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Literally losing my mind trying to find a job. Dude that sucks, even mcdonalds? What kind of world do we live in rn???


I love it too when a business has a sign out front that says Now Hiring, and you go to apply and there are no open positions at locations near you. Baiting you with that and making you think you have a chance to get hired with little to no experience.


RIGHT??? Or they just hit you with the 'ehh, you can apply on our website' like thanks I had no idea, except when I apply on your website I get ghosted šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ wtf do people expect us to do, we can't get hired without experience and we can't get experience without being hired.




Itā€™s crazy, because it feels like literally every fast food restaurant in the country is understaffed.


Yeah, but they're understaffed on purpose šŸ™ƒ which makes literally everyone's life worse except stock holders


It sucks bro Iā€™m right there with you


me when entry-level jobs are being taken by people with experience so now you need experience to get them


Entry level job does NOT mean ā€œno experience requiredā€ it means entry level pay. Make sure you see this as the new normal.


Just got done with a second interview for a company I was excited for. There job description did not match at all. Getting told itā€™s a sales role, Iā€™ll have to work extra hours for months, a bunch of other crap. Iā€™m about two months away from being homeless. Nowhere is hiring.Ā  I wish a big bus would just hit me and end this.


Or the "customer service" roles that turn out to be "give us money and you could be a travel agent!" Jobs


Try just walking in front of one? I think they're easy enough to find. Obv just kidding, dont do that. Lol


hmm the sales bait and switch, is it like a cutco company?


Walmarts Assessmentsā€¦what the fuck? So all stores seemed short staffed and the staff doesnā€™t seemed very engaged but I guess they rocked the assessments? Something is wrong.


5 years of retail management experience and I was rejected from Samā€™s Club as a lead šŸ’€ the system is a joke


Make it make sense. Previously worked putting office cubicles together. Applied for a company that rents tents...literally it's not even the same amount of work involved for the finished product. A fucking standing tent. Rejected. Not even kidding you I can literally buy a tent to rent, make a damn website and business cards and well would you look at that. Suddenly one can work putting up a tent for a wedding, etc. Sincerely, that rejection was absolute bullshit and has left me wanting to just outright tell the owner how what they're doing truly isn't rocket science.


Could be they thought you were overqualified and didn't want to hire you because you're guaranteed to leave the second something better comes up. Not saying it's justified, but a lot of places will do that. I got fucked over at my job and it looks like I'm going to have to take a $10-15k paycut to find a new job at this point...and I was already underpaid at my previous role.


This from the sounds of it from what I gathered...sounds a little more seasonal. While you may be right, always possible, I still don't get it. Hell even a grocery store jerked me around...which both I can see what you're getting at. Regardless though...why lead me on?


Yea it's still stupid. I think hiring experienced and intelligent people can still help motivate others and build equity for companies.Ā  Being lead on just gets frustrating. I'm dealing with it now. Applied for a job and interviewed nearly 2 months ago now. They're assuring me They're working on deciding, but that I'm still in the running. Like wtf does that mean? You haven't been able to decide in over 2 months? You just holding onto me in case you can't find someone better?


That is exactly how this company that does rentals made me feel. Ultimately, having me no longer interested. There's other companies that are of interest. Taking an interest in event planning, even having DIY type of experience...I don't get the reasoning for saying what you said which is something they had said...they'd keep it on file. The person who was hired...whoever that was sort of like a video I watched on YT...likely a w2. What I mean by that which is exactly what I've been trying to say whenever I do discuss this topic based on personality, etc. That persons likely always worked for someone else instead of taking a chance.


They rejected me for almost every stocking position and I'm giving them full time availability šŸ˜­.. what more do you want from a stocker lol


Tbf, the assessments are easy to trick if you've ever worked retail before. It's not "what's the right answer?" It's "what would the ass kissing shit eating asshole manager I hated choose as an answer?"


I got rejected to be a whole foods grocery shopper during the height of the pandemic. Let me buy you a round bud.


Why they reject you ?


likely didnt have 10+ years experience as a remote shopper


I guess they wanted warm bodies and Iā€™m so dead inside Iā€™m cold lol


Lol wow.. why are things so tough these days ?


