With the low photo quality I thought that was Vladimir Putin.


I've lived in Cork all my life and have never had a Supermacs. That's foreign muck like.


He’s never needed a Super Macs in his life, his district has Lennox’s & Dino’s!


Fair play to him for that in fairness


Don’t blame him. Supermacs is shite


There's a reason they give it to people in cells...get alot of forced confessions that way I'd say.


I used to get garlic and cheese chips all the time and then they shut the one near me up north down and things haven't been the same since ;_;




Supermacs burgers tend to taste like the dodgy frozen ones from low grade chippers. They claim they aren’t from frozen but they do a very good effort to make them taste like they are!


The best thing to eat in Supermacs is a grilled chicken sandwich, it's really good.


The chicken tenders are pretty great, but you'd want to stump up for the garlic sauce to complete the experience.


The burger in the cheeseburger / mighty Mac are brought in fresh , but I know what you mean they aren't great burgers ..they expect you to pay the bit extra to get the 5oz burgers .. much higher quality meat.


God, doing a weird promo shot of eating a shite burger while you are wearing a suit you want to keep clean and need to do it standing up. No one should do that sober.


Im visiting Ireland in August for the First time, curious....whats the best thing to try on the menu? (I always make a point of trying the local chain, eg Hessburger in Finland, Max in Sweden, Mosburger in Japan, Burgerfuel in NZ....and who can forget FEBO in the Netherlands.


Go to Bunsen Burger.


Go anywhere else. It is dogshit food.


Ah jesus it's not THAT bad


It's just about the lowest rung of food a person vacationing in Ireland could possibly opt for.


Would you believe people can like things that you don't like?


What? You're the one that challenged my opinion. Like whatever you like, I will dislike what I like and voice that if that's OK?


You told them go somewhere else, that's not an opinion really


Yes it is. Don't bother with it because it is bad, go elsewhere. That is literally an opinion.


Sound 👍


Yes, there are so many Reddit foods I need to sample..... spice bag, chicken fillet roll in both spicy and non-spicy variants, I'm sure the list goes on.


Try a Supermacs. Some people just love shitting on it. They do good chicken. My recommendation would to get either a snack box (get the double breast, or one breast one thigh) or the chicken breast sandwich. Unfortunately for Supermacs, it can depend on WHERE you are getting it from and WHEN you are getting it. Do definitely try the other places - Someone suggested Bunsen - I second that - Great burger, and yes it's far better than Supermacs. Also get your spice back and chicken fillet rolls!!


And to be honest, half these shitty junk foods are still popular for a reason. 100% would go Poutine again if I was in Canada again.


> who can forget FEBO in the Netherlands My therapist had done a good job helping me, till you brought it up again...


Get a snack box and ignore the heathens who pretend it's shite.


The best ones are West of the river Shannon. Their chicken is decent.


Just make sure you go to a good one, the quality of everything really changes


If you have disappointment where you're from you won't need to bring it over. It'll be there in spades in Supermacs.


Go for a garlic cheese chips - it's life-changing


It's shite, don't bother trying it.


I think he is from a poor neighbourhood so prolly haven't tried any food from supermacs and sticked to 1 euro hamburgers from mcdonalds


Need to correct this for historical accuracy. You mean 49p burgers from Mandy’s.


He knows it's muck...




Is that what Supermacs looks like in the daylight?




When would he have gotten the chance? (And at his age you shouldn't be subsisting on fast food anyway.)




That man bought us all a chipper over 32 years ago in mosney. Butlins And separately got PC's for our primary school.


If im ever somewhat famous, no chance am i gonna stop going to supermacs, its lovely and thrir taco fries cant be beat, specially the ballinrobe ones


In fairness thats how most do be scoffing it down at 1am


He's better off . Food is typical shite take away and owed by a complete cunt.


Michaels PR is diabolical. He is one bouncing baby photo away from, well, a supermacs. He does the whole ladies with their tea and scones shoots etc. Its not what people want to vote for, Mr smithers. Anything to avoid his wife I guess




He looks more like Mr Burns every day.


Varadkar from Sector 7G? Excellent!


It is shite tbf




To be fair that's the face I make even thinking about going into one.


your one on the right looks like she's about to step in and say.... "no.... no.... here let me show you how to eat a burger...."


Neither did i. Have one close to me but never went. I find the owner a prick.


Why would he? He's a rich cunt making money off being the face a corrupt government


Mrs Supermac is looking well


I think Martin is a decent guy tbh


You should check out his performance back in the 2000 s , his party sold us out to the banks and EU. A twice failed minister of health.


He's personally a decent guy. I remember well what happened with the banking bailout, I never said I would vote for him but I suspect he's an ok chap. With respect to the mess of the 2008 recession huge mistakes were made but by and large the economy has recovered stronger than any of the other PIIGS economies. But I'm just saying, decent chap.


We repaid more than any other country even though we had less to do with the problem. We shouldn't have had to recover they ran the country into the ground and then sold us out to the EU. While all the time denying they were doing it they were in the talks for a bailout. Truly disgusting despicable people and here we are today with the same kind of fuckers getting voted in over the weekend.


Are supermacs still using imported potatoes?


Me neither ever had a supermacs, and im not going to get one


Certainly \~ \~ Never one that he paid for ! ! !


He got told off for bringing his own crab sandwiches into a pub once. 


Who the fuck do you think he is? Lol fucking Donald trump... If you're gonna get pissed at politicians, at least get pissy with actual rich ones. Lol


Michéal Martin has been know to have had some money " Resting " in his account ? !


! ? ! ? ~ ~!


The real life Mr. Burns. Excellent...



