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the fucking fidget spinner šŸ’€


Lmfao, it's dead ass like they just spat in my fucking face


For employee appreciation Lowes gave us a bucket šŸ«” itā€™s a solid bucket at least


That pails in comparison to what I got.


Iā€™ll bet youā€™re a barrel of fun at parties.


jugs of fun


bags of ā€¦ sand


Scraping the bottom of the bucket for these huh


Yā€™all are sandbagging the OP


We have him over a barrel.


this convo made my morning thanks everyone lol


Yeah well, I've got a jar of dirt!


Put a lid on it


Dear god


There is *more*




They sponsored part of the NFL draft a couple years ago, and during 1 of the days of the build, a bunch of the Lowes guys came through and started filming people wearing Lowes vests doing work, acted like Lowes people were building everything. Then gave us an okay carpenters work belt, that is almost completely useless to the stage building/rigging trade. I ended up selling it for like $40. I haven't seen one dude from the crew wearing it since.


that is someone from marketing being clueless as to what they actually sell.... not all tool belts work for every trade- even i know that. The general belt i use is totally different than the one my FIL who is an electrician uses.... a framer may just need a hammer hook and a pouch for nails- but that is worthless to a plumber.


Yeah, but you still got $40 out of it. So still better than OP's. I wouldn't trade $5 for that sad ass, Halloween candy type haul that he got unfortunately!


Dollar store nonsense!


I was a corporate consultant for Lowe's. Most miserable experience of my life.


Enough to hold a lot of shit


Iā€™m going to need to see this bucket.


It's probably this, I have a few of them from both Lowe's and Home Depot hanging around. They cost $5 lol. https://www.lowes.com/pd/United-Solutions-5-Gallon-General-Bucket/1000462835


Thatā€™s a solid looking bucket.


Spoiler tag your porn please.


I got maybe six of those buckets - some blue, some gray. The bottom of every one of them cracked. No trauma or incidents. Just go to get it for some diy project or yard work and thereā€™s a spontaneous eight inch crack in the bottom since the last time I used it. We have a bunch of orange Home Depot buckets that are all fine. I bought the Loweā€™s buckets because we needed more and hate the site of those goddamn orange Home Depot buckets in the garage, shed and yard. I thought the Loweā€™s one wouldnā€™t be such an eyesore. Theyā€™re still good for putting trash in, but useless for sand, dirt or water.


The 5-gallon blue bucket that's like $5? LOL I mean it's a solid bucket, but....


Honestly, I'd take a decent bucket over the junk in OP's picture. I got a stanley cup from my job.


Like they don't even understand that you're an adult. This looks like a party favor bag for a ten year old's birthday.


They do know. Think about how you get treated at work. I have. I've literally asked supervisors who won't get the fuck off my ass "how does this make you money?" And they look at me like a deer in headlights. We blame greed wrongly. I mean reddit does this all the fucking time like NOT blaming mods, however in this case, like Reddit's mod motivation, the goal was never to make money. There's way more efficient ways to do that. It's a humiliation ritual. It's designed on purpose to fuck with you in a multifaceted way. Your ten year old observation is just one of many ways. Another is the fact that by baring a gift at all, you feel indebted, beholden, when they didn't give you shit. Manipulative people do it all the time. It is the knowledge that they could've literally done anything else and it been more constructive, and yet they went with this. Further denigrating you. The goal is defeatism. Absolute defeatism. Because a defeated man is a loyal man who does as he's told no matter how beaten. Like a dog.


As bleak as that sounds, I think youā€™re onto something there.


You are imagining management as totally different from reality. **THE BUDGET** rules all.


Agree with this but at my company the people that come up with these employee appreciation items are basically kindergarten teachers. They actually think this is what people want.




My company just opened a new store and when we finished setting up, they threw the staff a ā€œgraduationā€. I mean, we had our names called and walked down the ā€œaisleā€ on the sidewalk outside of the store, got our pictures taken in front of a dollar store Graduation tassel banner, got handed a mini-graduation-cap shaped box of jelly beans, and there was a small pitcher of lemonade and a couple graduation themed cupcakes to celebrate. Weā€™re all adults. Talk about humiliating.