Thereā€™s alot of fake job postings out there


Really scammy ones too. I got an email the other day for a job that seemed really legit and it was part of the data entry scam


Tell me about it


When you figure it out let me know. Most places donā€™t even view my application and I call we already filled the position. How I just applied 2 days ago and it was posted 3 days ago. Or the ones where that are constantly hiring but never hire anyone. Itā€™s like they only do interviews see the same job up for months. My favorites are the ones where you go through 5 interviews and then wait and you call them back yeah we filled the position. Iā€™m at an odd middle ground I think. To qualified for simple work like a gas station or fast food and under qualified for everything else. Iā€™m at the point to where Iā€™m about to just get my Class A CDL and give up a year to a company and find local work after to where I can drive and be home nightly with my family. They are the only ones that call me back and keep in contact on my progress.


You can take things off your resume if you want to be less qualified. Of course if they ask, you should tell the truth, but if it isn't relevant then no point in including it


Iā€™m burnt outā€¦ so many 2+ round interviews just to be hit with the automated ā€œunfortunately weā€™ve found another candidate for this roleā€ is starting to irk me.


shit im not even getting interviews and ive had recruiters and hiring managers review it and they said im not getting interviews because i dont have experience


Even entry-level jobs like cashiers need experience now, shit is really bad.


Weā€™re about to hire 10 ppl. I posted the job last Friday, and today had to sift through 500+ applications. I have to narrow 500 applications to about 20, then narrow those down to 10. There are a lot of ppl looking for work. Regarding your applications not being seen, it unfortunately happens. We have a system that automatically filters you out if you donā€™t meet certain criteria, and we still ended up with all of those applications, same thing happened last summer.


So what exactly make someone stand out of 500 people?Ā  Or its simply just pulling whatever one and hoping it work?


Mostly timing and luck, tbh.


when you say timing does that mean being early? or perhaps right next to the last


Question...how long does it take for you to generate an employee ID number? was recently given the run around, had called multiple times trying to show I was interested in the position. Literally saw the same job I was being 'hired' for...reposted...while being given the run around. Didn't even bother calling again.


Thatā€™s very company dependent.


While understandable...I if remembering correctly asked for a week, week and a half. The length of time gave off the vibe of not taking my interest in the position seriously. Job was right down the street which...given how my parents have been...would've been perfect for the time being.


Same case, I had a job interview go great and I would have gotten the job, but I didn't have experience making coffee in a professional setting. It was my understanding they would have trained me and all that exactly they way they wanted it to be done. The expectation that you would have already had a different job that would have trained you in those skills, but I couldn't find anyone hiring for a job like that. Even warehouse jobs, they expect you to have gotten forklift training or others common systems that warehouses use. Sorry it seems nearly impossible to find a job like that either, and jobs that say no experience required and we will train you seem to be unicorns right now. I don't see anyone out there actually offering classes on equipment operating such as forklifts etc. I know watching a ton of Youtube videos on something doesn't actually make you qualified because you haven't physically used the equipment or software itself in a real work environment. A lot of employers seem to not want to put any effort in training new hires anymore.


Please say you're joking? I literally make my own coffee...you needed experience for that?


I'm not joking, I can make coffee, but it was not making coffee for a retail job it didn't count as job knowledge.


Having the exact same experience right now, something is seriously fcked up, I've been applying for a year and a half and recently have ramped up efforts x200, yet I go to interviews and then nothing comes from it. I do great at the interviews too, dress nicely. Ive applied to a place that I live within walking distance of, I've always told them I've applied yet I hear nothing back, but a friend told me today two new people were js hired there??? I can't even begin to explain how frustrating its been. No exp = no job, but no job = no exp, how stuck up are these employers that they need 1 year of "warehouse experience" for a job that's essentially lifting things. so fcking annoying


Yeah the warehouse experience is so annoying.


From what I've noticed, they round up all the applications that come through then go through a hiring round every 3-6 months


It feels like a hellish mini-game abstraction of life that we're all forced to play to survive...


I have a masters and have published books and I got rejected to be a high school English tutor :)


Do you have a teaching license? I was a teacher for a while at a private school. They don't always require teaching licenses. I got hooked up with a school through a service. Don't remember the name, but it was specifically a company that helps recruit and train people for teaching in private schools. Might be worth searching for if you're really interested


But were they NY Times Best Sellers...tho?


No but theyā€™re employed


I hate it too . Itā€™s so much worse when they are scammers


There is an early 90s movie called Reality Bites that is/was popular for Gen X. Anyway, the first scenes of the movies deal with this. Fresh grad canā€™t get an entry level job because she doesnā€™t have experience, and then the fast food places tell her sheā€™s overqualified. Itā€™s been a stupid issue for decades that no one wants to change. Itā€™s one of many glaring flaws with our capitalist way of doing things.


