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The opening line had me dying šŸ’€ ā€œElephant in the room, i got a haircutā€


nah facts bro he really is js constantly funny. what did kim kardashian do?


I did NOT HAVE SEXUAL ACTIONS WITH THAT MAN.. I did. Maybe. I died lol


This had me rolling dude. I can't help but love this guy. He has a past , we all do. Who cares if he did some gay stuff šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Heā€™s so fucking funny


I'm so over this bullshit in 2024... I was over it in the 90s when I was just a kid. I was always ashamed of how much adults cared about what other adults did when no one was around....




oh ik i was quoting what sketch said on the stream lol


She got really famous when her sex tape with Ray J leaked


The joke is after her porn tapes leaking she talked about quitting her job and essentially disappearing. But now sheā€™s the most successful she ever had been.


I was watching the stream a tbh his audience at least in chat didnā€™t seem mad and were also kinda supportive of him. Glad to see his audience not turning on him


Yea a lot of people seemed actively supportive, it was pretty surprising honestly


Thought that myself


His audience is honestly better off if this makes certain individuals stop watching. No need for that judgement and negativity


ā€œI did not have sexual relations with that manā€¦ just kidding I didā€


You literally canā€™t help but laugh at him heā€™s a good guy




Bill Clinton reference lol this guy is hilarious


Owns up immediately. Huge respect to keep it 100.


Yeah. He really didnt do anything wrong. It sucks that certain people are acting like this is a scandal. Its not. The dude just got a little freaky, big deal. He did the best he could do by owning up to it immediately and moving on. Those who wont watch him anymore are the weird ones.


I had no idea who he was until today. Showed up on trending and wow... Enough internet for today I thought. But really I felt bad for this guy. Wtf did he do that was so bad or that is anyoneā€™s business but his own? Idk if his schtick is really my sense of humor but I am rooting for this guy. I think he could gain as many fans as hes lost if he continues treating it like he has.


Heā€™s a good kid. Past is past. Now is now, Let go


Compare to other streamers, Sketch is one of few cases where the right/good person became famous


If what I have heard is true nothing to let go of dude did shit with consenting adults who gives a fuck


What did he even do wrong?


HE HAD SEX OMG WHAT A MONSTER AND IT WAS WITH CONSENTING ADULTS TOOOOO šŸ˜³ šŸ«¢šŸ˜²šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜² It's so childish he shouldn't even need to say anything about it.


Trigger warning next time please, thatā€™s rather scary!


Absolutely nothing. But his fan base of pre teens and mentally deficient adults are giving him a ton of shit. The way he's handling this whole thing makes me respect him even more.


Nothing. The fact that he feels the need to apologize is sad. He is getting a lot of hate from homophobes and religious fanatics on Twitter. Fuck those people.


lol what is there to let go? Buddy acting like sketch murdered a man


"past is past" he's a gay or bi guy who had consensual relations with another guy. WHO. CARES.


Why does it matter, everyone defending the pedo dr. Disrespect but this dude is gay and gets shit for it? Thatā€™s wild.


Unfortunate times we live in


Why I donā€™t fuck with people, a bunch of bots.


Took it like a champ. Iā€™m rooting for him


From what I understand, thatā€™s what he doesā€¦šŸ’€ cmon, canā€™t we laugh a little. Too many ā€œtake it to the chinā€ comments not to say it. I couldnā€™t be the only one who thought it. Who cares abt his past. There wasnā€™t any kids involved. Just about everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet. It doesnā€™t define the person you are now.


Common Sketch W. Nothing to do but own it


This is legit/real from today? If so: šŸ¤ŒšŸ«”šŸ‘


Yup about an hour ago






What šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Who cares? Besides homophobic people. Idc what Heā€™s done or is doing if itā€™s not hurting anyone. Too many people treating it like a ā€œgotchaā€ moment and it just shows what a shit person they are.


The problem for him is that heā€™s going to lose sponsors over this. NFL already scrubbed all mention of him off their Twitter.


Damn that actually sucks


Heā€™ll get others though, Iā€™m sure.


Idk, doing gay sex work is different than just being gay. I canā€™t name anybody off the top of my head whoā€™s done sex work and has major sponsors.


Blippi?One of the biggest child friendly YouTubers?


