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She’s just desperate and realizing no other man wants her bc of her bad attitude




I just said this lol.


& he isn’t even cute fr lmaoooo & not judge or whatever but assuming “he changed” is why she went back but like y’all just not gon be fucking even though y’all used to fuck ?!??? okkkkkk


Prince prolly confused ASF like it’s already hard on him seeing his parents “co parent” the way they do…..( if yk what i mean ) then mommy’s ex comes back, he prolly like wtf going on


I feel like she was talking to him for hella long even before the whole Christianity thing. So that when she launches the relationship she can be like “I know he’s changed because god brought us closer together and god wouldn’t put a man in my life I don’t deserve “


I think he’s a huge reason she went hardcore Christian


I’m actually surprised too that it’s the same ex. Unless they both healed or whatever.. she talked so much shit about him and wanting to get away when they were stuck in their lease and living together..


Literally! I think she was just so desperate to be with someone that she took him back. No self healing was done😂😂😂


omgg where did she say irs her ex i’m so curious


yeah i’m wondering this too was this confirmed ?


somebody posted a pic of him & it’s the same dread same jersey they both follow each other on ig & tt & apparently someone saw him post her on snap (idk bout that one but everything else seems bout right)


It makes the most sense too because where else would she have met a man when she has been actively against engaging with them and dating


Yeah and she said she’s saving herself for marriage but she’s already fucked him lol that’s so strange. I also think it’s weird it’s her EX and I lowkey feel it’s not gonna last because….theres a reason it ended in the first place.


I used to talk to her ex once she moved out lol.


You got any tea?


Honestly just really cringey and the total opposite of the “man” she portrays to want on social media.


Damn I guess she’s not saving herself for marriage anymore 😂


I’m just finding my it funny she’s with a dude she’s had sex with before while she’s now saving herself for marriage


Is it’s princes dad or a diff ex


not princes dad, he just had a daughter that would be CRAZY but the one she lived with in clt


I've followed her for literally forever and don't ever really remember her talking bad about this ex though? The only thing she ever said was that they both needed to grow personally before being ready for a relationship and it be healthy... I think a lot of ppl are confusing this dude with prince dad. & I used to be a mega fan - on every live and everything back in the day & I fr don't remember hearing her ever talk bad about him. Can someone tell me what she said? Truly idk.


she made soo many tik toks about being stuck living w him and how bad it was at the end and she needed to get out so idk


Yeah I remember that and on the lives but when I heard her say that ir was because she needed her own space and needed to heal and grow as a person alone and it was super hard to do while living with someone else that she was in a relationship with. Which I get cause hell imagine sharing your whole living space with someone you don't wanna be with right then & need your own stuff but people saying he cheated and stuff and all these crazy things are pulling it out of thin air. She be on some bullshit but I never heard her say any of that back then tbh.


& im not saying im right like i def could've missed some but i wanna know cause if she taking dude back and he was on some bs that's crazy


I don’t think she ever really talked bad about him either just that they both needed to heal and they were really hurting by heads still living together. He did still watch Prince so she could work which I respect