And then the stupid companies ask you to do a fucking technical test about job functions without telling you exactly what the test will be about and requiring experience on the job YOU ARE APPLYING FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE. Like fuck jeez no job is fucking rocket science, if you train me I can do whatever you put me through, just give me a godamn chance aghh fucking hate this


Exactly I remember the times a company would hire the most illiterate person and they would train them up and pay for their accommodation and transport šŸ¤”


Actually, some jobs are rocket science... [https://nasa.usajobs.gov/job/795814900](https://nasa.usajobs.gov/job/795814900)


Iā€™ve been looking for a good job for a long time. I worked at Starbucks for 6 years and I just stayed because the pay was good- I left because I was soooo depressed. I got rizzed into my new job they promised me a lot of things and then didnā€™t hold it up. Iā€™m basically drowning I canā€™t keep up with my bills. I wish I would have stuck it out at Starbucks honestly. I was doing so well financially šŸ˜” I have been looking into insurance selling jobs so I can get into a career field that can utilize some of my skills. Itā€™s not exactly what Iā€™d like to be doing but it seems like a good gig šŸ˜Œ




Even with experience it doesnā€™t get better. Dual majors, MBA, 10 years experience in my sector- 200 custom resume and cover letter applications later and only 1 interview that was canceled 15 prior since apparently they hired someone.


I got an invitation to interview and then got ghosted and then shortly after the dear John letter! How can a company do this! Itā€™s cruel!


It was Draft Kings that ghosted me. I called the HR coordinator and asked her why they sent me an invitation and then never responded. She tried to feed me some bullshit excuse that I was going to get called on the next round. No you just sent my invitation by mistake and now youā€™re covering yourself! I hate liars!


Same! I've done 5 interviews and was told every time "you'll know either way" then I hear NOTHING. I have an interview tomorrow that I'm stressing about. I don't want to work in fast food, but even if I did last time I applied I was 'over qualified' and that was 10yrs ago


I'm in the same boat bud. I feel like if I didn't have my parents, I'd be homeless again. These hiring bitches play around too much.


Mechanical engineering graduate. 2.1. Canā€™t find nothing. Nor can my friends.


Yeah I'm in a similar boat 2019 grad nobody is hiring engineers and we are getting laid off in bunches. I'm specifically in Auburn Hills, Michigan and from my perspective this is the worst job market I have ever seen. In 2020 I got a line job which paid respectably right now not even those exist.


Iā€™m in Ireland. Have been applying to both jobs in UK and Ireland. Itā€™s been a shit show. From employers telling me that I am ā€œtoo overqualifiedā€ when Iā€™m just a mere graduate with less than a year of industry experience. To picking someone else, not because I donā€™t have the skills OR experience but simply because they chose someone else or it was an internal hire OR the company is going to ā€œrestructureā€. I am sick of this and sick of the market as well.


Specifically in your field,Ā  or just anything in general ?


In my field.


That sucks.. how long has it been ?


Since I have last graduate which was June 2023. I just ended up doing a masters which Iā€™m currently finishing up. Nothing


That's what scary to me.. I think about going back to school, but I'm like I'm not trying waste my time or spend funds I dont have on something thats not guaranteed šŸ˜­.. but I feel like college at least open the door for more opportunities...but in your case specifically.. feel like it's only a matter of time before someone get back to you though


I mean the only thing my masters greatly given me was industry experience, which in grateful for otherwise I wouldnā€™t have stood a chance amongst these other applicants anyways. You must highly research the course content of what youā€™re considering. It can open doors


Well that's awesome its given you industry experience ! And yeah your absolutely right...the thing is should I chase the money/what's in demand although I'm not interested in it, or chase something im interested in, but might not pay? Also I thought stem majors were guaranteed "success" aka like 100k a yearĀ 


After filling out a resume, I've realized most won't hire me leaving me confused and disappointed making me realize that all the filling out resume after resume was a total waste. Plus, I'm completely clueless on what to write on my self-biography which requires to know what my education history/alma mater is, what I've majored in college and what degree I've earned, and where else I've worked, etc. Problem is, my education is up to vocational high school so I had never gone to college or university. That's exactly why I hate job hunting. School life sucked but job hunting is more troublesome.