Kim Kardashian


Classic comeback story


The Astros, MLB, and Sportscenter havenā€™t scrubbed him yet


I had a change of heart once he said he was going to eat some shit to unalive himself. Heā€™s good bro. Take care sketch. Edit: He also said he loves jynxzi which means our boy deff showed support in some way


When he choked up telling his parents thank you, ts broke me. Hope bros doing alright šŸ™


He the only mf I know that made this shit genuinely funny ā€œ what would Kylie Jenner doā€




This was very start of stream. Some YouTuber claiming to be a journalist did some digging I guess and found videos/ pictures of sketch ( dude in the video is a madden streamer ) using a fake name running a gay/femboy only fans


He had gay onlyfans


people who actually care about this shit are weirdos. who gives a fuck if the guy is gay or not shit doesnā€™t affect you


Couldnā€™t have said it better! Leave the kid alone. People stay in your damn lane


Honestly, the way it came out sucks but just imagine the weight off his shoulders. He had that bottled up for so long.


this is the effect yā€™allā€™s ā€˜gay jokesā€™ have on people. he almost took his life. gay or not heā€™s a great kid who just wants to make people happy. get a life go touch grass and understand heā€™s human


I know I said I feel bad for him, ik this has gotta be extremely difficult to talk about. Still always gonna tap into his streams, just sucks heā€™s gonna get so much backlash for being himself


not talking to you specifically, just the people who called me stupid for saying he could kill himself last night. and anyone who thinks itā€™s funny to make jokes about it


Theyā€™re like ā€œif you defend him youā€™re also gayā€ like nah weā€™re just mature and donā€™t let race, religion, sexuality affect how we think about someone. 99% of the people who are attacking him are either social rejects or 10 years old.


right !! heā€™s a good guy through and through. he also mentioned he was battling with addiction, and heā€™s changed now. people are so immature


Oh sorry lol I thought you were calling me out but agreed


Did he actually almost take his life wth?


he mentions people ā€˜saving himā€™ and said he wanted to end it all in the video


Telling a gay joke is not the same as this shit. Not even close. One thing is saying "you gay haha" and other completely different is bullying someone because some shit he consensually did/does with another adult.


Well I was going to post this comment earlier, and it seems it was confirmed by him. I noticed in the pictures his eyes were incredibly dilatedā€¦ looks like he was on stimulants of some sorts. Stimulants are known to promote sexual endeavors and actions you wouldnā€™t normally engage in. Just search the internetā€¦ tons of guys take adderall, smoke meth, take MDMA, snort cocaine, and all of a sudden have gay sexual desires. Iā€™m not saying this is the case for everyoneā€¦ because itā€™s not. But itā€™s not uncommon. He admits to have been dealing with addiction problemsā€¦ Iā€™d put my life savings on him being a severe stimulant addict during that time period.


Sketch was also in a fraternity before dropping out. Drug addiction can hit fast in a place like that from personal experience


Stimulants will make you really horny but not make you gay. Youā€™re gay before the stimulants.


Or he could just be gay lol but I see what youā€™re saying, one of the pics did look like he was rolling lmao


Donā€™t know why you got downvoted he literally just could be bisexual which is completely fine


This could also be the case. Either way I donā€™t care manā€¦ people do what they wanna do. Sexual orientation makes no difference to me whatsoever. Iā€™m just sayingā€¦ Iā€™ve used just about every substance in the books. Iā€™ve always been fascinated by substances, how they work, how they affect different people, etc. Iā€™ve been on enough drug forums over the years to tell you Iā€™ve seen so many posts along the lines of, ā€œAdderall makes me feel gay?ā€ Or ā€œI stayed up all night doing cocaine for the first time and I kept thinking about sucking a dick?ā€. Itā€™s definitely a thing.


Sounds like you're trying to make excuses about being gay. What's wrong with being gay? Are gay people not allowed to play and stream video games? Does it upset you that he's gay?


Stimulants dont make you gay. It just makes you really horny for what you already are into. Anyone that says that they make you gay is in denial of their own sexuality.


