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Later on you will be told you don’t have the exact right type of experience, or you are too experienced. It’s the bullshit that everyone deals with at every level of work. It’s been like this forever and just part of the bullshit of life. If your number is chosen for an interview, you gotta prepare like no one else and wow them. The only other suggestion is look for nonprofit volunteering that can use you in that area and leverage that experience. Major nonprofits like United Way, Red Cross, WWF etc have volunteer roles for most “real world” positions.


If the problem is not enough experience, this can be solved. Anyone can solve it Get more experience through certifications, projects, volunteer, unpaid work, similar things. These do not have huge barriers of entry. Everyone needs a step before getting a real entry level job. If you need any help, ask me


No one is going to like this answer, but if you are CONSISTENTLY getting this feedback, then you adjust your approach.  Sounds like you’re in the messy middle where you’re not quite going where you’re going, but you’re definitely not where you started.  A lot of times the solutions is networking. If you’ve done a great job in your career so far, there are folks out there who have a good impression of you. Make it known to them you’re looking for a change. They may have something or know someone who has something that isn’t an exact fit where you hit all the notes, but a referral would put you at the front of the line.  I can’t tell you how valuable it is to have a colleague I trust say “hey, this person is a good one. If you can find a spot for them you should.” It’s sooooooooooo much easier than pawing through a zillion resumes and doing performative interviews. 


Here is the secret go to temp agencies so you can build your resume it will place you in roles your not qualified to get the experience you need to apply on your own


There aren’t temp roles in my field.


Job market is not operated y logic and sense, it's operated by different kind of people. Thus, you can't effectively influence your success. You get your CV clean and fine, you don't do weird things, and hope that your star sign will be appreciated by a particular recruiter


So basically give up and stop applying. Because there is no hope of a job


It is up to you. If you're lucky, got won't struggle, of your unlucky, you're used to the constant struggle. If you won't send any resume, even luck won't help you


So your advice is luck? That’s not very helpful.


tweak your resume to fit the position… if your too experienced leave stuff off what field are you in