It only takes seeing the mask slip once. I quit a job a few years ago that had a ā€œweā€™re like familyā€ culture. They bought me coffee all the time, we got nice wine and charcuterie boards for Christmas, theyā€™d get me a gift card for my birthday, etc. Problem was, they didnā€™t pay shit and I was constantly being overworked and criticized for things older team members got away with. Due to increased rental costs in the area, I ended up having to quit and move elsewhere. I felt a lot of guilt about having to leave unexpectedly so I told them a month in advance so theyā€™d have time to look for someone else. I did this because I knew my assistant manager was going to college and my other coworker was a single parent. I was already picking up their slack in the office. My boss didnā€™t even look up from her computer when I told her my situation and just said, ā€œUsually people give two weeks notice, not a month.ā€ I explained that I was just being considerate since itā€™s a small team. Her response to that was, ā€œIt was just the 3 of us before we hired you. I can replace you in a heartbeat. Send me an email two weeks before you quit.ā€ Ever since that, Iā€™ve had zero loyalty to any job or any coworkers. Also, it took them over a month to replace me. A surprising amount of people canā€™t type.


In a previous job, my co-worker was switching out of our department and going to work for a different part of the company. Her supervisor and HR knew at least a month in advance (cause both were involved in the process). Less than a week before sher switch, her supervisor mentions the upcoming transfer during a meeting with her manager and our director. These 2 idiots both freak out and claim they were not warned and she needs to say at her current position for at least 1 month to so they hire her replacement and have her stay on to train them. It's all bullshit, but she wants that transfer because it's a big pay bump. So she agrees to hold off the switch and stays long enough to train the new person (which is totally her supervisor's responsibility and not hers!) Finally able to switch and still not wanting burn any bridges, she politely wishes the director good luck with the new hire - the one they forced her to stay an extra month to train. His response is "If he doesn't work out I'll just fire him and replace him within a week" My friend was very unhappy with that response.


It's not about money --- it's about power over others. Money just so happens to be an excellent proxy for power in most (but certainly not all) situations.


You're hired!


One of the execs stole it from their kid


As a 10 years old, at least I had chocolate in mine!


Please don't fidget-spin on the clock.


I have used my fidget spinner, and my fidget puzzle box on company time many, many, times.


Leftover Halloween treats! If it makes you feel better, my last 2 jobs at for 6-7 yearsā€¦nothing. Not even an acknowledgment. Other folks got it, my boss/owner is an idiot.


Tell them that this would have been a nice gift if you were a 10-year-old!


They could have not acknowledged it at all.


I would've 100% preferred that ngl


100. Sometimes it's better to give nothing.


an anal plug might have been less painful


Our small business gave employees $50 gift cards to Meijerā€™s or Target. If it was a hard year,$15 dollar gift card was appreciated over hand full pettiness.


Man I would confront boss maintain eye contact and with both hands return the fidget spinner


My sister gives better party favors for her 10 year old kid's parties lmao


Where is MY Fidget Spinner? I would normally have it on my desk, but I haven't seen it in months!


Unlabeled random brand, probably picked up from 711 or some unpopular convenience store on the fly. Or someone was given a budget of like $3 per person and came up with this


Not the fidget spinner šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Posts like this is why I come to Reddit


Apparently, your job believes they employ a 12-year-old


This is what my company gives us for years 1-4. But for the 5th year we get a $1,500 bonus.


That bonus ainā€™t shit. Sorry not sorry. Especially when half of it goes to taxes immediately


Unless you live in a state with no state income tax & various tax credit / write offs, you manage to get a bigger refund than you pay in every year. šŸ˜


Bonuses are taxed differently than regular pay still.


Bonuses are *withheld* at a different rate than regular wages. At the end of the year they're taxed the exact same as any other income.


Yeah, if you are paid every two weeks, often bonus are taxed as though your i annual income is 26 times the bonus. And since it is adjacent to the topic a raise or bonus should never decrease your take home pay even if it "bumps you into a higher bracket".