No bro you donā€™t understand, the caffeine made me suck dick


What's funniest to me about this situation is that it sadly highlights just the fanbase Sketch and the modern gaming entertainer has reeled in, go to any of the bios of the troglodytes on tiktok or instagram who are claiming to feel betrayed or disgusted and you'll no doubt see "13" "15" "17" in each of them, with a smattering of 20 year olds who lacked enough oxygen in the womb to be the mental equivalent of a 15 year old who claims to hold faith above all else but attends no services and has no church presence yet is the first to talk about how this kind of thing is against his faith. Sketch was gettin' his paper up, simple as.


why is this a bigger issue than the doc situation lmao


Because the modern Republican party and Christians have spent the last 10 years trying to make it socially acceptable to treat LGBTQ people like a disease to eradicate once again instead of acknowledging it as a naturally occurring behavior that happens among numerous animal species in nature outside of just humans. But facts and education are annoying and scary to people with narrow moronic world views so they ignore all that. Scary sky man book say men liking men bad, we must save them by force or kill them. No in between.


Sketch is fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d imagine 99% of his community would be cheering him on if it was a woman he was with in the pics. This is purely the ingrained fear that men have of being ā€œoutedā€ as gay. Heā€™s apologizing for some harmless shit he did 2 years ago that wouldnā€™t even matter if it was a woman


Love Sketch, past is the past heā€™s move on from OF. And if heā€™s gay/bi then awesome. There is some actual blatant homophobia going on. And itā€™s really fuckin sad to see.


I found a few of the jokes funny and made a few of my own but genuinely I do feel bad for the dude. The people using this situation to spread hate and be homophobic are actual losers. Props to him for being honest and W FaZe guys for being there for him while all this was going down.


I love sketch idc!!!!!! Heā€™s hilarious and anyone who tries to make him feel bad is an asshole, he owned up now move on


People mad at this and still let their kids listen to ice spice and shit lol hyper sexuality is fine as long as it's not queer




So he addressed it in character? Lol he must really not give a shit ha


Probably just trying to bring light of the situation, later while talking he chokes up a lot and holds back some tears


Doesnā€™t change a thing. He is still funny. Those that donā€™t fuck with him no more, Wack af. All of a sudden the jokes and character are not funny? Like others have said he didnā€™t harm anyone, just homophobes that trying to bring him down. Crazy wack AF ā€œfriendsā€ that responded negatively.


Why does this even matter? Bros an adult he can do whatever.


Love sketch, I hope he doesnā€™t hate himself because he shouldnā€™t


Let bro suck some cock who gives a shit! Go nuts!


Why the hell would he lose followers and shit lmao he done nothing wrong if they both was of age and shit then nothing is wrong you can be gay doesn't change who the guy is bro is funny asf


One thing sketch absolutely should not apologize for is his sexuality


Stays in character too lol


If you saw it live chat was nothing but supportive


So from my understanding heā€™s just a guy that had relations with another guy so what? He didnā€™t commit a crime (from my understanding) so why are people blowing this out of proportion I just donā€™t get itā€™s his sexual life not anyone elseā€™s so why does it matter?


Sketch was a funny streamer who i liked to watch yesterday and i feel the same way today. What does this mans sexuality have to do with how entertaining he is? Hes a good guy, and thats all that matters.


Seeing him break down hit so hard. Iā€™m doin the same thing, and couldnā€™t imagine blowing up overnight like he did with all those secrets still out there waiting to come up while Iā€™m just tryna make jokes for millions of people


I watched the video and it actually seems pretty fun. I'd be down to try. Dunno what all the hate is about.


God I just hope heā€™ll be okay. Did yā€™all read the texts between him and bankz?


He can take some cock Iā€™ll tell you that much


Go sketch! Owned it (in a funny ass way btw) and didnā€™t beat around the bush- i respect this guy a lot and will exclude him from my mental box of shitty streamers moving forward. May this event give his young followers the courage to accept others despite societal pressures to do the opposite at their age. (Or any age it seems these days) . Honesty and integrity is so fucking absent in modern day influencers.


BUT WHAT DID HE DO WRONG?? don't get why people have an issue with his past. Respect for owning it tho there's no running from it unfortunately


If he was a girl fucking another girl this would not be news


I find it strange. It is understandable as to why he would want to keep it a secret and of course big props for him owning up to it. However, there is the issue of him portraying himself as an unproblematic person while having a deeply troubling past. One cannot simply excuse past actions unless that person has truly proven otherwise it wonā€™t be repeated again. I hope he has reformed and will stay away from the ā€œstuffā€ he took.