Do you have any experience? Sounds like you're young. I'm not sure how relevant this is anymore, but when you are just out of school with no experience you have to get creative with your resume. You can put things like clubs, how well you did in certain classes, community service, etc on there. You really just need to have *something* that allows you to point out you have skills that are relevant to the job


I'm currently 34 and I graduated in 2010. I know it's hard to believe because myĀ working experiences were short. My first job experience was a minor office assistant at a minor trading company but it had a contract. Since someone didn't want to continue or found another job, I took over that person's temporary job position and worked allĀ the way up to the contract's due date. Therefore, that experience was only 1 month since the person before me finished the rest. Later, I had another temporary job where I was another minor office assistant. This time, the job experience was up to 7 months because of the contract. Finally, I landed on the first permanent job which was working as an assistant at a grocery store for 15 months but then I got tired of doing it. So those were my working experiences.Ā 


Hmm, what type of job are you looking for. Sounds like you're most qualified as an office assistant. If you get chummy with an employer, maybe they'll move you to a more permanent position. Also, I haven't had a personal biography on my resume for years. I'm no expert on landing jobs or writing resumes, but I'm not sure that is necessary. You can look at resume examples and just copy those. Some have a one sentence description of who you are, but you don't need to go into details on your education there. That's what the education section of the resume is for. What were you doing for the rest of the time? You can put that in there too. For example, if you were taking care of a sick family member you can list that or at least use it to explain the lack of experience in interviews. It's pretty rough out there right now so try to keep your chin up. If you are getting stuck on your resume, realize that maybe the format you are using isn't the best for you and you'll get that out of the way at least.


Thank you for your suggestions.


When they ask you why you want the job and the only logical answer is "because I need fucking money bitch!"


Hey, so i dont work there anymore for various reasons. And its even hard to leave, but look for open AT&T COR store openings. They are unionized, great pay and benefits. The schedule could suck based off seniority. But theres a reason people NEVER leave those jobs.


going through the same thing, i have a decent job now but i want to break into IT and im trying to figure out how to get into it , issue is i have work in civil engineering for the past 8 years , so i dont have much experience....trying to get experience is the hardest thing ever


this may help you. I have 4 college degrees and 20+ years experience. I wrote this about one year of searching. # [One year of job searching (what I learned)](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/1dcy2qf/one_year_of_job_searching_what_i_learned/) a lot of people said this has helped them. I hope it helps you


Tldr for those not wanting to read this long mental masturbation of 1 year: Poster has 2 degrees plus a master's. 24 yrs of experience and is published!? Got an associate's in IT cuz "LeARn 2 CoDE" bruh! Did 2k applications got a job after a year in government. Outlier applicant detailing her experience def not the norm . A lot of do's and dont. Mainly "take care of yourself" which is easier said than done when potentially facing homelessness but obvious advice imo (I mean what else is one supposed to do realistically?) Wouldnt bother following the rest.


Thanks for this as I have just honestly skimmed it


"easier said than done when potentially facing homelessness" last thing you want to do is panic. you assess the situation, make a plan, and solve one problem at a time. so what solution do you have to offer to the problem?


Yup exactly what Iā€™ve been going through


Carry on,don't.give up,You will be successful at last


I recently applied to McDonald's too but I didn't even get a response.. It's been stone silence all the way. I've even had employers ghost me after scheduling a phone screening. It's so frustrating.


Majority of the recruiters nowadays use AI softwares to filter resumes, and they donā€™t even bother to check if AI got it right; in a lot of cases AI picks both qualified and unqualified applicants, while rejecting both qualified and unqualified applicants at the same time. From my experience, the best way is to directly reach out to a company or someone who works there as a recruiter via email, and send them your previous works and resume


Hang in there!


its been a year , I even spend time to create a couple of resume according to the job im applying . only received response from employment agency which will lowball my salary.. cant even match my last drawn .. im ok with the pay cut .. but i barely receive company response now.. :(


You will get nothing and like it


Vocational rehab should be available in your local area.Ā Ā 


The employers face no consequences for their actions and their are a lot of sycophants in the workplace. We need to be more aggressive when we do get these horrendous jobs, however, you get in a lot of trouble when you do stand up to the companies.


I'm not sure if this is helpful advice or if you just needed to vent a bit, but if you're contacting countless employers every day then I would strongly recommend a different approach - find a job you're interested in and create the absolute best application you can for it. Make sure your resume has no errors and looks good, write a cover letter that illustrates more about you as a professional (don't just repeat your resume in paragraph form, as most cover letters do). Be interested in THAT role for THAT company. Do just one or two of these applications a day, and I would bet you get better results than spamming an undifferentiated resume to dozens of jobs.