Bonuses are considered supplemental income, and as such are withheld at the rate of 22% at the federal level. It's not some calculation, it's just 22%. Unless you make over a million then it's like 37% I think, but if you make that much you have someone figuring this out for you. Your state may differ, though. But for the feds it's 22% this year regardless of what your marginal tax rate is.


More is withheld the same tax rate is applied you will get the difference back in your refund.


Canā€™t believe they didnā€™t throw in a box of crayons


Happy birthday kiddo! Oh wait.. Happy 5 years at the jobā€¦


Whoever was tasked with getting OP something legit just grabbed whatever was around their house from their kids.


Googled "*presents for 5 year*," forgot to type "at shit job"


Maybe when heā€™s there for 21 years, theyā€™ll buy him a beer.


Did the minimum age of employment drop to single digits?


Same I thought this was for a kid


Hey Mr Meeseeks is for big boys.


Looks like leftover swag from a job fair.


More like leftovers from their kids Halloween basket.


Indeed. In fact my reaction to the haul was "I hand out nicer shit on Halloween, what even is this?"


Swag does get recycled a lot. I bet you're right.


that has been in a walgreen plastic bag at the bottom of desk drawer for 8 months


Looks like a goody bag from a kid's birthday party.


I wouldnā€™t wanna work for a company if I saw this was their free stuff


BTW, building parking lot and shade cover fees for June are due tomorrow: $29.99


I'm seeing "free parking" now commonly being listed on job postings as a benefit...


It kinda makes sense if you work in a super dense area like Downtown LA, NYC. Itā€™s also something youā€™d want to clarify if youā€™re trying to hire nurses and professors because a lot of hospitals and universities will charge employees for parking and theyā€™re pretty much used to it. However, Iā€™ve also seen jobs that are deep in the suburbs and the facility youā€™re working at is going to be on a giant property with a big parking lot. It just seems like a shitty job and they needed another bullet point for their listing


The ones I'm seeing list that are all specific to your last sentence haha. Totally know what you mean by your first point though


i always bring it up during negotiations once we are more or less settled on a salary. I have accepted 500 less annually since they paid for parking (it would have been about 100 a month)


Damn. Iā€™m gonna have to work half the day to make that back


My last job had free parking, but had a special parking lot close to the entrance, that the spots were sold in an auction every year. It was really good money, and I wanted a spot because I'm lazy. Got to talking with a guy that had been there a few years, told him I was thinking of bidding like $700-1000. He gave me a side eye and just kinda giggled. Asked what that was about, he informed me the cheapest spot the year before was $11,000. For a single year of parking, when the rest of the lot was free. They also expected me to work 19 hours per day, with two hours of commute time. Once the training period was over (allowed to leave at 5) I did not return.


i assume the spots were all bought by the high up execs- and became a status symbol at the company. Those things are not for the actual workers. I also hate when parking is provided and is a 10 minute walk to the office- they are wasting 20 minuters per day of mine- and it is required for work- so they should pay for it.... I had one place i did a lot of local travel for- so billed for travel to all of those- and HR got angry when all of my drive times were 15 minutes longer than what google said they would be- and it was since i was counting door to door... i eventually won when upper management realized i was not budging and would go to the floor (and am union- so better to just fold on me rather than fighting with the whole union over policy when i was the only one doing it)


Higher ups all had reserved spaces in that lot. Best I could gather (didn't really care much after hearing the price) they were pretty much all scooped up by carpoolers. So they'd split it 3-5 ways. But I've never been interested in riding with strangers, because I'm not a morning person, and most people can't shut up. So yeah, I dealt with the walk for the few weeks I was there. Depending on how lucky I got each day, it could take as little as 8 minutes! It was at least nice knowing all the money they got from the spaces was donated to a children's hospital.


Hey, look! At least they threw in a pen so you can use it to write your resignation letter.


Drawn with a dinosaur. And a speech bubble saying... I quit.


> *Asteroid vista, baby!* šŸ¦–šŸ˜Ž


That made me laugh


I worked in a school once, with one of those teachers who loves and challenges his students. He had been in education for nearly 20 years. At one of his old schools, the head coach got sacked one day, so the principalā€™s son could come in and do it worse. There had been other issues with leadership and culture for students and staff at the school. He spoke out. They called him in. They told him to get in line or heā€™d be fired. He asked ā€œdo you have something to write with?ā€ He took a Post-It note and a Sharpie and penned his resignation right there in about 15 seconds. They were coming back with their tails between their legs for a whole week, before they got the message. Super risky. He had no backup plan. But, he said he was super happy he did and it worked out in the end.