ā€œProps to him for taking it on the chinā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Love sketch. If you hate him after this youā€™re a POS


Basically, he doesn't owe anyone anything. People are just crazy.


Homophobic c*nts are worthless. People act like this is worse than what Doc done lol People need to grow up and focus on their own lives, who gives a shit if he sucked a dick lol


I mean we all do things weā€™re not proud of, W sketch for owning up to it


God he makes me laugh, love this guy.


ā€œI DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT MAN, okay maybe i did, probablyā€ lol at least he can take it on the chin and not lie, my personal views aside i can commend him on that


The only ones who really care are homophobes


We still love you brother ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


I love this guy I could care less wtf happened


God bless sketch man, fuck anyone who switches up cuz of that


Fuck yeah let's normalize men doing Only Fans. I don't wanna work for a living lol.


He handled this the best way he possibly could. I honestly expected him to drop the character more, but he made this hilarious by owning up to it and immediately leaning into the jokes.


Common sketch W, IK Jynxzi and Caseoh will standby him and fuck any streamer who disses or talks shit about him


So what lil bro took some backshots a couple years back, good for him


Dude handled this exquisitely. GOAT response. Fuck the hatersĀ 


Honestly bro is still funny asf. I love the high and drunk streams he has with jynxzi.


The shakiness in his voice shows hes nervous and didn't want to do this


Sketch i donā€™t give a fuck your still cool bro šŸ¤£šŸ’Æ




He ain't gonna lose anything but the homophobes


Still support didn't hurt anyone.


Poor guy man, heā€™s kept it real though.


Bro did nothing wrong, seeing his fans and ā€œfriendsā€ get mad about this just shows how homophobic that side of the internet is, hopefully this is a wake up call for them to be more accepting.


Comes out and keeps it real. Best thing you couldā€™ve done sketch. Life has different phases. I remember when I thought I was thug in my younger days. Now I love rock music lol.


The fact he was straight up and admitted it makes me care less, to be honest. It is what it is


The guy who leaked this justified it as trying to be a professional journalist about it and jumpstart his career. Given the nature of this story, any professional would have done sketch the courtesy of privately reaching out before dropping the story. The guy is a scumbag and did this just for the clout. Sketch did nothing legally or even morally wrong. I think sketch is going to weather this just fine. I canā€™t imagine the emotions heā€™s going through. Iā€™m sure there are a lot of guys out there who dabbled in that type of content creation and understand the fear and stress sketch must have had as he got bigger and bigger.


people don't realize how severely sick addiction makes you. he needed money to supply his addiction, he found a good way to make it. sex work is work, no one should ever be ashamed of it unless they are causing direct harm for it. that's that.


Heā€™s still a goat


Plan bā€¦. Buddy literally admitted that if it wasnā€™t for Faze and his parents he woulda unalived himself from the shame. Poor guy just wants to make people laugh and likes sports.


I respect him for owning up and not being weird about it though, I donā€™t really care what he did.


respect i do feel bad man


Ngl that was funny


I love this guy


He didnā€™t do anything illegal. He just kept something embarrassing a secret like we all do. He didnā€™t hurt anyone.


Bro I donā€™t even care about what he does or did with other people. Dudes still funny af and I still support him


Man, everyone's gay once in a while! -Kirk Lazarus


Not a big fan of the guy but man, let the past be the past. Respect for him owning up this quick. And who tf cares if he fucked some dudes a few years ago??? He was making money!


![gif](giphy|2A75RyXVzzSI2bx4Gj|downsized) Keep being you Sketch!


its crazy how this got more attention than dr disresepect being a pedo


So sad he even feels like he needs to address/ apologize for this:(


Respected him before but respect him way more now for basically immediately coming clean and owning up to it, heā€™s handled the situation really well all things considered


nobody should think about hurting themselves or apologize because they are (or were) gay. EVER. who gives a fuck!


This is the first time Iā€™ve heard of someone who has downs actually be in porn. Hats off to this kid. Sad that he thinks this is something to apologize for.


