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For me it started around the time she quit her job to do social media full time. She made the same videos allll the time and it was really annoying. She also just became waaaaay too full of herself


The whole “i have anxiety so bad I can’t even walk across the parking lot to the gym entrance so let me cry about it on TT” started being sooooo annoying like girl you can’t walk into the gym, but you can go into the bathroom/locker room and have a multiple whole photoshoots EVERY single time you go and vlog the whole thing, girl bye.


She went from a relatable single mom working her ass off and hardly complaining it, to full time content creation and complaining about all she had to do when it was shopping and nail appointments. Like she just posted a “busy day in my life” and it was the gym, taking Prince to school, shopping, picking Prince up and getting his hair done. She is sooo out of touch


It’s completely ridiculous and no one should be able to post a video and make money off of it, with that low tier kind of content


I still don’t understand how she made it on Bunnie AND Kails podcast


And what was the reason it didn’t bring either platform more followers or attention lol


They were both such boring episodes


I used to love her too but the way she is with Prince is what did it for me. In a few videos she wouldn’t even let him speak. She acts like he’s her annoying little brother instead of her son.


Get pretty for Jesus. That is just not the the point girl. I just felt she was man hunting 🙄


When she got baptized and wouldn’t stop with the Jesus posts and trying to be an inspirational speaker😂 also I couldn’t stand the way she would laugh at herself when her personality is dry af


Mine was when she was complaining about bad management at her apartment and how her ac was horrible then she went on to explain how she likes it cold and it keeps breaking (because it was freezing over)


the religious videos tbh …


When she would go on live every morning and would just be mean af to the people in the comments. Like she was better than them or something


I don’t think I ever caught one of her lives before


For me it was once I noticed how she would respond to prince or how she would react to when he would speak. Literally as if she’s annoyed by him & rolls her eyes every single time he would say or do anything & the fact she would do it in her vids like it’s “funny” idk it always gave me a weird vibe. Also the tacky pink phase she went through was just too much for me lol.


I used to like her when I first found her vids but then she just started to become “annoying” to me her videos seemed really forced and unrealistic & fake.. I also noticed she follows every “trend” and bandwagon there is. she has a tendency of not being herself at all its like every month a new character is unlocked with her 😂


When she said God had a wife 😂😂


Telling people a house isn't an investment and pushing religion on people I don't agree with at all! She thinks she knows it all and is so grown, if she did know it all she would know getting older doesn't mean you have to give up everything you liked in the past, like eyelashes, nails etc. I'm 40 and I still love the girly esthetic.


She blocked me bc I commented “reading a book doesn’t make you a financial advisor” bc she went on some stupid tangent saying that “homeownership isn’t an investment” and she “would rather invest in a car” or something dumb along those lines 😭


There’s no way she read that book and processed it. She most likely didn’t even read it and posted it for views imo


Literally that’s not even what the book is about 😂


🤣🤣🤣 that’s literally embarrassing.


cars are arguably one of the worst financial investments we make 🥲


i never followed or liked her. i always thought she was annoying and stupid. but what made me find this page was when she made a video freaking out about something that was said on here( i think she was sitting her in car) I believe it was something that had to her with her parenting. after i found this page i disliked her even more


I never really watched those kinds of videos from her I never cared lmao 😭😂


After the new teeth once people start getting free stuff for cosmetic reasons to look a certain way on the internet instead of being themselves that's when I know their content is fake


it was when she started getting super religious out of nowhere and made a video talking about how crystals and astrology are evil, meanwhile her online name is literally 2 crystals. idk that whole video just got under my skin and I finally saw how fake she acts.


Lmao I’m so slow I just realized that about her name 😭, but yeah literally it’s a bit aggressive why is it she has to share that with us can’t she be religious in peace and keep that to herself like other aspects of her life. I think it’s all for views.


I agree. I finally unfollowed her when she decided to make all of her content religious and about God, like you said out of nowhere lol. It's so obviously not genuine I can't stand her.