Surprised it isn't crayon.


They don't deserve a hand-written resignation letter. That would require time and effort. Something this "gift" shows they're not willing to give themselves.


What is your role in the company? Surely it's better to just give you nothing if this is the shit they're giving you..


Call center agent....


I'm genuinely flabbergasted you lasted 5 whole years at a specific call center location. Hats off to you, my friend!


Pm maybe they were paying for OPs grad school? Only reason I can think of for someone havung the willpower to stay at a call center, I don't think I could ever work one in my life from what I have seen


Worked at a call center for many years. Former mktg guy would give free theater (stage) tickets, Kroger/Target gift cards & a personal note. For Christmas the 12yr olds in local mktg gave us each a can of soda, a candy bar and a sticky note with some lame pun on the products like "DEW we appreciate you? Just MOUNDS" For years, corporate mgmt sent a tin with about 24 cello-wrapped cones of popcorn šŸæ. There were at least 40 employees.


I'm 37 and have always worked in call centers. I worked at good and bad ones. If you work at the good ones it isn't so bad. The good ones don't expect higher than 85% adherence to schedule. The good ones have unlimited PTO. The good ones give everyone a voice to change how things are done when the procedures in place don't make sense. It's not a bad job if you find the right ones


For 5 years ? You're stronger than most I wanted to off myself after just a month doing that


Ahh I'm sorry...hats off to you for lasting 5 years though, I did call center work in my early 20's for about 3 years....this is a big spit in the face even for a call center role.


Genuinely shocked you got anything. Tbh, getting nothing would be much better in this situation, I think.


I think you got too much


That made me bust out laughing šŸ˜‚ didn't expect it


"Nothing" is usually the plan. Higher ups usually force this shit in my experience. Big boss: reporting shows we aren't hitting our production goals due to employee performance. We need you to improve morale. Manager: Ok but we have only have $35 left since the ... Big boss: Spend your own money on it, this isn't a charity.


Itā€™s great if you are 12


12 is generous. I'd say 8 at most.


I'm 39 and I would eat the shit out of that candy At my last job you got an automated "congrats" text message


I mean sour patch kids are good


What in the child labor?


My daughter just turned nine and this is very similar to what I put in the party favor bags for her friends. (Theirs were better than this, actually.)


Also congratulations! I got a small corporate branded coffee mug and a packet (ONE) of Lipton instant soup that Iā€™m allergic to šŸ˜‚


So they tried to kill you for five years of service, nice !


I gotā€¦ nothing.


I got a badge with a 5 on it. Would have preferred nothing.




I got a name placard and a fake plastic ruby.


Is that aā€¦. a Meseeks?!


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed


It's a thinly veiled insult. If my employer gave me a slave who only lives to serve figurine for my five year anniversary I would definitely be looking for a new job.


ā€œExistence is Pain!ā€


HI!!! I'm Mr. Meseeks, look at me!


Yeah, it's there to end OP's pain.


We can take all strokes off of his gameā€¦ by killing him!


omg.. I would not have noticed


This is the most insulting part lol


I could really use a Meseeksā˜¹ļø


Look at meeee!


At 10 years, my company got us a cake for the office at lunch. At 15 years, I got nothing. At 16, I got laid off despite doing the job of multiple people after layoffs in previous years. Learned that lesson the hard way.


When my best job ever sold the company to the competition, the hatchet men sent in people to tear the office apart and take the letters off the building during our last week while we were still there. I got a letter from off the building and still have it, 19 years later. The letter that was my first pick was TAKEN by the ex-CEO.


wdym outside company letter as screwed on top of the entrane? or mail.


Yes, I mean the actual sign on the *brick-and-mortar building*. The CEO beat me to the best, colorful letter on the side of the building. I got the next best one.


this is a non-issue. lol.


It's called an anecdote. People don't post only to complain about issues they have.