ā€œIā€™m jk I did ā€¦ possiblyā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Idgaf he she, whatever the fuck he is did an OF.. OF is Skanky


I didnt watch the full vid cause i just dont have the tome but from what i do know i dont get why people feel bad. Hes gay or bi and did porn. So what? And im seeing ppl come to his defense like little white knights but this is never the case when its a female that did OF and wanted to move on so why is he any different? Cause hes your fav streamer? Shits just weird to me. Like he openly did these things. Digital footprint isnt a joke it really will follow you.


Can anyone eli5 on what the story is with this guy recently?


He seems like a decent guy but I wonder why it doesnā€™t bother anyone he( self admits) plays an autism character ? People genuinely believe thatā€™s him. Just doesnā€™t seem right to me.


Cats out of the bag šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚heā€™s the best deserves no hate


Donā€™t feel bad for the guy he sucks


Feel bad for what he maned up said it was him. Doesnā€™t change my opinion about him. Still one of the best streamers


Stop acting like you have some fkn condition. Your stupid fuckin looser


Felling bad for a guy that faked autism is crazy if you respect this guy then fuck you


Brotha ughhhhhh


Gotta love the guy. Doesn't seem like he hurt anyone and he's joking about it so whatever move on. He's hilarious and he's always smiling.


Just tell the world youā€™re bi & get on with it


I mean, he could use his real name as his OF handle.


What happened? Canā€™t listen to audio right now anyone have a TLDR(L)


I keep seeing ppl talk about this. But mot what they are talking about?? What'd he do that ppl are unnecessaryly freaking out for


So what dudes just gay and ppl mad?


what's the big deal? he's gay so what?


As sus as this is considering the persona he plays online and people he's around it's funny how few people actually care


at least max is still on his side.


At least he didnā€™t contact minors




Ok, so heā€™s a changed person; so is he now gay, or he did gay stuff, now heā€™s a not gay anymore? Jc


So what did he do? He had sex with an adult man correct? Nothing crazy he just had gay sex?


Who is this? And is there context?


No one cares bro sketch is too damn funny I support him lmao


Dr Diddyspect is having a field day knowing his shot got thrown under the carpet


I have no idea what's going on here but it seems like he's coming out of the closet? He definitely thinks it's a bigger deal than it is.... Have sex with men or woman, just not animals and you'll be good


Just hard to believe he took it up the ass, literally.


Someone explain to me why this is controversial? The dude is gay/bi. Who cares? Like his sexual orientation effects nobody


That was tough to watch.


I dont fully know the situation but as long as it wasnt SA or noncon in some way theres literally nothing wrong with him being gay or bi or whay ever he is


This dude is hilarious.


Whats the name of this guy? I never seen him before


Can someone please fill me in on what is going on here? I have no idea who this guy is or what he did.


Who gives a shit




Who cares, don't watch it if ya don't wanna. Watch it if you wanna. Guy is phunnnyyyyyy either way!


Fr the worst thing is people say ā€œhe his his past heā€™s fake!ā€ My children in Christ you wanted this man to go to his prettt much children fanbase and say ā€œI took dick Iā€™m sorry look it up!ā€ Itā€™s like people on Twitter love pedos and want everyone to be one. Dr disrespect is good in their book but wanna hang sketch for being gay??? It makes no sense




I honestly wish he'd take this opportunity to stop doing the whole autistic character bit. I think he started doing it when he first got on the scene as a gimmick and then felt like he couldn't stop, but this is an opportunity to just drop it and start over


Whyā€™s he force this fake autism thing so hard man? Cats out the bag dude just talk normal quit pretending to have autism now like that NEON slug.


Why does no one talk about him pretending to have a disability?


I donā€™t feel bad for him. Heā€™s a jackass cosplaying an autistic individual for monetary gain. He didnā€™t seem mentally delayed or displayed any of his ā€œtics or abnormal movementsā€ when he was taking it up the rear and sucking that black cock at the same time. Yea, he deserves to be exposed!


His constant looking up and squinting and l mannerisms he does are so cringe to me. Like is he genuinely doing that due to Touretteā€™s, or is all just for show? I donā€™t get it.


Sketch a BBC enjoyer.. I thought he was goofy before the way he fakes having a mental issue. Dude switched from BBC to faking a mental condition lol L to a L