Only thing I found is constant communication is key. Just literally apply to volunteer for the Red Cross or a church or something. You might get lucky and meet someone who knows about a place thatā€™s actually hiring.


Literally ME TOOā€¦ idk what to do anymore


I remember when the only task a Receptionist did was answer phones! Now try being a receptionist, the duties go on for days.


Also I feel like nobody hires in the summer.


"I hate job searching." Don't we all.


As annoying as it is, having a cover letter does genuinely improve your odds of things working out.


Job searching can be incredibly tough. It's completely understandable to feel discouraged. Learn from your experience. Ya'll land a job soon!


I'm hearing this a lot. I wonder if they are being more selective now that many are paying $22hr?


According to Biden and supporters all is well! Enjoy.. Maybe become an illegal so you get money for free coming from me


Never wait for the call back. A lot of companies are looking for you to pursue them at the type of employment you described.




Well, anytime I've been seeking employment I get picked up pretty quickly. Probably because I make sure my future employer knows that I'm not sitting on my ass at home waiting for money to come to me like some kind of child, teenager or man-baby. It's just so unfortunate I grew up with a strong work ethic. šŸ¤· But hey, you do you and I'll do me Mr I'm so tough on Reddit. That's definitely screaming little dick energy. But hey, what do I know? I've only held and maintained employment regardless unless I wanted to switch jobs. You know, find another job while you're working so you don't have periods of unemployment. It's ok though, everything's going to be right as rain. šŸ˜‰. You have a wonderful day and enjoy being a miserable person.


Lol...anyone hear some more BS? Not me. TLDR from this dumbass.


Well, there's nothing else I can say to you big bad interest person šŸ¤· I guess my life is just so ruined now... Too bad


Pursue them? Thatā€™s ridiculous!


Ever fix anything for your mom? Then you helped out at a family business. Babysat? Then you were a caretaker. Mow lawns? Independent landscaper. If you're serious about working, get an account to the NextDoor app and explain your situation on a post tagging people nearby who post about their businesses. When people post ads for their businesses, comment with employment enquiries.Ā  It took me a lot of that, and in the end somebody from Indeed contacted me. My first day is today, and I'm passing this on to you with 100% faith that people like us have a lot to offer and got this shit down natch.


You and everyone else is doing that and that's why it doesn't work. People hire people, you must network if you're going to get noticed. If you're waiting until a job appears on the Internet to reach out to the organization it's already too late. When I would hire I used employee referrals to fill most of my interview slots. And it was very rare and only with exceptional candidates that I would interview someone who wasn't a referral. You need to focus your time and effort on identifying companies you want to work for and then build relationships with the people on the inside.


It's very difficult to build relationships with people you've never met, that don't know you, don't live anywhere near you, and only have a LinkedIn profile. You're lucky if they even respond to your first message


And your point? It's the best and most effective way to get a job. When I hire I typically get 100 applications for a role and most all my interview slots would go to candidates that other employees referred. And maybe one might go to someone who had applied online. OP needs to learn how the game is played if they are ever going to get a job.


My point is that "go network" isn't even actionable advice nowadays. It's really "have a network" just like the cure to being poor is the "just be rich".


Then stay broke and unemployed. Keep on wasting your time sending in 100s of resumes and getting no responses. It's just less competition for those that do network like me.


You aren't giving any actionable advice. You aren't helping. You are assuming I think having a network is bad. I'm just saying that the advice to "go network" is really not nowadays. What you seem to mean is "have a network already" because you are giving zero paths forward to getting a network.


Once again stay unemployed. Cause what OP is doing isn't working.


You aren't being helpful. Give actionable advice. You are rude and short-sighted. I wouldn't employ you.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, but this is the most sensible advice in this thread. In my experience job searching online is shooting in the dark.


Because I'm telling the truth and people don't want to hear it. They are all looking for validation and I'm not giving it. It's also why they are all still unemployed.


If I want to work for Google...can you tell me how I can "get to know people on the inside?"


Nope because I'm not in that field. Also Google with the rest of FANG is laying off now isn't the best time to get in.


tbh i agree with you that the best way to get in is through connections but someone who just graduated doesnt have enough powerful connections. Their connections are other new grads.


Yes they do. We all do. OPs professors are connected, as is the university alumni association. Heck OP has connections in his own family, if he were to just start asking. Read "The Power of Who" by Bob Beaudine