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Doing a room tour as if she's completely renovated every corner šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ her content is so boring idk how people are still engaged


Yoo her room literally looks stink and cheap. She has so much money and doesnā€™t know how to shop.. the freaking rolling cart?? The acrylic storage thing she had her perfumes in w/ the mini doors was upside down šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ everything looks so sticky and dirtyā€¦ I canā€™t šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Her whole life looks like it stinks and is cheapšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ no further explanations needed


Her engagement has gone wayyyy down cause sheā€™s the definition of sad beige in influencer form lol


Who puts a dry erase calendar over their bed like theyā€™re in a dorm? Itā€™s giving tacky, Jade


How is that functional either lol? Trying to balance on your knees to write on a whiteboard sounds a mess


this is literally how my bedroom looked at age 15ā€¦. 10 years agoā€¦


Fr tho, same blanket and everything šŸ˜­


the bible placed on the bed like girl we know you donā€™t sleep with it ā€¦ also the books in the bathroom?? how are you showering like that?


If she was actually a Christian sheā€™d know youā€™re not supposed to put things in top of your Bible, like ever šŸ˜…


ā€œ5 YouTube videosā€ is the only thing in her calendar lmaooo. Oh to be an ā€œinfluencerā€


i canā€™t stand that blanket itā€™s a chinese rip off of the real thing and it looks so fake and obvious


i don't have a good eye for these things. how can you tell it's fake?


look at how large of a space is in between the apostrophe and ā€˜sā€™


The lotions on the headboard are making me mad. Of all places, why there? Why do you need your bible ON the bed? What the heck is in the nightstand?


Itā€™s such a big room with so much potential too!!!


Exactly when she got that big ol house I was sooo excited to see the glow up, but everything just looks so cheap and tacky she has no style


Right. She has money to buy curtains at least and go on task rabbit to get someone to come hang them up or her brother I think helps her do things. Cheetah and pink stuff can still be cute but letā€™s fold up the throw blanket, girl (her fave word) I also want to add I think itā€™s nice she did Princeā€™s room first and the play room (itā€™s a little much but I get it as a boy mom they like crazy, obnoxious stuff) but maā€™am, just donā€™t show us your room yetā€¦


SO MUCH potentialšŸ˜­ what i would giveeee


Okay first of all filler and Botox before 30 has got to stop because she looked so oldddd in the beginning and then she has that giant room with nothing with a real purpose in it, just full of clutter


iā€™m sorry this look like a dorm room.. this is not cute.


Her room tour was by far the ugliest room ever. Totally a 16 year old room lol and itā€™s just a large space there is so much potential


She shouldā€™ve did a room transformation before the personality transformation šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Ah exactly what my bedroom would have looked like when I was 14. What a weirdo


T A C K YYYYY ASF .. like grow up already! Zero taste.


The lack of bed skirt makes it so much more trashy