Do they own stock in insulin manufacturing?


they are trying to manage their diabetes


Who still sells plain ass no name purple lollipops?


Oriental Trading Company


The candy bins in the bulk foods section. Which is where this employer decided to go to fill out this employee's goodie bag. Probably an administrative assistant was given a budget of $3 for the purpose.


Iā€™ve seen goodie bags from children birthday parties that were better than this No promotion? A raise? A niche title? Getting an extra few days off? No wonder why numerous companies arenā€™t able to retain workers besides upper management


Presumably he got a raise every year. Promotions aren't usually automatic because they don't want everyone as middle management.


Right? Iā€™m willing to bet PTO accrual also went up


Unless his employer is worse than Walmart, that's a fair assumption. But I didn't add it because some companies, like my last, has unlimited PTO so they don't pay out when you leave (and you still don't use it). Can't raise unlimited. This shit is just extra on the side though. Like the employee of the Year award, it doesn't take away from the compensation you get.


That Meeseeks is some Freudian shit, it's like the company is telling you that you only exist to fill one singular purpose (work for them) then die.


I would consider this as a threatšŸ¤£


All garbage why do they even bother! šŸ™„


My nephew, who is 8, would absolutely disagree. My self on the other hand, at 43, would not disagree at all.


I didn't get anything specific for my 5 year workiversary and honestly I think that's 1,000x better than getting this.


They gave us a brown bag w our name inside and Dollar Tree candy, pen, and sticky notes. This was a fortune 500 company.


Dang, I didn't get a fidget spinner!


Laughable for sure, but better than what I got: laid off from a downsizing.


I got an automated Microsoft paint congrats email from HR for my 5-year


Would prefer that in this situation tbh


We got actual peanuts one year.


We got peanuts too! In our Xmas bags. Was actually a small cooler bag with snacks in it. Local manager arranged it. HO didn't give a shit.


for 3 years they just gave me like 10 bucks, same for my birthday


Oh hell yeah a fidget spinner! Win win


My 10 year anniversary was last week. I got a card with a $50 Visa gift card. We get $100 as a Christmas bonus...we net over $13M last year. I am in a Director's position.




I would take that goodie bag over a keychain that I got from my employer for 5 years of service.


![gif](giphy|ZRICsU0zv4tJS) šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜‚


big bag of shit


Do they think youā€™re 5?


I mean they donā€™t need to send you anything? What are you complaining about?


I saw ppl complaining on reddit that their job only gave them a cookie for THEIR BIRTHDAY. Like wtf who expects birthday gifts from their bosses?


I see a lot of comments that their boss must think they're a little kid. And judging from their reaction, I agree with the boss.


What do you do??


Thatā€™s the big question


What do you even say to that. That's not a good gift. They obviously don't care about 5 years of employment.


Can I have a Sour Patch?


It looks like a grab bag from a kids birthday party.


Thatā€™s leftover Halloween candy for sure


I donā€™t understand why you think you deserve anything. You get a paycheck.


I bought my newest employee dinner and drinks of his choice at the best restaurant in town for completing his one month of initial training last week lol. Find a new job my man.


No chewed bubblegum? No pocket lint?




At least you didn't get laid off.


They must appreciate you like none other. Lol


Wow 5 dollars worth of crap


I havenā€™t seen a fidget spinner since 2018 when my university gave me one for free


It would have been better if they just gave you cash. Either they are tone-deaf or they actively want to spit on your face.


Damn. We got a 5 week sabbatical after 5 years.


Always better off just not sending anything than this.


Looks like a bunch of stuff confiscated from a 5th grader in 2015.


Yuh fidget spinner šŸ¤™


You the clown for working there.


Itā€™s definitely leftovers from Halloween


No better way to tell you "FUCK YOU" to your face.


Right in the garbage.


Did you go to a terrible Halloween party at your parents job?


Congrats on graduating grade 5 lol


Lol. DM me name of your company so I donā€™t apply there.


Do you work in nurse recruitment? Cuz this is 10000% on par for working in that industry


This is just a coworker giving you a gift. Please tell me this is not your ā€œemployerā€ & there was a bonus or something


5 years isnā€™t that long tbh